Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 2

Număr de rezultate: 48


The Bison Hunt

The bison hunt ends.
The wind that is missing ends, my son.
It is time for me to recall long fables that are good for your children—
in the evening, around the fire, together again—
and from the hill that guards the south because, from there,
the smoke of the city could rise.
As far as you can see, you can hunt—
but not a day's journey further.
Respect the white man when you meet him on the same road—
but don't fear him and never trust him.
Teach your people the paths of courage, along with piety.
Do not stop until your heart cannot go on.
And, with us, the evening hour is sweet—
and the wise man never flees from it.
I see new hunting, new pastures, and new wars for freedom.
Eternity does not end with me—
but rather on the smile of the warrior when he leaves what he loved here,
knowing that it is right that this is how it ended.
The bison hunt ends.
The breath that is missing ends, my son.
It is time for me to recall long fables that are good for your children—
in the evening, around the fire, together again—
and from the hill that guards the south because, from there,
the smoke of the city could rise.

The World Will Change

My friend, you are
looking around you.
You cannot believe your eyes.
You cry and know it is because
of what you are attempting.
I am trying it too.
Never change.
The world frightens you.
Friend, my source of courage—
I—I cry like you.
You will see—the world will change.
Its wounds will heal.
Love cannot—cannot die.
It would be like saying that this is the end.
You will see that the night will end—
and the man will awaken
with the eyes and the heart of a child
who can never betray.
If, in your mind, you
gave birth to some ideas—
come on, my friend,
the world awaits you.
But never change,
and never forget that—
as you go up
step by step,
I will seem far away
But I—I am right with you.
You will see—the world will change.
Its wounds will heal.
Love cannot—cannot die.
It would be like saying that this is the end.
You will see that the night will end—
and the man will awaken
with the eyes and the heart of a child
who can never betray.

The Toy

Stay together with you—
that's never enough for me.
We are through but
we can start over.
This love is a toy
that will never make me weary.
It makes us die and make us live—
this love you give me.
But the price of a toy like that
is a thousand tears of love
that every night I cry into your hands
when you leave me and you go away.
We are through but
we can start over.
Stay together with you—
that's never enough for me.
This love is a toy
that makes you laugh and cry.
My days are no longer futile—
now I know for whom to live.
But the price of a toy like that
is a thousand tears of love
that every night I cry into your hands
when you leave me and you go away.
Stay together with you—
that's never enough for me.
We are through but
we can start over.
Stay together with you—
that's never enough for me.

We Must Set an Example

The airplane is running late—
it lands when it lands.
I will phone you as soon as possible.
I so know how that ends—
you do not answer—
and you do not answer—
you do not answer.
Then I take a taxi—
and I don't even know where I'm going.
I think about it
and here I phone you—
I do not answer—
and I do not answer—
I do not answer.
It is a bit like kindergarten.
At one point, they told us,
outside of kindergarten,
we must set an example.
What are we on?
Maybe we are still on trial—
we must set an example—
just in case ever.
Meanwhile, look at how it rains
I end up at a hotel—
I don't even unpack my suitcase.
I pick up your message—
you accuse me of something—
and I do not answer—
I do not answer—
I do not answer.
Since I remember
our promises to make progress
and to foster trust,
you should do the math—
and you do not answer—
you do not answer—
you do not answer.
It's worse than kindergarten—
but maybe there is nothing
that it is better than kindergarten.
We must set an example.
What are we on?
Maybe we are still on trial—
we must set an example—
just in case ever.
Meanwhile, look at how it rains
It is too tiring
and what I am thinking, I write to you—
and then I still find myself playing with you in the basement
and you just ask me
what is tiring?
And I do not answer.
We must set an example.
What are we on?
Maybe we are still on trial—
we must set an example—
just in case ever.

Thank You Because

Thank you because
you were close to me
even before being mine—
and for wanting a man for a friend,
rather than a shield,
close to you.
Thank you for walking
down your path
full of stones,
like mine.
Thank you because,
from far away,
I hold out my hand
and I find yours.
Like you, I
live confused.
Pink fairy tales
I no longer desire.
Thank you because
you made me feel
that I can also soar
without you.
I lie down
inside your eyes
I, with your eyes,
see more.
Thank you because,
from far away,
I hold out my hand
and I find yours.
With you, every time
is the first time.
I have no fear of being close to you.
Thank you because
we are not alone—
we are not alone.
Thank you because
to live more
does not frighten me—
only with you.
Thank you because,
from far away,
I hold out my hand
and I find yours.
I hold out my hand
and you are there!

Beautiful Belinda

Beautiful Belinda is in love.
She talks to herself while eating salad.
She does not look at the plate but out the window.
A tear falls into her soup.
She toys with bread, beautiful Belinda.
She rolls crumbs into little balls.
In her drinking glass, beautiful Belinda
sees her eyes full of love.
A thousand thoughts like butterflies—
a thousand caresses of her hair—
sweet chills on her shoulders—
the more she is in love, the more beautiful she becomes.
Beautiful Belinda is one of a kind—
she descends the stairs as if flying—
it is sheer romance—beautiful Belinda
lives for love and skips lunch.
At night, beautiful Belinda
drapes herself except for her hair.
No, it is not the wind, beautiful Belinda.
Those are the sighs of those thinking about you.
A thousand thoughts like butterflies—
a thousand caresses of her hair—
sweet chills on her shoulders—
the more she is in love, the more beautiful she becomes.
Beautiful Belinda is in love.
She speaks to herself while eating salad.
She does not look at the plate but out the window.
A tear falls into her soup.

We Die at the Bar

It is midnight and all is well.
Everything is quiet—you sleep well.
So tell me what?
This anguish inside me.
I am with friends at the bar
but how is that you were
together with those who are dying—ah!
They are shooting.
But not for you!
They are dying.
But not for you!
But for every one who falls down,
a small part of me dies.
Darkness in my eyes—
I cannot see anymore!
Darkness in my heart—I do not live anymore!
I feel life slipping away—
again tonight we die at the bar.
You hear it—they're shooting.
Drink some coffee!
They are dying.
But think for yourself!
A coin clinks into the jukebox—
the disc changes—
what is that music?
But what is that music?!
I phoned her.
Hello, love, how are you?
I haven't been drinking, you know,
but I feel down—
My thoughts are
a thousand miles or more away!
They are shooting.
But not at you!
They are dying.
But not for you!
But for every one who falls down,
a small part of me dies.
There are people who die
far away from home
and we who die here.—
inside ourselves.
I feel life slipping away—
again tonight we die at the bar.
They are shooting.
Drink some coffee!
They are dying.
But think for yourself!
A coin clinks into the jukebox—
the disc changes—
what is that music?
But what is that music?! ...

Unul dintr-o mie

Daca esti la pamant nu te tara niciodata
daca iti vor spune ca esti terminat... nu-i crede
trebuie sa te bazezi doar pe tine.
Unul dintr-o mie reuseste
dar cat de greu este urcusul
in joc este viata
Trecutul nu va putea
sa se intoarca la fel niciodata
poate mai bine, de ce nu, ce stii tu
nu ai mai crezut in mine
dar ar trebui sa-ti schimbi idea
Viata este precum mareea
te duce intr-un loc uscat sau in marea adanca
oricum ar fi luna trece
Nu am trisat si nici nu m-am prefacut
si in aceasta seara mi-am desoperit sufletul
am pierdut totul dar m-am regasit
Unul dintr-o mie reuseste
dar cat de greu este urcusul
in joc este viata
Tu nu stii ce greutate are
aceasta muzica lejera
te indragostesti si traiesti dar poti muri cand e seara
eu glas as avea
dar nu pentru a striga ajutor
Nici macar tu nu m-ai auzit
mi-am tinut secretul
tu surda si eu eram mut
Daca esti la pamant nu te tara niciodata
daca-ti vor spune ca esti terminat, nu-i crede
pana cand nu bate clopotul, mergi.
Unul dintr-o mie reuseste
dar cum este greu urcusul
in joc este viata, viata, viata
Unul dintr-o mie reuseste
dar ar trebui sa-ti schimbi idea
viata este precum mareea
Unul dintr-o mie reuseste.

Vine seara

Dar cand vine seara
suntem inca aici
noi doi, noi singuri si marea
Suntem singuri noi doi
la doi pasi de mare
cand s-a sfarsit
o lunga zi
si ne intalnim
mai fericiti ca niciodata
ca niciodata
ca niciodata
pentru ca nu ne vedem
o clipa in toata ziua
Dar cand vine seara
tu esti cu mine
imbratisata cu mine
pe nisipul cald
stransa langa mine, langa mine
Suntem singuri doar noi
la doi pasi de mare
in timp ce luna
sta sa rasara pentru noi
si noi ne iubim
mai fericiti ca niciodata
ca niciodata
ca niciodata
Si simtim ca merita
sa stam departe
Daca suntem inca aici
cand vine seara
noi doi, noi singuri si marea
noi doi singuri si marea

Daca nu te-as mai avea

Daca nu te-as mai avea
mai bine sa mor,
pentru ca aceasta liniste
care naste in jurul meu
daca lipsesti tu
ma face sa ma simt singur,
precum un fluviu care se indreapta
spre sfarsit.
Aceasta trebuie sa stii.
Din aceste cuvinte ale mele poti sa intelegi
cat te iubesc,
te iubesc pentru totdeauna,
precum niciunul in lume
nu a mai iubit,
si eu stiu
ca nu ma vei parasi,
nu, nu poti.
Eu pot sa-ti daruiesc, tu stii,
doar iubire,
pot sa te iubesc pentru totdeauna.
Dar asa cum fluviul care pleaca
eu voi gasi sfarsitul
daca nu te-as mai avea.


in aceasta seara canta pentru tine
ca sa-ti aminteasca o dragostea,
una din urma cu multi ani,
Dar tu nu plange,
nu se sterge astfel,
se intoarce mai mare ca niciodata
dorinta de tine
cand .eram fericiti impreuna.
Daca inchid ochii
vad fata ta,
revad surasul tau,
insa mainile departe
nu se mai strang.
in aceasta seara canta pentru noi,
se intoarce mai mare ca niciodata
dorinta de tine,
acordeonul canta pentru mine.
Era noapte,
Era luna,
sarutam buzele tale,
era ultima data
plecai de la mine,

Iti multumesc pentru ca

Iti multumesc pentru ca
imi erai aproape
chiar inainte de a fi a mea
si pentru ca vrei un om prieten
nu un scut
langa tine
Iti multumesc ca pleci
pe drumul tau
plin de pietra
ca si a mea
iti multumesc pentru ca
chiar si departe
intind mana
si o gasesc pe a ta
Eu ca si tine
traiesc confuza
povesti roz
nu mai cer
iti multumesc pentru ca
m-ai facut sa simt
ca si eu pot sa zbor
fara tine
Eu ma odihnesc
in ochii tai
Eu cu ochii tai
vad mai bine
Iti multumesc pentru ca
chiar si departe
intind mana
si o gasesc pe a ta
Cu tine de fiecare data
este prima data
nu mi-e teama langa tine
Iti multumesc pentru ca
nu suntem singuri
nu suntem singuri
Iti multumesc pentru ca
sa traiesti inca
nu mi-e teama
doar cu tine
Iti multumesc pentru ca
chiar si departe
intind mana
si o gasesc pe a ta
intind mana
si tu esti!

Daca te pierd si pe tine

Nu voi plange niciodata
banii pe care ii cheltui
voi castiga
poate mai multi
dar plang dragostea
pentru o singura femeie
pe care poate
nu o mai am
Aprinde tu acest soare care s-a stins
dragostea tu stii,
topeste inimile de gheta.
Ce mi se va intampla
daca te voi perde
daca te voi perde
Viata nu inseamna
a trai pe lume o suta de ani
daca nu ai
iubit niciodata
A iubi nu inseamna
sa stai impreuna cu o femeie
este nevoie de mai mult, de mult mai mult
Aprinde tu acest soare care s-a stins
viata unui om
sta in mainile unei femei
acea femeie esti tu
Ce mi se va intampla
daca te voi pierde

Coboara ploaia

Tu in patul tau cald
eu pe strada in frig
dar nu pentru asta sunt trist
Aici in afara de visele tale
dragostea se pierde
fiecare se gandeste la el insusi
Coboara ploaia, ei si ce?
Se darama lumea in jurul meu
pentru dragoste imi dau viata
Iubesc viata mai mult ca niciodata
imi apartine doar mie
vreau s-o traiesc pentru aceasta
Si gata cu visele
Acum esti tu care dormi
Acum eu durerea o cunosc
Ceea ce nu-mi place
si ceea ce invat acum
fiecare se gandeste la el insusi
Coboara ploaia, ei si ce?
Se darama lumea in jurul meu
pentru dragoste imi dau viata
Iubesc viata mai mult ca niciodata
imi apartine doar mie
vreau s-o traiesc pentru aceasta
Coboara ploaia, ei si ce?
Iubesc viata mai mult ca niciodata
(de 4 ori)

Nu sunt demn de tine

Nu sunt demn de tine,
nu te merit deloc,
dar in lume nu, nu este nimeni
care nu a gresit macar o data.
Este bine asa,
plec de la tine,
dar seara cand vei ramane singura
aminteste-ti de cineva care te iubea.
Pe munti de piatra
poate sa creasca o floare,
In mine in aceasta seara
s-a nascut dragostea pentru tine.
Este bine asa,
plec de la tine,
dar in lume nu, nu este nimeni
care nu a gresit macar o data... iubire!
Pe munti de piatra
poate sa creasca o floare,
In mine in aceasta seara
s-a nascut dragostea pentru tine.
Nu sunt demn de tine,
nu te merit deloc,
dar seara cand vei ramane singura
aminteste-ti de cineva care te iubea.
Dragoste, iubire!