Winds of power
Winds of powerin the final twilight lead the trip.
That more than one gave in to the inca powder,
show the reports of the guard control.
The leaders shake for showing decency
and may justice warriors open their legs.
The emerging structure shakes
in a bubbly orgy of black magics.
The old poor follows the procession
with a silentful instinct of privation.
I don't sell songs of sold love,
I stand where I am and I don't hassle myself.
If the nets of the bones catch me,
for being poor surely will bash me.
But I'm not defeated I'm still strong
to give my resistance message.
I'll keep going with the metal and my message
I'll stumble if you're not in this journey.
In this journey.
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.