Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 12
The Smell
Lying on the grassjust a moment before
making love.
A cricket is singing,
the air around here is so nice...
what a smell!
Slowly, I go back to caressing her petticoat...
it must be the zone!
We go looking for a better place
and there I find again
my tenderness.
She's such a dear girl,
I start feeling excited...
it's not a smell, it's actually a stink!
I attempt hugging her to close her nostrils...
it's unbearable!
I can't make it,
I'm starting to feel a little nauseous, too,
I'm feeling dizzy.
I don't ever feel bad in the city,
the air suits me better.
A bar made out of aluminum,
I sit down and I feel like a lord...
the smell is still there,
the smell is following me, it's everywhere now,
I can't, I have it on me now!
I go home, I sit on the bed, I lay down, I relax,
it's still there!
I sniff myself, I smell it stronger, an awful smell,
I take off my clothes, I'm naked now...
my smell, my smell...
What if it's me,
what if it's me, what if it's me!?
Wait, let's calm down, let's think!
I take a nice bath,
I wash, everywhere,
very carefully.
I put talcum powder, too,
I'm pure as a baby...
Now I need to not get impressed, though...
It's making me puke!
I can't bear it,
this kind of smell won't go away
just with a wash.
It would take a rinse cycle,
low-foam detergents!
I cover myself in creams, perfumes,
from head to toe...
the stink it's stronger,
it's under my skin, I'm disgusted at my self,
such an ignorant, stinky body!
What am I going to do with all the people loving and appreciating me,
what will I do?
There's nothing to be done, the stink is stronger than before,
it's disgusting!
Me, someone who used to have so many friends, a hard worker,
I made a career, it's not right for me to lose it,
I'm a self-made man,
I'm a self-made man!
Someone who knows so many people, who came from nothing,
I'm in a good place, it's not right for me to lose it,
I'm a self-made man, I'm a self-made man,
I'm a self-made man...
I'm a shitty-made man!
Ei nu știu
Luna plină dejaa răsărit de șapte ori
de când toți vorbesc
despre această iubire a noastră.
Ei spun că mulți
au râvnit după tine,
dar ei nu știu
care e adevărul.
Ei nu știu că tu ai lăsat
ușa ta deschisă
doar pentru mine,
doar pentru mine.
Eu n-am cumpărat
niciuna dintre nopțile
pe care, pe patul tău,
mi le-ai dat din iubire.
Eu n-am plătit
niciunul dintre săruturile tale,
dar ei nu nu știu
care e adevărul.
Ei nu știu că tu ai lăsat
ușa ta deschisă
doar pentru mine,
doar pentru mine.
Când voi fi capabil să iubesc
Când voi fi capabil să iubescProbabil nu voi avea nevoie
De a omorî în secret pe tatăl meu
Nici de a face dragoste cu mama mea în vis.
Când voi fi capabil să iubesc
Cu femeia mea nu voi avea nici măcar
Aroganța și fragilitatea
Unui bărbat copil.
Când voi fi capabil să iubesc
Îmi voi dori o femeie care să existe cu adevărat
Care să nu-mi aglomereze existența
Dar să nu-mi stea departe nici măcar cu gândul
Îmi voi dori o femeie care dacă mângâi
Un fotoliu, o carte sau un trandafir
Ea să-și dorească să fie doar
Acel lucru
Când voi fi capabil să iubesc
Îmi voi dori o femeie care să nu se schimbe niciodată
Dar de la lucruri mari la mici
Totul va avea sens pentru că ea există
Voi putea să privesc înăuntrul inimii sale
Și să mă apropii de misterul ei
Nu ca atunci când raționez
Ci ca atunci când respir
Când voi fi capabil să iubesc
Voi face dragoste cum îmi vine
Fără dorința de a demonstra
Fără a intreba vreodată dacă ne-a plăcut
Și în tăcerea nopții
Cu ochii obosiți și sufletul vesel
Să înțeleg că și somnul este viață
Și nu odihnă
Când voi fi capabil să iubesc
Mi-ar plăcea o dragoste
Care să nu aibă
Nici o întâlnire cu datoria
O dragoste fără a te simți vinovat
Fără nici o remușcare
Egoistă și naturală
Precum un râu care-și urmează cursul.
Fără fapte rele sau bune
Fără alte ciudate devieri
Care dacă și râurile le-ar putea avea
Ar merge mereu spre mare
Așa aș vrea să iubesc
The old man
Broad daylight, on the perimeter wall of a school, there are three red posters. Three instances, hung one next to the other. An argument, printed in a minuscule font, but with an enormous title: ATTENTION CITIZENS, a kind of literature no one ever reads, except once in a while, an old gentleman who stops by, puts on his glasses and deciphers it line by line until the end.Then he steps back, shaking his head, puts his glasses back into the case, puts the case into the pocket, and resumes his walk, puzzled, wondering whether he missed the essential part.
Once in a while, in fact, some suspicious word stands out, like an enlightening torch. And the sentence this word enlightens, seems to hide many things for an instant... or nothing at all.
The perfectly oiled mechanism of life goes on. The man is already distant.
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.
My fathers
My fathers, the fathers I hadwere serious and careful
gray clothes, calm and poised manners
even when having fun.
They talked with their housewives
with that old master attitude
that certain amount of coolness and superiority.
My fathers, poetry enthusiasts
in their old flats
under the pendant glass lamps
behind discrete covers
They talked and discussed
as old moldy Europeans
imprisoned by wisteria and stupidity.
My fathers, the fathers I had
in a sort of weird Italy
could never do without dreaming
the Italian eastern Africa.
My fathers resemble a little
the photos of old riflemen
who showed their dignity in color.
My father didn't inspire happiness
they closed the doors of everything
and for lively energetic boys and girls
they didn't have any respect.
They punished and forgave
as old school teachers
impressed by heart
and morality.
But they had some sort of consistence
and they seemed like people
people from a past
going away by itself.
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.
Chorus: so hungry so hungry so hungry so hungry so hungry so hungry so hungry so hungry so (goes on in the background)-And here on this deserted island, there's nothing to eat, so hungry so hungry, poor us all so united so supportive, all equal with nothing to eat. Ueh ueh, I see coconuts, yes, there are a lot of coconuts.
Chorus: Nice hurray finally we found coconuts we found coconuts we found coconuts we found coconuts we found coconuts
-No, I found coconuts
Chorus: Uhh c'mon
-Yes, I found coconuts, so I'm the one who eats them
Chorus: But we're also hungry
-No, see boys, let's thing of a reasoning. In life not all men are equal.
There are normal men and ingenious men, not by chance, I found the coconuts.
-What are you even going to do with many coconuts?
-Now I'll see
Chorus: You are alone and we are a lot
-What matters is not the number, but smartness of the person
Chorus: you are alone and we are a lot
-Don't you think you're scaring me with threats?
Chorus: You are alone and we are a lor
-It's true, I am alone and they are a lot, I need to calm them down, I mean not the coconuts. I need to think of something, something right, civilized, let's not start with violence. Respect, respect of what we are, of what we have, something serious, important, democratic. I got it, I'll invent state
Chorus: Fratelli D'Italia*
The car
A car, a brand new clean car. Engine alright, last inspection done, everything working. Shiny, painted, well-finished. Small cloche gearbox, finishing to the junction with a quilted lucid fake leather folding. The space for coins, a really modern rectangle, rough black. Plastic window ashtrays, opaque black, perfectly working. A hand, a man's white hand, not much furry, moves slowly. It opens a deflector, the glass slips, it lightly creaks, a subtle acute noise. Then silence, a head gets closer, it leans on the glass, a drop gently falls from the motionless forehead. The man is motionless, the car is too. A freeway, a freeway of stationary cars, many, very many stationary cars. A line of stationary cars.Something happened, something happened, horn noises, flashing sirens
yes, something at the 107th kilometer, a truck.
Still silence.
The line is stationary, someone gets off their car, silence, a complete silence. Someone is heard speaking English in the distance, whispering like in a dream. There's still the distant noise of a muffled siren's lament. Everyone goes back on the cars, the line slowly moves forward, a few shy exciting overtakings.
Hundred-twenty, hundred-fifty, hundred-ninety, blinker, overtaking, blinker, overtaking, horn.
The first tunnel, position lamps, overtaking. The second tunnel, the landscape moves, it's not horizontal anymore, green spots above and below, it stretches into little stairs, skipping, pleasantly. Tunnel, dark, light. Tunnel, dark, light. Tunnel, dark light.
Breach, here we go.
The sea, the sea, the sea
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.
When I will be able to love
When I will be able to loveI probably will not need
to murder my father in secret
nor to make love with my mother in a dream.
When I will be able to love
with my woman I will neither have
arrogance and fragility
of a childish man.
When I will be able to love
I will need a woman who really is
Who does not throng my existence
but I do not stay far away even with the thought.
I will want a woman that if I fondle
an armchair, a book or a rose
she would want to be only
that thing
When I will be able to love
I will want a woman who never changes
but from big to small issues
everything will make sense because she exists.
I can look inside her heart
and get closer to its mystery
not like when I think
but like when I breathe.
When I will be able to love
I will make love as it comes to my mind
without the stress to prove
without asking if we were fine
And in the silence of the nights
with tired eyes and a cheerful mind
to feel that even sleep is life
and not rest.
When I will be able to love
I would like a love
who has none rendez vous
with obligation
A love without the feeling of guilt
without any remorse
selfish and natural like a river
which runs its course.
Without evil or good actions
without other strange deviations
that even if the river could have them
I would still go to the sea.
So as I would like to love.
O felie de lamaie
Doamna, nu ne-am intelesdoamna, asculta ceea ce iti spun
nu, saruturilor tale spun nu,
nu, iubirii tale spun nu,
surasului tau fara vlaga spun
nu, nu, nu!
Nu vreau palatele tale, nu vreau bogatiile,
nu vreau mangaierile,
esti bogata dar esti urata, dar uita-te in oglinda
nu vezi ca esti batrana,
spune-mi ce vrei de la mine!
Dar vazand ca insisti a-mi face propuneri
iti voi spune ceea ce doresc de la tine...
o felie de lamaie, o felie de lamaie,
o felie de lamaie, o felie de lamaie
in ceai.
Nu vreau o suta de saci de grau care ma impiedica
si cadouri cu gramada
esti bogata dar esti proasta, pentru mine esti prea slaba
pentru aceasta nu ma cuceresti,
spune-mi ce vrei de la mine!
Dar vazand ca insisti a-mi face propuneri
iti voi spune ceea ce doresc de la tine...
o felie de lamaie, o felie de lamaie,
o felie de lamaie, o felie de lamaie
in ceai.
Noi toti ne luam de istoriedar eu spun ca vina e a noastra,
e evident ca lumea e neserioasa
cand se vorbeste de stanga sau de dreapta.
Dar ce este dreapta, ce este stanga?
Dar ce este dreapta? Ce este stanga?
A face baie in cada e de dreapta,
A face dus in schimb e de stanga,
Un pachet de Marlboro e de dreapta,
Unul de contrabanda e de stanga.
Dar ce este dreapta, ce este stanga?
O supa buna e de dreapta,
Un bors e mereu de stanga,
Toate filmele care se fac astazi sunt de dreapta,
Daca sunt plictisitoare sunt de stanga.
Dar ce este dreapta, ce este stanga?
Pantofii de gimnastica sau de tenis
au inca un pic de gust de dreapta
dar a le purta murdare si putin dezlegate
si ca prostii mai mult ca de stanga.
Dar ce este dreapta, ce este stanga?
Blugii care sunt un semn de stanga
cu sacou se-ndreapta catre dreapta
concertul pe stadion este de stanga
preturile sunt un pic de dreapta.
Dar ce este dreapta, ce este stanga?
Colantii sunt cam totdeauna de stanga
ciorapii de matase, mai mult ca sigur de dreapta
a face pipi in grup este de stanga
Wc-ul este mereu in fund la dreapta.
Dar ce este dreapta, ce este stanga?
O frumoasa piscina albastra si transparenta
e evident ca sa fie un pic de dreapta
In timp ce raurile, lacurile, chiar si marea
sunt de cacat mai mult ca de stanga
Dar ce este dreapta, ce este stanga?
Ideologia, ideologia
cu toate ca toti cred ca inca mai exista
este pasiunea, obsesia
diversitatii tale
care in prezent unde a plecat nu se stie
unde nu se stie, unde nu se stie.
Eu as spune ca pastrama e de dreapta
mortadella este de stanga
daca ciocolata elvetiana e de dreapta
nutella este iarasi de stanga.
Dar ce este dreapta, ce este stanga?
Gandirea liberala e de dreapta
acum e buna chiar si pentru stanga
nu se stie daca norocul ar fi de dreapta
Ghinionul este sigur de stanga.
Dar ce este deapta, ce este stanga?
Salutul viguros cu pumnul strans
e un vechi gest de stanga
acela un pic al anilor '20, un pic roman
si de cacat mai mult ca de dreapta.
Dar ce este dreapta, ce este stanga?
Ideologia, ideologia
cu toate ca toti cred ca inca mai exista
si a continua a afirmare
un gand si motivul sau
cu scuza unui contrast care nu este
si daca este cine stie unde-i, daca este cine stie unde-i.
Tot vechiul moralism este de stanga
lipsa moralei este de dreapta
chiar si Papa in ultimul timp
este un pic de stanga
este diavolul ca acum a plecat la dreapta.
Dar ce este dreapta, ce este stanga?
Raspunsul maselor este de stanga
cu o usoara cedare la dreapta
sunt sigur ca bastardul e de stanga
fiul prostituatei este de dreapta.
Dar ce este dreapta, ce este stanga?
O doamna emancipata e de stanga
rezervata e deja un pic mai mult de dreapta
dar o curva ramane mereu o atractie
care e buna pentru stanga si dreapta.
Dar ce este dreapta, ce este stanga?
Noi toti ne luam de istorie
dar eu spun ca vina este a noastra
si evident ca lumea este neserioasa
cand vorbeste de stanga sau dreapta.
Dar ce este dreapta, ce este stanga?
Dar ce este dreapta, ce este stanga?