Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 27


30 februarie

Azi îmi ceri să mă întorc.
Tu nu crezi că e prea târziu?
Ce s-a schimpat brusc,
Ca să trebuiască să te iert?
Nu, nu am să uit ce mi-ai făcut.
Nu, nu încerca să mă încurci.
Amintește-ți că tu ai plecat.
Dacă vrei o a doua șansă,
Jur că ți-o voi da...
Pe 30 februarie, la apus de soare,
În ziua în care va ploua cu bani,
Când marea va fi secat,
Iar doi plus doi va face trei,
În acea zi tu și eu vom fi iar împreună.
Când lumea se va opri, opri, opri din învârtit,
Când timpul se va scurge, scurge, scurge invers,
Când sirenele vor renunța, renunța să mai cânte,
În acea zi tu și eu vom fi din nou împreună.
Deși omul a ajuns pe lună,
Să nu crezi că totul e posibil.
Tot răul pe care mi la-i făcut,
Chiar dacă ai vrea, tot e ireversibil.
Nu, nu am să uit
Ce mi-ai făcut.
Nu, nu încerca să mă încurci.
Amintește-ți că tu ai plecat.
Dacă vrei o a doua șansă,
Jur că ți-o voi da...
Pe 30 februarie, la apus de soare,
În ziua în care va ploua cu bani,
Când marea va fi secat,
Iar doi plus doi va face trei,
În acea zi tu și eu vom fi iar împreună.
Când lumea se va opri, opri, opri din învârtit,
Când timpul se va scurge, scurge, scurge invers,
Când sirenele vor renunța, renunța să mai cânte,
În acea zi tu și eu vom fi din nou împreună.
În acea zi tu și eu vom fi din nou împreună.
În acea zi tu și eu vom fi din nou împreună.
[Abraham Mateo]
Eu nu mă voi întoarce la tine încă o dată.
Tu mi-ai făcut rău, femeie.
Fato, m-am săturat de tine.
Fato, pe aici ți-e drumul.
Până și câinele meu știa că tu nu erai pentru mine.
Fă-te frumoasă căci pe 30 februarie te voi suna.
Pune-ți rochia și tocurile pe care ți le-am dăruit.
Dacă vrei să mă întorc, mă voi întoarce.
Tu așteaptă-mă la apus de soare!
Pe 30 februarie, la apus de soare,
În ziua în care va ploua cu bani,
Când marea va fi secat,
Iar doi plus doi va face trei,
În acea zi tu și eu vom fi iar împreună.
Când lumea se va opri, opri, opri din învârtit.


Încă o dată în viața mea, cortina se ridică,
Iar de data asta nu mă simt spectator.
Mi-ai ales un rol principal.
Iar această poveste începe pentru amândoi.
Ziua de azi se pictează într-o altă culoare.
M-ai atins cu mâinile tale de alchimist.
Nu încape îndoială, e fără de greșeli,
Tu ești cu mine, așa strigă destinul
Și nu e altă cale înafară de direcția spre tine.
Rămân cu tine, te vreau cu mine.
Iremediabil, vei fi prentru mine.
Cu siguranță așa a fost scris.
Doar tu, doar eu,
Pariind pe inimile noastre.
Iremediabil, mă faci fericit.
Cu siguranță pe tine te aleg.
E iubire, e iubire
Ceea ce noi doi simțim.
E iremediabil.
Te-am căutat în fiecare colțișor al inimii,
În cărțile mele, în poeme și cântece,
Dar în schimb, ai fost tu,
Tu mai găsit.
Atâta magie defilează în jurul meu.
Azi soarta ne surâde amândurora
Pentru totdeauna.
Rămâi ca să rămâi!
Nu încape îndoială, e fără de greșeli,
Tu ești cu mine, așa strigă destinul
Și nu e altă cale înafară de direcția spre tine.
Rămân cu tine, te vreau cu mine.
Iremediabil, vei fi prentru mine.
Cu siguranță așa a fost scris.
Doar tu, doar eu,
Pariind pe inimile noastre.
Iremediabil, mă faci fericit.
Cu siguranță pe tine te aleg.
E iubire, e iubire
Ceea ce noi doi simțim.
E iremediabil, eh.
Iremediabil, vei fi prentru mine.
Cu siguranță așa a fost scris.
Doar tu, doar eu,
Pariind pe inimile noastre.
Iremediabil, mă faci fericit.
Cu siguranță pe tine te aleg.
E iubire, e iubire
Ceea ce noi doi simțim.
E iremediabil,
Of, nu, of, nu.

În penumbră

Soarele se lasă deasupra mării,
Iar lângă mine ești.
Am multe de spus.
De unde să încep?
Vreau să-ți vorbesc
Și să-ți povestesc la final
Că de când te-am întâlnit,
Numai la tine mă gândesc.
Fă-mă să visez, lasă-mă să pătrund.
În penumbră, îmbrățișându-te,
Nu, nu voi mai păstra tăcerea.
Fără să tremur îți voi spune
Că vreau să fac parte din tine.
În penumbră,
În penumbră, uh...
Îmi vei cunoaște adevărul.
Simt atâta iubire!
De data asta îți voi ajunge la inimă.
Oriunde ai vrea să te aflii,
Oriunde ai merge, voi veni.
O scrisore de dragoste,
Pe pielea ta voi scrie.
Fă-mă să visez, lasă-mă să pătrund.
În penumbră, îmbrățișându-te,
Nu, nu voi mai păstra tăcerea.
Fără să tremur (fără să tremur) îți voi spune
Că vreau să fac parte din tine.
În penumbră.
În penumbră, îmbrățișându-te,
Nu, nu voi mai păstra tăcerea.
Fără să tremur (fără să tremur) îți voi spune (îți voi spune)
Că vreau să fac parte din tine.
În penumbră.
În penumbră.
În penumbră.
În penumbră.
Soarele se lasă deasupra mării,
Iar lângă mine ești.

30 of February

Versions: #1
Today you ask me to come back
Don't you think it's too late?
What has changed so suddenly
So that I need to forgive you?
No, I'm not going to forget what you did to me.
No, don't try to tangle me up
Remember that you left
If you want another opportunity,
I swear I'll give it to you...
The 30th of February at dusk,
The day when it rains money
When the sea is dray,
And two plus two is three
That day you and I will get back together.
When the world stops, stops, stops spinning.
When time goes, goes, goes backward.
When the mermaids stop, stop singing
That day you and I will get back together.
Even though man went to the moon,
You don't think anything is possible.
All the hurt that you caused me,
Even though you want to, it's irreversible.
No, I'm not going to forget
What you did to me.
No, don't try to tangle me up
Remember that you left
If you want another opportunity,
I swear I'll give it to you...
The 30th of February at dusk,
The day when it rains money
When the sea is dray,
And two plus two is three
That day you and I will get back together.
When the world stops, stops, stops spinning.
When time goes, goes, goes backward.
When the mermaids stop, stop singing
That day you and I will get back together.
That day you and I will get back together.
That day you and I will get back together.
[Abraham Mateo]
I won't get with you anymore.
You hurt me, woman.
Baby, I'm tired of you.
Baby, go away.
Until my dog knew that you were not for me.
Make yourself pretty on the 30th of February, I'll call you.
Put on the dress and the high heels I gifted you

Wherever you are

Versions: #1
I remember your kisses
And in the distance I can hear your voice
Saying that this wasn’t a goodbye.
I’m sorry, I can’t
Love you if you’re not close to me.
I’m not gonna love the idea of you.
When time
Reunites us
Don’t expect anything.
We shall see what happens.
Wherever you are
I can’t promise not even a maybe.
Life goes on
And so do I.
Wherever you are
Untangle everything that’s backwards,
Because destiny only listens once.
Forgetfulness is a bandit
That stole our love far away,
Kilometer by kilometer.
Your trace is nowhere to be found.
There is no going back the way I’m going.
Today more than ever, I know who I am.
If there’s something left, between you and me.
It’s our history that lives only in memory.
Wherever you are
I can’t promise not even a maybe.
Life goes on
And so do I.
Wherever you are
Untangle everything that’s backwards,
Because destiny only listens once.
Your place is in the past.
Everything that was, is gone.
Stop thinking that there will be another time.
Don’t even try it!

I learned it from you

Versions: #3
I met you on an April's day, a common day
the day I least expected it
I didn't think about love, nor believe in it
and much less looked for it.
And suddenly, you showed up,
tearing apart walls and ideas you became my light
I didn't know that only with a kiss
you could stop time and I learned it from you
Nor that with only a look
you will own every space inside me
Also I didn't know that I could love you so much
until devote myself and be a prisoner of your lips
I discovered I could
Because I learned it from you
Suddenly something happened and passion was missing
our nights were too long
I never thought to feel lonely, cold and stupid
even being accompanied.
Later everything became a routine,
and then so many lies that not even you believed
I didn't know that without your kisses
time would pass so slowly and I learned it from you
And that repressing to call you
would take all the strenght I have in me
Neither I didn't know I could miss you so much,
nor fall apart and to have my lips dried up
I discovered I could.
Because I learned it from you.
And now that I've finally managed to forget you,
today you come to look for me.
But it's too late already,
I've fallen in love with someone else.
I didn't know that with his kisses
I was going to replace yours I learned it from you.
Nor that other hands existed that by touching me
would surpass what I felt before.
I also didn't know I could love him so much
after your deception that hurt me so much,
finding out I could...
...and I learned it all from you

Stiu ca pleci

Versions: #2
Se termina povestea noastra, a ajuns la final.
Raman atatea pagini albe fara sa apucam sa le terminam,
Spune-mi cu ce am gresit, spune-mi si voi repara.
Asteapta doar o secunda, ca nu stiu
cum vrei sa fiu puternica daca te voi pierde
nu mai fa bagajul daca nu ma iei cu tine
nu vezi ca viata mea se termina?
Stiu ca pleci
ca nu te mai intereseaza ca raman in urma
cu sufletul rupt, deja stiu, nu mai e nimic de facut ...
Stui ca pleci,
ca plansul ochilor mei nu te va opri,
ca cineva te asteapta si pleci,
cat as vrea sa fiu ca ea ...
In ce moment ai hotarat sa nu ma mai iubesti?
Ce-ti da ea si eu nu iti pot da?
Cum sa iti spun adio, cand ea te-a furat de langa mine?
Nu vezi? Viata mea s-a sfarsit!
Ar fi trebuit sa te iubesc mai mult si fiecare ar fi avut locul lui
Dar nu, ea a castigat.
Stiu ca pleci,
ca nu te mai intereseaza ca raman in urma
cu sufletul rupt, deja stiu, nu mai e nimic de facut ...
Cat as vrea ...
cateodata as vrea ...
Sa fiu mai mult ca ea ...

Am invatat de la tine

Te-am cunoscut intr-o zi de aprilie, o zi obisnuita,
Ziua in care ma asteptam mai putin.
Eu nu ma gandeam la iubire, nici nu credeam,
Si cu atat mai putin cautam.
Dintr-o data ai aparut tu,
Distrugand ziduri si idei, ai devenit lumina mea.
Eu nu stiam ca doar cu un sarut,
se poate opri timpul si am invatat asta de la tine.
Nici ca doar cu o privire
vei acapara fiecare bucatica din interiorul meu
Nici nu stiam ca voi putea sa te iubesc atat de mult
sa ajung sa ma daruiesc si sa fiu prizoniera buzelor tale
am descoperit ca pot
Pentru ca am invatat de la tine.
Dintr-o data ceva s-a intamplat si pasiunea lipsea,
noptile noastre se lungeau,
n-am crezut vreodata ca o sa ajung sa ma simt singura, rece si proasta
cu cineva inca langa mine
Apoi totul a devenit monotonie,
Apoi atatea minciuni ca nici tu nu le mai credeai.
Eu nu stiam ca fara sarutarile tale
va trece timpul atat de greu si am invatat asta de la tine.
Si ca sa ma abtin sa nu te sun
Imi va lua toata puterea din mine.
Nici ca as fi putut sa iti duc atat de mult dorul,
nici sa ma descompun, si ca mi se vor usca buzele,
am descoperit ca se poate
Pentru ca am invatat de la tine.
Si acum ca in sfarsit am reusit sa te uit,
azi vii sa ma cauti
Dar e deja mult prea tarziu,
M-am indragostit de altcineva
Eu nu stiam ca doar cu sarutarile lui
Le voi putea inlocui pe ale tale, am invatat de la tine ....
Nici ca existau alte maini care atingandu-ma
ma vor ajuta sa depasesc ce am simtit inainte
Nici ca il pot iubi atat
dupa deceptia ta ce mi-a facut atata rau,
Am descoperit ca pot ...
... si totul am invatat de la tine ...

Todo no fue suficiente

Versions: #2
All was not enough
I never thought you were going to leave,
I swore that made ​you happy.
Always trying to give the soul and skin,
I wanted to give my best.
Blindly I followed you,
I flew and fell for you.
But all was not enough,
kills me to lose you,
Wish I could tear away the pain.
But my heart arrogant,
refuses to listen,
not accepting your goodbye.
As in a storm, fire was extinguished in your love,
all was not enough, everything is nothing today.
I would like to forget,
and ended up looking for you in every memory
that dwells in me.
Blindly I followed you,
I flew and fell for you.
But all was not enough,
kills me to lose you,
Wish I could tear away the pain.
But my heart arrogant,
refuses to listen,
not accepting your goodbye.
As in a storm, fire was extinguished in your love,
all was not enough, everything is nothing today.
I gave you smiles and in loneliness
fighting a battle of two.
But all was not enough,
kills me to lose you,
Wish I could tear away the pain.
But my heart arrogant,
refuses to listen,
not accepting your goodbye.
As in a storm, the fire was extinguished in your love,
all was not enough, everything is nothing today.

I hope

I've heard that it did not take you long to forget me
That you are already with someone
That you seem happy
How odd that two weeks ago you asked me to give you some time
What a lack of respect, I have already found out about you
And to think that I would have given my life for you
Today I know that looks can be deceiving
I hope that it rains on you when she gets close and wants to kiss you
I hope that the bouquet falls from your hand while going for a stroll
That you drop your phone inside a public toilet
I hope that karma quickly catches up with you and it goes very badly
I hope that memories of me will leave you restless at night
And even if you tell me no, you know that nobody is better than me oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh, uh woh
I ask you if you will tell her* how low have you sunken
That you are no saint, that you make everything worse
What joy will it give me when this will be on the radio
Because of your past, she is going to find out
And to think that I would have given my life for you
Today I know that looks can be deceiving
I hope that it rains on you when she gets close and wants to kiss you
I hope that the bouquet falls from your hand while going for a stroll
That you drop your phone inside a public toilet
I hope that karma quickly catches up with you and it goes very badly
I hope that memories of me will leave you restless at night
And even if you tell me no, you know that nobody is better than me oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh, uh woh
I hope that it rains on you when she gets close and wants to kiss you
I hope that the bouquet falls from your hand while going for a stroll
That you drop your phone inside a public toilet
I hope that karma quickly catches up with you and it goes very badly
I hope that memories of me will leave you restless at night
And even if you tell me no, you know that nobody is better than me oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh, uh woh

No problem

I liked you for being decent and reverent, for being intelligent
You beat me because you are respectful when it suits you
You trapped me because you kiss like nobody in the world can
You left me when you got what everyone wants
But no problem, no problem
I'm going to deal with it, while you laugh out loud
What a mistake, I was just looking for love
While you played with me
I'll get away and you can go to hell
No problem, no problem
I am not claiming you
It's my fault for giving myself to you
And your fault for not having told me clearly
And if they ask why we broke up
I will tell them to look at the size of your shoes (of your shoes)
Ooh ooh ooh
Before I will alone as a coward
face the consequences of my decisions
I will learn from the mistakes, but it sure does burn me
It was wrong of me to give you
my confidence, my hope, my passion
my time, my body
But now it's too late
But no problem, no problem
I'm going to deal with it, while you laugh out loud
What a mistake, I was just looking for love
In the meantime you played with me
I'll get away and you can go to hell
No problem, no problem
I am not claiming you
It's my fault for giving myself to you
And your fault for not having told me clearly
And if they ask why we broke up, hey
I will tell them...
No problem, no problem
I am not claiming you
It's my fault for giving myself to you
And your fault for not having told me clearly
And if they ask why we broke up
I will tell them to look at the size of your shoes (of your shoes)


I do not know if it's too soon to tell you that I'm dying for you
to come get me
That I have already packed
A suitcase
This is not a game
You know that if I make you happy
That I am no dummy
if I give you
A popsicle
You taste to me like sugar
(Hm hm)
That's the way I like it
(Hm hm)
Don't ever let go of me
Let's dance to this as we're going
Or we will dance to it in the car, love
Let's pretend we're going to the bathroom
And leave through the back without paying
If you want, let's take a taxicab (let's take)
And we won't do it, just almost (we won't do it)
Whatever you are going to give me
Give me more, give me give me more
You and me, you and me, you and me, you and me
Let's dance to this and then we'll go
You and me, you and me, you and me, you and me
And we will dim the lights in the room
You and me, you and me, you and me, you and me
Let's dance to this and then we'll go
You and me, you and me, you and me, you and me
And we will dim the lights
I want for this moment here to never end
There is so much heat (heat, heat)
That you don't have to light
a candle
You taste to me like sugar
(Hm hm)
That's the way I like it
(Hm hm)
Don't ever let go of me
Let's dance to this as we're going
Or we will dance to it in the car, love
Let's pretend we're going to the bathroom
And leave through the back without paying
If you want, let's take a taxicab (let's take)
And we won't do it, just almost (we won't do it)
Whatever you are going to give me
Give me more, give me give me more
You and me, you and me, you and me, you and me
Let's dance to this and then we'll go
You and me, you and me, you and me, you and me
And we will dim the lights in the room
You and me, you and me, you and me, you and me
Let's dance to this and then we'll go
You and me, you and me, you and me, you and me
And we will dim the lights
I can be...
that cold water for your dry mouth
I can be...
that little kiss that heals and warms
And if you'll still be wanting more
We'll make a party for both of us to join
And if the darkness won't last
Oh, we will dim the lights
Let's dance
Or we will dance to it in the car, love (car, love)
Let's pretend we're going to the bathroom
And leave through the back without paying
If you want, let's take a taxicab (let's go)
Tell me if you want to (we won't do it)
Whatever you are going to give me
Give me more, give me give me more
You and me, you and me, you and me, you and me
Let's dance to this and then we'll go
You and me, you and me, you and me, you and me
And we will dim the lights in the room
You and me, you and me, you and me, you and me
Let's dance to this and then we'll go
You and me, you and me, you and me, you and me
And we will dim the lights

I know you’ll leave

Versions: #3
Our story ends it ends
So many empty chapter we didn’t finish
tell me what I did wrong, tell me and I'll fix it.
Wait just a second 'cause I don't know
how you want me to be strong if I know I’ll lose you
Stop packing if you won't take me with you
Cant you see my life will end
I know you're leaving and
You don't care if I stay behind
with a broken soul, I know, there's nothing we can do
I know you're leaving
that the tears on my eyes won't stop you from leaving and I know somebody's waiting for you
I wish I was her
When did you decide stop loving me?
What did she give you that I couldn’t ?
How Could I say goodbye if she stole you from me ?
Don't you see? My life ended
I should’ve loved you more. And I would’ve have her place right now
But I didn't, she won
I know you're leaving and
You don't care if I stay behind
with a broken soul, I know, there's nothing we can do
But no she won


We were two strangers that met in a coffee shop
Without expecting it, we stayed for hours talking
You were something different, simple and so genuine that I fell in love
You became my lover and my best friend
How lucky I am, or that's what I thought
but when I look in your eyes, from a moment to another I didn't myself
I went from the sky to ground, from a cloud to hell, from love to emptiness
Just like when it feels eternal while being in your embrace, now I'm freezing to death
It might sound cruel: when our bodies touch, minutes become years to me
And I'd like to know how is it that after loving you so much
We are only strangers again
We are two strangers under the same roof and we refuse to see
that even though we share everything, we don't share anything
You gave the best of yourself and I gave the best of myself, I lost it to you too
Life sometimes doesn't forgive and time turns away
How lucky I am, or that's what I thought
but when I look in your eyes, from a moment to another I didn't myself
I went from the sky to ground, from a cloud to hell, from love to emptiness
Just like when it feels eternal while being in your embrace, now I'm freezing to death
It might sound cruel: when our bodies touch, minutes become years to me
And I'd like to know how is it that after loving you so much
We are only strangers again
I went from the sky to ground, from a cloud to hell, from love to emptiness
Just like when it feels eternal while being in your embrace, now I'm freezing to death
It might sound cruel: when our bodies touch, minutes become years to me
And I'd like to know how is it that after loving you so much
We are only strangers again
We are only two strangers that met at a coffee shop

The sun, the moon, the truth...

Receive the heart...

A million scars....

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Can't Make You Love Me

Just forget me
It wasn't a matter of time
I couldn't understand you
I was mistaken, I thought
That I could be everything and I couldn't be everything
Your hands slowly let go of me
My eyes don't know how to find you
Loving each other isn't enough
Speaking is only halfway of things
I must accept that I can't make you love me
I cannot be different
You can't deny the truth of things
It wasn't ever
I can't make you fall in love with me
I'll let you go and I know that
You'll go with the wind
And the wind won't be coming back
Waking up without your love
I'll have to convince myself
That everything will be better
You'll forever be in my life
Even though now I have to be away
Loving each other isn't enough
Speaking is only halfway of things
I must accept that I can't make you love me
I cannot be different
You can't deny the truth of things
It wasn't ever
I can't make you fall in love with me
Loving each other isn't enough
Speaking is only halfway of things
I must accept that I can't make you love me
I cannot be different
You can't deny the truth of things
It wasn't ever
I can't make you fall in love with me

The sun, the moon, the truth...

Receive the heart...

A million scars....

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.