Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 14
I would find you on roads
Versions: #1Even if you are not next to me,
even if we are not together (physically),
even if I don't want to,
I will still feel you.
I would find you on roads,
I would steal you from calendars,
I would dance with the ghost of you
and despite everything I would still manage to feel you.
Don't think I would be unhappy,
I would still feel you
as much as I want.
Don't think I'll be lonely.
I would find you on roads,
I would steal you from calendars,
I would dance with the ghost of you
and I would still manage to feel you.
The kelp is hidden in seas,
and the sea is hidden in blue
and the blue is hidden in your eyes.
Is forgetting you possible?
Rain is hidden in clouds
and the cloud is hidden in white
and the white is hidden in your white skin.
Is forgetting you ever possible?
Wheat is hidden in grains,
grain is hidden in yellow,
and yellow is hidden in your hair.
Is forgetting you possible?
I would find you on roads,
I would steal you from calendars,
I would dance with the ghost of you
and despite everything I would still manage to feel you.
You, in my handsYou, in my eyes
Nights that passes, forlorn
You are beside me with everything of yours
This is the hardest one
Without saying 'I love you'
I left from you
You don't exist actually
I'm alone on this shore
What are you doing?
While you have not me in Ankara
Holding on to the Sufferings
Versions: #2If to suffer is to be free
Both of us are free
She's a homeless bird on the bush*
And I'm the canary in the cage
She perched on a branch to another
I splitted up my heart
To the verses revolting against
In fact the love is to search
In fact the love is to miss
It is to find and then to lose
An imaginary toy
All of them was just a lie
It was just a lie, them all
Once upon a time there was something called love
Once there was nothing called love
I suffered many days
I suffered as i hush
During this sojurn
In the chaos of an earhquake
I lived a couple of thousand years
By holding on to the sufferings
If to suffer is to be free
Both of us are free
In fact the love is to search
In fact the love is to miss
It is to find and then to lose
An imaginary toy
I cannot forget the sorrows which was left from the moments that I had experincedMy homeland is far away, my empty lands, my briefs
The cities dont like your eyes, blood of sun
No is too easy to say, the nights smell like longing
Nights, nights has taken you from me
Nights, nights has predestinated you for me
Nothings scares me, your non-existencity scares me
City lights jeer me
I'm seeking your skin, the love walls doesnt give way
The cities dont like your eyes, blood of sun
No is too easy to say, the nights smell like longing
Nights, nights has taken you from me
Nights, nights has predestinated you for me
Nu m-am putut obișnuii
Timpul curge timpul pleacăO pacoste pentru corpul meu
Fiecare minut și fiecare secundă
Se îmbată inima mea de dorul tău
Sunt sigur printre acești oameni
Sunt singur fără tine
Chiar dacă ar fi de la depărtare vorbește
Vorbește cu mine uite va veni vocea ta
Nu m-am obișnuit eu cu acest oraș
Nu m-am obișnuit cu absența ta
Respir în acest oraș
De acum nu mai e a mea
Aducându-mi acea umbră a copacului
De acum nu mai e aici
Frumusețile pe care le știu eu
Sunt străine pentru mine
Strălucirile de pe cer
Nu sunt steaua mea
Sunt sigur printre acești oameni
Sunt singur fără tine
Chiar dacă ar fi de la depărtare vorbește
Vorbește cu mine uite va veni vocea ta
Nu m-am obișnuit eu cu acest oraș
Nu m-am obișnuit cu absența ta
Ege Kökenli
Uneori cade cade dar pe mineUmbrele îmi îmbrățișează speranțele
Uneori se întoarce se întoarce dar invers
Poveștile tatălui Ali
Uneori zâmbește zâmbește dar norocul meu
Dragostea ta șoptește timid
Uneori ard mările
Timpul a apus soarele
Ți-ai luat respirația jumătate e la mine
Ai comis păcate
Spune femeia mea spune cine ești tu
Părăsind și plecând durerea e în tendință
Am cum drum ciudat
Așa am trăit așa am știu eu
Am căzut pe drumul tău foarte departe
O jumătate de dragul respirației
Tu un necunoscut ești timid față de mine
În spatele muntelui Kaf
Ege Kökenli
Te găsesc pe drum
Dacă nu ar fi lângă mineDacă nu am fi împreună
Chiar dacă nu aș vrea deloc
Eu trăiesc pentru tine
Te găsesc pe drum
Joc în calendare pentru tine
Dansez în vise
Din nou trăiesc cu tine
Nu crede că devin nefericit
Trăiesc din plin din plin
Eu trăiesc pentru tine
Nu crede că rămân singur
Te găsesc pe drum
Joc în calendare pentru tine
Dansez în vise
Din nou trăiesc cu tine
Alga se ascunde în mare
În marea albastră
În ochii albaștri
Este posibil să te uit?
Ploaia ascunde norii
Norii sunt albi
Pielea ta albă
Este posibil să te uit?
În grâu, din grâu ascunde-te în spice
În spicul galben
Părul tău galben
Este posibil să te uit?
Te găsesc pe drum
Joc în calendare pentru tine
Dansez în vise
Din nou trăiesc cu tine
Ege Kökenli
Povestește-mi puțin
M-am luat prizonierNu au mers din nou telefoanele
Am crezut că mă obișnuiesc
Am febră în inima mea
Nu veni la soarele alintat
Fără tine inima mea soție
Povestește-mi puțin
De dragul morți
Declar că mor
Povestește-mi puțin
Oooooof îmbrățișează-mă, povestește-mi puțin
Ege Kökenli
Trăiască Mustafa Kemal Paşa Trăiască
Se deschid florii pe munții din IzmirAcolo soarele de aur îți mângâie părul
Duşmanii corupți alerga ca un vânt
Trăiască Mustafa Kemal Paşa Trăiască
Numele tău va fi scris pe piatra ca o bijuterie
M-am aşezat pe munții din Izmir
I-am scris acolo pe cei care sunt martirii
Puii orfani i-am strâns la pieptul meu
Soarta este atât de ciudată mamă
Să fie sângele meu sacrificat pentru frumoasa patrie
Trăiască Mustafa Kemal Paşa Trăiască
Numele tău va fi scris pe piatra ca o bijuterie
Ege Kökenli
Irem girl
The sun would rise on Irem girl's faceThe world grew in her soul and her words
A rose used to open in her eyes when she was laughing
Irem had passion in her heart
A rose used to open in her eyes when she was laughing
Irem had passion in her heart
O Irem girl soul Irem girl
I die I die I die girl
I die for your passionate love girl
I die for your passionate love oh yeah
They gave Irem girl to a boy
They gave Irem girl to a boy
They alined ties up on her arms
For them he wasn't worthy the passionate love of hers
They buried her hope into darkness
I die for your passionate love girl
I die for your passionate love oh yeah
I'm enamored of your love
I'm enamored of your love that sets tongues wagging meI've given my heart to your love that throws me away
Neither with you nor without you, I can't make my heart listened to me
My love, my dear, Keep me in your palm
I can't love other than you, my eyes look for your eyes
my lip tells our story, my heart cries, my soul misses you
I can't root your voice out in my ears, I can't wipe your silhouette off in my eyes, I can't do without you
Tonight / my heart, without you, is going on quieter
my soul is increasingly suffered from heartache
Because my heart believes that you'll come back, my eyes observe your ways
Every single day when you don't come back, I die each time
I can't love other than you, my eyes look for your eyes
my lip tells our story, my heart cries, my soul misses you
I can't root your voice out in my ears, I can't wipe your silhouette off in my eyes, I can't do without you