Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 5
Give me this night/Have fun until the morning
Don't say anything - the fun continues,The world is turning, along with us
A scratched record plays
A long-ago forgotten hit
Give me this night,
This one night!
Give me this night,
This one night!
Concerns are asleep in warm houses
Tired from the grey day
And here in one hand is a second
And there is hope in the glass
Give me this night,
This one night!
Give me this night,
This one night!
We require so little
To play up to tears
The colorful eyes of the walls
The rain of reflectors
Let's forget once again
About the fact, that it was bad for us
After all, there will come a time for that
When the day rises
Give me this night,
This one night!
Give me this night,
This one night!
It's been a while since I was this lonelyThis sad period has no influence over it
In the evenings I feel myself get even hungrier
Goodbye, the rays of smiles under the thatch
My thoughts will devour me, gloomily alive
I am the black, greasy, lethargic housefly before winter
It's me, who is sad and you are sad, he's sad because we are sad
And you (all) are sad because they are sad, everybody's sad as hell
Because I'm sad and you are sad, he's sad because we are sad
And you (all) are sad and they are sad, everybody's sad as hell
Because I'm sad and you are sad, he's sad because we are sad
And you (all) are sad and...
Se agăța de mine
Era vară și eram singur, știi, fără tine.Ochi în ochi,
am dansat cu ea aproape în joacă.
Ea...se agățase de mine.
Nu m-am gândit la asta, dar apoi
trupul ei...față-n față cu al meu,
și am înțeles că ea...
mă căuta, mă dorea.
Deodată m-am pomenit
că o sărut, fără să mă mai gândesc.
Și între timp ea...se agăța de mine,
din ce în ce mai mult.
Șoldurile ei...în brațele mele,
și am fugit împreună.
Vântul mării,
și nisip în pletele ei acum.
Umbrele lunii
semănau chiar cu tine, pe inima mea.
Ea...se agățase de mine.
În timp ce eu visam la tine,
numele tău...pe buzele mele,
s-a lăsat tăcerea între noi.
Ea și-a dat seama că nu era
la locul potrivit cu mine.
Zise: ”Scuză-mă, n-o să ne mai vedem.”
Și deci eu...în noaptea aceea eu
m-am simțit rușinat de mine.
Te întreb dacă...poți să mă înțelegi...
I ask you please, don't leave
I want you so much to stay by my side that I'd support you
I love you
I'm getting scared of being lonely
This way I'll end up without meeting you
Even if I don't know what a kiss is
This is love
If I could fly, I'd follow you
Even if it rains, no matter how far
I love you
Now I feel like a lost child
I love you
Being loved for the first time in my life
Is making me beautiful
It's a sweet romance
I'm happy
Hold me just the way I am
I ask you please, don't leave
I want you so much to stay by my side that I'd support you
I ask you please, don't leave
I want you so much to stay by my side that I'd support you

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