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Număr de rezultate: 20


We Are In The Dark (Naked Game)

Under the moonlight, we run off to the porch
And swim through the silver waves
Searching for a place
To leave our loneliness in
Our jumbled breathing mixes together
As we start the naked game
(Come On)
(Ah, faster, make it to my love)
My fingertips take smooth, sweet steps
As they undo the buttons of your shirt
I've forgotten who I am, as naive as a child
I simply mirror what you do
As we play the naked game
(Come On)
(Ah, faster, make it to my love)
Please tell me
Tell me what you want tonight
Cause I'm sure
Our feelings are the same
(We Are In The Dark)
I close my eyes, but I fall down
So I tighten shut the door to my heart
But I won't make it any harder for you
As we play the naked game
(Come On)
(Ah, faster, make it to my love)