Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 1

Număr de rezultate: 42



Inima nebună în vijelie
Toacă și macină ideile.
Flori galbene la fereastră -
Sărace trofee
Din războiul pe care
Nu l-aș câștiga vreodată.
Trandafirul s-a ofilit,
Iar o viață întreagă
Voi suferi eu
Și n-o să mă vindec
De această boală -
Gelozie cumplită.
În fața oricărui adevăr
Rămâne acolo mereu.
Când ca o otravă
Rapidă, neînfrântă,
Trece prin venele mele,
Este imposibil
Ca eu să opresc acum
Cursa supărărilor.
Trandafirul s-a ofilit,
Iar o viață întreagă
Voi suferi eu
Și n-o să mă vindec
De această boală -
Gelozie cumplită.
În fața oricărui adevăr
Rămâne acolo mereu.
Câtă durere inutilă -
Niciun motiv, nicio milă.
Blestemata de ea !
Blestemat de mine !
Unde ne va târî ?...
Trandafirul s-a ofilit,
Iar o viață întreagă
Voi suferi eu
Și n-o să mă vindec
De această boală -
Gelozie cumplită.
În fața oricărui adevăr
Rămâne acolo mereu.
În fața oricărui adevăr
Rămâne acolo mereu...


Motherland, my dear places!
Motherland, the Spring, and my song!
By proud destiny and bright dream
We connected with you forever
Let the blue sky will be above my country
And a golden ray of the dawn!
Motherland, I sing a glory for you!
Motherland, I believe in your wisdom!
All your ways, all your worries
I share with you, my Motherland!
Give me such a job
That my heart will sing!
Trust me as I trust you!
Give me such a job
That my heart will sing!
Trust me as I trust you!

Cossacks in Berlin

Cossacks in Berlin
Horses were walking along a Berlin roadway
To a watering place.
The horses from Don area were going,
Shaking their manes occasionally.
The rider is singing:
“Hey, guys, this is not for the first time
for us to water the Cossack horses
From a foreign river
Chorus X2
Cossacks, Cossacks,
Our Cossacks
Are going through Berlin.
He leads horses at a slow pace,
He sees a girl with a pennant
And who has a nice plait under her sided cap,
Stands at the corner.
With a slender figure, like a willow wand,
And her eyes look by blue.
She bawls to the Cossack:
“Do not slow down traffic!”.
Chorus X2
Cossacks, Cossacks,
Our Cossacks
Are going through Berlin.
He is glad to stay more long here,
But he caught her angry eye,
“Well, guys, march behind me!”
And bawled reluctantly.
The cavalry went by dashingly
And the maiden brightened up.
The tender look she gives the Cossack
Is not by the book
Chorus X2
Cossacks, Cossacks,
Our Cossacks
Are going through Berlin.
The horseman is again going
Along a Berlin roadway.
About his love towards the girl
He sings like this:
“Although my dear home is far away,
Although the blue Don is far away,
A Cossack met
A fellow country woman even in Berlin!”
Chorus X2
Cossacks, Cossacks,
Our Cossacks
Are going through Berlin.

Bells monotonous sound on the harness

Versions: #1
Bells monotonous sound on the harness,
And the wind blows dust on the road,
And through flat endless fields with such sadness
The old coachman's song simply floats.
So much feeling in this sad song is told.
So much sadness of being apart.
That in my chest, so tired and cold,
Like in flame was burning my heart
And I remembered some other nights,
And vast forests and fields so dear,
And to the eyes that forgot how to cry,
Rolled down like a spark bitter tear.
Bells monotonous sound on the harness
Like an echo of my younger days…
And the song was cut short, but the road
Before me far away, far away…

Cops are on our tail

TIMURKA BITS on that beat (Cops, cops)
(Cops are on our tail)
The village of Kolmogorovo
Ay, the capital of R'n'B
(Load it!)
And the cops are on our tail again, all of my people are on the heights
We're hiding from the red, lighting up a new day
My people are like shadow, they're hiding from the dark
The feds also don't like us, since I got more black
Ti-ti-ti-ticks, pricks, packs, pokes
Sticks, jeans, punks, voltage
Cops, gopniks, lucky-blocks
Timka — Pumba, fingers — glocks
Hey, move your legs, son
We won't let them find us
We're lighting up the fire at the sky
Ay-ay, TIMURKA BITS, tell em
There are cops on our tail again, all of my people are on the heights
We're hiding from the red, lighting up a new day
My people are like shadow, they're hiding from the dark
The feds also don't like us, since I got more black (tell em)
My lines are black, my money's black
My bitches are black, pies are baked
Your bitches are white, your homies are white
Your money's white, pies are burnt
Bitch feeds me, I call her «grandma»
Cops are running, cause my rhymes are like bullets
I'm firing up my dope, ay
Mate, you sure you ain't no cop? Ay
Girls are (???) around, ay
This village is my house
I'm loaded since I was 9
Not letting them find me
I came to pick up all of my style
They can't knock me off the road
And the cops are on our tail again, all of my people are on the heights
We're hiding from the red, lighting up a new day
My people are like shadow, they're hiding from the dark
The feds also don't like us, since I got more black
Cops are on our tail again, all of my people are on the heights
We're hiding from the red, lighting up a new day
My people are like shadow, they're hiding from the dark
The feds also don't like us, since I got more black

The Little Bell Peals, Droning On

Versions: #1
The little bell peals, droning on,
And the way is lightly dust covered
And sadly through the long corridor
The coachman's song flows forth.
So much emotion was in this sad song
Such feeling in this familiar melody
That in my cool, cold breast
This heart burst into a blaze.
Now I recalled other nights
And those familiar fields and forests,
And in my long arid eyes
There appeared as but a flicker, a tear.
The little bell peals, droning on,
From afar its echo resounds softly,
And my coachman has fallen silent, but the way
The one before me is still so far, so far away.

Solar Eclipse II

I have gushed to war
Sometimes caught back
And as it often happened in a dream
thereupon I should stay awake
However, the biggest difference
On the dark path of life
Is where men are heading and where men put into
Port at the end of the day
Ship life on a new scale
Now will repel the sand
Although no one knows how many thousands
There are ashore
However, the biggest difference
On the dark path of life
Is where men are heading and where men put into
Port at the end of the day

The fluffy tail of the fox.

There's so many things that life is.
And so easy to lose yourself.
Perhaps the slush will dry up one day,
But everything will come back again.
I would never have believed this before
But one whore ruined my life.
There are so many of them and they all are so different,
Sometimes you don't even have time to sleep!
We only dream about rest, but where are these dreams?
The fluffy tail of the fox erase all footprints.
There are so many roads, but mine is only one.
Cheerful hard rock and roll is my life!
The autumn wind is dropping the leaves
And leaves them to rot on the pavement!
In these leaves I see people's faces -
Everyone of them has hepatitis!
We only dream about peace, but where are these dreams?
The fluffy tail of the fox erase all footprints.
There are so many roads, but mine is only one.
Cheerful hard rock and roll is my life!

Right where the heart beats

Like a dream you flew around in me
Slipped into my mind
Turned my reality around
Caught my thoughts, played with my confidence
Mmm, doubt and hope and longing race in and out
I wonder if you feel like me? So listen to me:
Meet me right where the heart beats
Where love takes place
Where the world ends, where the thought turns around
Take me further out than the light reaches
And hold me for a thousand years
Do you know that I'm waiting? Would you like to know where?
Right where the heart beats
This night you became a reality
Melted into my body
Flew away in the empty space
Dizzy and drunk I drank of your love
Mmm, the world has changed, shall we go the same way?
Oh, do you feel like me? So come with me
Meet me right where the heart beats
Where love takes place
Where the world ends, where the thought turns around
Take me further out than the light reaches
And hold me for a thousand years
Do you know that I'm waiting? Would you like to know where?
Right where the heart beats, oh...
Meet me right where the heart beats
Where love takes place
Where the world ends, where the thought turns around
Oh, take me further out than the light reaches
And hold me for a thousand years
Do you know that I'm waiting? Would you like to know where?
Right where the heart beats
Right where the heart beats

When I See It With You

Look around you
And tell me what happens
Close your eyes
And say what you see
Tonight, the stars are shining brighter than before
Now that I see them with you
Whenever you smile
The stars are close
My heart gets wings
Because you're here
And suddenly, I understand what life's worth
Now that I see it with you
Now that I see it with you
The night is young
The night will be long
The darkness is filled with the song of our hearts
There's nothing to do
'Cause we've put it into motion now
Everything is turned upside down for me
When I see it with you
I see a night which
Must never end
I see a world
We will get to know
I feel more
More than I can remember
More than I can remember
Much more than before
The night is young
The night will be long
The darkness is filled with the song of the hearts
There's nothing to do
'Cause we've put it into motion now
Everything is turned upside down for me
When I see it with you
When I see it with you
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

The Way

The sailors count the tides.
The nannies stay with the children.
The prophecy floors the Pharisees.
Freedom goes out of the alleys.
Unforgettable in you,
Still stronger than you
Is the hope of making your heart vibrate.
Don't abandon the way
And don't lose the trail
Right and magical,
The one
Made for you.
The hand you will hold with yours,
The voice you will hear from oblivion —
Only this way will you be able to rise again.
This is1 what God wants for you.
  • 1. The original lyrics transcription (apparently) has a mistyped è (is), written as e (and).

Scooby Doo, where are you?

Versions: #2
Scooby Dooby-Doo, where are you?
You just need to listen
Scooby Dooby-Doo, where are you?
You've got a job to do
Come on Scooby Doo, frights and scares
You sound like you've got a fever
You don't fool me, I'm fed up (with this)
You'll get what's coming to you 1
You've got a lot of things to solve
And a few mysterious things all around
Scooby Doo, if you're clever
You get to enjoy my Scooby Snacks
Scooby Dooby-Doo, here you are
It's necessary to listen
'You're unbelievable, Scooby Doo'
You're a real traitor
  • 1. lit. 'you've filled up your glass.' I took this to be some sort of idiom, along the lines of 'you did this, now deal with it'
Translation mine, unless otherwise specified// Översättningar är mina om ej anges nedan

Jag uppskattar gärna förslag och korrekturläsningar


Nu știu unde să te găsesc
Nu știu cum să te caut
Dar aud o voce care
În vânt vorbește despre tine
Sufletul meu fără inimă
Te așteaptă
Nopțile fără piele
Visele fără stele
Imagini ale feței tale
Care trec brusc
Mă fac încă să sper
Că te voi găsi
Închid ochii și te văd
Găsesc calea care
Mă îndepărtează
De agonie
Simt că bate în mine
Această muzică ce
Am inventat-o pentru tine
Dacă știi cum să mă găsești
Dacă știi unde să mă cauți
Îmbrățișează-mă cu mintea
Soarele mi se pare stins
Aprinde-ți numele pe cer
Spune-mi că ești
Ce aș vrea
Să trăiesc în tine
Soarele mi se pare stins
Îmbrățișează-mă cu mintea
Rătăcită fără tine
Spune-mi cine ești și o voi crede
Muzică ești

Un simplu cântecel

În amurg, fremătând la apus,
Suspină grădina în floare,
Recunoscând sărutările vântului,
Parfumul şi aroma sa.
Sub lună este atât de natural
Să ceri iubirea veşnică:
Eu ştiu cum să aştept , dragostea mea,
Şi cânt aşteptând.
Merge direct la inimă
Dulce, puţin ironic,
Cântecelul meu-
Chitară şi armonică.
Oricine va iubi
Simplul cântecel
Şi zâmbind va cânta
Ca mine pentru tine.
Eu pentru tine!
Acesta este trist, celălalt este obosit-
Noi toţi suntem atât de complicaţi!
Mult zgomot pentru nimic,
Care sufocă visele noastre înaripate.
Tu ştii, câteodată ne trebuie
Ceva simplu, nu necesită mult!
Aşa începe , dragostea mea,
Frumosul nostru joc.
Aşa începe , dragostea mea,
Frumosul nostru joc.
Merge direct la inimă
Dulce, puţin ironic,
Cântecelul meu-
Chitară şi armonică.
Oricine va iubi
Simplul cântecel
Şi zâmbind va cânta
Ca mine pentru tine.(bis)

Thumb, where are you?

Thumb, thumb,
where are you?
Here I am, here I am,
Hello, hello, hello.
Pointing finger, pointing finger,
where are you?
Here I am, here I am,
Hello, hello, hello.
Middle finger, middle finger,
where are you?
Here I am, here I am,
Hello, hello, hello.
Ring finger, ring finger
where are you?
Here I am, here I am,
Hello, hello, hello.
Pinkie finger, pinkie finger
where are you?
Here I am, here I am,
Hello, hello, hello.
All fingers, all fingers,
where are you?
Here we are, here we are,
Hello, hello, hello.


Uneori mi se pare că soldații
ce nu s-au întors din câmpurile de sânge,
nu au pierit în glia noastră,
ci s-au prefăcut în cocori albi.
Din vremuri îndepărtate până azi
ei zboară și noi le ascultăm vocile.
Nu-i de aceea că, atât de des,
noi tăcem și privim trist spre cer?
Zboară, zboară prin ceruri obosiți,
zboară în ceață, la sfârșitul zilei,
iar printre ei mai este un loc mic,
poate că locul ăsta este al meu.
Va veni o zi când în stolul cocorilor
voi pluti și eu în ceața gri-albastră,
chemându-vă ca o pasăre din ceruri
pe voi toți ce v-am lăsat pe pământ.
Uneori mi se pare că soldații
ce nu s-au întors din câmpurile de sânge,
nu au pierit în glia noastră,
ci s-au prefăcut în cocori albi...

They All Want To Know Where To Go

You'll become alone, entirely on your own
You're full of lies, a waste of time
Save your tears, and wipe the tears from your eyes
You know the way
The day has passed, and what did you get done?
Nothing went up,1 and everything goes down
We get what we give, if you take much more
You'll have to forget about love
Above the water, under the street again
On a bench in the park, they all want to know where to go
They all want to know where to go (x4)
He's alone, she's alone
And the light is beautiful in the evening
I'm hearing a child's voice
So beautiful and fine and pure and gentle
Through the nation and down the street again
On a bench in the park, they all want to know where to go
They all want to know where to go (x4)
Through the city with the last guests
Down the street, if you dare to follow
You'll find me
They all want to know where to go
Through the city with the last guests
Down the street, if you dare to follow
You'll find me
They all want to know where to go
  • 1. In Danish, saying something goes up means that it's solved
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

How Beautifully It Can Rain

I got your letter yesterday
And you wrote so beautifully
You wrote about the movies we watched
As we lay there
Pretending that we were in them
That is how beautifully it can rain
That is how beautifully it can rain
That is how beautifully it can rain
That is how beautifully it can rain
We drank your win yesterday
And very quietly, we sang
A song about the words which were important as we fell
Can you imagine that you can fall that beautifully?
That is how beautifully it can rain
I wonder about today, about in a year, the way it's going, let's just lay down a bit
Let me follow you into a dream against an ocean and a sun which never sets
That is how beautifully it can rain
That is how beautifully it can rain
How beautifully can it rain?
It can rain just as beautifully as that
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

Nopţile Moscovei

Nici foșnete-n grădină nu se-aud,
totul aici a înghețat până în zori.
Cât de dragi îmi sunt, de-ați fi știut,
ale împrejurimilor Moscovei seri.
Pârâului îi curge și nu-i curge,
de lună unda-i argintată.
Cântec se-aude și nu se-aude,
în nopțile acestea liniștite.
Dar, încruntată, iubito, tu de ce
în jos îți pleci privirea ?
Mi-e greu a-ți zice și-a nu zice
tot ce este în inima mea.
Până-n răsărit totul va trece.
Tu, te rog bună să fii de vrei,
nu uita nici tu aceste văratice seri
în împrejurimea Moscovei.

See the soldiers marching

See1 the soldiers marching
through the scorched steppe.
They softly sing a song
about birches and maples,
about a pensive2 garden
and a weeping willow.
About beloved forests
about beloved forests
and a broad field
See the soldiers marching
Their song rings louder now,
and the song goes about
a fearsome redoubt
and courage under fire
and death for life's sake,
and about their loyalty
and about their loyalty
to our glorious fatherland.
See the soldiers marching
in unfamiliar surroundings.
They'll crush all enemies
and go back home
to the pensive garden,
the weeping willow,
their beloved forests
their beloved forests
and the broad field.
  • 1. lit. 'here are the soldiers...'
  • 2. 'thoughtful/brooding'