Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 4


Bang bang

Aveam cinci ani,
alergam pe cai,
eu și ea contra indienilor,
eram doi cowboy.
Bang bang, deodată ea,
bang bang, ea a virat.
Bang bang, deodată ea,
bang bang, la pământ m-a aruncat.
Nu se poate opri timpul,
nu se poate schimba vântul.
Cinsprezece ani avea ea,
îmi amintesc când m-a sărutat.
Bang bang, deodată ea,
bang bang, ea a virat.
Bang bang, m-a sărutat,
bang bang, la pământ m-a aruncat.
La douăzeci de ani, pe neașteptate,
fără a spune de ce sau cum,
m-a părăsit, m-a rănit
exact ca un glonț în inimă.
Bang bang, bang bang...
Nu se poate opri timpul,
nu se poate schimba vântul.
Cinsprezece ani avea ea,
îmi amintesc când m-a sărutat.
Bang bang, deodată ea,
bang bang, ea a virat.
Bang bang, m-a sărutat,
bang bang, la pământ m-a aruncat.
La douăzeci de ani, pe neașteptate,
fără a spune de ce sau cum,
m-a părăsit, m-a rănit
exact ca un glonț în inimă.
Bang bang, bang bang...

Hanging by a Thread

Hanging by a thread is my life with you
because I don't deserve the things you do to me,
but, if you leave me, I won't be responsible for my actions
and you'll regret it when I'll no longer be alive.
I'll die, I'll die,
I'll die because.
It's hanging by a thread, by now,
our love.
My life is in your hands
and depends on you,
on you, on you.
Hanging by a thread is my tomorrow and you know it.
I no longer want that bit of love that you give me.
You can give charity to someone else and not to me.
It's better to end it because it is a joy without you.
I'll die, I'll die,
I'll die because.
It's hanging by a thread, by now,
our love.
My life is in your hands
and depends on you,
on you, on you.
It's hanging by a thread, by now,
our love.
My life is in your hands
and depends on you,
on you, on you.
All translations are copyrighted. Copying is allowed only with proper credit given.
Tutte le traduzioni sono di mia proprietà. Copiare è consentito esclusivamente per uso personale e di studio, senza scopo di lucro e senza fini commerciali e con giusto credito dato.

A Street Boy

I am what I am,
I don't live the life that you do.
I live at the outskirts of the city,
I don't live like you do.
I'm of little worth,1
leave me alone because
I'm a street boy
and you are making fun of me.2
You're from a different world,
you have everything you want.
I know what it's worth
a girl like you.
I'm of bad lot,
leave me alone because
I'm a street boy
and you are playing with me.
You're from a different world,
you have everything you want.
I know what it's worth
a girl like you.
I'm a good-for-nothing,
leave me alone because
I'm a street boy
and you are taking me for a fool.
  • 1. of a bad lot, good-for-nothing
  • 2. playing with me, taking me for a fool.
All translations are copyrighted. Copying is allowed only with proper credit given.
Tutte le traduzioni sono di mia proprietà. Copiare è consentito esclusivamente per uso personale e di studio, senza scopo di lucro e senza fini commerciali e con giusto credito dato.