Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 7


Nimic nu s-a schimbat

Nimic nu s-a schimbat,
Totul este ca în trecut.
Zilele care ne-au despărțit
Sunt uitate.
Nimic nu s-a schimbat
S-ar putea s-o facem din nou
Dar tu și cu mine știm prea bine
Că acesta este sfârșitul.
De ce să ne prefacem
Că nu știm,
Și ce rost are să ne prefacem
Că nu vedem?
Nimic nu s-a schimbat,
Totul este ca în trecut,
Dar tu și cu mine știm prea bine
Că acesta este sfârșitul,
Că acesta este sfârșitul.

Bip bip bip bip

Bip bip bip bip bip bip bip...
Uite, e așa încă de la zece dimineața:
Sună ocupat, sună ocupat.
Simt furia ce face să-mi tremure mâinile,
Sună ocupat, sună ocupat.
Îmi pierd sângele rece auzind melodia asta:
Bip bip bip bip bip bip bip...
Am încercat totul, dar e la fel de fiecare dată:
Sună ocupat, sună ocupat.
Am telefonat de la micuța cafenea de jos:
Sună ocupat, sună ocupat.
Râdeau de mine de câte ori auzeam melodia asta:
Bip bip bip bip bip bip bip...
Totuși aș fi jurat că acest băiat mă iubea.
După ce mă săruta, îmi spunea: 'N-am să te uit nicicând.”
Dar telefonul pare să-mi spună la ureche:
”El nu e liber, el nu e liber
Inima pe care ți-a promis-o, a dat-o cu o noapte înainte.
El nu mai e liber, el nu mai e liber,
Și te vei gândi la asta de câte ori vei auzi:
Bip bip bip bip bip bip bip...”
Sună ocupat, sună ocupat:
Bip bip bip bip bip bip bip...


My friend, my friend
Dub! My friend, my friend (my brother)
All those things we have seen, we have done
Go through everything to support my brother
All those things we have seen, have done
I will go through everything to support my brother (my brother)
All those things we have seen, have done
Go through everything to support my brother
All those things we have seen, have done
I will go through everything to support my brother
[Vers 1]
Mmm, all those cold nights we have been out, my brother
Mmm, all those things we have seen, have done, my brother
Mmm, Though the world is cold, we are together o-o-out here
Mmm, but everything happens as it happens, that we
Push those people, that only want the best completely gone
They that only want to fuck me up - completely close
Brother, I'm crazy - I don't know, what I'm doing
Those others, they talk, but we have our fingers in our ears
(Ah yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah)
All the cold nigths we have been out like now-ow-ow
(Ah yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah)
Brother, hold your head head and just continue in the zone (my brother)
All those things we have seen, we have done
Go through everything to support my brother
All those things we have seen, have done
I will go through everything to support my brother (my brother)
All those things we have seen, have done
Go through everything to support my brother
All those things we have seen, have done
I will go through everything to support my brother
My brother-er-er
My brother
My brother-er-er
My friend, my friend
[Vers 2]
Mmm, to my brothers that look up from paradise
Mmm, it's too early you travelled from here, my friend
Mmm, Know, your mother is proud, my brother, my brother, just smile (my brother just smile)
Though the world is cold, though the world is cold
Because my thoughts fly around like never ever-ever before
Borther, is there for you before they ever will be
Before they'll ever be
Can a rapper not tell those things, they have not seen before
(Ah yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah)
Because there are still blue blinks, when the ambulance is moving o-o-out
(Ah yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah)
Problems come closer when your acount is full (my brother)
All those things we have seen, we have done
Go through everything to support my brother
All those things we have seen, have done
I will go through everything to support my brother (my brother)
All those things we have seen, have done
Go through everything to support my brother
All those things we have seen, have done
I will go through everything to support my brother
My brother-er-er
My brother
My brother-er-er
My friend, my friend
[Contrast Piece]
All those cold nights we have been out right now-ow-ow
Too much makes re-ta-ta-ta in you o-o-out
All those thoughts, we think, they fill my he-e-ead
Brother, hold your head up and just continue in the zo-o-one
My brother
My brother-er-er
My brother
My brother-er-er
My brother
My brother-er-er
My brother
My brother-er-er, my friend, my friend
(My friend, my friend
My friend, my friend)