Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 48


It's you for real.

It's you, for real.
I had never seen you.
And I recognize you.
You are the one I am waiting for.
Take the lamp,
Rest yourself on my arm.
There is no handrail.
Walk a bit higher.
You know,
One is never too close to heaven.

Kalima Minou

I hear the night say your name
Before you call me
You're in my head, huh
I don't know what or how
We barely talk
But I feel your lips on me
Even if you say it's not the time
That I'm not your dad, and to leave you be
Everyone tells me it's over
That you want to party
So we party like insane
Say out loud your name
Kalima Minou-ou
Kalima Minou-ou
A fire she's a flame
Say out loud your name
It's Kalima Minou-ou
Kalima Minou-ou
Is there no connection?
You saw my calls
I call your name all night
You hear the bird sounds
Of the early morning
Come get some fresh air
Lets walk
Even if you say it's not the time
That I'm not your dad, and to leave you be
Everyone tells me it's over
That you want to party
So we party like insane
Say out loud your name
Kalima Minou-ou
Kalima Minou-ou
A fire she's a flame
Say out loud your name
It's Kalima Minou-ou
Kalima Minou-ou
And I see
You're pulling me under
You’re making me wonder
Why you’re with me
You're all that I wanted
You're all that I want
So we party like insane
Say out loud your name
Kalima Minou-ou
Kalima Minou-ou
A fire she's a flame
Say out loud your name
It's Kalima Minou-ou
Kalima Minou-ou


I am holding on here at the edge of the earth
how not to now fall isn't clear
to the bitter end1i'm still here, sort of
i have to be strong
If there will be a fall here it will be difficult
slowly the sun comes up
with the direction of the wind
i'm not sure how much time remains
And i still don't feel that i'm ready
to open my heart
to repair what is broken
and why i can't let go of the past
no matter how useless it is
in the end everything finishes
I could have tried to do more
to discover how to become a different person
i had the opportunity
i fell by mistake
and there isn't any longer a way back
I hold on here to the end of the story
how it'll end is quite clear
i'll let go and cut the heavens
when you'll find me it'll be already too late
And i still don't feel that i'm ready
to open my heart
to repair what is broken
and why i can't let go of the past
no matter how useless it is
in the end everything finishes
  • 1. lit: the whole way

Iraq Lobster (Spanish Version)

Death to America
And walnut sauce
I don't want to boil
Hurrah I'm still here
Iraqi lobster
Iraqi lobster

If you loved me as much

If you loved me as much
as I do love you
Our two hearts instantly
would beat by themselves
And forever we could enjoy
pure happiness
If you loved me as much
as I do love you
You would be aware that
wherever I feel sad
You'd know that without you
nothing exists1
And that our life
would become a long 'I love you'2
If you loved me as much
as I do love you
You would be aware that
wherever I feel sad
You'd know that without you
nothing exists1
And that our life
would become a long 'I love you'2
If you loved me as much
as I do love you
  • read: nothing exists anymore
  • lit. would be no more than a long 'I love you'

How Much Do I Love You

On the first day of the year
a dress of white light
we sat then so close to each other
saying thank you for what is good
Perfumes exploding
and youngsters running amok
voices of laughter from wall to wall
the thunder came on a clear day
And so to the sound of a thump
suddenly the ground shook
total silence encompassed the room
when i tried to look at you
How much do i love you
I remind myself so that i won't forget
The celebration was already diluted
loud cries of panic
are organized in the confusion
and look forward to redemption
Need to push the gas pedal down
before you become holy
in every language that it is possible to request
I wanted to tell you
How much do i love you
I remind myself so that i won't forget

N-admit nicicând

N-admit nicicând, nicicând, nicicând, nicicând, nicicând,
N-admit nicicând că tu iubești.
N-admit nicicând, nicicând, nicicând, oh nu, nicicând,
N-admit nicicând că tu-l iubești.
Dacă vrei să ți se ofere tot ce-ți dorești,
Dacă vrei ca toamna să aibe gustul primăverii,
Fii tu cea care te abați din drum și amintește-ți mereu
Că trebuie să semeni ca să culegi apoi iubirea.
N-admit nicicând, nicicând, nicicând, nicicând, nicicând,
N-admit nicicând că tu iubești.
N-admit nicicând, nicicând, nicicând, oh nu, nicicând,
N-admit nicicând că tu-l iubești.
Dacă vrei să-ți aperi fericirea de îndrăgostită,
Dacă vrei să auzi cea mai tandră mărturisire,
Fii tu cea care ești iubită pentru ceea ce nu ți se spune,
Fii cea care-ncepi un poem, dar nu-l sfârșești vreodată.
N-admit nicicând, nicicând, nicicând, nicicând, nicicând,
N-admit nicicând că tu iubești.
N-admit nicicând, nicicând, nicicând, oh nu, nicicând,
N-admit nicicând că tu-l iubești.
N-admit nicicând, nicicând, nicicând, nicicând, nicicând,
N-admit nicicând că tu-l iubești.

Tip norocos

Îți simt ritmul inimii,
Simt mișcarea sunetului,
Aud ultima melodie
Iar și iar,
La nesfârșit.
Simt florile,
Simt ploile,
Aud ultimele cuvinte
Iar și iar,
La nesfârșit.
Voi fi tipul tău norocos,
Voi fi tipul tău norocos.
Mâine, când lucrurile prin formă,
Mâine, când voi fi cu tine,
Mâine când inima ta tânjește,
Te voi iubi în continuare.
Simt magia,
Nu a fost tragic,
Îți aud râsul
Iar și iar,
La nesfârșit.
Te văd pășind,
Te-aud vorbind,
Simt iubirea
Iar și iar,
La nesfârșit.


Versions: #1
The dream would be having wings,
to go up in space by pushing great cries,
to take between their fingers the flexible swallows,
And to lose themselves, at the evening, in the obscured skies.
Others would like to be able to crush chests
By closing again above their two isolated arms

Google Translate Cântă: Tip rău

Haine curate și tăieţei
Îmi rocentezi șosetele, și sunt oribile
Am găsit Spania lângă China
Există confuzie?
Bineînteles, genuchiul tău e pentru tine
Mare, porumbei
Vroiam să zbor
Sufletul meu? În cea mai mare parte, turtă dulce
Deci ești voinic?
A fi un om sănătos
Pacea e întotdeauna un păcat
Mâncarea e o persoană
Am probleme
Sper ca specia ta să fie dezamăgită de mamă
A văzut o femeie nebună
Suferința e calea vieții
Sunt biscuiți
Vreau să mă îngrijorez de vremea
Nu o să meriți
îmi pare rău pentru soția mea
Am oi
Cred că mama mea mă citește
Dar ea nu cântă
Toate cuvintele sunt folosite în citire
Ea va plânge la picioarele bârbaților
Deci ești voinic?
A fi un om sănătos
Pacea e întotdeauna un păcat
Mâncarea e o persoană
Am probleme
Sper ca specia ta să fie dezamăgită de mamă
A văzut o femeie nebună
Suferința e calea vieții
Sunt o pisică
Și e un lucru rău
Îmi place în Egipt
Abia aștept să fiu singură
Ești obosit?
Tu nu știi nimic
Dar poate am o colonie
Sunt biscuiți
Sunt artă proastă

What’s Wrong With You?

What happened to your happiness? What happened to your happiness?
What happened to your happiness? What happened to your happiness?
What have you done?
I can't talk anymore
I can't talk anymore
To your heart
What’s wrong with you
What’s wrong with you?
What’s wrong with you?
What’s wrong with you?
What’s wrong with you?
What happened to your happiness? What happened to your happiness?
What happened to your happiness? What happened to your happiness?
What happened to your happiness? What happened to your happiness?
All the things you've given up but you remained in my heart
Don't you just love to learn anything, invent anything?
You're just giving up like that
But I decided to make songs for you
La la la li la li la
What’s wrong with you?
What’s wrong with you?
What’s wrong with you?
What’s wrong with you?
Don't you just love to learn anything, invent anything?
You're just giving up like that
But I decided to make songs for you
La la la li la li la
La la la li la li la
La la la li la li la

Lumea modernă

Noi suntem ultimii.
Aproape după ultimii.
Imediat după noi începe
altă epocă, o lume cu totul alta,
lumea celor care nu mai cred în nimic,
care își fac renume și mândrie.
Imediat după noi începe
lumea pe care am numit-o,
pe care nu vom înceta s-o numim
lumea modernă.
Lumea care face pe deșteapta.
Lumea celor inteligenți,
celor avansați, celor care știu,
celor cărora nu le arăți,
celor pe care nu-i faci să creadă.
Lumea celor care
nu mai au nimic de învățat.
Lumea celor care își dau aere.
Lumea celor care nu sunt proști,
imbecili. Ca noi.
lumea celor care nu cred în nimic,
nici măcar în ateism, care nu se dedică
și nu se sacrifică pentru ceva.
lumea celor care n-au misticism.
Aceeași sterilitate usucă
orașul și creștinismul.
Orașul politic și orașul creștin.
Orașul oamenilor și cetatea lui Dumnezeu.
Este curata sterilitate modernă.

Tip Rau (Remixat)

[Intro: Billie Eilish & Justin Bieber]
Hmm, da-da-da-da-da
Da-da-da, hmm
Da-da-da-hmm (Yeah, yeah)
Oh, ah
[Strofa 1: Billie Eilish]
Tricou alb, acum rosu din cauza nasului meu sangerand
Dormind, stai pe varfurile picioarelor
Furisanduse imprejur de parca nimeni nu ar sti
Cred ca esti un criminal
Vanatai pe ambii genunchi pentru tine
Nu spune multumesc sau te rog
Eu fac ce vreau cand vreau
Sufletul meu atat de cinic
[Refren 1: Billie Eilish]
Deci esti un dur
Ca un tip cu adevarat dur
Pur si simplu nu ma pot abtine
Pieptul mereu atat de pufos
Eu sunt acel stil rau
O fac pe mama ta trista
O fac pe iubita ta nebuna de legat
Poate sa-i seduca tipul tatalui tau
Eu sunt tipul rau
Eu sunt tipul rau
[Strofa 2: Justin Bieber]
Dinti de aur, gatul meu, incheietura mea este inchetata (Atat de inghetata)
Am mai multa gheata decat, decat zapada
Acel tip, nu te fa ca nu sti
Acel tip, atat de critic
Tatuaje pe ambele maneci
Da, eu nu dorm, te rog nu ma trezi
Dezleaga-mi cravata ca sa pot respira
Nu este politic, oh nu (Uh-uh)
[Refren 2: Justin Bieber & Billie Eilish]
Da, eu sunt tipul rau
Nu sunt tipul care da inapoi
Pleaca de parcă sunt un tip nebun
Mereu detin tipul negru
Da, eu sunt tipul adevarat
Te pastrez pentru tipul aventuros
Iti arat cum se simte
Am o invitatie deschisa
Eu sunt tipul rau, woah-ooh
Eu sunt tipul rau
Sunt buna numai la a fi rea, rea
[Billie Eilish & Justin Bieber]
Imi place cand innebunesti
Cred ca sunt fericit ca esti singur (Atat de inghetat)
Ai zis ca ii este frica de mine?
Adica, eu nu vad ce vede ea
Dar poate este din cauza ca iti port parfumul (Haide sa mergem)
[Outro: Billie Eilish & Justin Bieber]
Eu sunt tipul rau (Foarte adevarat)
E-eu sunt tipul rau (Aw, da)

Tip rău

Cămașă albă acum roșie, nasul meu însângerat
Dormind, tu ești pe vârful degetelor
Te strecori pe aici ca și cum nu știe nimeni
Crezi ca ești atât de criminal
Vânătăi pe ambii genunchi pentru tine
Nu spui mulțumesc sau te rog
Fac ce vreau atunci când vreau
Sufletul meu, atât de cinic
Deci ești un tip tare
Un tip căruia ii place atât de dur
Un tip care nu se poate sătura
Un tip care are mereu pieptul așa umflat
Eu sunt genul ăla rău
Genul ăla care-ți face mama tristă
Genul ăla care-ți enervează prietena
Genul ăla care-ți poate seduce tatăl
Eu sunt tipul rău, duh
Eu sunt tipul rău
Îmi place când preiei controlul
Chiar dacă știi că nu o faci
Stăpânește-mă, o să te las sa-ți joci rolul
O să fiu animalul tău
Mămicii mele îi place să cânte cu mine
Dar ea nu va cânta acest cântec
Dacă ea citește toate versurile
O să-i fie milă de bărbații pe care îi știu
Deci ești un tip tare
Un tip căruia ii place atât de dur
Un tip care nu se poate sătura
Un tip care are mereu pieptul așa umflat
Eu sunt genul ăla rău
Genul ăla care-ți face mama tristă
Genul ăla care-ți enervează prietena
Genul ăla care-ți poate seduce tatăl
Eu sunt tipul rău, duh
Eu sunt tipul rău, duh
Sunt bun doar la a fi rău, rău
Îmi place când te enervezi
Presupun ca sunt fericită că ești singur
Ai spus că ei îi e frică de mine?
Adică, eu nu văd ce vede ea
Dar poate e pentru că îți port apa de colonie
Sunt un tip rău
Sunt un tip rău
Tip rău, tip rău
Sunt un tip

To See

All the times that you try
You always want but it doesn't happen
And how can you run with this pain
With all the feelings that you cover
I know that you wanted to change everything
You tried to hold tight, not to fall
And in the eyes there's a big hole
See there's a child
That never stopped asking
Thinking that you're sure
Years drifting with the wind far away
You were everything that you wanted to be
But you always felt
That there's something to change
And if you thought that you were wrong
You got scared, you haven't tried to come back
To the houses ruined from war
And they were waiting for you
But you just couldn't see
You couldn't see any longer
You couldn't see
Days passed quickly and nothing changed
You're still searching for someone that will listen to you
And don't be too hard on yourself
How can you fly with a broken wing
I know that you wanted to change everything
You tried to hold tight, not to fall
And in the eyes there's a big hole
See there's a child
That never stopped asking
Thinking that you're sure
Years drifting with the wind far away
You were everything that you wanted to be
But you always felt
That there's something to change
And if you thought that you were wrong
You got scared, you never tried to come back 
To the houses ruined from war
And they were waiting for you
But you couldn't see any longer
You just couldn't see
You couldn't see
You just couldn't see
You couldn't see
Thinking that you're sure
Years drifting with the wind far away
You were everything that you wanted to be
But you always felt
That there's something to change
And if you thought that you were wrong
You're scared, you never tried to come back
To the houses ruined from war
And they were waiting for you
But you just couldn't see
You couldn't see anymore
You couldn't see
You couldn't see any longer

No More Mr. Nice Guy (You have to work hard on a bad reputation)

The first record that he'd heard
Was just some crooner's crap
A happy world, no one disturbing
And he was Dr. Nice
But one day he met with Elvis
That really blew him away
The sweet poison of rebellion was injected into his veins
No more Mr Nice Guy
No more Mr Clean
No more Mr Nice Guy he said
You have to work hard on a bad reputation
I got no friends 'cause they read the papers
they can't be seen with me
And I'm gettin' real shot down
And I'm getting mean
No more Mister Nice Guy
No more Mister Clean
No more Mister Nice Guy, they say
I'm sick, I'm obscene
My dog bit me on the leg today
my cat clawed my eyes
Ma's been thrown out of the social circle
and dad has to hide
I went to church incognito
When everybody rose
The Reverend Smith
he recognized me and punshed me in the nose, he said
No more Mister Nice Guy
No more Mister Clean
No more Mister Nice Guy, they say
I’m sick, I’m obscene
No more Mister Nice Guy
No more Mister Clean
No more Mister Nice Guy, they say
He's sick, he's obscene

You're a Hunk

Listen, Paris
The world's most beautiful city is shining
Yes, it's on fire but there is l' amour
She's around here too
That crazy gypsy will be looking for you everywhere
Like an ace of hearts
You're a hunk and she likes you
You're one in a million, you're awesome, you're flying
You're handsome and a nice boy
Wherever you go, you rock, okay
The others are like puppets
They won't be able to compete with you
You're an illusion, you're dizziness
Wherever you go, you're a hunk, that's out of the question
You're a hunk and something more
When you speak, you've got that special something
(Your charge, guys)
You can't compare such nobilty (to anything)
Brother, you're a hunk
You're an ancient lil' statue
You're a delicious and fresh appetizer
You're a little croissant
But you don't take anything, you turn back, you're a hunk
Call me a narcissist if you want, but Quasi, I feel it
I have a feeling, she's gonna come here for you!
You hit! And hunk who?
Like a bell
And you don't step back, you're a hunk, that's why she likes you
A crunchy croissant
Which if she takes a bite of
The job will immediately be done
Look at her, how she's falling fo you
She wants you, she loves you
She knows what it means to be a hunk
(You're awesome, you don't step back and that's what it means to be a hunk)

Bărbat bun

Nu te îndrăgosti de mine, fato
Nu sunt genul tău
Sunt un bărbat rău
Voi face tot ce pot ca să te țin lângă mine
Doar pentru că așa simt că e în regulă
Explic orice poveste, nu mă plictisesc
Fato, voi fi singurul care te va ajuta când vei cădea
Cu scopul
viitorul președinte
Bună, domnule președinte, o plăcere să te întâlnesc
Sper să-mi simți prezența
pentru că asta face o caracteristică
Folosind instinctul ca o creatură dispărută
Mâinile sunt blocate în mine, alunecătură albită
Lămpile stradale strălucesc ca și cum ne-ar învăța
Am mai văzut această scenă înainte, viață adevărată
Natura a scris scorul, liniile mele
Mă uit în ochii tăi și
Nu sunt un bărbat bun
Nu sunt un bărbat bun
Dar știu că ești a mea (Bang)
Dar știu că ești a mea (Bang bang) x2