Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 15
I can wait for you very much
I can wait for you very muchLong, long and faithfully, faithfully
And I can stay awake at nights
A year, and two, and all my life, probably!
Let the leaves of the calendar
Will fly around like foliage by a garden,
I'd only like to know that everything is not in vain,
That you really want this!
I can follow you
Through the thickets and stiles,
On the sands, almost with no paths,
(Over the mountains, along any way,)
Where even the devil has never been!
I will go through everything, not reproaching anyone,
I will overcome any anxieties,
I'd only like to know that everything is not in vain,
That then you will not betray on the way.
I can give you
Everything that I have and that I will have.
I can take for you
The bitterness of the worst fates in the world.
It will be happiness for me giving
The whole world to you every hour.
I'd only like to know that everything is not in vain,
That I love you not in vain!
My home country is wide
My home country is wide,There are many forests, fields and rivers in it.
I don't know any other country like that,
Where a person breathes so freely.
From Moscow to the very outskirts,
From southern mountains to northern seas,
A man passes like an owner
Of his immense motherland.
Everywhere life is free and wide,
It flows, like full-of-water Volga.
There is way for the young everywhere,
There is honor for the elder everywhere.
My home country is wide,
There are many forests, fields and rivers in it.
I don't know any other country like that,
Where a person breathes so freely,
I don't know any other country like that,
Where a person breathes so freely!
Singură,Bikina mergeSi oamenii încep să vorbeasca,
Ei spun că are o durere,
Ei spun că are o durere care o face să plângă.
Arogantă, frumoasă și mândră.
Nu permite sa fie consolata.
Trece stralucind harul ei regal,
Trece, merge și ne priveste fără să ne vada vreodata.
Bikina are mare tristete și durere.
Bikina nu cunoaste ce este dragostea.
Arogantă, frumoasă și mândră.
Nu permite sa fie consolata.
Ei spun că cineva a fost acolo și apoi a plecat.
Spun că isi petrece fiecare noapte plângând pentru el.
Bikina are mare tristete și durere.
Bikina nu știe ce este dragostea.
Arogantă, frumoasă și mândră.
Nu permite sa fie consolata.
Ei spun că cineva a fost acolo și apoi a plecat.
Spun că isi petrece fiecare noapte plângând pentru el.
Spun isi petrece fiecare noapte plângând pentru el.
Spun isi petrece fiecare noapte plângând pentru el.
The Hero in White [Singable]
Versions: #2Lights went off,
then the tale came to its end –
I stand alone in the dark.
Where are you now,
my kind, affectionate friend –
my need for you is so stark!
There’s no way to escape,
just to hope and await
that in time I might see you again yet…
With whom, my
hero in white,
do you fight?
I feel that you still remember me,
just ask to be by your side –
I’ll abide!
I’m here,
but there’s no way out to be found –
I’m lone like in a dream.
Lies, fibs,
and strange people are all around –
my need for you is extreme!
There’s no way to escape,
just to hope and await
that in time I might see you again yet…
With whom, my
hero in white,
do you fight?
I feel that you still remember me,
just ask to be by your side –
I’ll abide!
In a fight…
I feel that you still remember me,
just ask to be by your side –
I’ll abide!
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As (You) Shine/Glow
As you burn (engrave) the melody into your face*, you nowOpen the door to adulthood as you shine
Close your eyes, the sunlight that seeps through the trees
Makes you shine as you wave your hand (as in good-bye)
The seasons only colour in the end, but
Don't say good bye
You've got to engrave your own dream
Like the girl you are now, with a smile full of memories
I'll watch over you (r position) as you run
Open the door to tomorrow as you shine
The twinkling time was our anniversary the whole time
Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas
The day we messed around
Don't say good bye
If parting becomes this song
We'll come across each other in our memories
I'll watch over you as you run
Open the door to tomorrow as you shine
As you brn the melody into your true face, now you
Open the door to adulthood as you shine
*To burn something into your eyes, at least, is to make sure you always remember it. For something like graduation day, wedding day. Can also happen in bad events, but sticking to positive here.
True face means what she's really like, her real expression, without any fronting, if you will.
We are so unreal
1.We are so unreal,
We are so not accidental,
That we can not contain in ourselves
All these secrets
We catch only thoughts
That all our purposes
Are to leave the borders
Taking off like birds
We can do so much
But we are so cautious
As if there were something
That is impossible for us!
We can do so much
But we are so cautious
Really is there anything here
That is impossible for us?
Why should we be afraid?
We had already been here
We had been meeting the same ones
We had been loving the same ones
Why should we be afraid?
We are here to come true
To fulfill all that
We dream in heaven
(1.)We are all one team
In the line with shoulder to shoulder.
Sports victories -
Is always hard work.
Let the gold of the medals
Is lighting your way.
Everybody dreams about this
Good luck a little bit!
Medals, medals,
They have seen so many
Support of comrades.
And love of the audience
Medals, medals -
Hockey battles.
But you did not retreat,
You did not abandon your friends!
You got up from your knees
And you won again.
You are working hard,
In the game year after year.
Athletic stubborn spirit
Pushing you forward.
And again training,
Skates stand on the ice.
The puck is flashing fast,
You are called to the victories.
Medals, medals,
They have seen so many
Support of comrades.
And love of the audience.
Medals, medals -
Hockey battles.
But you did not retreat,
You did not abandon your friends!
You got up from your knees
And you won again.
It's very important to live and believe,
To keep your dreams alive.
To strive for a new goal,
To be brave and courageous!
Medals, medals,
They have seen so many
Support of comrades.
And love of the audience
Medals, medals -
Hockey battles.
But you did not retreat,
You did not abandon your friends!
You got up from your knees
And you won again.
In Spite Of Everything
1.A sweet dream, a new day
It's so hard to wake up!
But someone has to be born again
Don't forget your iPhone
On Instagram - 'Louis Vuitton',
But someone has nowhere else to go
You hear behind you every time:
'You are not one of us!' -
It's painful and funny at the same time
Clear gaze, bright color
And to everything - one answer:
Just be yourself and by all means...
In spite of everything keep smiling, keep smiling!
But don't believe in weightlessness.
And never give up! Stay
Always the same who you are
(Bridge) To the last
Be yourself and don't give up!
To the last
Be yourself and stay on!
You should win every day,
Falling and getting up again,
Letting no shadow of doubts in your heart
A hurricane or a light breeze,
Up - like a bird or down - like a stone -
It's simple philosophy in life...
The blue kerchief
I remember how on a memorable eveningYour kerchief fell from your shoulders,
When you saw me off and promised
To keep the blue kerchief forever.
But even if
Today there's no my beloved, my dear with me
I know that you, with love, around the head
You hide the blue kerchief.
When I receive your letters
I hear your voice so full of life
And between the lines - the blue kerchief
Appears in front of me again.
And often, into the battle
Leads me - the image of yours,
I feel that with loving gaze
You are always with me.
How many cherished kerchiefs
We wear in our greatcoats with us!
Tender words,
Young girls' shoulders
We remember in the struggle of battle.
For them, for the dearest
For whom we love so much.
The soldier fires his machinegun for the blue kerchief,
Which was on the dearest shoulders!
The soldier fires his machinegun for the blue kerchief,
Which was on the dearest shoulders!
The bikina
Versions: #2The bikina is walking alone
and the people are starting to gossip,
they say that she has a sorrow,
they say that she has a sorrow that makes her cry.
She is arrogant, beautiful and proud.
She won't let anyone comfort her.
She passes by, showing off her royal grace,
she passes, she walks and she sees us without caring so much.
The bikina has great sorrow and pain.
The bikina doesn't know what love is.
She is arrogant, beautiful and proud.
She doesn't allow anyone to comfort her.
They say that someone was there and then left.
They say that she spends every night crying for him.
The bikina has great sorrow and pain.
The bikina doesn't know what love is.
She is arrogant, beautiful and proud.
She won't let anyone comfort her.
They say that someone was there and then left.
They say that she spends every night crying for him.
They say that she spends every night crying for him.
They say that she spends every night crying for him.
And then.. live on
People are creatures born from dreamsHow can a blue sky look so suffocating?
The past and future are just short-lived moments
That exists between the blink of an eye
Oh time・・・ I could be a flower of spring in my next life
And then live on, and then be loved
ru ru ru・・・
And then cry, and then fall
People are freely traveling creatures
How can a starry sky look so lonesome?
In the wind whereabouts, hearts are accumulating loneliness as well
The ending of the season is making me notice it
Oh time・・・ I could be a shooting star of winter in my next life
And then live on, and then shine
ru ru ru・・・
And then burn, and then disappear
And then live on, and then be loved
ru ru ru・・・
And then cry, ru ru ru・・・ and then fall
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Lonely, mergi pe bikinaȘi oamenii încep să murmure
Ei spun că este o rușine
Ei spun că are un păcat, care o face să plângă
Altanera, frumoasă și mândră
Nu permite ca dorința să se consoleze
Vino purtând măreția sa regală
Treci, umbli și uită-te la noi fără să ne vadă vreodată
Bikina are durere și suferință
La Bikina, nu știe dragostea
Altarnera, frumoasă și mândră
Nu permite ca dorința să se consoleze
Spun că cineva a venit deja și a plecat
Spun că petrece nopțile plângând pentru el
Bikina are durere și suferință
La Bikina, nu știe dragostea
Altanera, frumoasă și mândră
Nu permite ca dorința să se consoleze
Spun că cineva a venit deja și a plecat
Spun că petrece nopțile plângând pentru el
Spun că petrece nopțile plângând pentru el
Spun că petrece nopțile plângând pentru el