Rezultatele căutării pagină 4
Număr de rezultate: 210
Spring IV
Now is the time that makes colourful flowers spring up
round the green sides of the ponds
Autumn III
The fine scent of lotus flowers wafts
through the night in the autumn wind .
The sea lies clear and serene like crystal,
the sky spreads out, unclouded,
and presents the radiant stars at night,
and moonlight streams down, cool and clear.
I'll teach you the way to heal a broken love
Sad midnight, the moonlight wets the garden
Grant me the magic power of love
Make him turn around once again
He broke my heart
Abracadabra, I project the moon in a bucket
While I mix it with the fingers, I recite a spell
The light rising suspiciously shakes the elms
The night wind blowing violently knocks his door
Abracadabra, he takes an aphrodisiac
Tearing up a hundred times his thrown shirt
Green flames blaze shining on his sleepy face
The flickering smoke shows me colorful in his dreams
Abracadabra, how ever when it doesn't make effect
Eternal love becomes impossible
But the the roosters sing and the sky clears up
Before Venus starts to rise slowly in the east
Sad midnight, the moonlight is white and cold
Grant me the magic power of love
Sitting on a bench
Waiting for the teco guacamole
There´s meat with kidney beans, meat with kidney beans
Waiting for the sun to shine
Hoping for the chicken yakisoba
I hope there's some leftover, hope there's some leftover.
Oh girl , what are you doing, where do you go
Oh boy , I don´t know, just go already
Even when the bread dips on a holey,
Your guacamole
Samaranch , Havelange UEFA FIFA ,World Cup,
just like Queen Latifah
I hope she got some reefah
Solitaire, happiness, joy of life just' like a Lola
I hope she' there alone, hope she' there alone.
Your guacamole, your guacamole, oh yes boy
Oh girl, what are you doing, where do you go
Oh boy, I don´t know, but there I´m going
Even when the bread dips on the marinade
Oh, milk coffe.
Let´s go eat at Beto´s, he made us guacamole.
Meat with kidney beans, meat with kidney beans.
Cuchufrito , french beans, hot tamales , marinaded trout
with milk coffee, with milk coffee.
Chimichurri , woosh-woosh with a bit of deng-a-deng , Caraguatatuba
and a caipiruva, and a caipiruva
A bit of lard, four spoonfuls of breadcrumbs
Cheese with raspberry, set the table now.
(Please set the table.
Stay calm, there´s enough for everyone)
(Sit down, guys)
And two, and three, and four.
Boca Jrs, River Plate
Chacarita , Diego Maradona.
Diego has no mercy, Diego has no mercy.
Solitaire, happiness, joy of life just' like a Lola.
I hope she' there alone, hope she' there alone.
Oh girl, what are you doing, where do you go
Oh boy, I don´t know, but there I´m going
Even when the bread dips on a lilly
Don't be so silly.
Your guacamole, your guacamole, yes boy.
Orphans' Tears
Versions: #1
O orphans’ tears! For love should weather sorrow to grow stronger
You’re on my mind
song for my depressed love
I love you, that's how it is
I cry for the first time
Of the year or of the whole life
For the first time I die
Without you my heart aches
All those emotions, it makes me scared
And you, you still sleep
Keep sleeping until the day when everything will be fine
And me, I believe that it's tomorrow
That comes the day when everything will be fine
When our two bodies will finally dance
When you tell me sad things
Suddenly there is dark
In my house and in the city
There is like a fresh wind
I never know what to tell you
Life often hurts you
Until we breathe,
You can really sleep
Keep sleeping until the day when everything will be fine
And me, I believe that it's tomorrow
That comes the day when everything will be fine
When our two bodies will finally dance
I love you, that's how it is
I cry for the first time
Of the year or of the whole life
Când dragostea învinge
Tu, tu ești din nou aici,
Tu stai lângă mine,
De parcă nu s-ar fi întâmplat nimic.
M-am gândit adesea la tine,
M-am întrebat
Ce faci, pe unde ești.
Noi, noi aveam un țel,
A fost totul prea mult?
Hai s-o luăm de la început!
Când dragostea învinge,
Nu e cale de-ntors
Și nici loc de ”poate”,
Când două inimi se regăsesc.
Când dragostea învinge,
Nici o cale nu e prea departe
De această singurătate.
Hai să trecem peste orgoliu!
Eu, eu m-am simțit liberă,
Dar mi-ai lipsit,
Eram fascinată de tine.
Am stat treaz noapte de noapte,
Inima mea era cu tine,
Te doream atât de tare!
Noi, noi aveam un țel,
A fost totul prea mult?
Hai s-o luăm de la capăt!
[Refren] (x2)
Chairman Mao's soldiers are the most allegiant to Party
Where I'm needed, where I go
Where it's harsh, where I dwell
Motherland called me to defend the frontier
Picking up my gun, I've set off
Putting on my bag, I started off
Chairman Mao's soldiers are the most allegiant to Party
Where I'm needed, where I go
Where it's harsh, where I dwell
Motherland wants me to defend the frontier
On the borderline I'll take root
On the snowpeak I'll sprout too
Chairman Mao's soldiers are the most allegiant to Party
Where I'm needed, where I go
Where it's harsh, where I dwell
Motherland needs me to defend the frontier
Against the blizzard I exercise
Augment my skill, prepare for fight
Chairman Mao's soldiers are the most allegiant to Party
Where I'm needed, where I go
Where it's harsh, where I dwell
Motherland calls me to defend the frontier
Amongst the mountains I patrol
All invaders shall be toll
R 644, II, Now raging against the enemy.
Now the prayers of our chaste Judith, raging against the enemy,
Are pleasing to Heaven.
She will triumphant quickly for us return
And, removed leader, the cursed people will perish.
RV 644, II, 2. Aria: Ye stars, constellations.
Ye stars, constellations,
at the waning of the moon
be funeral torches
to our enemy.
In this blessed night
let the godless enemy be destroyed,
and may they be dead
when the sun rise.
Afghanistan, My Homeland
Afghanistan, my homeland, you are my dignity and my glory
Your love, my homeland, is my faith and my spirit
Unhappy me, oh my lover, that I am far from that land
You are the light in my eyes, oh patriot, wherever you are
I pray to God you do not get into trouble
Oh my rose and my lavender, I love Kabul
My beautiful homeland, I can not rest without you
I have no message except you and for you
Oh my sweet beloved, I love Herat
Wherever my homeland is, it is a beautiful paradise
I cherish the name of my homeland from the bottom of my heart
Oh my name and my honor, I love Mazar [Sharif]
Oh my all and everything, I love Qandahar
Afghanistan, my homeland, you are my dignity and my glory
Your love, my homeland, is my faith and my spirit
Unhappy me, oh my lover, that I am far from that land
You are the light in my eyes, oh patriot, wherever you are
I pray to God you do not get into trouble
Oh my love and my faith, I love Bamyan
Oh my rose and my lavender, I love Kabul
RV 644 22 Rec. and Air: May the sun shine to deck your face.
I come, Judith, I come: have courage,
believe me: no ill shall befall your love.
May the sun shine to deck your face,
and the sad dew of dawn.
vanish from your beautiful eyes.
Love, languish, feign to be burning for him,
if a single spark from you
can advance our destiny
RV 644 23 Recitative: Meanwhile in our holy city.
Meanwhile in our holy city
I hear confused voices, a light breeze
brings murmurs of your vow
and, I believe, of your glory.
All together, the maidens of Judah
cry and pray, uncertain of their destiny.
RV 644 21 Air: Come, come, follow me, my faithful.
Come, come, follow me, my faithful
beloved Abra,
deprived of your husband.
Like a turtle-dove I moan and sigh with you.
In this dire fate you are my trusted companion,
when our thankless destiny
is fulfilled,
you shall have me as a joyful companion.
RV 644, 20 Recitative: You too, Jewish maid.
You too, Jewish maid,
in our so great joy,
will be in your heart happy and quiet.
How bravely speaks
the servant, never to be outdone by his Lord.
Let's hurry, Judith: everywhere and always,
as you, confident in the heavens,
shall I be a faithful companion to my mistress.
RV 644 8 Recitative and Air: Do not fear, be glad
Do not fear, be glad,
beloved chaste widow
wait for the sure reward of your virtue.
To the fine splendor of your face
anger yields, love smiles.
and gladly applauds the consent of all
to the majesty of your presence.
RV 644 9 Recitative: Look humbly prostrated.
Look humbly prostrated
before the glory of your face
how In ecstasy is these well-armed people.
No more! To Holofernes,
please, guide me now,
valiant leaders of battles.
I come a messenger of peace, not of war.
RV 644 2. Splendid and joyous day.
Splendid and joyous day,
you noble and fortunate heroes!
The fate, the stars, the heaven are on your side:
After so many centuries
the long-awaited light come, the long-desired light,
by which you will be great through your leader
and your leader great through you.
Equally yet today
shall you share the victory
and for your undefeated king,
honor and glory.
RV 644 4. Recitative: My commander, my Lord.
My commander, my Lord…
What do you want?
I come as messenger of your happiness.
What good news do you bring?
Nothing but a great addition to your glory,
and, truly, a sweet portent to your eyes.
RV 644 10 Air: How beautiful, fair, pretty you are.
SOPRANO (Vagaus)
How beautiful, fair, pretty you are,
our only and true hope of victory!
How beautiful, fair, pretty you are,
our only and true hope of victory!
Honour the tent of the leader with your look
and all the things of Holofernes you want, wait and hope.
Honour the tent of the leader with your look
and all the things of Holofernes you want, wait and hope.
RV 644 18. Recitativo: In my tent let it be served.
In my tent let it be
served a superb dinner.
Whatever swims in the Pontus,
or flyes in the sky, and whatever earth nourishes
shall not be hard to obtain.
Here, to our queen,
whom you, Vagaus, will serve,
be given the sweet gift of the Cretan Lyaeus.
Don’t Leave
*Man: Girl, don’t leave
I sing a song to keep you
There is my true love for you in the song
There is your tenderness in the song
*Woman: Brother, brother, I won’t leave
I’ll stay with you till the end
Stay with you till stars stop blinking
Stay with you till the moon hides in the ravine
Man: Don't leave
Woman: I won't
Man: Ever took an oath
Woman: Had a pinky swear
Man: Don't leave
Woman: I won't
Male: Sky as quilt
Female: Ground as bed
Man: Don't leave
Woman: I won't
Man: Light up a lamp
Female: Repair a house
Man: Don't leave
Woman: I won't
Male: Have a baby
Female: Keep a dog
Man: Don't leave
I Was Dreaming
I was dreaming
That I heard the bell
But you weren't standing there
We're still here
Right in the middle of it
We shouldn't think wishfully
We still live within all the measures
From one and a half meters
It is the manner in which
We touch one another
Far and yet
Love is the best form of control
In search
Of the new
When comes
The final round
I was dreaming
That I heard the bell
Să ne îndrăgostim
Să ne îndrăgostim,
De ce nu ne-am îndrăgosti?
Inimile noastre sunt făcute din iubire.
Să ne asumăm riscul,
De ce să ne fie teamă de iubire?
Să ne închidem ochii
Și să ne clădim propriul paradis.
Puțin știm despre iubire,
Încă putem încerca
Să mergem mai departe.
Poate c-am fost meniți unul altuia.
A fi sau a nu fi, să ne lăsăm inimile să afle.
Să ne îndrăgostim,
De ce nu ne-am îndrăgosti?
Acum e vremea iubirii,
Cât suntem încă tineri.
Să ne îndrăgostim!
Am o presimțire, una pe care-o tăinuiesc,
Nu știu de ce.
E doar un mental, accidental, sentimental alibi,
Dar te ador atât de tare.
De ce să mai amân, mă îndrăgostesc,
Iubirea mă cheamă, de ce să fiu sfioasă?
Să ne îndrăgostim,
De ce nu ne-am îndrăgosti?
Inimile noastre sunt făcute din iubire.
Să ne asumăm riscul,
De ce să ne fie teamă de iubire?
Să ne închidem ochii
Și să ne clădim propriul paradis.
Puțin știm despre iubire,
Încă putem încerca
Să mergem mai departe.
Poate c-am fost meniți unul altuia.
A fi sau a nu fi, să ne lăsăm inimile să afle.
Să ne îndrăgostim,
De ce nu ne-am îndrăgosti?
Acum e vremea iubirii,
Cât suntem încă tineri.
Să ne îndrăgostim!
Give me peace
Look at
The world and respect yourself.
Remove everything
That is evil and lesser.
Eternal threats, wars
Where there are war-zones everywhere.
Tell me
Do you think it's necessary?
Give me peace,
and I'd follow it anywhere.
Give me peace,
And I'd embrace you.
Yes, show me
How to reconcile and reach a common ground.
Give me, give me peace.
As you look,
Your life is ending.
Stand up
Now kick your foot against it.
Wars of power, religion,
Stealing, and bullets
Do you hear it?
The call of death and beyond
Wars of power, religion,
Stealing, and bullets
Do we
Know anyone who has been victorious in war?
Paul's Song (Tonight, I drink!)
Tonight, I drink!
Yet, you can turn off the lamp
And, your white hand slides over the ramp
Climbing up to your room
To search your dark sleep
Me, I stay downstairs
And, I drink!
Yeah, I promised!
Yeah, but I drink anyways!
Go away, I love you!
Return back to your night
I drink...
To the women who didn't love me
To the children that I've never had
Especially to you, who also wanted me...
I drink...
To those houses that I left
To the friends who brought me down
Especially to you, who kissed me
Especially to you, who kissed me
At that night
We went out to a cinema
The weather was bad
On the Vivienne Street
I was very elegant
I had my Canadian (girl)
You, you had your red coat
And, I looked over your mouth
As if it was a fruit under the rain
As if it was a fruit under the rain
Tonight, I drink
Happily, I never get drunk
(Go to) Sleep... Tonight, I am going to write my book
It's time, since those times.
It's my novel, it's my story!
There are things, that, we don't write
When it's too late
When it's already been night
Sleep, I love you
Sleep in my life
I drink...
To the letters that I didn't write
To the bastards who deserve those
But, I don't know anymore where they live
I drink...
To all ideas that I had
Also I drink starting from the one's had me
Especially to you who defended me
Especially to you who defended me
On that day,
In a café, in the 15th (district)
You said to me: 'I love you'
I wasn't listening
There was a group over there
They were talking politically
I had a quarrel with someone
And you took me away
As if I was a wounded little kid
As if I was a wounded little kid
I drink...
To the combat you led
To take myself away from the festivity
Tonight, I drink to your defeat
I drink...
To the times that passed cursing you
To (the times that passed) making you laugh, cherishing you
To the times that passed aging you
I drink...
To the women who didn't love me
To the children that I didn't have
Especially to you, who also wanted me...
Especially to you, who also wanted me...
Cintec pentru oamenii din Auvergne
Cintecul asta e al tau
Om bun ce fara un cuvint
Mi-ai dat un lemn fara sa-ti cer
Cind in viata-mi era numai ger.
Tu care mi-ai dat de-un foc cind
Toti cei din jur mai cu noroc
Oameni cinstiti si de cuvint
S-au bucurat sa ma vada plecind
Nu era mult, era un lemn
Dar care trupul mi-a incins
Si inca-n suflet sta aprins
La fel cu-n foc pe veci nestins
Om bun atunci cind vei muri,
Si-atunci cind cioclii vor veni
Te-oi insoti cu gindlul meu
La bunul dumnezeu
Cintecul asta e al tau
Taranca, tu, care mi-ai dat
Fara sa-ti cer un biet coltuc
Cind n-aveam nimic sa imbuc
Usa colibei mi-ai deschis cind
Toti cei din jur oameni din sat
Oameni cinstiti si de cuvint
Rideau cind ma vedeau flamind
Nu era mult, o piine doar
Dar care trupul mi-a incins
Si inca-n suflet sta aprins
Ca un ospat de demnitar
Taranca, tu cind vei muri
Si-atunci cind cioclii vor veni
Te-oi insoti cu gindlul meu
La bunul dumnezeu
Cintecul asta e al tau
Strain ce fara un cuvint
Cu jale-n suflet mi-ai zimbit
Cind potera m-a dibuit
Si care n-ai aplaudat cind
Toti cei din jur, oameni din sat
Oameni cinstiti si de cuvint
Rideau cind m-au incatusat
N-a fost prea mult, un zimbet doar
Dar care trupul mi-a incins
Si inca- n suflet sta aprins
Precum un soare-adevarat
Straine, tu cind vei muri
Si-atunci cind cioclii vor veni
Te-oi insoti cu gindlul meu
La bunul dumnezeu
I thought I heard
Versions: #1
Darling, since this morning
I've crawled like a loser
in the gutters
From Montparnasse to Château d'Eau
I've had glass after glass after glass
Zubrowska, Riesling and Piper
Desperate, at my wit's end
I came back to see you
I just would like a body
I've come just for a pair of arms
A comforting bed
Some treats between the sheets
But alas, instead
I believe I heard 'I love you'
I thought 'that's his problem'
I believe I heard 'I love you'
I thought 'that's his problem'
Never mind that you believe it
Never mind that I am
At my wit's end, desperate
None of that between us
I'm okay with being a body
Why not give you my arms?
My bed is still okay
for laughing or dirtying the sheets.
But I'm afraid for all this
You might hear 'I love you'
You might hear 'I love you'
I'm old, widowed and narrow minded
A poor moronic secretary
I am young, handsome and Breton
I smell like rain, ocean and lemon crêpes
Be a bit quiet, little treasure
You've got it all wrong yet again
I'm very precious, so spare me.
Alright, but none of that between us.
I'm okay with being a body
I'm only looking for some arms
My bed is still okay
Some treats beneath the sheets
But I'm afraid for all this
You might hear...
Song of the Seine
THe Seine is so lucky.
Coz it has no worry.
It flows a happy life
Both at day and at night.
It comes out of its Spring
So softly, noiselessly
Without being mossy
Without leaving its bed
It goes to the seaside
Just passing through Paris.
The Seine is so lucky
Coz it has no worry
And when it has a walk
Along along its wharves
With its so nice green dress
And all its golden lights
Our Lady, so jealous,
So stern and immobile
From the top of its stones
Gives it a few ogles.
But the Seine doesn't Care
No, it has no worry
It flows a happy life
Both at day and at night
It goes towards Le Havre
It goes to the seaside
Passing, as in a Dream,
Amidst the mysteries
Miseries of Paris.
Song of the gaoler.
Where are you going, you, handsome gaoler?
Holding this blood-stained Key?
I'm going to free the woman I love,
If it is still the Time to,
And whom I have locked up
Tenderly, cruelly,
In the deep of my desire
In the deepest of my torment
In the lies about the future
In all the stupid oaths
I want to free her
I want her to be free
Even to forget me
Even even to flee
Even to Come back one
Day and love me again
Or to love another man
If another man pleases her
If I remain alone
And she remains away
I'll only keep, only,
And I'll keep for ever
In the hollow of my hands
Till the end of my days
THe softness of her breasts
That had been shaped by Love.
Sad song
Versions: #1
A musician begins in front of his blank page
A sad waltz, they're not always cheerful, these artists
He sings for himself the notes that come into his mind
Like an autumn wind, it's not always cheerful, Poland
His sadness stole the song from the piano
And it plays on your stereo
When you have a heavy heart at night
His song, it's the goodbye he didn't know how to tell her
The kind of music to reminice, to reminice
The sun rises again, he's used his ink pen
On his sad waltz, they don't sleep often, these artists
What does it matter who you love, the goodbyes are the same
And the autumn wind goes way further than Poland
His song, he wrote it without knowing how
It's probably his heart that you can hear
When someone else sings it passing by
His song, it's his goodbye he didn't know how to tell her
The kind of music to reminice, to reminice
A musician begins in front of his blank page
A sad waltz, they're not always cheerful, these artists
He sings for himself the notes that come into his mind
Like an autumn wind, it's not always cheerful, Poland
My rose, my lily
1. ||: My rose, my lily
I want to live all my days of life together with you :||
2. ||: When I have become grey and old
Then, I have given all my days to you! :||