Rezultatele căutării pagină 24
Număr de rezultate: 1021
Long live the group of Insurrectionics (Enroulage de Momie)
Long live the group of Insurrectionics
We look for a parchment written on by the Egyptians
As a rule no problemo except when we don't really understand a word
Long live the group of Insurrectionics
I can't spell 'sarcophagus', I'm probably an idiot
But even if I'm a freak I know how to make mummies dance
Long live the group of Insurrectionics
What's there to go crazy about when we find ourselves in such a pool*
Especially with one prophet who looks like my brother!
Long live the group of Insurrectionics
I'm Ataboulé, rebellious, Amal-gami, no mysteries
I'll be assured of eternal peace if I help him find the queen mother
Long live the group of Insurrectionics
Semnat, sigilat, trimis
Ca un naiv, am plecat şi am stat prea mult
acum mă mir că dragostea ta încă-i puternică
Ooh, iubito, iată-mă: semnat, sigilat, trimis, sunt al tău!
Apoi în acel timp, am plecat şi-am zis la revedere
acum m-am întors şi nu mi-e ruşine să plâng:
Ooh, iubito, iată-mă: semnat, sigilat, trimis, sunt al tău!
Iubito, iată-mă:
semnat, sigilat, trimis, sunt al tău
(ai viitorul meu în mâinile tale)
Iubito, iată-mă:
semnat, sigilat, trimis, sunt al tău
(ai viitorul meu în mâinile tale)
Am făcut multe lucruri nebuneşti
pe care n-am vrut să le fac, nu-i aşa?!
Am văzut multe-n lumea asta
Când le ating, ele nu-nseamnă nimic
Ooh, iubito, iată-mă: semnat, sigilat, trimis, sunt al tău!
Ooh, iubito, îmi pui sufletul pe foc
de-asta ştiu că eşti singura dorinţă a inimii mele
Iubito, iată-mă:
semnat, sigilat, trimis, sunt al tău
(ai viitorul meu în mâinile tale)
Iubito, iată-mă:
semnat, sigilat, trimis, sunt al tău
(ai viitorul meu în mâinile tale)
The sound of the heart
Versions: #2
Hundred years have passed, the century comes to his end.
Hundred years have passed, they order me to cry and I laughed.
I know well that the key is ... Between yan and yin.
And when I look around, the world is waiting for me.
And all that I understood I believed, when I was a rascal.
And all that I understood I believed, today I do not get into my mind.
No, distinguished, I'm not,
Not worthy of devotion,
But the sound of the heart.
It is what guides me with passion.
Answers I don't want, no,
Just feel illusion.
As the sound of the heart,
It is what guides me with pa...
It is what guides me with passion.
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission
In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to
Detective Conan Intro 1
A new life starts.
As a flashback to the past.
Conan is back to childhood,
it is the fate that has been thrown to him.
He is alone in his world,
Everyone dropped him.
People take him for a kid
But we must not forget.
In life we have the right to have fun,
Investigate and have ideas.
In life he lets his heart speak,
He is rewarded!
Who is the most sidereal?
The craziest and attractive?
a hero...
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission
In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to
I Had A Heart, But I Lost It
I had a heart, but I lost it
Ah, I wish I could find it
I had a heart, but I lost it
Ah, I wish I could find it
Stuck in the bottom of the river
Or drowned in the sea
Stuck in the bottom of the river
Or drowned in the sea
I wish I could leave
Leave not to come back
I wish I could leave
Leave not to come back
Since death is in love with me
It can come and get me
Since death is in love with me
It can come and get me
I had a heart, but I lost it
Ah, I wish I could find it
I had a heart, but I lost it
Ah, I wish I could find it
Stuck in the mud of the river
Or drowned in the sea
Stuck in the mud of the river
Or drowned in the sea
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
Dă-mi dragoste
Versions: #3
Dă-mi dragoste ca și ei,
Pentru că în ultimul timp m-am trezit singur
Vopseaua a acoperit lacrimile de pe cămașa mea,
Ți-am spus că o să le dau drumul
Și că voi lupta cu colțul meu
Poate la noapte te voi suna
După ce sângele meu se va transforma în alcool
Nu, vreau doar să te îmbrățișez
Dă-mi puțin timp, vom arde asta
Ne vom juca 'ascunde și caută', ca să ne întoarcem înapoi
Tot ce vreau este să simt gustul pe care buzele tale îl au
A mea, mea, mea, mea, oh, dă-mi dragoste
A mea, mea, mea, mea, oh, dă-mi dragoste
A mea, mea, mea, mea, oh, dă-mi dragoste
A mea, mea, mea, mea, oh, dă-mi dragoste
A mea, mea, mea, mea, oh, dă-mi dragoste
Dă-mi dragoste ca niciodată
Pentru că am poftă de mai mult
Și a trecut ceva timp, dar încă simt la fel
Poate ar trebui să-ți dau drumul
Știi că voi lupta cu colțul meu
Poate la noapte te voi suna
După ce sângele meu se va transforma în alcool
Nu, vreau doar să te îmbrățișez
Dă-mi puțin timp, vom arde asta
Ne vom juca 'ascunde și caută', ca să ne întoarcem înapoi
Tot ce vreau este să simt gustul pe care buzele tale îl au
A mea, mea, mea, mea, oh, dă-mi dragoste
A mea, mea, mea, mea, oh, dă-mi dragoste
A mea, mea, mea, mea, oh, dă-mi dragoste
A mea, mea, mea, mea, oh, dă-mi dragoste
A mea, mea, mea, mea, oh, dă-mi dragoste (×2)
O alta zi de trait
ora 11:59 seara
In 60 secunde ziua se va evapora
doar o alta data pe calendar
astazi va sa fie ieri
maine va fi astazi
e groaznic cand te gandesti la asta ...
Insa... tot ce ai facut astazi
toate planurile ce-ai facut
locurile unde ai fost
lucrurile ce-ai atins
sunt doar o amintire
nu lasa aceste clipe a trece pe langa ..
in final cu totii ne vom stinge precum tigarile
si doar trei lucruri ar trebui a conta pentru noi
cat de mult ai iubit
cat de fin ai trait
si cum te-ai debarasat de lucruri
ce nu-ti erau menite ...
astazi va sa fie ieri
maine va fi astazi
e groaznic cand te gandesti la asta ...
astazi o sa fie o alta zi ce-ai trait-o ...
Strive Hard to Succeed
When poverty allows me, I will succeed,
People who work hard in common times are not scarce in hunger,
The whole family, young and old, are a big tree,
And holding it up is rather sad,
In the morning from when it's still dark I make clothes in the tens.
If I fall ill and my bones hurt, I still work,
till I'm thin,
I still fear I'll starve to death and my wife and my house will be poor again,
I work, till my sweat flows,
I often have to rely on old friends for borrowing stuff,
When you're young, you must suffer work, and not be afraid of disgrace,
There will still be a day of success
Till we meet again Claire
Till we meet again, Claire - if it were summer again
We'd holiday twice more on the blue sea
Till we meet again, Claire - it's not summer anymore
Everything looks different, for long you've been home
The other one here
May not know how wonderful
Our hours were
In the summer wind
Till we meet again, Claire - if it were summer again
I wouldn't let you go anymore, as it was far too beautiful
Till we meet again, Claire - it's not summer anymore
But I want that time back with you
If the other one loves you
Why did he let you go? (Why did he let you go?)
That you're still holding on to him
I'll never understand, never understand
Till we meet again, Claire - if it were summer again
Indeed, I'd risk a fight for you
That was for me
No fleeting love
This dream of a summer night
Doesn't go away
Till we meet again, Claire - if it were summer again
We'd holiday twice more on the blue sea
Till we meet again, Claire - it's not summer anymore
But I wish it were summer again
30 de Vieți
Bună dimineața, iubirea mea
A trecut ceva de când am vorbit
Ai crescut
Ochii tăi sunt mai bătrâni decât cel mai mare copac pe care îl vezi
Treizeci de vieți pot fi extraordinar de lungi
Întinde-mă jos
Întinde-mă jos
Din nou
Prietenul meu
Știu că a trecut ceva de când am putut să te privesc în ochi
Că sunt nătâng și îmi pare rău
Dar părerea de rău nu m-a făcut să simt că e în regulă
În regulă
Bună dimineața, mie însumi
A trecut ceva de când am vorbit
Te-ai schimbat
În mai bine sau în mai rău, rămâne de stabilit
Dar sunt sigur
Că vei continua să trăiești și să respiri până când lumea asta se va răsturna
Dar întinde-mă jos
Întinde-mă jos
Din nou
Prietenul meu
Știu că a trecut ceva de când am putut să te privesc în ochi
Că sunt nătâng și îmi pare rău
Dar părerea de rău nu m-a făcut să simt că e în regulă
În regulă
Din nou
Prietenul meu
Știu că a trecut ceva de când am putut să te privesc în ochi
Că sunt nătâng și îmi pare rău
Dar părerea de rău nu m-a făcut să simt că e în regulă
În regulă
In Valhalla a long time ago a beautiful boy
They put in chains
They nailed him so high upon a cross
And they called him a slave
Oliver - lovely
Oliver - glorious
Oliver - your bonds are untied now
Oliver - pleasant
Oliver - modest
Oliver - all the lands quiver now
No one will understand the trials that
He had to endure
He did it for me and you
For all the truth
Oliver - lovely...
You soul is home to spirit and elves
the first and the last
The essence is in the minds of the men themselves,
You gave them the knowledge - oh, oh, oh
Piled like a rigid stack of power
Strong on the ice
You can hear high in the skies now
About your legend
Oliver - you get your victorious reward
You get your victorious reward
Though your hand is cold
Oliver - you get your victorious reward
You get your victorious reward
My beloved hand - break the ties now!
Oliver - lovely...
Growing of my heart
Finish packing up for the future baby, and start walking onto to tomorrow’s tale
I lay out my dream all the way to the other side of the landscape
Embraced by the sunset along with the clouds floating in the sky, I think of you
Get up Get up Get up Get up Baby now
Passing over the ridge, the growing of my heart will start from here
The yesterday that fell apart after just one sigh
I search for the EXIT as I call out for you
I ran out of breath and stop
Sketching out a map of tears
Time pushes me forward and begins to move
The sun that was born as it shone upon even the wind, trees, and flowers
Continues to rise into the sky and my heart begins to shine from deep within
Throw away all the unnecessary things and go, aiming for the place you’re at
Get up Get up Get up Get up Baby now
Passing over the ridge, the growing of my heart will start from here
I fought off the loneliness alone everyday
Straining my eyes to search for the dream that can’t be seen every night
This planet that doesn’t know anything
Rotated as it carried everything
The feelings I can’t hold down begins to act now
Finish packing up for the future baby, and start walking onto to tomorrow’s tale
I lay out my dream all the way to the other side of the landscape
Embraced by the sunset along with the clouds floating in the sky, I think of you
Get up Get up Get up Get up Baby now
Passing over the ridge, the growing of my heart will start from here
The new light and shadow will
Shine upon the proud you and worried me
I can find out my life
The sun that was born as it shone upon even the wind, trees, and flowers
Continues to rise into the sky Oh...growing of my heart
Finish packing up for the future baby, and start walking onto to tomorrow’s tale
I lay out my dream all the way to the other side of the landscape
Embraced by the sunset along with the clouds floating in the sky, I think of you
Get up Get up Get up Get up Baby now
Passing over the ridge, the growing of my heart will start from here
Somebody lives in the Earthly Paradise
Somebody lives in the Earthly Paradise
and other - to live for ages
This man won't to have a lot -
even if you give him a present!
No matter what he's clothed in -
either with a lipstick or with a hat,
but he will be with you if only
you unfortunately getting hurt
He brings the light into the hearts
looking deep into the souls
'It's some incredible!'- you say 'Oh, not!'
You are right! But he tells the truth!
From other hand, a baseness knows
who is worth saying 'hello!',
drinking a beer or shaking hands,
marrying or making love...
A conscience does not sacrifice itself -
It's only calling of the heart.
No problem if you don't make the same -
It is no reason to convict!
Be real yourself to love and eat -
Nobody takes your own bread!
You will never be constrained -
This life is not forbidden yet!
But don't shut up the honest voice -
It needn't your precious crumbs,
It is not looking from above
In spite of getting in the sky!
A conscience needn't glory or some gifts -
It prefer the quietly life,
The fireworks are danger things
and nonsense prefer the stir!
I cann't love in a clever way, I believe,
Because my heart is broken into pices.
There are too many genius of mean
But badly needed are the good ones!
I want to make a song from my lyric. And you?
Hi, hi, hi
I'm lying, but you packet
Hi, hi, hi
You are thirteenth packet
(Verse unchanged)
Nights would not be different
Evenings, when you are gone
Even if it hurts
Be my animal
Rude feeling
Nights would not be different
Even if it hurts
Be my animal
Rude feeling
Hello, earth
Hey, Earth's light was pouring over the edge.
The windows are dark.
They call like a bell, beams.
Well, wake up, life.
In the north, in the south...
Well, good morning, Earth,
Everything can happen in the world...
Well, good morning.
Take care.
and a good way.
The world is first shaken.
Dogs, runners.
First cars.
Not hunting, but everywhere.
Goodbye for a day.
Women, men...
Well, good morning, Earth,
Everything can happen in the world...
Good morning
Take care.
and a good way.
And on this day someone here.
To be born or die.
And a lot more will happen, but...
While we live, we can do everything.
Let's start the day together.
Let it be for all a good day!
Well, good morning, Earth,
Everything can happen in the world...
Good morning.
Take care.
and a good way!
Well, good morning, Earth.
Everything can happen in the world...
Good morning.
Take care.
and a good way!
[Verse 1: Dani M]
Lifelong, consider it a part of life
I'm getting my therapy from the pot
Felt the adrenaline all the time I swear I'm suffering man'
You might think I'm exaggerating
I've both won and lost many fights ahh
This is a plain murder nothing else
Tears and blood on my jeans
This is more than a text on an A4-paper
Do you have any bags, great I want four
Fuck respect, we're paying our rent
But brother believe me, I've seen Nines fired
I like the feeling when you fire
The recoil in your hand when you're jeopardizing
Witnessed sick stuff like taking acid
My grind is all of my life, there's nothing to prevent it
[Verse 2: Abidaz]
Shitty times, thoughts blinking
When it's wacky come try and test me
Last dude who attempted something
I swear on everything he went and changed his mind
We live the way exceptions
Sometimes I think about what's going to happen to me
Late nights, empty places, don't know where I'm supposed to turn
But it's cool, I swear yeah it's cool
Pineapple Haze man' OG Kush
I'm everyday man all day good
Halfway thugs in the hallway shook
It goes quickly
Damn fast put that thing on
Whatever you've had you have got nothing left
Whatever I have said you know nothing of
Because whatever I have said it's like nothing was said
[Chorus: Abidaz] (x2)
Brother I swear Brother Brother
Brother I swear Brother Brother
This life pass so quickly
I swear on everything all of this pass so fast
Brother I swear Brother Brother
Brother I swear Brother Brother
You can ask around
All of my life have been filled with action
[Verse 3: Abidaz]
Second rond, released a CD
and it fucked all they've done and every release
Every beat they served onto the table everyone know I've dusted that
All my life I've been chasing money never even see my mom
When I was young they said something,
he have never felt like others have felt
But it's cool, I swear it's cool
Play games let people think you're stupid
Play along let people think you're calm
Then make a come back like yo man yo
Only this brother brother
Bro give me everything
I have relatives that got nothing at all
Stop playing along, you know knowing at all
You've never been there you know nothing of chaos
Brother I swear brother brother
[Verse 4: Dani M]
Lifelong, if we earn something we share it
I'm gonna take what I can and live life
I made something of myself I swear you should've seen your faces
Let us toast, flip a little
Two pistolas, three carabina
rob the game and take the whole loot
Abi pour the gas let us burn the car
I hang with the kids on the street
You can hear it in my accent
Often hustle rich guys from Sunnersta, Norby and Luthagen
Not the same prerequisites which God gave me
Dad went away and left an addiction, our home
If I was there Mom was drunk, sometimes blacked out
Which is why I was mostly on the streets and I'm still there
But it's cool, I swear it's cool
Play along, let people think you're a loser
Play along, like everything is cool and you're awesome
Learned in young years how to make money into more money
What the fuck brother brother
You know nothing at all
24/7 in the trap what an exemption
Have done this for too long I have no distance
Because I still though got the music and got a second chance
[Chorus: Dani M] (x3)
Brother I swear Brother Brother
Brother I swear Brother Brother
This life pass so quickly
I swear on everything all of this pass so fast
Brother I swear Brother Brother
Brother I swear Brother Brother
You can ask around
All of my life have been filled with action
7:30 am on my watches
Good morning, WhatsApp
You will not answer, even by 'Hello!', things happen..
You sick of presents
Hundreds conversations in 'VKontakte'
But I'm unique person
Chamomile bouquet
I came to tell
I love you, Lixina
Your frozen heart will be melt, will be melt, will be melt
Let everyone say
Chance to make this seek zero
But I know - frozen heart
Will be melt, Will be melt, Will be melt
Would now on the roofs be together
We see all our district
We're offline for all, this is our paradise
I say
I keep you with me
You drive me crazy
Heart is 130
Just like a dream
But I will say
I love you, Lixina
Your frozen heart will be melt, will be melt, will be melt
Let everyone say
Chance to make this seek zero
But I know - frozen heart
Will be melt, Will be melt, Will be melt
Cold, cold just like Elza
But I will give you warm
I will give you my love
I will find keys for your heart
I love you, Lixina
Your frozen heart will be melt, will be melt, will be melt
Let everyone say
Chance to make this seek zero
But I know - frozen heart
Will be melt, Will be melt, Will be melt
Please notify me if you want to add my translation somewhere, as well as REMINDER that it is forbidden to upload translations of other users of the site on your behalf.
Ieși din mintea mea și treci în pat, fată!
Pentru că nu știi cum să ieși din fantezie,
Hei, fetiță, tu ești cheia ... yo ... să încep atunci!
Din privirea ta spre mine, fată, văd că mă dorești,
Când o să-mi cedezi?
Pentru că trupul tău atrage, mă faci să-l doresc,
Când o să-mi cedezi?
Ei bine, dacă n-o fi azi, fată, atunci o să fie mâine
Când o să-mi împlinești fantezia?
Pentru că știi că îți dau iubirea direct ca o săgeată
Când o să-mi cedezi?
Deci fă un pas inapoi, deh .. Deci pregătește-o, yeah!
Pentru că vreau să fiu bărbatul care o va avea cu adevărat, și-o va stăpâni și
O va plesni, yeah ... Deci cum stă treaba? yeah ... Stii ca ai mărit „ceva”(1) din pantalonii mei și s-a umflat și
S-a dublat, yeah ... Deci treci la treabă, că de nu treci la treabă „bilele albastre” vor erupe...yeah,
Deci fă-le să-și revină, deh, fată, îți pui norocul la încercare când îl agiți, pentru că mă știi că trebuie să-l măsor (2)
Hei, drăguță ... Spune-mi că mă iubești, hai să te văd cum mergi...
Tu nu vorbești engleza, ci doar mă asculți când vorbesc
Asta e din inima mea, femeie, m-ai prins!
Ești mereu în gândurile mele și nu m-ai lăsat în întuneric, în interiorul ...
Pe primul loc, fată, acolo trebuie să fii, așa că lasă-mă să-l apăs butonul la femeia pe care o pot aprinde și ...
Dă-mi pasiune de la amurg până în zori ... Spune-mi dacă vrei să fiu acolo... fata mea ...
Deci, de ce nu poți vedea? ... ar trebui să fim împreună, fată, nu mă înfrunta!
Vreau doar să fiu aproape, așa că nu-ti fie teamă și lasă-mă să văd că îți aduci trupul chiar aici
Pentru că ar trebui să îl împarți ... fată, o să am grijă de el și o să-ți dau dragoste atât de clar,
Te va face sa stralucești si odata ce esti a mea...o sa o facem până la sfarsitul timpului...
Share music and kindness! :)
A trai inseamna sa te am pe tine
De fiecare data cind soarele o ascunde pe seara
Si luna cedeaza albastrul cerului
Tu vii asa, draga
Fara sa-mi avertizezi
Cinta inima mea
Si urca in mine
Toata emotia de a iubi
Ca o mare iubire ne face sa traim
Pur si simplu simt in acest moment
Ca te vreau atit de mult si ca imi lipsesti
Iar cind ma gindesc sa te am pe tine aici
Imi plinga inima
Ca n-ai vrut sa te intorci la mine
Iubirea e la fel asa
Nici nu aduc totdeauna fericirea
Cind doare, doare ca sa apreciezi
Iar pierdem iluzia
Dar cind vii mi-e atit de bine
Da drumul la visele si la pasiunile
De ce nu vii
Intoarce-te draga, lasa-ma sa fiu fericit
Pentru totdeauna cu tine
A trai inseamna sa te am pe tine
De ce n-o aduci pe soarele
Si formezi dimineata
Urca albastrul cerului
Ca eu sa nu mai am nevoie sa spun la revedere
De fiecare data cind soarele o ascunde pe seara
De ce nu vii la mine
Doar pe tine stiu sa iubesc
Il face pe cineva fericit asa
Te aduce la mine draga
The lullaby
Night is quietly falling
And a million stars are shining.
Yesterday has taken all sorrows away.
The lights around are falling asleep.
Even the sun should go to bed.
Hug your pillow till morning.
Sleep, fall asleep like a small star.
Your dreams will be sweet and joyful.
Sleep, fall asleep like a happy cloud,
Like a moon in the night sky.
The characters in favorite books are sleeping.
It got quiet in all yards.
Just close your eyes till morning.
Your dream will be the best on Earth.
This dream will bring you to a fairytale
On its wing.
Sleep, fall asleep like a small star.
Your dreams will be sweet and joyful.
Sleep, fall asleep like a happy cloud,
Like a moon in the night sky.
Sleep, fall asleep like a small star.
Your dreams will be sweet and joyful.
Sleep, fall asleep like a happy cloud,
Like a moon in the night sky.
Jillian (Mi-aș Da Inima)
Visam de atâta timp
Să aflu un rost ca să-nțeleg
Taina vieții
De ce sunt pe aici să-ncerc iarăși?
Oare mereu voi vedea, mereu voi vedea
Adevărul când ți se holbează în față?
Vreodată, niciodată nu mă voi elibera cum cătușile astea le frâng?
Mi-aș da inima, mi-aș da sufletul
Aș întoarce-o, îmi este vina
Soarta ta este pierdută
Trebuie să trăiesc până ce e desfăcută
Mi-aș da inima, mi-aș da sufletul
Aș întoarce-o și atunci, în cele din urmă, o să fiu pe drumul meu
Trăiam atât de lung
Multicele anotimpuri mă treceau
Am văzut domnii prin veacuri
Crescând și căzând, de toate am văzut
Am văzut groaza, am văzut minunile
Întâmplându-se chiar în fața ochilor mei
Vreodată, niciodată nu mă voi elibera cum o îndreptățesc?
Mi-aș da inima, mi-aș da sufletul
Aș întoarce-o, îmi este vina
Soarta ta este pierdută
Trebuie să trăiesc până ce e desfăcută
Mi-aș da inima, mi-aș da sufletul
Aș întoarce-o și atunci, în cele din urmă, o să fiu pe drumul meu
Jillian, visul nostru s-a sfârșit atât de demult
Toate poveștile noastre și toată slavă noastră ce le-am prețuit atât de mult
Nu vom fi împreună
Pe veci și întotdeauna, fără mai multe lacrimi
Mereu voi fi aici până la sfârșit
Jillian, fără mai multe lacrimi
Jillian, fără mai multe lacrimi
Mi-aș da inima, mi-aș da sufletul
Aș întoarce-o, îmi este vina
Soarta ta este pierdută
Trebuie să trăiesc până ce e desfăcută
Mi-aș da inima, mi-aș da sufletul
Aș întoarce-o și atunci, în cele din urmă, o să fiu pe drumul meu
Yes, You Are Different
In this trivial world, only tedium
I have in my hands an adorned existing form
Man is not worth as much as a single rose
But you are different
You alone have been able to impress upon my heart
The joy of the unexpected
We, together, realize our dream of creating
A new world
I beg you, open your heart to me alone and reveal to me your soul
Yes, you are different
You alone have been able to understand
My deepest inner nature
Seeing you taking his hand and leaving,
My heart is in great pain.
Perhaps I should have admitted earlier
That since a long time ago,
I've already been in love with your sweet dimples.
You are life's beautiful miracle,
Standing in front of me.
You are a beautiful miracle,
A perfect miracle,
Forever and ever without change.
My heart has completely stopped.
[I] recall your sweet dimples.
Actually, he is nothing special.
My heart is not reconciled with [this outcome], oh~
Looking at the rear view of you and him
Strolling through the park hand in hand,
How can I stand the fact that the 'him' beside you isn't me, isn't me?
Sitting on a chair at home,
Thinking of the beautiful you with longing,
I'll gather up my courage tomorrow
And confess everything to you.
I will never forget
Your sweet dimples.
Give me the chance to love you.
You won't regret it.
This is my promise to you.
My heart has completely stopped.
[I] recall your sweet dimples.
Actually, he is nothing special.
My heart is not reconciled with [this outcome], oh~
Looking at the rear view of you and him
Strolling through the park hand in hand,
How can I stand the fact that the 'him' beside you isn't me, isn't me?
I played with her almost all of my childhood
Like a daydream
A little girl next door put that make-up on me too
Like a daydream
Too much, would it be too much
Everything - not less
Far away, as far as needed
Looking at it, like closer
Home in the city and a summer cottage in the countryside
Like a daydream
No other thing here can be weighed with a scale
Than a daydream
Too much, would it be too much
Everything - not less
Far away, as far as needed
Looking at it, like closer
Oh, how thousands of millions of tinkling bells
Were jingling on her hips
Hay was waving and the smell of earth filled the air
The homestead’s fields were still full of grain
How can I keep from drowning in your eyes?
Silently, you and I can't fall asleep again.
We're so quiet ...
Let my world exist in your universe.
Let them tell you that you can't fly.
But, I will.
I'll take all the risk, but then I'll come for you.
And even if I fall from way up high, I won't be broken.
This is like it's our last time.
Last time
Last time
Stay with me for at least another hour.
Another hour
Another hour
It's like it's our last time.
Last time
Don't let anything disturb us.
...disturb us.
...disturb us.
It's like this is our last time.
Our love's slowly falling asleep - like it was poisoned.
In an ocean of people, I'm looking for your eyes.
And this is like my last dream.
Only half an hour left
Just close your eyes
I forgive you so easily.
It's so hard to let you go, it's insane.
Just close your eyes
It's like it's our last time.
Last time
Last time
Stay at least another hour
Another hour
Another hour
It's like this is our last time.
Last time
And don't let anything disturb us.
...disturb us.
...disturb us.
It's like this is our last time.
Răul niciodată
Chiar dacă ai intenții bune
Unul, două sau trei lucruri pe care le-ai menționat
Îmi lasă un gust cunoscut mie căci
Chiar și cu puțină ironie
O frântură într-un glas elastic
Aș putea sparge cel mai ușor cod al suferinței
Îmi pari cunoscut, te știu
Ne-am întâlnit înainte, nu-i așa?
Sunt zero, nu-ți irosi cuvintele pe mine
Nu e locul potrivit
Ce vrei să spui?
Răul nu te-a iubit niciodată
Răul nu te-a iubit niciodată
Răul nu te-a iubit niciodată cum o fac eu
Ce vrei să spui?
Nimeni nu te-a iubit vreodată
Nimeni nu te-a iubit vreodată
Nimeni nu te-a iubit vreodată cum o fac eu
Găsește-l în cel mai îndepărtat colț
Mirosind a trandafiri sau piersici
Cuibărindu-se în cea mai grea carapace a unui rât de porc
Găsește-l când te privesc în ochi
O sclipire mică ce-ar fi imensă
Oglinda nu oferă dreptate vrăjii tale
Îmi pari cunoscut, te știu
Ne-am întâlnit înainte, nu-i așa?
Sunt zero, nu-ți irosi cuvintele pe mine
Nu e locul potrivit
Ce vrei să spui?
Răul nu te-a iubit niciodată
Răul nu te-a iubit niciodată
Răul nu te-a iubit niciodată cum o fac eu
Ce vrei să spui?
Nimeni nu te-a iubit vreodată
Nimeni nu te-a iubit vreodată
Nimeni nu te-a iubit vreodată cum o fac eu
Give it to me
Nici familia mea nu mi-a putut anticipa succesul
Care este scopul de a vorbi despre asta când nu eram sigur de mine
Chiar și familia mea ma aprobat ca o prăjitură dură
Sunt inamicul public, hyungs
Cine a beneficiat de barfa
Fiecare dintre ei au avut gustul de bani
Ei spun două lucruri cu o singură gură
Și sa contuduci marile companii
Ce știi despre mine? Nu-mi poți controla rahatul
Dacă plecați, să vă retrageți ceea ce ați spus mai devreme
Dacă mă întrebi cum am reușit, nu o sa am un răspuns
Dar cel puțin, am dormit mai puțin și am rămas activ
In comparație cu voi toți, pentru a crește
Încă nu sunt sigur de secretul succesului
Dar cred că știu secretul eșecului
Secretul este să joci prost la fel ca tine
Si tineti bine gura inchisa
Dar n-aș trăi așa, chiar dacă ar trebuia să mor
Dă dă-mi-l
Bani, onoare, orice ar fi să-mi-l aduci
Faima blit lumina
Dă dă-mi-l (dă dă-mi-l)
Nu mă deranjează ce-ar putea fi, așa că aducețimi-l
Nu pot trăi ca un câine când mă născ să fiu un tigru
Da-mi tot ce ai, lichior, bani sau onoare
Niciodată nu mă rog pentru tot ceea ce țineți în mâinile voastre
Nu am nici o dorință, fac doar ceea ce trebuie să fac
Legea junglei? Lumea politică în cadrul cuvântului 'succes'
Voi continuați să mergeți unul după gâtul celuilalt
Da,idiotule da, continuă luptele
Nu-mi pasă dacă continuați să vă sapati propriul mormânt sau să vă risipiți
Deci, vă rog să continuați să trăiți așa
Nu mă atinge, nu-ți pune mâna pe mine
S-ar putea să ajungeți într-un sicriu dacă păstrați păcătoși în jur
Unul pentru bani și două pentru spectacol
Faima blit lumina
Dă dă-mi-o
Dă dă-mi-o
Dă dă-mi-l
Bani, onoare, orice ar fi să-mi-l aduci
Faima blit lumina
Dă dă-mi-l (dă dă-mi-l)
Nu mă deranjează ce-ar putea fi, așa că adul
Traveller in life
Sitting in a hotel room
with a grog in a toothbrush glass
Turning pages in a notepad,
looking into the mirror and making a face
Yeah, you're alive and healthy
and get to see the world
Because a traveller in life
sells off one piece at a time
Thursday in a small city
Then it is sparse in the hotel bar
You are alone at a table for two
and forget where you are for a while
There was one time in Åmål
Her mouth was red as a rose
But you're alive and healthy
and get to see the world
Because a traveller in life
sells off one piece at a time
– Is this seat free?
– Yeah, I guess it is
– Can I buy you something to drink, maybe?
– Yes please
– Miss?
Oh well, so what do you do?
– Well, I work at Domus
What do you do then?
But you're alive and healthy
and get to see the world
Because a traveller in life
sells off one piece at a time
If you're selling day in and out,
then you are happy with what little you have
You're sitting here in a hotel room
with a grog in a toothbrush glass
But you're alive and healthy
and get to see the world
Because a traveller in life
sells off one piece at a time
Yeah, you're alive and healthy
and get to see the world
Because a traveller in life
sells off one piece at a time
Even without gold and without luxury
All the treasures are inside your soul
When love warms you up.
Full of sun and warmth
And then the heart soars to the sky
In a childhood without any tears
A little bit of money, lot of faith
In that love without measure
And loads of good will
Lot of space in the corner
Thought is clear as air
So I write my songs
Misery, misery, misery, misery
Be still, be still, my song
You're the only one that knows
Where I left my soul
Be still, be still, my song
Because it's late now
Cold winds are already blowing
Misery, misery
Nothing but misery
When the trains would leave
I was fearful because of you, old man
That worry never goes out
You stood hunched, mother
You washed other people's whites (laundry)
You're hair became white
One song from the garden
Bedazzled your son
He follows it his whole life
It stabbed him with a golden knife
Through the middle of his heart, let him wiggle
May it squeeze the life* from him
When it rains listen to it
My friend you settled next to the tree
(the tree) without roots
with good-chosen words
You've won,
you've managed the impossible
you deleted years born to the fire
Let our dreams have a good trip
the unplanted (dreams)
And in your soul's the most jealoused places
Have a thousand places to hide
to forget
Don't anticipate
What you want is going to happen
Don't get anxious
You saw the uncomparable
In scared times...
credit only the truth
you were born
to be in the winners
Those with the light footsteps
Who are mocking the animals to be slaughtered.
I wish you had a thousand times more love
to forget....
My friend, because of the hustle
I didn't give you 'greetings'
From the tree
the beloved
From the magician
and from the rain overflows.
To the dam
To the wounded elf
I saw them in the dream fights
I lied to them
For you the same lies
But you should tell a thousand truths...
to forget
My friend, I,
still make songs
singing songs
And because you fancy the rain...
When it rains, listen to it
It makes the colors
When it rains, listen to it
It also brings perfumes
When it rains, listen to it
It returns memories
When it rains, listen to it
When it rains, listen to it
And look around
When it rains, listen to it
Lean to your myth
When it rains, listen to it
And smile to me
When it rains, listen to it
When a song is born always something changes,
some enchantment cast to grab
the white paper and your voice,
open your ears, and listen to your heart, and open up
at the open space, from the confined universe keep
only the road, to touch a solid ground.
Search to find your thought and then live,
the every word uninvited and if possible shoot
like a bullet through the night·
keep writing even if the pen ran dry from drowsiness.
Don't wait for your muse to come again tonight
write alone and if she comes she'll find
a poem undone, quietly sung,
a little miracle, your mirale, cut and sewed
not to be another love song,
but a mumbling, moan of the dream and nightmare.
Poema means a great escape,
aim, terminal, knowledge, fantasy, rage.
It means song and waste of dream,
means play with words, the golden saving,
lyrics with meaning or drunk that jump out of a bleeding
It ain't just an opinion, think and stop asking
- they say it's better to throw a stone at luck instead of words.
It's my prop, a wedge in pride
and a trivial lie with truth as sourdine,
it's the bizarre, if your recall, nightingale
that's whistling the words to me and the verse ends.
That's why anything you write any more leaves you
you listen to a door that's opening and closing
someone entered or left and to find the answer,
read it and you'll understand.