Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 14
Charming, dear and fervent eyes
Charming and dearfervent eyes,
who has made you stingy
with your beautiful, lustrous gleams?
If I look at your
glances I can only see flashes and darts:
Nor can I see any longer that smile
that made your countenance so elusive.
One I have in the fire and one I have in the waterThe less I stay with my people the more I stay with strangers
Foreign people can make me smuj
That everyone is wanting me
Then he is suffering
I had walked all my life a little harder
Yes, ome's soul can not X put me
They were giving me eyes, they were giving me ears, they were giving me brains
It's good that I know with my mouth, because then I know with my nose, they had me kput
They all make it harder for you if you are wise
I sleep very little, I stay awake more
The less you talk, the more I am in a hurry
I do not understand, even though I speak the same language
If you know, you know
The world behaves, behaves, behaves, behaves, people behave like wheels
You are strong they break like glasses
You stand upright let the other be torn to pieces
The world behaves, behaves, behaves, behaves, people behave like wheels
You are strong they break like glasses
You stand upright, let them be torn to pieces
[Verse 2]
I get thoughts that are reasonable for myself
My thoughts are fearless thoughts
The words are confusing
The ego does not go to my face, I am the root that detached from nature
The star who escaped from the universe, the patient who escaped from therapy
I have a different character, sometimes very dirty
Many things have happened to me in the past and I am a little upset
I'm thinking of them in certain terms
For the people that every good thing they did to me they brought out for me!
As for the things, I have them all, I have them all, I have them all
Amo as njoni sen spo m'completon, a po m'kupton?
Are you misunderstanding, misinterpreting
I still have them all, you see me cluttering the room
Every day I step on the ground, I do not know
The sun rises every day but I see it all
I'm not a child, no, I can not eat with my mother
Egersina jem grew me bo mu qart t'vran
Constient si Viu
Versions: #1In vrajma cu lumea-s eu
Iar ei incearca-nspre necurat sa m-atraga
Eu lupta-mi port taria sa-mi gasesc
Timp ce din bratele-ti departari purtat sunt eu
Devine mai greu constient eu a ramane
Iar forta-mi paleste ea rapid
Tu suflu-mi redai , si-n cele din urma///
Sunt deplin , GRAI am eu
Acum convingerile-mi sufletesti le stiu
Acum e vremea mea
Voi face eu ce vreau/aleg, fiindca-i viata mea
Aici (chiar aici), chiar acum
Ferm eu sunt si-napoi nu ma dau
Stiu ceea ce launtric simt ..
Sunt deplin , si GRAI am eu
In vrajma cu lumea-s eu
Fiindca sufletu nicicand n-am eu sa mi-l 'vand'
Deja-n convingere imi e ..
Fie ce-ar fi, eu cumparat ori inselat nu pot fi
Cand credinta-mi slabeste
Si simt c-as vrea a renunta
Tu suflu-mi redai, iar si iar
Trezindu-ma, trezindu-ma
Trezindu-ma, trezindu-ma
Trezindu-ma, trezindu-ma
Trezindu-ma, trezindu-ma-n noapte
Te pot simti, cand dorm
In imbratisarea ta, te simt suflu dandu-mi
Etern pretuieste sufletu meu' ce ti-l ofer
'Etern' doar pentru tine eu am a trai
New York, July
New York, July, stifling heat.Sweat, dust... and laziness.
Smell of burning and grease
Colors of neon and fluorine
Three AM, two blocks east
Tenor saxophone, on a window
The sound is black and blue as night
Music in red and gold
New York, July, in your nostrils
an icy silence? Cocaine
An unfamiliar room, mirror, caresses
Smells, poppers and sex
New York, July, my hands sliding,
chilled tequila, down your tights
Three words typewritten
Soaked T-shirt, gasoline
Teenage girls, rollerskating
Funky music, volume pumped up
Skin-tight tracksuit, long socks
Golden atmosphere, glitter dust,
blue eyelids of pale skinned girls.
in a gasp.
Overheated Harley, shadows,
leather jackets, dust.
New York, July, scorched with Africa
up to 125th street
removes her jewelry and falls asleep.
Five AM right next to the harbor,
a yellow cabn the blue smoke,
tenor saxophone, clouded, glassy eyes
Lady Liberty bleeds in a showcase
Statue, crown of thorns
Lady Liberty bleeds in a showcase
Statue, crown of thorns
New York, July
New York, July
(Legendar) Oh!(Legendar)
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh, oh oh oh
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh, oh oh oh
Inima mea sangereaza adrenalina
Focul pe care il respir este locul unde eu traiesc
(Spune-mi numele) Incredibil
(Spune-mi numele) Un animal
O singura viata de trait, nu ma voi da batut, nu ma voi da batut
Unii oameni vor sa se intoarca si sa fuga
Dar puterea creste sub arma
Varf, catre varf
Nu se va opri niciodata
Catre varf, catre varf
Nu se va opri niciodata
Niciodata nu ma va tine jos (nu va ma tine)
Totusi cel care sta jos (nu jucam niciodata murdar)
Destinul ma striga, mergi jos in istorie
In fiecare zi eu lupt pentru a fi
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh, oh oh oh
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh
Zbor inalt sau voi pica?
Legendele facute cu credinta sunt cele puternice
(Spune-mi numele) Nu am timp sa pledez
(Spune-mi numele) Eu sunt cuceritor
Cat timp sunt viu, voi trece prin durere, sunt creat pentru premiu
Unii oameni vor sa se intoarca si sa fuga
Dar puterea creste sub arma
Varf, catre varf
Nu se va opri niciodata
Catre varf, catre varf
Nu se va opri niciodata
Niciodata nu ma va tine jos (nu va ma tine)
Totusi cel care sta jos (nu jucam niciodata murdar)
Destinul ma striga, mergi jos in istorie
In fiecare zi eu lupt pentru a fi
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh, oh oh oh
In fiecare zi eu lupt pentru a fi
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh, oh oh oh
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh
Aripile sunt facute pentru a zbura, pentru a zbura
Fricile sunt nascute pentru a muri, pentru a muri
Trecand prin durere, prin durere
Trecand prin, reusind prin
Nu conteaza ce am de facut
Dau tot, dau tot ce am
Nu ma voi opri pana nu voi ajunge in varf
Varf, catre varf
Nu se va opri niciodata
Catre varf, catre varf
Nu se va opri niciodata
Niciodata nu ma va tine jos (nu va ma tine)
Totusi cel care sta jos (nu jucam niciodata murdar)
Destinul ma striga, mergi jos in istorie
In fiecare zi eu lupt pentru a fi
Niciodata nu ma va tine jos (nu va ma tine)
Totusi cel care sta jos (nu jucam niciodata murdar)
Destinul ma striga, mergi jos in istorie
In fiecare zi eu lupt pentru a fi
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh, oh oh oh
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh, oh oh oh
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh
Nu tu
Glittering Blue Flowers
Glittering blue flowersturn our heads.
This evening, I'm Sailor Moon, darling
Skirt sparkling, the Virgin Mary.
Pink ribbon in my hair (hair)
We have to love each other to madness (madness)
Oh, in the meadow, pick me a night-blue flower
In my ivory hands I'll brandish it
Like a magic wand
Magic wand
Magic magic wand
Magic wand
Moon heart, diamond eyes
Magic, magic, magic
Glittering blue flowers
Offer me kisses, daisies
An ocean of planet-coloured jewels
Glittering blue flowers
Turn our heads
They sparkle so brightly
And we two, our eyes reflect them
As agreed, this evening, I really wanted to be with you, of course
The key to the stars isn't in the sky, but in your arms
Yeah, I put on my prettiest dress with little flowers
Before I finally let you win my heart
I'm on the alert, even when I'm waiting for you, I feel revived
Tell me you like me, with the Forget-Me-Not girls
Glittering blue flowers
Offer me kisses, daisies
An ocean of planet-coloured jewels
Glittering blue flowers
Turn our heads
They sparkle so brightly
And we two, our eyes reflect them
Our eyes reflect them
This evening, I'm Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon...
Anh, anh, an
i hope this translation was useful to you. use it wherever, i don't mind.
i write evocative translations rather than precise ones so this might not be 'word for word' but at least it will be pretty
Nation of Turks
Wars and fights shall be endedGo on, nation of Turks
Let's work in full flood
Go on, nation of Turks
Neighbours was coloured with blood
Strangers went to the Moon
All the people of earth have woke up
Go on, nation of Turks
We've sleep so much years
Wake up, and let them know who are you!
Time will never stop
Go on, nation of Turks
With your bride and your daughter
A weave of so many things
With your full speed
Go on, nation of Turks
You were the strongest nation at once
Don't be seemed like that weak
Your language is good but also your religion is good
Go on, nation of Turks
We are all sisters and brothers
Who can say something who is working
Mahzuni Şerif gathers
Go on, nation of Turks
Rugăciunea națiunii
Mamele s-au naștere leilorÎi frământă dragostea patriei
Curajul aicea se amestecă
Națiunea devine un scut
Mehmet al meu lovește în față
Dușmanii din lume se îngustează
Să nu le cadă inima îndurerată
Ajunge să te rogi pentru națiune
Distruge-mă și pe mine depășind munții
Necazurile asuprite* fug
Își pune capul pe drumul dreptății
Mehmet al meu ey viața Mehmed
Mehmet al meu lovește în față
Dușmanii din lume se îngustează
Să nu le cadă inima îndurerată
Ajunge să te rogi pentru națiune
Ege Kökenli
And yah the time passes, and yah the time passesAnd yah the time passes, and yah the time passes
And yah the time passes, so my time passes
Changing at the same time as my closing
Because for some I'm crazy, for others I'm stupid
But for them they don't have a chance becaus ein the end I'm laughing
Yah, yah the time passes, so my time passes
Changing at the same time as my ending
Because for some I'm crazy, for others I'm stupid
But for them they don't have a chance because in the end I'm laughing
Come, come we'll bet
Who in six months will prove themselves?
well yah it's me, we dont have the same ideas
we dont have the same flow we wont have the same tickets
tickets, tickets, but I don't want to shine, shine
I actually should start praying, praying
yah, praying, praying
And yah the time passes, and yah the time passes
And yah the time passes, and yah the time passes
And yah the time passes, so the bosses
Will change depending on my depictions
Because for them I am strong, the concieved is over
I am so small but im going to break all the doors
I'm going to break all the doors, shoot all the bodies
Fuck up all the decorations, your albums don't support me
I didn't even do it on purpose, at the base it was just a trial
Come, come we'll bet
Who in six months will prove themselves?
well yah it's me, we dont have the same ideas
we dont have the same flow we wont have the same tickets
tickets, tickets, but I don't want to shine, shine
I actually should start praying, praying
yah, praying, praying
Come, come and we'll laugh
Come, come and we'll laugh
Come, come and we'll bet
Who in six months will prove themselves?
Well yah it's me, me, me
And well yah it's me, me, me
Come, come we'll bet
Who in six months will prove themselves?
well yah it's me, we dont have the same ideas
we dont have the same flow we wont have the same tickets
tickets, tickets, but I don't want to shine, shine
I actually should start praying, praying
yah, praying, praying
I actually should start praying, praying
Nah I dont want to shine, nah
All my translations are completely my work from scratch unless noted otherwise, reference me if used elsewhere.
Sint o natiune, sint un milion de fetseFormate impreuna, facute sa fie elevate
Sint un soldat, nu ma predeau
Credinta mea este ca un foc ce niciodata nu se arde in carbuni
(Cine va fi curajos, cine va lupta?)
Vocea celor neascultati
(Cine va rupe aceste lanturi?)
Dragostea este raspunsul
Trebuie sa o zic, sa o cred, asa ma simt inauntru
Eu, eu, nu pot, nu pot sa stau aici tacut
Poti sa-mi iei inima, poti sa-mi iei respiratia
Cind o scoti din pieptul meu rece, mort
Asa ne ridicam
Greu ca un uragan
Asa ne ridicam
Inima bate mai repede, se simte ca un tunet
Magic, static, cheama-ma un fanatic
Este lumea noastra, ei nu o pot avea
Asa ne ridicam
Este rezistenza noastra, nu poti sa ne rezisti
Hei ma auzi? Hei, asculti?
Dormind in umbrele, poate ca fac istorie
Trec prin focul, ma plimb pe apa
Eram sclav iar acum este un cuceritor
Ei pot sa-mi iei inima, ei pot sa-mi iei respiratia
Cind o scoti din pieptul meu rece, mort
Asa ne ridicam
Greu ca un uragan
Asa ne ridicam
Inima bate mai repede, se simte ca un tunet
Magic, static, cheama-ma un fanatic
Este lumea noastra, ei nu o pot avea
Asa ne ridicam
Este rezistenza noastra, nu poti sa ne rezisti
Sus, sus, sus, sus, sus
Ne ridicam sus, sus, sus, sus, sus
Vocea celor neascultati
Ridicindu-ne sus, sus, sus, sus, sus
Ne ridicam sus, sus, sus, sus, sus
Dragostea este rasunsul
Ridicindu-ne sus, sus, sus, sus, sus
Ne ridicam sus, sus, sus, sus, sus
Dragostea este rasunsul
Asa ne ridicam
Este rezistenta noastra, nu poti sa ne rezisti
Asa ne ridicam
Greu ca un uragan
Asa ne ridicam
Inima bate mai repede, se simte ca un tunet
Magic, static, cheama-ma un fanatic
Este lumea noastra, ei nu o pot avea
Asa ne ridicam
Este rezistenza noastra, nu poti sa ne rezisti
Pens and tissues
In Montevideo there are poets, poets, poetswho without fanfares nor pomps, pomps, pomps
come out from remote lofts, lofts, lofts
of walls of sience of dotted notes.
They come out of poorly covered holes, holes, holes
and not achieved projects, projects, projects
who come back like color ghosts, ghosts, ghosts
to paint your eyebags and beg you to not cry.
They have shared illusions, illusions, illusions
attached nightmares, nightmares, nightmares
pipes of confused words, words, words
on their sad and slow pass through streets and avenues.
They don't pretend fame nor prizes, prizes, prizes
they just move to papers, papers, papers
completely personal experiences, experiences, experiences
very partial experiences that gathered aren't the same.
They talk about the dawn until getting tired, tired, tired
without fearing of plagiarize, plagiarize, plagiarize
nothing of that matters while they write, write, write
their mania, their craziness their obsessive neurosis.
They walk by the streets the poets, poets, poets
like if they were kites, kites, kites
in a thick sky of melted metal, metal, metal
impregnable, disastrous, terible and boring.
In Montevideo there are pens, pens, pens
unbleeded in lines, lines, lines
of words twisting confused, confused, confused
in thin tissues like alcoholic prisioners.
They walk by the streets writing and seeing and seeing
what they see they say it and by being and by being
poets while they walk, walk, walk
they tell what they see, and fantasize what they don't.
They look at the sky the poets, poets, poets
like if they were arrows, arrows, arrows
thrown at the space that a detour, detour, detour
made them return to nail them in Montevideo.
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Not Gonna Die (Не умру)
Смерть повсюду,Моё сердцебиение замедляется...
Я не стану мириться с оскорблениями этого мира.
Я не сдамся и не отступлюсь.
Вот что чувствуешь, когда ты сломлен и разбит.
Вот что чувствуешь, когда тебя лишают чувства собственного достоинства.
Когда всё, что ты любишь, покидает тебя,
Твоей опорой становится вера.
Последнее, что я услышала, как ты шепчешь 'Прощай',
Затем твое сердце остановилось. (1)
Нет! Сегодня ночью мы не умрём,
Мы выстоим в вечной борьбе!
(Не закрывай глаза)
Нет! Сегодня ночью мы не умрём,
Мы будем сражаться за нас вместе!
Нет! Сегодня ночью мы не умрём!
Избавлюсь от их влияния,
Ведь я не собираюсь быть под контролем.
Им не удержать меня цепями,
Когда правда освободила меня.
Вот что чувствуешь, когда возвращаешь себе свою жизнь.
Вот что чувствуешь, когда наконец-то даешь отпор.
Когда жизнь давит на меня, я давлю сильнее.
То, что меня не убивает, делает меня сильнее.
Последнее, что я услышала, как ты шепчешь 'Прощай',
Затем твое сердце остановилось.
Нет! Сегодня ночью мы не умрём,
Мы выстоим в вечной борьбе!
(Не закрывай глаза)
Нет! Сегодня ночью мы не умрём,
Мы будем сражаться за нас вместе!
Нет! Сегодня ночью мы не умрём!
Не отрекайся от меня.
Ты - всё, что мне нужно.
Вот что чувствуешь, когда возвращаешь себе свою жизнь.
Вот что чувствуешь, когда даешь отпор.
Нет! Сегодня ночью мы не умрём,
Мы выстоим в вечной борьбе!
(Не закрывай глаза)
Нет! Сегодня ночью мы не умрём,
Мы будем сражаться за нас вместе!
Нет! Сегодня ночью мы не умрём!
Нет, сегодня ночью мы не умрём!
Не умрем! (Не умрем!)
Не умрем! (Не умрем!)
Сегодня ночью мы не умрём!
(1) - flatline - досл.: ровная линия - показатель остановки сердца на электрокардиограмме, поэтому 'heard you flatline' - услышать звук, который издает система жизнеобеспечения при остановке сердца
Trăieşte liber sau lasă-mă să mor
Moarte până când praful ne aşteaptăRuinat în rugina dorinței noastre
Se simte ca, simt ca
Nu știi costul trădării tale?
Tu ești cel pierdut, eşti pe cale să te prăbulşeşti
Se simte ca, se simte ca si cum ai gâfâi cu toată puterea ta
Nu-mi poți lua forţa
Repară aceste vene sparte
Nu mai e nimic de luptat
(Trăieşte liber sau lasă-mă să mor)
Nu poți să-mi iei mândria, nu voi fi negat
Nu mai e nimic ca să lupţi
(Trăieşte liber sau lasă-mă să mor)
Insectele merg jos, sunt pe fir
Focul va arde mai jos, dar eu sunt mai sus
Se simte ca, simt ca
Nu știi costul trădării tale?
Tu ești cel pierdut, vei cădea
Se simte ca, se simte ca si cum ai gâfâi cu toată puterea ta
Nu-mi poți lua forţa
Repară aceste vene sparte
Nu mai e nimic de luptat
(Trăieşte liber sau lasă-mă să mor)
Nu poți să-mi iei mândria, nu voi fi negat
Nu mai e nimic ca să lupţi
(Trăieşte liber sau lasă-mă să mor)
Îți amintești cum
Ai devenit cine ești acum?
Îți amintești cum
Simțea să respire fără
Gâfâind cu toata puterea ta?
Nu-mi poți lua forţa
Repară aceste vene sparte
Nu mai e nimic ca să lupţi
Nu-mi poți lua forţa
Repară aceste vene sparte
Nu mai e nimic ca să lupţi
(Trăieşte liber sau lasă-mă să mor)
Nu poți să-mi iei mândria, nu voi fi negat
Nu mai e nimic de luptat
Nu mai e nimic ca să lupţi
(Nimic nu a mai rămas pentru a lupta)
Trăiește liber sau lasă-mă să mor
Trăiește liber sau lasă-mă să mor
Trăiește liber sau lasă-mă să mor