Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 12



La Bacharach de-o vrăjitoare blondă se zvonea
Mureau pe rând bărbaţii îndrăgostiţi de ea
Episcopul chemând-o-într-o zi la judecată
Orbit de frumuseţea-i o şi iertă îndată
O Loreley frumoaso cu ochi de nestemate
Ce mag a pus în tine puterea-i fără moarte
Sătulă sunt de viaţă mi-s ochii blestemaţi
Căci au murit părinte privindu-mă bărbaţi
Mi-s ochii două flăcări nu nestemate rare
Zvârliţi-i dar în flăcări să-şi afle-a lor pierzare
În flăcările tale eu ard copila mea
Să te condamne altul tu m-ai vrăjit deja
Nu râdeţi preasfinţite rugaţi-vă deci iute
Daţi semn să mă omoare şi Domnul să vă-ajute
Iubitul meu plecat e pe-ndepărtat meleag
Daţi semn să mă omoare căci n-am nimica drag
Mi-e inima bolnavă eu trebuie să mor
De m-aş privi-n oglindă ar trebui să mor
Mi-e inima bolnavă căci n-am pe-al meu iubit
Mi-e inima bolnavă de când m-a părăsit
Episcopul la sine trei cavaleri chemat-a
Duceţi-o-n mânăstire e rătăcită fata
Te du nebună Lore cu ochi tremurători
Vei fi în alb şi negru măicuţă mâine-n zori
Porniră-apoi toţi patru la drum peste muscele
Îi implora frumoasa cu ochii plini de stele
Lăsa-ţi-mă o clipă pe acel mal frumos
Ca să mai văd o dată castelul meu frumos
Şi să-mi mai văd în fluviu ochi limpezi blonde plete
Voi merge-apoi în schitul de văduve şi fete
Zburda pe stâncă vântul prin părul ei bălai
Strigară cavalerii o Lore Loreley
Pe Rin soseşte-o luntre e el de bună seamă
Iubitul meu e-ntr-însa el m-a văzut mă cheamă
O inima-mi se-nmoaie iubitul meu soseşte
Atunci ea se apleacă şi-n Rin se prăbuşeşte
Căci s-a văzut în unde frumoasa vrăjitoare
Cu ochii săi ca Rinul cu părul ei de soare

The Lorelei

In Bacharach there was a blond witch
who let all men around die of love for her.
The bishop had her summoned to his court
but absolved her right away thanks to her beauty.
O pretty Lorelei with your eyes full of jewels,
which wizard bestowed his sorcery on you?
I am tired of living and my eyes are cursed,
bishop. All those who looked at me met their demise.
My eyes are not jewels, but flames. Why don't you
cast all that witchcraft into the fire?
I am burning amid those flames, O pretty Lorelei.
Let another condemn you, you bewitched me.
You must be joking, bishop. You'd better pray the Virgin,
put me to death and may God protect you.
My lover left for a land faraway, why don't you
put me to death, since I feel no more love?
My heart aches so that I am bound to die,
a mere glance at myself would force me to die.
My heart aches so since he left,
My heart ached so the day he left.
The bishop summoned three knights armed with lances:
'bring to a coven this demented woman'
Begone, crazed Lorelei, away with your trembling eyes.
You'll be a nun, clad in black and white.
And so they set forth, the four of them,
The Lorelei begged them, her eyes shining like stars.
Knights, allow me to climb this rock so high
to see my fair castle one last time,
to watch one last time my reflection in the river,
and then I shall join the coven of maidens and widows.
Up there the wind twisted her unfurled hair
and the knights yelled 'Lorelei, Lorelei...'
Yonder on the Rhine a skiff is sailing by,
on which stands my lover. He saw me, he beckons.
My heart mellows so, my lover is coming.
She then leans over and falls into the Rhine
for having seen in the water the pretty Lorelei,
her Rhine coloured eyes and her hair of sunlight.


You used to dance there as a little girl
Will you dance there as a grandmother
It's the hopping maclotte
All the bells will ring
when will you come back Marry
The maskes are silent
And the music is so far
That it seems comming from the skies
Yes i want to love you but barely love you
And my pain is delicious
The ewes leave in the snow
Wool flakes and those of silver
Soldiers go by and what don't I have
A heart of mine this changing heart
Changing and then again what do i know
Do i know where you hair will go
Fuzzy like sea that sheeps
Do i know where your hair will go
And your autumn's leaves hands
what do our confessions litter
I was passing by the Seine
An old book under my arm
The river is sililar to my pain
It flows and doesn't dry up
When will the week end

The farewell

I picked this twig of heather.
You shall remember fall is gone.
We won't meet again on this earth
Smell of seasons1, twig of heather,
and remember I shall await.
  • 1. 'temps' can both mean 'weather' and 'time', 'season' is the best middle ground I could find between the two meanings
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.


The lady had a dress
In Ottoman purple
And her tunic embroidered with gold
Was composed of two panels
That attached upon the shoulder
The eyes dancing like angels
She laughed she laughed
She had a face that matched the colors of France
The blue eyes the white teeth and the very red lips
She had a face that matched the colors of France
She was low-necked all around
And she dressed in the fashion of Recamier
With beautiful naked arms
Will it ever be heard at midnight
The lady in the dress of Ottoman purple
And in a tunic embroidered with gold
Low-necked all around
Promenaded her earrings
Her golden headband
And dragged her little buckled shoes
She was so beautiful
That you wouldn't have ever dared to love her
I loved the atrocious women in the enormous neighborhoods
Where some other new beings were born every day
The iron was their blood the flame their brain
I loved I loved the people dexterous in machinery
The luxury and the beauty were nothing but extra froth
That woman was so beautiful
That she made me afraid