Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 2

Număr de rezultate: 113


Sunt ceea ce sunt

Sunt ceea ce sunt,
Sunt propria mea creație specială.
Așa că haide să arunci o privire,
Spune-mi despre ce este vorba sau dă-mi aplauze.
Este lumea mea
Cu care vreau să mă mândresc puțin
Lumea mea
Și este un loc în care nu e nevoie să mă ascund.
Viața n-are nicio valoare până n-ai spus:
Sunt ceea ce sunt!
Sunt ceea ce sunt.
Nu vreau laude, nu vreau milă.
1Îmi bat propria tobă,
Unii consideră că este zgomot, eu cred că este frumos.
Și ce dacă iubesc fiecare scânteie și 2fiecare brățară?
De ce să nu încerci să vezi lucrurile dintr-un unghi diferit?
Viața ta este o farsă,
Până când poți striga:
Sunt ceea ce sunt!
Sunt ceea ce sunt,
Și nu e nevoie să scuz ceea ce sunt.
Îmi amestec singură pachetul de cărți de joc,
Uneori așii, alteori 3dolarii.
Doar o viață trăim și nu există retur și nicio depunere.
O singură viață, așa că este timpul să-ți deschizi dulapul.
Viața n-are nicio valoare până n-ai spus:
Sunt ceea ce sunt!
Sunt ceea ce sunt!
Sunt ceea ce sunt!
Sunt ceea ce sunt!
Sunt ceea ce sunt,
Și nu e nevoie să scuz ceea ce sunt.
Îmi amestec singură pachetul de cărți de joc,
Uneori așii, alteori dolarii.
Este viața mea
Cu care vreau să mă mândresc puțin
Viața mea
Și este un loc în care nu e nevoie să mă ascund.
Viața n-are nicio valoare până n-ai spus:
Sunt ceea ce sunt!
Sunt, sunt, sunt utilă!
Sunt, sunt, sunt veritabilă!
Sunt, sunt cineva!
Sunt la fel de bună ca tine!
Sunt ceea ce sunt!
Sunt ceea ce sunt!
Sunt, sunt bună!
Sunt, sunt puternică!
Sunt, sunt demnă!
Și eu aparțin!
Și-aici mi-e locul
Sunt ceea ce sunt...
  • 1. March to the beat of your own drum = a face lucrurile fix după placul tău, neluând în considerare parerea nimănui
  • 2. fiecare brățară = cu sensul de fiecare lucru micuț, mărunt, nebăgat în seamă de alții
  • 3. deuces=dolari = se referă la cărțile de joc cu numărul doi

Baby Doll

The baby doll can't play nice
The baby doll can't play nice
When she steps up in the party, a real bombshell
She's up, she's down
All the dudes will fall in love

Happy End

Tender wind is caressing my day,
an old friend, a cherished memory.
Love has many faces - it is changing my soul.
Though I am drowning in a drop of sorrow, I manage to get to the surface again.
No, I am not afraid to accept sorrow too with the love!
No, I am not afraid even to take all the blame!
No, I am not afraid to love til it hurts day after day!
My love doesnt die when it all has a happy end.
No, I am not afraid!
Your hand still touches me gently,
the night is unbearably tender.
And the stars shine for me,
they promise a good day again.
Fear slowly fading away, love wins again.
No, I am not afraid to accept sorrow too with the love!
No, I am not afraid even to take all the blame!
No, I am not afraid to love til it hurts day after day!
My love doesnt die when it all has a happy end.
No, I am not afraid!

Dimineață de carnaval

Senină, dimineața e senină
Și soarele va veni de-l voi chema,
Se va opri auzindu-mi glasul
Și pănâ-n vecii vecilor
Pe-a sa cale va umbla
Către alte zări.
Nu știu dacă există un ”după”,
Dacă soarele se va trezi din nou,
Pentru că melodia
Nu trebuie să fie adevărată,
Pentru că la carnaval
Va cânta inima
Rațiunea de-a trăi,
Va cânta fără a vorbi,
Fără a simți.
Senină, dimineața e senină,
Semn că totul s-a terminat.
Însă eu te caut,
Deși nu vei fi acolo
Și va minți vocea ta în zarea senină.
Nu știu dacă există un ”după”,
Dacă soarele se va trezi din nou,
Pentru că melodia
Nu trebuie să fie adevărată,
Pentru că la carnaval
Va cânta inima
Rațiunea de-a trăi,
Va cânta fără a vorbi,
Fără a simți.

I won't forget you

I won't forget you, I just think of you
I will never understand how I lost you
And although time has passed since everything ended
I still don't know what happened
I know that I will not forget you or hold a grudge
I will renounce you without explanation
I can pretend when I see you that I don't miss you and I don't love you
And although you'll never see me cry, my heart still loves you
That's why I won't forget you even though I suffered
I won't regret it because I learned from you
That sometimes love is not what you expect
You have to save it as you can
And if there's no other solution
Well it's better to say goodbye
Maybe you'll find someone in your life
And fall in love some day
And if that love will forget you eventually
And you need a friend
Remember that I won't forget you, I wait for you here
If you want to return to me, I will make you happy
I can also pretend when I see you
That I don't miss you and I don't love you
And although you'll never see me cry, my heart still loves you
Sometimes love is not what you expect
You have to save it as you can
And if there's no other solution
Well it's better to say goodbye


They move,
They move,
They move,
They move.
My hips move, I can't help it.
They're so deranged, they keep moving! Who can stop them?
My hips move.
And it's not because I'm flirting.
'No, no, of course not.'
When I was a kid, everyone laughed at me.
Those perverse people enjoyed my sorrow.
They laughed because of how I move,
they used to call me 'Contononeia'1.
And I kept crying like Magdalene, crying over my sentence.
And then, a nice day,
a fairy godmother told me:
'Stop crying, don't be dumb!
Your so-called imperfection
will grant your wishes.
Move them violently,
as you ask for anything you want...'
Move your hips, Contononeia.
Move them harder, Contononeia.
A dog dances for bones,
but the whole world dances for sex.
If you're smart enough,
no one, no one can stop you.
They move,
They move,
They move,
They move.
My hips move,
I can't help it.
They're so deranged, they keep moving! Who can stop them?
My hips move.
And it's not because I'm flirting.
'No, no, of course not.'
Move your hips, Contononeia!
Move them without shame, Contononeia!
Move them harder, move them violently,
move them slowly, but never let them stop...
They move,
They move,
They move,
They move.
My hips move,
I can't help it.
They're so deranged, they keep moving! Who can stop them?
My hips move.
And it's not because I'm flirting.
'No, no, of course not.'
They move,
They move,
They move,
They move,
They move.
My hips move,
I can't help it.
They move,
They move,
They move,
They move,
They move.
My hips move,
And it's not because I'm flirting.
'No, no, of course not.'
And it's not because I'm flirting.
And it's not because I'm flirting.
'No, no, of course not.' And it's not because I'm flirting.
'No, no, of course not.'
Of course not! Of course not!
  • 1. This made up nickname can come from the verb 'contonear', which means 'to walk while swinging the hips'.

I feel so alone

I was so scared to be
alone with him.
I started to tremble
when he came closer.
I could feel that I wouldn't have will.
As soon as I said 'no',
he started to undress me.
And I started to cry
just after the end.
His eyes, his farewell
told me the truth.
Then I knew that he wasn't for me,
but I was for him.
Even if I don't ever see him again.
Even if I don't ever see him again.
Some time after that,
another fear came.
My body changed,
a whole revolution.
I got tired of waiting for
what I waited each month.
Then I realized:
something is growing inside.
I wish I could cry,
I wish I could scream
that I feel so alone.
I can almost swear that my angel abandoned me,
and that the sun runs from me to not witness my pain.
And my greatest confort
is so scary.
It moves and grows inside of me.
The whole house shook when my dad found out.
'You must lose it', he ordered.
Because this 'great society'
can't find out.
His punches didn't hurt me
as much as my loneliness did.
She supported
his decisions too.
They told me a thousand times how much I failed them.
I got tired of listening
about how much honor I lost.
A love is what I lost.
But, who cares if I'm sad?
Who cares if I'm sad?
I wish I could cry,
I wish I could scream
that I feel so alone.
I can almost swear that my angel abandoned me,
and that the sun runs from me to not witness my pain.
And my greatest confort
is so scary.
It moves and grows inside of me.
It was hard to decide it, but today I will run away
to some place where the moon isn't cold.
To some place where I can't offend anyone
by only existing.
To some place where innocence can be born.
To some place where innocence can be born.
To some place where he can be born.

I'm your obsession

I'm like a big city
Hectic and brutal
Letal boiling steel runs through my arteries
If a man looks at me when I walk by
And that's hard to avoid
I'll make him cry until he turns to stone
I became a curse
I've lost all compassion
When they broke my wings
My innocence died
When they kill an angel
She has to be reborn with fire and flesh
Woman, demon and passion
I'm your obsession
A poison you love
A poison that stops even your breathing
I'm your obsession
A poison that doesn't kill you
A poison that takes your calm and your reason away
Where they kill an angel
She has to be reborn with fire and flesh
And now I'm out of your reach
I'll tear your heart out
One by one they're going down
No forgiveness, no mercy
I know my way in the light
And also in the dark.
If there's something worse than dying
Is loving me
My skin made of honey charms them
Lures them here
Gloria and Aracely:
Even if I want to forget and fly again
To picture another life, with no evil
When they kill and angel
She has to be reborn with fire and flesh
Woman, demon and passion.
I'm your obsession
A poison you love
A poison that stops even your breathing
I'm your obsession
A poison that doesn't kill you
A poison that takes your calm and your reason away
Where they kill an angel
She has to be reborn with fire and flesh
And now I'm out of your reach
I'll tear your heart out (x3)


Looking back at our photographs
The danger was side by side
I didn't see it
I understand it all now
That there is no villain in our story
I didn't see it
And I'm here not knowing what to say
In my life you was off the radar
When away from me, it will get worse
That's why I'm saying
Baby, you didn't see
Baby, you didn't see
Baby, you didn't see
What you lost
Baby, you didn't see
Baby, you didn't see
What you lost
What you lost
Me, me, me
Eh-eh-me, me
What you lost
Me, me, me
Eh-eh-me, me, me
I used to getting your company drunk
Didn't want to think the end would arrive one day
I rode through your body, I deciphered your dreams
Deliriously I was living in our utopia
You make me feel awkward
Playing with my heart and it is a con game
I remember us making smoke all night long
Always knocks me for a loop when the effects of Cachaça wears off
Tell me the truth
My cherub
It's so hard to accept the end
That's why I came
To water this little back garden of ours
I want your 'yes'
And everything will be [?]
I'm here not knowing what to say
In my life you was off the radar
When away from me, it will get worse
That's why I'm saying
Baby, you didn't see
Baby, you didn't see
Baby, you didn't see
What you lost
Baby, you didn't see
Baby, you didn't see
What you lost
What you lost
Me, me, me
Eh-eh-me, me
What you lost
Me, me, me
Eh-eh-me, me, me


You know I love when you do that
Kiss my mouth and smear my lipstick
I'm wearing that carmim lingerie
Take off your clothes and turn up the song
When I wanted to break up and try to get closure
I found out that living without you is too bad
The memory of us is tattooed on me
And it will not end up this way
Keep me warm, my skin
A desire which effervesces
My body starts shaking
I swear, don't forget
That with me is your place
There's nowhere else like it
You got me begging you
I can't wait for you anymore
That with me is your place
There's nowhere else like it
You got me begging you
I can't wait for you anymore
Make me beg
Ah, ah, ah, ah-ah-ah
Ah, ah, ah, ah-ah-ah
Yeah, you know my perfume is by J'Adore, right?
And you know that I know that you adore it, right?
Do you feel me, right? We still on for tonight
At my place, with fire, coffee and stroking your hair
Me and you, put my faith in us
Open a bottle of a sweet Rosé
There is nothing cliché about our affair
It is going up, I want more
Do you?
Keep me warm, my skin
A desire which effervesces
My body starts shaking
I swear, don't forget
That with me is your place
There's nowhere else like it
You got me begging you
I can't wait for you anymore
That with me is your place
There's nowhere else like it
You got me begging you
I can't wait for you anymore
Make me beg
Ah, ah, ah, ah-ah-ah
Ah, ah, ah, ah-ah-ah

De ce n-am fost eu prima ta iubire?

Știu că ești sincer, iubirea mea,
Când îmi spui că totul a început
În ziua când ne-am cunoscut,
Că trecutul nu mai contează,
Dar ce vrei,
Nu pot să nu invidiez
Tot ce-a fost al tău înainte,
Înainte ca eu să apar.
Știu că în vara asta
Mâna ta o va căuta pe a mea,
Și că vom fi împreună
Pe nisipul fierbinte,
Dar de această bucurie
Eu am uitat acum,
Căci au fost alte veri
Și în ele alte bucurii.
De ce n-am fost eu prima ta iubire?
De ce, de ce?
De ce n-am fost eu prima ta iubire?
Vreau să știu asta.
Sunt atâtea lucruri
Pe care n-o să le împărțim niciodată,
Atâtea sărutări pe care le-am pierdut,
Atâta iubire pe care n-am trăit-o,
Sunt atâtea lucruri,
Atâtea lucruri pe care le-am pierdut.
Știu că același cer
Ne privește, dacă ne plimbăm,
Că aceeași briză
Ne mângâie,
Dar simt invidie
Pe acele mângâieri.
Pentru că nu sunt ale mele,
Merg tânjind.