Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

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Număr de rezultate: 403



Mama a plantat gălbenele
În țara mea natală, a zorilor
Și m-a învățat să cânt cântecele primăverii
Despre înflorirea speranțelor ei.
Mă uit la acele gălbenele
Și o văd pe mama mea îmbătrânind.
Îți văd mâinile, mama mea
Simt tandrețea ta, draga mea.
Am cunoscut despărțiri și întâlniri
Le-am văzut pe meleaguri straine.
Gălbenelele de pe pamantul meu natal
Pe care tu le-ai plantat primăvara
Mă uit la acele gălbenele
Și o văd pe mama mea îmbătrânită
Îți văd mâinile, mama mea
Și simt tandrețea ta, draga mea
Mă uit la acele gălbenele
Și o văd pe mama mea îmbătrânită
Îți văd mâinile, mama mea
Simt tandrețea ta, draga mea
Îți văd mâinile, mama
Simt tandrețea ta, draga mea

You're Just a Whore

I get up in the morning, having a cup of coffee
Smoking my cigarette with Him
Smoking, thinking what I should do today
Smoking, asking just why...
Did you leave me?
You've left me all alone in that cold, dark room
And I ask, is there something wrong with me?
Asking you, and you don't reply
Only two days later, I saw you on the street
I saw you with another man
And everything clicked, I realized
That because of him...
You've left me
You've left me all alone in that cold, dark room
And I ask, is there something wrong with me?
Asking you, and you don't reply
You're just a whore
Now that you've realized your mistake
You want to go home
But I won't accept you
And you know why
Because it's him...
You've left me for
You've left me all alone in that cold, dark room
And I ask, is there something wrong with me?
Asking, and you...
You've left me
You've left me all alone in that cold, dark room
And I ask, is there something wrong with me?
Asking you, and you don't reply
You're just a whore

Can it please stay like this?

Pizza boxes,
Car tires,
Just us two,
infinite loops,
missing nothing,
folding hands,
glaring lights,
not stopping
Empty streets
rain drops,
Ash tray,
Red eyes,
never sleeping again,
happy without a word - for days already
happy without a word.
We are not thinking,
and we're drifting.
Can it please stay like this?
Can it please stay like this?
(we) don't have a plan
and cannot be bothered to decide.
Can it please stay like this?
Can it please stay like this?
We are driving through the night.
I'm awake with you.
No idea what is going to happen today.
We aren't thinking and we're drifting.
Can it please stay like this?
Let us please stay like this.
Free flowing hair
night over,
time to grow,
full hands,
The first rays of sun touching my face.
two-bed room
ceiling lamp,
water bottles
from the gas station.
forgetting time.
happy without a word - for days already
happy without a word.
We are not thinking,
and we're drifting.
Can it please stay like this?
Can it please stay like this?
(we) don't have a plan
and cannot be bothered to decide.
Can it please stay like this?
Can it please stay like this?
We are driving through the night.
I'm awake with you.
No idea what is going to happen today.
We aren't thinking and we're drifting.
Can it please stay like this?
Let us please stay like this.
Let us please stay like this.

In the mountains - fragment

I went to the mountains to spend the night there,
I was singing from my landscape1 in darkness,
Below me my white-gray2 horse kicked up his heels3,
Looked around and turned his ear back toward me.
My white-gray horse, my magic steed,4
He soared happily, like a hawk.
And I took a deep breath of smell
Of the summer evening air.
A-ay, your silky hair,
Your honey voice, your pitch-black eyes,
You’re the only one who know: I went to you.
Your honey voice, your pitch-black eyes,
You’re the only one who know: I went to you.

Dorința de libertate

Aș dori să pot cânta încă un pic
Și apoi să te urmez până la capătul lumii.
M-aș îmbrăca în zdrențe așa cum știu
Și aș fi gata s-o fac pe-a vagabondul și să povestesc tuturor trecutul meu,
care este un campion de mediocritate.
M-a costat ca să accept totul
Și te-am pierdut pe tine, pentru că iubesc libertatea.
Pentru tine aș învinge această teamă de a ieși gol și obosit din pereții
acestei lumi, mică și banală,
Unde domnește cine înșeală și care nu merită.
M-aș oglindi dar fără ipocrizie,
În apa unde se scufundă minciuna.
Și din inimă aș spăla rușinea
compromisurilor făcute în această cloacă.
Mă vezi un pic nehotărît dar cui îi pasă,
Îmi va ajunge dacă trec peste acea poartă.
Și o nouă lume se va deschide în față,
Nesigură dar curată de înșelăciuni.
Și nu voi avea pe nimeni de care să am grijă,
Nimeni care mă va chema tată.
Nici o femeie pe care trebuie să o iubesc,
Ci, o singură iubire, libertatea mea.
Însă, ar trebui să arunc teama
De a ieși gol și obosit din pereții
acestei lumi, mică și banală,
Unde domnește cine înșeală și care nu merită.
M-aș oglindi și-aș face-o fără ipocrizie,
În apa unde se scufundă minciuna
Și din inimă aș spăla, rușinea compromisurilor făcute în această cloacă.,
E ușor de vorbit dar curajul,
Dacă nu-l ai înăuntru, nu il poți găsi.
Nu e ca o bucățică de brânză
Pe care, când ți-e poftă o poți cumpăra.
Dacă libertate înseamnă renunțare
la tot ce-ți oferă realitatea,
Atunci, draga prietenă îmi pare tare rău dar eu rămân aici ,
Să suport încă teama
De a trăi fiecare zi între pereții
acestei lumi, mică și banală
Unde domnește cine înșeală și care nu merită.
Câteodată va servi ipocrizia,
Câteodată, câte o mică minciună.
Dar nu se stă așa se rău în această cloacă,
dacă știi să ascunzi bine rușinea.

Balqadisha / Balkhadisha

You’re the daughter of Ybyrai, Balqadisha,
Your stature is slim-waisted, oh-wow, reed Qadisha! o-oooo-ay
Eighty girls are walking together with you
Among them shines a bright star, my glamour, you Qadisha! o-oooo-ay
Screw your head, as a fiery filly shake it,
Everybody tell of you ay, my darling, proud Qadisha! aaa-aaaaay
Not only one but two of your sisters come on,
To take along away, my glamour, who’s Qadisha! aaa-aaaaay
They call you, Balqadisha! Balqadisha!
Your husband is eighty five, oh-wow, guy, Qadisha! o-ay-Qadisha-ay
'Come' said they, Balqadisha, when I heard it ey,
In the woods by Zhylandy hugged the bare ground,
Cried and sobbed, groaned and wailed ow, my soul Qadisha
Cried and sobbed, groaned and wailed-ow, my soul Qadisha.

Love of tired swans (transcription + translation)

Versions: #3
pas-ma-TREE [look]
mne v gla-ZA [into my eyes]
ty* pras-TI mne [forgive me]
ya sa-zha-LE-you [I regret it]
ya l'ue-BLUE te-BYA [i love you]
zhiz'n' ma-YA [you're my life]
bes' tep-LA [without (your) wamth]
ya ta-BOY ba-LE-you [you're my illness]
u-der-ZHAT' [to hold on]
ne smag-LEE [^we could not]
my* us-TA-lee [we are tired]
nam O-chen' TRU-dna [it's so hard for us]
ya sav-SEM a-DEEN [i'm all alone]
ty* PIE-mi [please, understand]
bes' l'ueb-VEE [without (your) love]
ni-chi-VO ne NU-zhna [nothing is needed (everything is pointless)]
ne MO-goot zhit' v raz-LU-ke le-be-DEE [swans cannot live in separation]
pa-dazh-DEE, ne spe-SHI [wait, don't rush]
ne ga-va-REE chto CHUS-tva pa-za-DEE [don't say that our feelings are in the past]
net na-ZAD poo-TEE [there's no going back]
ne MO-goot zhit' v raz-LU-ke le-be-DEE [swans cannot live in separation]
pa-dazh-DEE, ne spe-SHI [wait, don't rush]
v raz-LU-ke bol' sil'-NEY [the pain is worse in separation]
lu-BOV' ma-YOU sa-GREY [(please,) warm up my love]
lu-BOV' u-STAV-shikh le-be-DEY [love of tired swans]
ma-i dni [my days]
bes' du-SHI [without a soul]
ya sku-CHA-you [I miss you]
vs'YO O-chen' SLO-zhna [it's very difficult]
my* ye-sh'YO bliss-KEE [we're still close]
ne mal-CHEE [don't be silent]
pa-za-VEE [call me]
bes' l'ub-VEE mne BOL'-na [without love I'm in pain]
ya pra-SHU [I'm asking you]
u-stu-PEE [to give in (meaning, to accept love)]
ma-i CHU-stva [my feelings]
ne-MA-ya PRO-za [like a mute prose]
i-nag-DA va sne [sometimes, in my dreams]
pri-ha-DEE [visit me]
za-be-REE [take me away]
ne i-SHI dru-GO-va [don't look for another (partner/love)]
v raz-lu-ke bol' sil'-NEY [the pain is worse in separation]
lu-BOV' ma-YOU sa-GREY [warm up my love]
lu-BOV' u-STAV-shikh le-be-DEY [love of tired swans]
le-be-DEY [swans]

Freed myself

I already freed myself from your fake love
I am going to celebrate
That my time in your prison
Has ended
Today I will stop believing you
Something new happened inside of me
It makes me live
The chain broke
I do not have more complication
The path lit up
I'm leaving, I'm leaving, I'm leaving
I'm looking for the best
You do not deserve my attention
Since I made the decision
I'm leaving
I'm going to the street
For you to shut up
Now has an owner
My heart
Anywhere I go
The light does not go out
Today I walk freely in it's direction
Because I freed myself from you
I freed myself from you
Because I freed myself from you
I freed myself from you
You dropped the mask and the disguise
And now I can see what's behind
I'm leaving here
This time I did not lose the war
From the floor I throw you out and I leave you there
Far from me
The chain broke
I do not have more complication
The path lit up
I'm leaving, I'm leaving, I'm leaving
I'm looking for the best
You do not deserve my attention
Since I made the decision
I'm leaving
I'm going to the street
For you to shut up
Now has an owner
My heart
Anywhere I go
The light does not go out
Today I walk freely in it's direction
Because I freed myself from you
I freed myself from you
Because I freed myself from you
I freed myself from you
Ta tara tara tara
Ta tara tara tara
Ta tara tara tara
Ta tara tara tara
I already freed myself from your fake love
I am going to celebrate
That my time in your prison
Has ended
I'm going to the street
For you to shut up
Now has an owner
My heart
Anywhere I go
The light does not go out
Today I walk freely in it's direction
Because I freed myself from you
I freed myself from you


Se pare că puterea este cumpărată, libertate, asta-i tot ce am lăsat
Dacă scenariul se repetă, vom fi actori ai păcii
Dacă este fals, discursurile dvs. sunt atât de false
Da, atât de greșit, am ajuns să ne obișnuim cu asta
Dar sa terminat, paharul este plin
În partea de jos, plâng, auziți vocile lor?
Vocea acestor familii pline de durere
Vocea care se roagă pentru un destin mai bun
Scuzați-mă de existență, scuzați sentimentele mele
Și dacă spun că sunt fericit cu tine, mint
Scuzați-mă de existență, scuzați sentimentele mele
Dă-mi libertatea, te rog, te rog
Libertate, libertate, libertate
E primul în inimile noastre
Libertate, libertate, libertate
Nu suntem speriat
Ei credeau că suntem morți, au spus că '
Ei au crezut că ne temem de acest trecut întunecat
Nu mai rămâne nimeni, doar poze, minciuni
Acele gânduri care ne râd de noi, e bine, du-mă acolo
Da, nu mai este nimeni, doar oamenii
Che Guevara, Matoub, du-mă acolo
Scriu asta într-o noapte pentru o nouă dimineață
Da, scriu pentru a crede, viitorul este incert
Da, scriu pentru că suntem, suntem mână în mână
Eu, scriu pentru că suntem generația de aur
Libertate, libertate, libertate
E primul în inimile noastre
Libertate, libertate, libertate
Nu suntem speriat
Gratuit li rahi ostatec, gratuit lmerḥouma, kayen khalel f lqada '
Eliberați-i pe cei care sunt ostatici, noi, tot ce avem
Avem acea libertate
W ħna homa the ibtila ', ah ya ḥoukouma, w nnar hadi meu tetfach
Acesta este mesajul nostru, ultima verba
Soolking w Ouled El Bahdja
Libertate, libertate, libertate
E primul în inimile noastre
Libertate, libertate, libertate
Nu suntem speriat

Sinful passion

Versions: #3
You have appeared unexpectedly from a moonlight dream.
Oh, if you knew, all I needed was you.
Rain was pouring hard, nights were sleepless.
You were the only one who could warm up my frozen heart, like spring.
Let me, let me blaze in darkness and foul weather.
Let me, let me burn in the fire of sinful passion day and night.
The night had closed my eyes and silence reigned.
Sounds, hands, faces are forgotten - All I need is you.
I am enchanted by you, I will drink your love potion to the last drop.
You are the only one who can return me from the abyss to this world.
Let me, let me blaze in darkness and foul weather.
Let me, let me burn in the fire of sinful passion day and night.

Gezi Gardens

I’m wandering in the Gezi Gardens,
I’ve lost my love,
Oh, my searches are hopeless.
I’ve lost my love,
Oh, my searches are hopeless.
Only faith in you lives in me,
Come and sit with me,
I will talk about my sadness.
Why should I love someone
Who can’t understand me.
Why should I love someone
Who can’t understand me.
I have three flowers from the Garden of Gezi.
You who are not afraid of God,
Remember that none of us is immortal.
You who are not afraid of God,
Remember that none of us is immortal.
If death exists in this world, then so does grimness.
My poor mother, don’t leave me alone beyong those mountains!
Nobody should burn like this, only mother feels my pain.

Everyone is Free

What's wrong—
why stare so much?
Perhaps because we are not
well-groomed, like you?
Well, if you don't like us,
as we are,
all you have to do is turn away
in the other direction
and pay no attention to us.
Everyone is free
to do what he or she wants!
Everyone is free
to do what he or she wants!
Especially since we are not looking for anyone,
we never dreamed of
trying to convince others
to live like us.
Whatever other people do
is of little interest.
Even if someone walks around
with a cylinder on the head,
that's fine with us.
Everyone is free
to do what he or she wants!
Everyone is free
to do what he or she wants!
On the contrary, among you there is more than one
who is well-dressed,
but for not for the better.
And this somebody
somehow got the idea
that people—be they good ones
or bad ones—
should do as they are told.
Everyone is free
to do what he or she wants!
Everyone is free
to do what he or she wants!

Moonlight Mom

Evening clouds trails the sunset,
Stars are about to make an entrance,
The Moon is their mother
Keeping watch over the night sky.
I lit a solitary lamp
And quietly grow up by myself.
In the corner of my dreams
Finding comfort in the song I sing.
Mama, Мama
Do you sing when you think of me?
Mama, Мama
Your star is looking for the Moon.
Mama, Мama
Don’t worry about me,
I know neither of us want to be alone.
In the hustle and bustle of the world
I am a silent observer.
The story of a wanderer,
His home resides in his heart.
A myriad of lights in a foreign city
All pointing to the same Moon
In a place far far away
You have always been my home.
Mama, Мama
Do you sing when you think of me?
Mama, Мama
Your star is looking for the Moon.
Mama, Мama
Don’t worry about me,
I know neither of us want to be alone.
Mama, Мama
Mama, Мama
Mama, Мama

Lip self-service

I decided
to be nice to myself,
pour me a bath,
spread all the pictures of me
and comment them thoroughly.
I will pay myself some lip service1
Talk to myself exclusively about me.
Praises said out loud,
roses to congratulate myself
for being me.
I decided
to look at myself,
to scrutinize myself in the mirror,
to unveil all my charms,
to worship myself from head to toe.
I will pay myself some lip service
Talk to myself exclusively about me.
Praises said out loud,
roses to congratulate myself
for being me.
I decided
to desire myself,
to make up new sensations for me,
to be overburdened with emotions,
to become my own obsession.
I will pay myself some lip service
Talk to myself exclusively about me.
Praises said out loud,
roses to congratulate myself
for being me.
So many roses I won't be sending you...
So many roses I won't be sending you...
  • 1. lit. 'send myself some flowers'

Far behind

I should have...
If only
I had...
And I keep
thinking of it.
I recall
the whole ride.
You said nothing.
You knew.
If only you could
get me unstuck1
You stayed
far behind.
Long, so long
Far, so far
If I shouted
If I called
If I could
I would try
I would catch up
I would take
the whole ride again.
We happened to each other3
We liked each other
We thought
we could
get away
from everything,
leave everything
Long, so long
Far, so far
I saw you
I couldn't
A glimpse of another4
held me back.
I cried
in secret.
I kept quiet
as long as I could.
You did all you could,
but you're too far away.
You're no longer crying.
You left me
long, so long
Far, so far
  • 1. not quite sure what she means by that. I just picked the meaning that seemed most likely to me
  • 2. it also means 'behind' but can be used to refer to the past
  • 3. This French is rather unusual. The literal 'we had each other [only once]' would be too ambiguous
  • 4. that makes some kind of fuzzy sense in French, like 'a feature/memory of someone else held me back'

Nu atinge

Nu atinge, nu atinge, inima mi-e frântă, n-o atinge, n-o zdrobi,
Nu zdrobi inima mea iubitoare.
Nu atinge, nu atinge, sunt o inimă rănită, lovită,
Un suflet însângerat, nu-l atinge.
Compromițătoare este, uneori, și o privire ce înseamnă „te iubesc”,
Compromițător este, uneori, și un zâmbet care cere iertare.
Nu-i greu, nu-i greu să spui „te iubesc”, să spui „iartă-mă”,
Nu vorbi, nu vorbi fără a gândi, nu vorbi, nu vorbi, nu distruge,
Nu mă distruge rănindu-mă.
Nu uita, nu uita, ziua asta are mâine, spunând că ești iubit și iubești,
Nu te consola,
Nu te pierde, nu te pierde cu cel iubit, iartă-l pe cel iubit, nu te pierde, nu te pierde,
Nu îmbrățișa imediat ura,
Cel mai greu lucru pe lume este să vindeci o inimă frântă,
Ceea ce contează pentru om este să trăască frumos.
Nu-i greu, nu-i greu să spui „te iubesc”, să spui „iartă-mă”,
Nu vorbi, nu vorbi fără a gândi, nu vorbi, nu vorbi, nu distruge,
Inima mea iubitoare n-o frânge,
Inima mea iubitoare n-o frânge, n-o frânge.
Share music and kindness! :)

War and Peace (zhàn zhēng yǔ hé píng)

Who first believed whom?
Who first embraced whom?
Contempt splits apart a million strands of hope and faith
Thus is the reason love remains such a distance away
Ah, war and peace
Ah, hatred and mercy
How much sorrow can a heart bear
How might solace be brought to humanity?
On the two sides of the celestial scale
In between ice and fire
Good and evil constantly at war with the world
The final answer is within a single moment
Ah, war and peace
Ah, misunderstanding and comprehension
Tears crystalize into fossils in time
Who still remembers the intricacies of love and hate
How much sorrow can a heart bear
How might solace be brought to humanity
I tried to convey the emotions in the original lyrics while maintaining the correct meanings, without translating word for word.

Dream Chasing Bengal

The person who betrayed me is laughing somewhere
I who was betrayed is wallowing in misery
Aah, what a lame excuse for irony
All you people care about is sex
Even though we were born to wish for love
Aah, I still can't be loved today
I should only want to be ordinary
Yet I keep wishing for more than ordinary
Well, it's OK to treat yourself once in a while
Today again, my bank book is as white as a seagull
It might as well just fly the coop
Aah, I still can't be loved today
Give me all the water there is
Fly to the sea, white seagull
I don't need money or the latest fad
I don't need sexual gratification right now
Run and run - throwing my whole body far across the distance
Round and round - peace or despair, let it fall by the wayside for now
When tomorrow morning comes
I will worry about it then
I have all the free time in the world, so let me sleep for 5 more minutes
The Sex Pistol music alarm is annoyingly loud
Aah, it feels like there is a bug in my eye
Aah, I feel like acting like the biggest fool in history
Say what you want and laugh all you want
That's right, just like that, let it all out
I no longer need what I've always desired
Seagull, you're all burned through
Let's team up with the Bengal tiger
My energy needs an outlet
Run and run - kicking my legs high up far across the distance
Round and round - charging through my days in a dizzying blur
When tomorrow morning comes
I wonder what I will see
The charismatic stars born in the Heisei era
Can't catch up with this world filled to the brim
I no longer care about those popular bands either
I wonder if something is wrong with me
Give me all the water there is
Fly to the sea, white seagull
I don't need money or the latest fad
I don't need sexual gratification right now
Run and run - throwing my whole body far across the distance
Round and round - peace or despair, let it fall by the wayside for now
When tomorrow morning comes
I will worry about it then
Is there something wrong with me
When tomorrow morning comes
I will worry about it then

Since My Freedom

Sitting on the platform,
my body trembles and I can see
that at a distance the old train whistles
like yesterday's shadow.
It will not be easy to be
one single heart again,
I had always been a half
without knowing my identity.
I will not take any image from here,
I will go nude the same as I was born,
I need to begin to be myself and know
that I am capable and that I walk on my own.
I had always been a half
without knowing my identity.
I will not take any image from here,
I will go nude the same as I was born,
I need to begin to be myself and know
that I am capable and that I walk on my own.
Since my freedom
I am strong because I am a volcano,
they never taught me to fly
but I must take flight.
They never taught me to fly
but I must take flight.

Behind the stove sings the cricket.

Behind the stove sings the cricket,
Calm down, don’t cry, little son,
Here - on the window frost,
Is like a bright night star.
Like a bright night star.
Like a bright night star.
Well, if there is not a single roll,
Look out, the pure firmament,
See, shine the stars,
The moon sails on a small boat.
Moon sails on a small boat.
Moon sails on a small boat.
Sleep, and I will sing you,
How good it is in the sky,
How, together, the grey cat
Will conduct us by sledge to the moon.
Conduct us by sledge to the moon.
Conduct us by sledge to the moon.
There will be nuts, sweets,
We will be rejoiced, happy,
We will have new boots
And honey gingerbreads.
Honey gingerbreads.
Honey gingerbreads.
Well, get some rest - even a little,
I will give the golden small saber,
Go soon asleep, little son,
My unruly cricket.
Unruly cricket.
Unruly cricket.

Cântecul meu liber

Într-o lume care
Nu ne mai dorește
Cântecul meu liber ești tu
Și nemărginirea
Se deschide în jurul nostru
Dincolo de limita ochilor tăi
Ia naștere sentimentul
Ia naștere printre lacrimi
Și se înalță în înalt și se duce
Și zboară pe acuzațiile oamenilor
Indiferent la toate moștenirile trecutului
Susținut de dorul iubirii
De adevărată iubire
Într-o lume care (pietre care într-o zi vor fi case)
Prizonieră este (acoperite de roze sălbatice)
Respirăm liberi tu și eu (retrăiesc ne cheamă)
Iar adevărul (păduri abandonate)
Ni se dezvăluie gol-goluț (de aceea supraviețuiesc pure)
Și limpede e imaginea (se deschid)
De-acum (ne îmbrățișează)
Senzații noi
Emoții tinerești
Sunt exprimate pur
În noi
Haina fantomelor trecutului
În cădere lasă tabloul imaculat
Și se ridică un vânt fierbinte de iubire
De iubire adevărată
Și te redescopăr
Dulce prietenă care
Nu ții să întrebi dar știi
Că oriunde te-ai duce
Alături îți voi sta
Dacă tu vei vrea
Pietre care într-o zi vor fi case
Acoperite de roze sălbatice
Ne cheamă
Păduri abandonate
Și de aceea supraviețuiesc pure
Se deschid, ne îmbrățișează
Într-o lume care
Prizonieră este
Respirăm liberi
Tu și eu
Iar adevărul
Ni se dezvăluie gol-goluț
Și limpede e imaginea
Senzații noi
Emoții tinerești
Sunt exprimate pur
În noi
Haina fantomelor trecutului
În cădere lasă tabloul imaculat
Și se ridică un vânt fierbinte de iubire
De iubire adevărată
Și te redescopăr

Paranoia (Radio)

It's midnight again, an awesome day's over
You and your boys are so awesome
You were bored in school, but when your last class ended
You went home to a homie to play
There you were, watching a Japanese DVD
Which his father had bought on the internet
It was about a crazed psychopath
Who liked murdering women, tearing flesh off of the skeleton
For-fucking-bidden for children, it's too dangerous for them
You were still having an awesome time when you biked home
But at night, you were suddenly not that cocky anymore
And when you went to bed, it wasn't funny at all
You heard the girls scream, now you see their corpses
You see them as you close your eyes
An awesome day's over, it's midnight again
And I'm back, say hello to my invisible friend
Who says:
I'm coming
I'm coming
I'm coming at you
I'm coming
I'm coming
I'll be touching you
I'll tear everything safe and comfortable apart
I'm a shadow behind the curtain
I'm a branch on your window
I'm a sound coming from the closet
I'm a voice in your had
I'm the tormented souls, the twisted wails
Of those who burned to death in your video game
Like when your mother and father who just believe in what they can see
Say that I don't exist, what do they know about that?
They're asleep when I haunt, when I spook you
It's not them I visit when you turn off you light
I say:
I'm coming
I'm coming
I'm coming at you
I'm coming
I'm coming
I'll be touching you
I'll tear everything safe and comfortable apart
(Roaring paranoia, complete madness)
I say:
I'm coming
I'm coming
I'm coming at you
I'm coming
I'm coming
I'll be touching you
I'll tear everything safe and comfortable apart
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

The Ring of the Nibelungen

Come to me!
Come to me in my dark kingdom!
Come to me
in my dark kingdom!
Sempiternus raptus est...
Bloody revenge
Betrayal and robbery
Ashes to ashes
Dust to dust
Forged from Rhine gold
Forced by gods
Destroying the curse
The Ring of the Nibelungen1
Come to me!
Come to me in my dark kingdom!
Come to me
in my dark kingdom!
Souls burned
The blood sea dried up
Heroes are dead
And the song cruel
Forged from Rhine gold2
Forced by gods
Destroying the curse
The Ring of the Nibelungen
Sempiternus raptus est
Te tenebo in umbras
Exire imperio nemo potest
Si sinistra te tango
In me aeterno ardes
Et in obscuritas captatus est
Come to me!
Come to me in my dark kingdom!
Come to me
in my dark kingdom!
  • 1. The Ring of the Nibelungen (Der Ring des Nibelungen) is an opera by Richard Wagner. It has four cycles and is based on German and poetry and mythology.
  • 2. Rhine gold (Das Rheingold) is the name of the first opera in the cycle and also refers to a type of gold that must be guarded in the story.

Vremea lalelei

Am întârziat, dragule, timpul nu mai este timp,
Iubirea a fost ascunsă în rame pecum radiourile vechi,
Așa am sperat, dragule, nu mai suntem eterni,
Iubirea a devenit poveste acum multă vreme precum cea a Leylei și a lui Mecnun.
Suntem copii în vremea lalelei, timpul nostru a trecut,
Cine știe ce om norocos a băut ultima dată vinul iubirii?
Suntem copii în vremea lalelei, timpul nostru a trecut,
Cine știe ce om norocos a băut ultima dată vinul iubirii?
Eu spun să nu fii timid, fii mândru de asta, vreau ca oamenii care iubesc să nu fie timizi,
Dacă a fost blestemată să trăiască fără iubire, această lume vreau să ardă.
Eu spun să nu fii timid, fii mândru de asta, vreau ca oamenii care iubesc să nu fie timizi,
Dacă a fost blestemată să trăiască fără iubire, această lume vreau să ardă.
Share music and kindness! :)

Never Land

Hands on the clock made a full circle - it's another day
Lyrics sung over and over - forgetten again
Blame it on the neighbor's fat cat - it's footsteps are too loud
Tree branches peek through skyscrapers
The night owl’s eyes look to and fro
People passing by walk in dancing steps
Wrong rhythm are not important
Tedious rules are meant to be ignored
Let boredom end in the next second
Unstoppable mood makes you scream
Baby join our crazy fun
Let’s be high and forget all troubles
Spread our joy throughout the universe
Bypass those snobbish channels
Send a simple and direct signal
Only pictographs are considered old-fashioned
Wrong rhythm are not important
Tedious rules are meant to be ignored
Let boredom end in the next second
Unstoppable mood makes you scream
Baby join our crazy fun
Let’s be high and forget all troubles
Spread our joy throughout the universe

軽蔑と始まり (Keibetsu to Hajimari) [Slander and Beginnings]

I don't have anything
Besides living this way
So I don't think Im pathetic
That's all of you thinking that
This isn't for you
Laugh and look down on me
With the same old words
Which endlessly flowed
I grew tired of life
and fascinated with death
That is persecution
This isn't for you
Laugh and look down on me
Oh successful ones who could find themselves
Laugh and look down on me
I don't care even if I die
So celebrate the wounds
I don't care even if I die
I don't have anything
Besides living this way
That is persecution
Which are you?
Ah me, why do I hesitate?
Uncommon sense of a parasite
Paradise of fear, a dive of death
Uncommon sense of a parasite
More than anything
I want my value more than anything
I don't care even if I die
So celebrate the wounds
I don't care even if I die
I don't care even if I die
So celebrate the wounds
I don't care even if I die

The automated waitress' lament

I didn't ask to be born
I would just like to be left alone
I don't want to do the same as everybody else
But I need to pay my rent
I work at the Underground Café
I'm just an automated waitress
It gives me all the time I need to daydream
Even when I'm dead on my feet
I'm always ready to fly away
I work at the Underground Café
One day, you'll see
The automated waitress
Going away
To grow her tomatoes
In the sun
What am I going to do today?
What am I going to do tomorrow?
That's what I ask myself every morning
What am I going to do with my life?
I don't want anything
I just want to feel good
I don't want to work just to be working
To earn a living, as they say
I would just want to do something I love
I don't know what I love, that's my problem
From time to time, I strum my guitar
That's all I can be good at
I never dreamed of becoming a star
I just want to be me
My life doesn't look like me
I work at the Underground Café
I haven't seen the sun for a long time
In my underworld
For me, all the days look alike
To me, life is useless
I'm like a switched off neon light
I work at the Underground Café
One day, you'll see
The automated waitress
Going away
To grow her tomatoes
In the sun
What am I going to do today?
What am I going to do tomorrow?
That's what I ask myself every morning
What am I going to do with my life?
I don't want anything
I just want to feel good
One day, you'll see
The automated waitress
Going away
To grow her tomatoes
In the sun


Versions: #2
Pe caietele-mi de şcolar
Pe banca mea şi pe copaci
Pe nisip şi pe omăt
Numele-ţi scriu
Pe orice pagini ce-am citit
Pe toate filele nescrise
Piatrâ sânge hârtie sau cenuşă
Numele-ţi scriu
Pe imagini aurite
Pe arme de războinici
Pe coroane de regi
Numele-ţi scriu
Pe junglă şi în deşert
Pe cuiburi şi pe tufişuri
Pe ecouri din pruncie
Numele-ţi scriu
Pe minunea nopţilor
Pe jimbla albă a zilelor
Pe anotimpuri logodite
Numele-ţi scriu
Pe toate zdrenţele de-azur
Pe iazul ce-in soare rânced
Pe lacul în lună zglobie
Numele-ţi scriu
Pe câmpii pe orizont
Pe aripe de paseri
Şi pe morişca umbrelor
Numele-ţi scriu
Pe orice răsuflu de zori
Pe mare şi pe vapoare
Pe muntele ieşit din minţi
Numele-ţi scriu
Pe clăbucii norilor
Pe sudoarea furtunii
Pe searbăda şi greaua ploaie
Numele-ţi scriu
Pe formele sclipitoare
Pe tălăngile culorilor
Pe adevărul pipăit
Numele-ţi scriu
Pe trezitele poteci
Pe întinsele drumuri
Pe locuri care se revarsă
Numele-ţi scriu
Pe lampa ce se aprinde
Pe lampa ce se stinge
Pe casele mele împreunate
Numele-ţi scriu
Pe fructul despicat în două
Din oglindă şi din odaie
Pe culcuşu-mi scoică goală
Numele-ţi scriu
Pe-al meu căţel lacom şi blând
Pe ale lui urechi ciulite
Pe laba lui nepricepută
Numele-ţi scriu
Pe trambulina uşii mele
Pe lucrurile-obişnuite
Pe val de foc blagoslovit
Numele-ţi scriu
Pe tot ce-i trup la îndemână
Pe fruntea prietenilor mei
Pe orice mână ce se-ntinde
Numele-ţi scriu
Pe geamul cu neaşteptări
Pe buzele urmăritoare
Ce-s deasupra tăcerii
Numele-ţi scriu
Pe adăposturile-mi distruse
Pe farurile-mi surpate
Pe zidul plictisului meu
Numele-ţi scriu
Pe a mea lipsă de dorinţe
Pe-a mea singurătate goală
Pe treptele ce duc la moarte
Numele-ţi scriu
Pe sănătatea cucerită
Pe încercările trecute
Si pe nădejdile uitate
Numele-ţi scriu
Şi cu puterea unei vorbe
Viaţa-mi va reîncepe
M-am născut spre a te afla
Spre a te numi

I'm crazy about you, Cabo Verde

I never saw such a place
A paradise like a painting
Our blue sea like a bridge
Crossed by fishermen and sailors
Brave, strong and full of fight
If the rain falls, the corn grows
The scenery is wonderful
Here in this tropical land
Of laborers and farm workers
Students and intellectuals
I’m crazy about you, Cabo Verde
And about you, too, my love
Leave me with my sun and arid mountains
My Creole and my blue sea
Land of morna and coladera
Batuque, cola-Sanjon and funana
Charming Creoles full of affection
Who enchant me with their beauty
Europe is lovely and America a world
But paradise is here, oh Creole
São Nicolau, Santiago, Sal, Boavista
Fogo, Brava, Maio, Santo Antão
And São Vicente that I love with all my heart
I’m crazy about you, Cabo Verde
And about you, too, my love
Leave me with my sun and arid mountains
My Creole and my blue sea


Watch out, open your eyes
If you don’t, you’ll catch it
And you’ll have no reason to complain
Because you’re asking for it, Miguilin
You chase the girls too much
Like a little dog Yesterday,
late in the afternoon
I saw you come out of Bilinha’s house
Take care
Stay out of those dark places
You go in with your chest outthrust
And leave with your back bent
Some advice from a friend
There’s a new sickness
And they say it can’t be cured
Open your eyes, Miguel
Some advice from a friend
Don’t let anyone bite you
Don’t let the sickness
Into your home
Into your home

A New Vision

So much the better
If that’s the way it is
I’ll still want it
I won’t waste time
If that’s the way it is
So much the better
I’ll look for a way
To find the time
If affection comes my way
Let it stay until my dawn
The sea will no longer weep for me
And sodade will no longer kill me
If there are more and more eyes
A new, surer vision will appear
Inspired by the trust
We had forgotten
From neighborhood to neighborhood
District to district
Hillside to hillside
It will wander
If affection comes my way
Let it stay until my dawn
The sea will no longer weep for me
And sodade will no longer kill me


If you were a guitarist
I would have serenaded you
But since you’re a fisherman
I’ll bring you a little blue sea
So you can lie down in peace
Covered in blue sky
With faith in God
And the hope
Of better days
The heart of the fisherman
Is buried
Deep in the sea
His troubled soul
Wanders over the world
In every direction
Please, guitarist
Play me a sad melody
So I can sing a prayer
That will bring back My fisherman