Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 2

Număr de rezultate: 39



Versions: #3
People get fed up from each other
People get upset from each other
People put their steps on their love
People leave people alone
You do not want me anymore and I know it well
I can read this from the book written in your heart
Do you emember that infamous love?
Remember all those madness and insanities?
You use to say that this sin is sacred
The starting and the ending point of each love is passion and whim
Oh the people of the world
What will remain of you to be remembered by?
I am tired of these quarrels and disputes
I am tired of that insincere two-faced heart
You do not want to stay in this house
Your eyes are following her eyes
All of your words are just excuses
That hell that they talk about is this house

What is heart?

You said that your heart is broken
Is your heart a glass of crystal?
Your heart is waiting in hope
Is your heart a tower of strength ?
Nowadays, heart has become an excuse, I swear to God
Whatever that happens they say it's the heart's fault
How hard is the heart's job?
Oneday it is immersed in blood
or they say that it is field full of madness
What is the heart?
What is the problem?
Don't tell me these myths
Talk less about the crazy heart
Who has heard the heart's voice
No one!
No one has ever seen that a heart flies in the sky
that it goes to check on the beloved day and night
Who has seen that the hand full of sadness
knocks on the door of the heart
The fairy tales, Leili and Majnoon and king of fairies
are all lies
What should I tell about Metiochus and Parthenope؟
Don't believe these stories that are full of sorrow

Deer of Love

Versions: #2
In chasing deer of love,
In chasing deer of love,
O hunter, I'm wandered,
How farther should I strive,
O God, I feel desperate,
In chasing deer of love,
In chasing deer of love,
O hunter, I'm wandered,
In chasing deer of love,
In chasing deer of love,
O hunter, I'm wandered,
How farther should I strive,
How farther should I strive,
O God, I feel desperate,
I'm an eagle of kingly feathers,
I'm an eagle of kingly feathers,
Dwelling on top of mountain, being unbeatable,
All of a sudden, I was ridiculed by a baby deer,
How farther should I strive,
How farther should I strive,
O God, I feel desperate,
My wing became shadeless,
For falling down on the ground so many times,
Bound like a dead in a corner of the house, with no flying or doing anything,
How farther should I strive,
How farther should I strive,
O God, I feel desperate,
Me who has not read a word from thirty parts of the Koran,
You so made me to give my life for love that I was fractured to thirty pieces,
How farther should I strive,
How farther should I strive,
O God, I feel desperate,
A myriad thanks to my foe's ungracious arrow...
A little balm will heal the wound in my body,
Your unfair arrow of love hit my heart...
No matter how much balm use for this wound, it isn't effective,
How easily these wits and focus of mine are distracted in your presence,
My life passes so fast along your shadow,
In chasing deer of love,
In chasing deer of love,
O hunter, I'm wandered,
In chasing deer of love,
In chasing deer of love,
O hunter, I'm wandered,
How farther should I strive,
How farther should I strive,
O God, I feel desperate.


I miss crying
Where is my cradle, mother?
The cradle that I do not remember
that real safety that it brought
from the stories of a prince
who had always fallen in love
with a poor girl
That city that was as big as me
but it was bigger than this world
There was no fear of shadows
and the winds were not dreadful
Neither me nor a pigeon was lost
Don't tell me that I have grown up
It is bitter
Don't tell me that crying does not suit me
Come and take, then caress me
I want your arms to embrace me
to hug me without any trouble
In this toxicated bed of autumn
that all the green breaths are cut off
No one knows how hard it is to stay
like a leaf on a dried and gaunt branch
Look that the blossoms of my devotions
the flowers that are blossomed from my attachtments
How easy dies in the wind's mind
where is that enlighted miraculous hand
Tell it to come and take mine
Where is Mary, the savior , the holy Mary
Why she does not remember this broken body
In the storm of fearfulness and loneliness
for this vulnerable castaway
why her green skirt is not my umbrella


A feeling which I didn't know it,
A pure love, but forbidden,
Two big-hearted lovers,
With a boat and two paddles,
Far from the eyes of the world,
We travelled up to our rearts,
Up to a boundary,
From which we can never return,
We cannot return,

Wish i was you

You,who are his(my beloved's)world
You broke my loving heart
You came and took my place
And sat beside him
I wish i was you
He tells you stories of
Hopes and dreams
He sits in front of you
And looks at you with love
I wish i was you
He sits beside you
In the wedding night
People are congrating you
And eeryone's happy
I wish i was you
In the onyx of your eyes
You can see what tomorrow holds
The pain and sorrow
Will leave your heart(like a horseback rider)
I wish i was you
I wish i was you

I've been wondering many times

I've been wondering many times which the truth is
There always are too many doors, and reality has too many faces, nananah
I've been wondering many times what the world coming about will look like
Is the bars will be stripped away and men will be men in their society, nananah...
This true love will take a laugh, a laugh
It will fly, fly, it won't be tired
It will take a laugh, a laugh, its path is clear
And it will live, live its freedom.
I've been wondering many times which the truth is
If dead leaves will fall down and it won't be the work of the wind and hatred will prevail, nananah
I've been wondering many times what the world coming about will look like
But I feel I'm strong, I'm not afraid of any reality provided you be at my side, nananah
Whereas a translation is presented as 'singable', it's by no means intended to be a literal version of the lyrics in another language. It just aspires to be a rhythmical, sometimes also rhyming, rendition of the text, so that different words can be sung along to the music, keeping the original meaning as much as the syllable count makes it possible .