Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 3

Număr de rezultate: 124


Îndrăgostiții nu știu niciodată

”Mâine vom avea soare”, și dacă spui tu asta,
Mâine va fi frumos toată ziua,
Dar dacă devine mohorâtă și vremea se va schimba,
Vom avea soarele vârstei noastre.
Mâine vom avea soare, eu te voi aștepta
Cu rochia mea de primăvară,
Și când vântul va smulge frunzele,
În brațele tale mă voi încălzi.
Îndrăgostiții nu știu niciodată
Dacă timpul va fi frumos sau va ploua.
Ei își spun în fiecare seară, ca noi:
”Mâine e o zi a fericirii”.
Ei au stelele în ochi, și tu știi asta,
Tu, care te pierzi în adâncul ochilor mei.
Îndrăgostiții nu știu niciodată
Cum e vremea, cum e vremea.
Mâine vom avea soare, eu te voi aștepta
Cu rochia mea de primăvară,
Și când vântul va smulge frunzele,
În brațele tale mă voi încălzi.
Îndrăgostiții nu știu niciodată
Dacă timpul va fi frumos sau va ploua.
Ei își spun în fiecare seară, ca noi:
”Mâine e o zi a fericirii”.
Ei au stelele în ochi, și tu știi asta,
Tu, care te pierzi în adâncul ochilor mei.
Îndrăgostiții nu știu niciodată
Cum e vremea, cum e vremea.

Little by little I fell in love with you

We began by touching our hands
Looking for feelings in the grass
Golden reflections of your gold chain
On your breast, barely covered
We end up stealing a sunset from us
Because in my eyes I had only yours
I can’t remember if it was the wind or me
Who raised your chin to say my name
Little by little I fell in love with you
It was the love that spoke for me
That night, when I stroked your face
On a book that we never read
Little by little I fell in love with you
It was the love that chose for me
In the silence, already full of magic
Only your fantasy spoke
Spring fell into your hair,
And summer, winter, autumn, and evening came
You told me many things, all that I learned
Was to tell to your lips “don’t ever leave me”
Little by little I fell in love with you
It was the love that spoke for me
Little by little the night stood still
And left a star in your eyes
Little by little I fell in love with you
It was the love that chose for me
Little by little the wind stood still
And left a flower in your hair
Little by little I fell in love with you
It was the love that spoke for me
With my hands, I held your fingers
And we never picked that flower

Two Lovers Like Us

A tear falls down
from my eyes to my throat
if it's you
who leaves me alone.
Oh, no.
Now that I'd wish
to feel your breathing
over me,
a divine shiver
That you give me
when you become
such a sweet pain inside,
inside me
we are on the edge of the world, you and I.
Because, you know,
two lovers like us
will never surrender,
not even when a lie
steals our dreams and joy from us.
Two lovers like us,
already indivisible,
the same secrets, the same worries
for us both.
Tonight I want you
to consume my heart.
To laugh
and then meet to make love.
I shout to God
that you're mine
and in a moment you're already coming
inside me
until we become one body
you and I.
Because, you know,
two lovers like us
will never separate
because there's always magic
between your soul and mine.
Two lovers like us,
already unmistakable,
the same smiles, the same worries.
We are like a mirror.
Only us,
with the want of being all over each other.
Us, always us
until the last breath you give me.
Because, already,
two lovers like us
will always look for each other, you know,
and we will never learn
to be alone without each other.
The empty beach around us,
the sand all over your hair.
Nothing and no one will ever be
in love like us.
(In love like us...)
Only tell me that you want me,
that we will never change.
That's all I'd like.
(In love like us...)
We're one thing alone
and if you look at me you'll find
two lovers like us.
(In love like us...)
Already inseparable.
Only us.
In love like us.
(In love like us...)
Like us.

Mă-ndrăgostesc de tine

Mă-ndrăgostesc de tine, chiar dacă nu vrei
și mi-ai spus că n-ai mai iubit.
Mă-ndrăgostesc de tine, pentru că trebuie să iubesc
și pentru că datorită ție știu să cânt.
E o emoție, e ceva atât de al meu,
dacă vrei tu, spune nopții să plece.
Mă-ndrăgostesc de tine pentru că am un nod în inimă,
și pentru că, vreau sau nu, nu pot să te uit.
Mă-ndrăgostesc de tine pentru că poate-i mai bine,
mă-ndrăgostesc chiar dacă poate greșesc.
E un anotimp, cel mai frumos și cald care există,
dacă vrei, îl poți împiedica să plece.
E o iubire obișnuită, o poți lua cu tine,
E o iubire care-ți ține companie.
Mă-ndrăgostesc de tine, cea care mă faci să zbor,
și de tot albastrul acestei iubiri.
Mă-ndrăgostesc de tine, ca de vară,
pentru că-mi lungești un pic zilele.
Există un motiv, cel mai frumos și dulce care există,
dacă vrei, îl poți numi nostalgie.
Mă-ndrăgostesc de tine, știu că n-ar trebui,
mă-ndrăgostesc de tine așa cum ești.
Mă-ndrăgostesc de tine, de fiece clipă a ta,
mă-ndrăgostesc de tine, pentru că așa simt.
E o emoție, e ceva atât de al meu,
dacă vrei tu, spune nopții să plece.
Mă-ndrăgostesc de tine în toate sensurile,
mă-ndrăgostesc chiar dacă nu te gândești la mine.
Mă-ndrăgostesc de tine, care nu știi nimic despre asta,
mă-ndrăgostesc te tine cu totul.
E o emoție, e ceva atât de al meu,
dacă vrei tu, spune nopții să plece.

Îndrăgostită, eu?

Îndrăgostită, eu?
Ce tot spui? Deloc!
Nu te prosti!
Un pic geloasă, eu?
Nu mă face să râd!
Și apoi mă cheamă acolo.
Mă simt ciudat, am capul vid,
poate am băut.
Îndrăgostită, eu?
Nu l-am mai văzut,
nu l-am mai căutat.
Dar nu-i nimic, și
sunt problemele mele.
La urma urmei, ce te privește?
Nu poți să înțelegi,
era important,
ori el ori nimic,
primul și ultimul.
Mor gândindu-mă ce-ar putea fi,
acum du-te și spune-i.
Orgoliul sigur nu e,
nu ajunge ca să spui nu,
ca să urăști.
Mor gândindu-mă ce-ar putea fi!
În felul meu,
am câștigat chiar și eu.
Iubirea e ceea ce știu
că face rău.
Nu poți să înțelegi,
era important,
ori el ori nimic,
primul și ultimul.
Eu mor, iată ce e!
În felul meu,
am câștigat chiar și eu.
Iubirea e ceea ce știu
că face rău.
Îndrăgostită, eu?
Ce tot spui? Deloc!

M-am îndrăgostit de tine

M-am îndrăgostit de tine
pentru că nu aveam nimic de făcut ziua voiam să întâlnesc pe careva
noaptea voiam ceva să visez.
M-am îndrăgostit de tine
pentru că nu mai puteam să stau singur
Ziua voiam sa vorbesc de visele mele
noaptea să vorbesc de dragoste.
Și acum că aș avea mii de lucruri de făcut
îmi simt visele pierzându-se
nu mai pot să mă gândesc la nimeni altcineva decât la tine.
M-am îndrăgostit de tine
și acum nici măcar nu știu ce să fac
ziua regret că te-am întâlnit
noaptea vin să te caut.
M-am îndrăgostit de tine
și acum nici macar nu știu ce să fac
ziua regret că te-am întâlnit
noaptea vin să te caut.

When we are born [M'innamoro di te]

When we are born, we usually just sleep
Our only interest is to eat and to sleep
When we look around we have mom and dad
From that moment on we know we belong together
Time flies so fast and there is just a lot of work with us,
but let's move on, our life just begins
When we stand up, we're trying to walk
We play the rattle - this will tease the muses
When we start talking, we can start asking:
Where is that gentleman going? Who wrote this book?
And the years passing by, our youth is here, we fall in love
and everyone still hopes that is just beginning
And if we bring fine grades from school
We are planning to build a castles in the air
If we graduated, we're feeling important, smart as paint and always busy
When we are born, we usually just sleep
Our only interest is to eat and to sleep
When we are born, it takes a lot of fridays
To bloom like a flower
When we are born
Life just begins

Summer: The adventure / Don't say you love me / And I fall in love still / Wait for me / My wrongful love / I love you more

It will be forever, as long as it lasts,
This beautiful adventure.
In your eyes and hands,
The tenderness of tomorrow.
It will be forever, the fear
That each time an adventure
Holds its own ending,
Holds another beginning.
It will be forever, just a day
A day you can remember
Like the birth of a flower
That comes with the Spring.
~ ~ ~
Don't say you love me
Don't ever say it.
The things you don't say
Grow hidden like that,
In your heart.
Love is a strange flower
That blooms in silence
And has a light scent
That can only be noticed by
Those who know how to love.
No one knows
Why you love me so
And I have to tell you,
I don't know it either.
~ ~ ~
When I wake up,
And it's raining outside,
But it's warm inside,
And you're here.
I look at you, you're always
The same as before,
Time has forgotten about you.
And I fall in love with you still,
And I fall in love with you still.
Time passes by
Even at night
Time is all I have
When I look at you, while you're sleeping
It seems
That time never passes.
And I fall in love with you still,
And I fall in love with you still.
When I look at you, I feel like laughing,
When I look at you, I feel like crying,
When I look at you, I feel like living,
Living as I wish.
And I fall in love with you still,
And I fall in love with you still.
And I fall in love with you still,
And I fall in love with you still.
~ ~ ~
Wait for me.
If I don't see you, then wait for me
I'm never far, look for me
I'm lost if you lose me.
Wait for me,
The evening is coming, wait for me.
I can't be alone, hold me
By the hand, like this,
So I won't get lost.
Embrace me,
Or else the music will stop.
Let's go in your dreams,
Kill me:
I can't live if I don't have you, anyway.
~ ~ ~
My wrongful love
Doesn't resemble me,
How wonderful.
My wrongful love
Never agrees
With what I say.
My stubborn love
Always tells me yes.
If only it would change its mind, for once!
And I walk on a wire,
So unlikely,
In her hands.
And selfishness, how wonderful
If the world is in ruins
After all, to me,
You're the world.
~ ~ ~
I love you
Than you love me.
But you,
I know,
Don't want to think about it.
To you,
Life is simple and endless.
To you, love
Doesn't need the lies I tell.
But the lies I make up
Are the truth,
The only truth
That gives me peace.

When I Fall in Love

They say I cannot find a flower
and that I never have anything to give.
They say there is a nail inside my heart
and that for this reason it cannot beat.
But my guy knows that it's not true.
My guy knows that when—
when I fall in love
I give all the good
to whomever is in love with me
and there is no one
that can change me,
that can separate me from him.
When I fall in love
I give all the good
to whomever is in love with me
and there is no one
that can change me,
that can separate me from her.
It is from love that life is born
and I give my life to love.
To whomever tells me, live another day,
I tell him that—that when—
when I fall in love
I give all the good
to whomever is in love with me
and there is no one
that can change me,
that can separate me from her.
When I fall in love
I give all the good
to whomever is in love with me
and there is no one
that can change me,
that can separate me from her.
When I fall in love
I give all the good
to whomever is in love with me
and there is no one
that can change me,
that can separate me from him.
When I fall in love
I give all the good
to whomever is in love with me
and there is no one
that can change me,
that can separate me from her.
When I fall in love
I give all the good
to whomever is in love with me
and there is no one
that can change me,
that can separate me from her.
When I fall in love
I give all the good
to whomever is in love with me
and there is no one
that can change me,
that can separate me from him...

From Within

I am what I hear
That’s all that I am
Discover something
that I hadn’t explored
What takes over
when we walk in
The rhythm is the only
thing that I feel
Let’s slow down a little
No stress
There’s no one in here
who isn’t in high spirits
Go wild, let’s see
For you to have fun
is all that I want
If you want to see, look from within
because the body has it down pat, move before you explode
There are more people here
You’re not alone with me
but let’s forget that for a while
Just for this song
Let’s be
I don’t need any more than that
It’s enough for me
just to belong
Let’s dance
all we want
Let’s find each other
Let’s understand
There’s no rush
to leave
Let’s just
If you want to see, look from within
because the body has it down pat, move before you explode
There are more people here
You’re not alone with me
but let’s forget that for a while
Just for this song
If you want to see, look from within
because the body has it down pat, move before you explode
There are more people here
You’re not alone with me
but let’s forget that for a while
Just for this song


Versions: #1
If I were to become your captive,
This summer would definitely be perfect
Even if we can't go back, don't you forget
No matter how many years go by, I can't say it
I don't care if I regret it
I've managed to say this much, though
Hey, summer time
I want to walk down a beach-side street
I even want to go on drives, too
I just want you to meet my eyes
Hey, summer time
Running on the seashore until dawn,
It would be nice to be wrapped up in the sound of waves, huh
Every little thing she does is sweet, huh
If I were to become your captive,
This summer would definitely be perfect
Don't forget about your dreaming girl of the rumours
But if I told you about how I feel,
At some point this dream would probably fade
A street corner of swaying blue silhouettes
I don't believe in horoscopes
There's no way fate or whatever exists
I only wanna know what's real
Hey, summer time
You don't even notice the distance growing smaller
I can't hide how hard my heart is pounding in my chest
But you're just as oblivious as ever
Hey, summer time
Even if the memories fade
A relationship of love and fullness would be nice
Her smile is just so damn lovable, huh
If I were to become your captive,
This summer would definitely be perfect
Don't forget about your dreaming girl of the rumours
But if I told you about how I feel,
At some point this dream would probably fade
A street corner of swaying blue silhouettes
If I were to become your captive,
This summer would definitely be perfect
Don't forget about your dreaming girl of the rumours
But if I told you about how I feel,
At some point this dream would probably fade
A street corner of swaying blue silhouettes

Nu mai vreau să mă îndrăgostesc

Nu mai vreau să mă îndrăgostesc,
vreau să trăiesc
și de dragoste ce va fi va fi
Dacă cea pe care o credeam un înger
mi-a distrus toate visele
în cine să mă mai încred în dragoste din această noapte încolo.
Și nu te vei astepta să rămân
încă lângă tine
de tine eu voi uita
și o voi lua de la capăt
nu voi plânge deloc
deloc tristețe
chiar dacă o voi întâlni
nu vreau
să mă îndrăgostesc
nu vreau să mă mai îndrăgostesc
nu vreau să mă mai îndrăgostesc
Iartă-mă dacă poți
dacă vei vedea o alta lângă mine
ei nu-i voi mai da
o firimitură din mine în plus
Nu plânge pentru mine
eu mă voi distra
ce va fi va fi
Nu vreau să mă îndrăgostesc
nu vreau să mă mai îndrăgostesc

And if Anybody Falls in Love with Me

And if anybody falls in love with me
My guitar will play for you
But if nobody wants me
My guitar will cry in silence
And if anybody falls in love with me
My smile will come back to you
But if nobody wants me
My endless sadness will return
Love, listen to me, I'll listen to you
Love, help me, I'll help you
Those who look for an angel will find one
I'm looking for a moment of eternity
And if anybody falls in love with me
My guitar will play for you
But if nobody wants me
My guitar will cry in silence
My guitar will cry in silence

The Angel has ...

The angel told the fully-blessed woman
Oh pure virgin, rejoice
and again I say, rejoice
as your son rose from the grave on the third day
light up, light up
Oh new Jeruselam
as God's glory has risen on you
Rejoice now and be happy oh Zion
and you pure mother of God
rejoice rejoice for your son's resurrection

Te vei îndrăgosti

Te vei îndrăgosti,
poate nu de mine.
Vei rămâne acolo
și se va întâmpla de la sine,
de la sine.
De libertatea
prietenilor tăi
nu-ți va păsa
când te vei îndrăgosti,
vei vedea.
Va fi frumos de privit
ca un poster al lui James Dean.
Teama va fi dulce
lansând blugii.
Va fi la fel de mare ca marea,
Va fi puternică precum Dumnezeu,
va fi prima iubire adevărată -
ceea ce eu nu sunt.
Te vei îndrăgosti
de un ticălos ce-ți
va spune minciuni
pentru a te îndepărta de mine.
Cine te va apăra
de întunericul nopții,
de această viață care nu-ți dă
ceea ce promite?
Te vei îndrăgosti, știu
cu siguranță nu de mine,
în profunzimea
ce nu știi că o ai in tine, (Te vei îndrăgosti)
în tine. (Te vei îndrăgosti)
Vei fi singură impotriva tuturor
pentru că eu nu voi fi
când plângi și speli vasele,
iar viața spune nu.
O întârziere de șase zile
ce nu știi dacă să-i spui lui,
vei dori să te gândești la mine
tu, care acum nu mă vrei.
Te vei îndrăgosti de mine
Dar nu voi fi eu cu tine.
Te vei îndrăgosti
când de-acum va fi târziu (Te vei îndrăgosti)
și cerul va plânge,(Te vei îndrăgosti, te vei îndrăgosti)
îi va lipsi o stea (Te vei îndrăgosti, te vei îndrăgosti)
Pleacă cu fericirea ta,(Te vei îndrăgosti)
ești foarte frumoasă.
Te vei îndrăgosti
Te vei îndrăgosti
Te vei îndrăgosti, nu de mine
Dar te vei îndrăgosti
Te vei îndrăgosti,
Te vei îndrăgosti,
Te vei îndrăgosti
nu de mine, dar te vei îndrăgosti
Te vei îndrăgosti
Te vei îndrăgosti
Te vei îndrăgosti
Te vei îndrăgosti

The Pony Has A Long Forelock

When it's freezing or hot outside,
the pony goes to work at nine all the same.
The trolleybus from its trolleybus depot,
the bus from its bus depot,
are all set to bring us
to the gates of the zoo
to the gates of the zoo.
The pony has a long soft silken forelock,
he pulls the coach to such lands
as dad went to and mom went to
when they were just like me,
just like, just like me.
To there, where elephants and hippos,
orangutangs and other marvels dwell
planes fly once a week,
then ships sail for a week,
then all-terrain vehicles too,
while a pony ride just takes half an hour
while a pony ride just takes half an hour.
The pony has a long soft silken forelock,
he pulls the coach to such lands
as dad went to and mom went to
when they were just like me,
just like, just like me.
I'd like to ride the pony day and night,
I could become a granddad and yet not part with him,
I wouldn't part with him.
A plane always looks wonderful above the clouds,
and ships are each more beautiful than the last,
but it's not easy to hug a plane,
and it's not easy to hug a ship,
while it's so easy to hug the pony,
and it feels so marvellous
and it feels so marvellous.

Și mă voi îndrăgosti

Pentru a avea un zâmbet de la tine
nu știu ce-aș face
un zâmbet pentru a ține companie acestei melancolii
un zâmbet abia vizibil
ca al unui copil nou născut
un zâmbet care e mereu același
de când te-ai născut și până acum
și mă voi îndrăgosti și te vei îndrăgosti
tu cu veselia ta
eu cu a mea melancolie
și mă voi îndrăgosti
și te vei îndrăgosti
sunt boli inevitabile
pentru a avea un zâmbet de la tine
nu știu ce-aș face
pentru a vedea o lume care să fie
îmbrăcată cu veselia ta
știu că în interiorul dragostei tale
eu intru precum un naufragiat
în vârful picioarelor
pentru a simți ceea ce simți tu
pentru a vedea ceea ce vezi tu
și mă voi îndrăgosti
și te vei îndrăgosti
tu cu veselia ta
eu cu a mea melancolie
și mă voi îndrăgosti
și te vei îndrăgosti
sunt boli inevitabile
și mă voi îndrăgosti
și te vei îndrăgosti
sunt boli inevitabile
și mă voi îndrăgosti
și te vei îndrăgosti
sunt povești inevitabile
pentru a avea un zâmbet de la tine
nu știu ce-aș face


Versions: #1
You who did not recognize me
Ignorant of my life, this monastery, I have
In front of me a door, half opened
On a maybe
Even if I have to start all over
You who did not believe my solitude
Ignored its cries, its harsh angles. I have
In my heart a minuscule thread
A lunar filament
That holds onto a diamond, being worn away...
But that loves
I didn't choose this
But it is here, the 'innamoramento'
Love and death maybe
But I would suspend time for one word
Everything swells and yields
And it is here, the 'innamoramento'
All of its being is imposed upon us
Perhaps we will finally find its echo
You who have not seen the other side of....
The condemned doors of my memory, I have
Fled from everything, the treasures of the past
Those wounded years
Do you understand I will have to stop?
I no longer look to heaven, I have
In front of me a half opened door, but
The unknown has bruised more than one heart
And its soul mate
We hope for it, wait for it, we even flee it
But we love

Sunt atât de-ndrăgostită

Dacă nu eram așa îndrăgostită,
de tine atât, atât de-ndrăgostită,
eu n-aș fi suportat
toate câte mi le faci,
toate câte mi le faci.
E o pedeapsă pentru mine să te iubesc,
e un infern, dar țin la tine.
Și știi că aș plânge
când tu nu ești aici,
când tu nu ești aici.
Dar cum poți, cum poți
să nu observi deloc
că îți dau tot binele din lume,
că-ți dau tot ce-i mai bun din mine?
Dacă nu eram așa îndrăgostită,
aș ieși în tăcere din viața ta.
Dar rămân aici, pentru că
n-o să trăiesc fără tine,
n-o să trăiesc fără tine.
E o pedeapsă pentru mine să te iubesc,
e un infern, dar țin la tine.
Și știi că aș plânge
când tu nu ești aici,
când tu nu ești aici.
Dar cum poți, cum poți
să nu observi deloc
că îți dau tot binele din lume,
că-ți dau tot ce-i mai bun din mine?
Dacă nu eram așa îndrăgostită,
aș ieși în tăcere din viața ta.
Dar rămân aici, pentru că
n-o să trăiesc fără tine,
n-o să trăiesc fără tine.
Dar rămân aici, pentru că
n-o să trăiesc fără tine,
n-o să trăiesc fără tine.

Corina, Corina

O iubesc pe Corina, spune lumii că da
O iubesc pe Corina, spune lumii că da
Şi mă rog în fiecare seară să înveţe să mă iubească şi ea pe mine
Corina, Corina
Corina, Corina
Corina, Corina
Ce mult te iubesc!
Oh, draga mea, unde ai fost atâta timp?
Da, draga mea, unde ai fost atâta timp?
N-am iubit pe nimeni cât timp n-ai fost
Corina, Corina
Corina, Corina
Corina, Corina
Ce mult te iubesc!
Am lăsat-o pe Corina departe peste mări,
Doamne, am lăsat-o pe Corina departe, peste mări
Şi de-o vezi pe Corina, trimite-o la mine-acasă...
Corina, Corina
Corina, Corina
Corina, Corina
Ce mult te iubesc!
Corina, Corina
Corina, Corina
Corina, Corina
Ce mult te iubesc!
Dragă, nu ştii
cât de mult te iubesc!
Dragă, nu ştii..

Mă îndrăgostesc cu adevărat

Mă simt ciudat cu adevărat,
de un pic de timp e așa:
se întâmplă mereu, de fiecare dată când ești aici.
Totul mi se pare mai bun
înțeleg bine ce e,
înțeleg că mă voi îndrăgosti de tine.
Ești mereu primul meu gând
și adorm cu tine
pare ceva rău
dar e bun ca tine.
Mă face să mă simt ușor,
zâmbește și stai ca mine
'O știi, stau îndragostindu-mă și eu de tine'.
Și chiar că mă îndrăgostesc cu adevărat
pentru multe zile, de câte?
Aproape o viață să te caut
și acum te am aici în față și vei vedea,
vei vedea că timp voi avea, vei avea atâta iubire câtă vei dori,
pentru că nu e suficientă niciodată...
Și ne ținem de mână
amândoi stăm în liniște
sigur că e caraghios: sunt mai încordat ca tine.
Te simt între degete și e o plăcere așa
în această clipă viața e toată aici.
Și chiar că mă îndrăgostesc cu adevărat
privește-mă sunt sincer
încerc aceleași lucruri ca și tine acum:
pentru mine e la fel și vei vedea
vei vedea cât timp voi avea, vei avea atâta iubire câtă vei dori
Și că nu e suficientă niciodată.
Vei vedea,
vei vedea cât timp voi avea, vei avea atâta iubire câtă vei dori
...Și că nu e suficientă niciodată.
Mă simt ciudat cu adevărat,
de un pic de timp e așa:
se întâmplă mereu, de fiecare dată când ești aici.

You have to die a couple of times before you can live

Versions: #1
they were only kids
but got married anyways
on the airport
and flew to Krakow
and so many things
was sad with that trip
because he didn't love her
and she didn't notice
badabapapa bapadapa
badabapapa bapadapa
and her new love
bent him down so easily in front of her
without even knowing about the suffering of young Werther
and that was the first time
he got beat up by a stranger
and how would he hold back his tears
badabapapa bapadapa
badabapapa bapadapa
and he got the residues of Magdalena
when she got dumped by Ola
they were almost at the end of Casablanca
in the scene he grew up in
and just like that he left her
on a dusty road beneath a tree
that was the last time he saw her
you have to go through shame
you have to go through dreams
you have to die a couple times before you can live
he fell asleep behind
his new sunglasses
and he dreamt that he didn't need anyone
and when he woke up
there was a note on his forehead
''Now you know everything about nothing, you fucking loser''
i had to change something
you had just left me
i woke up and cradled a bottle of gin
but in the dream I just dreamt I held you
and I saw my youth
full throttle away
and then drive straight into a mountain wall
you have to die a couple times before you can live
you have to go through shame
you have to go through dreams
you have to die a couple times before you can live
you have to go through shame
you have to go through dreams
you have to die a couple times before you can live
you have to
you have to
you have to die a couple times before you can live
before you can live

Să mă îndrăgostesc de tine

Să mă îndrăgostesc de tine,
pentru a nu te părăsi niciodată
toată viața.
Să mă îndrăgostesc de tine,
să mă simt mereu în tine,
să te simți mereu în mine.
Să te sărut la răsăritul soarelui,
să te sărut la fiecare asfințit.
Trecut și ce va urma
să trăim împreună
în sărutările mele,
în sărutările tale.
Să mă îndrăgostesc de tine
precum un destin,
să te simt mereu în mine,
să mă simt mereu în tine.
Sa te sarut la rasaritul soarelui
sa te sarut la fiecare asfintit.
Trecut si ce va urma
sa traim impreuna
in sarutarile mele,
in sarutarile tale.
Sa ma indragostesc de tine
precum un destin,
sa te simti mereu in mine,
sa ma simt mereu in tine.
A te iubi
Pentru a nu ne părăsi niciodată!

Why Did You Make Me Fall in Love?

In the sky a falling star traces a trail of gold.
Every sigh in the wind says that I love you so much—
but you don't feel this spell of love.
Why did you make me fall in love, if you never kiss me—never ever?
I am in despair and you know it—but you never want to kiss me.
There are hundreds of kisses on your lips—your lips—
but if I get close to you, you pull away—
why don't you ever want to kiss me?
Oh, how many precious nights
have we lost, have we wasted?
Nobody seems to have ever told you
that it is amazing, wonderful to make love?
Why did you make me fall in love, if you never kiss me—never ever?
Tonight do you want to let me taste your kisses?
Oh, how many precious nights
have we lost, have we wasted?
Nobody seems to have ever told you
that it is amazing, wonderful to make love?
Why did you make me fall in love, if you never kiss me—never ever?
Tonight do you want to let me taste your kisses?
Tonight do you want to let me taste your kisses?
Tonight do you want to let me taste your kisses?
Tonight do you want to let me taste your kisses?

The Postman

There was a young man from afar
Who carried a letter for me
Ah! Oh
He came to my door
Ah! Oh...
He smiled and said that someone
Missed me far away
And asked me to unfold the letter
And reply to him after reading it
So that the postman could told him it all
Why it was unexpected
So strange, out of expectations
Ah! Oh...
The mysterious postman
Ah! Eh-oh...
He was so abrupt
That made my heart race and made me doubt
He addressed no name or surname
How could I trust such a young man
Ah! Oh
The mysterious postman
Do tell me, what you are thinking about
Don't let time go by like this
Because the past just can't be brought back
Please do tell me
What you are thinking about
I know that you love me
Unless noted in 'Author's comment' section, all the translations are done from the original lyrics.
You are welcome to offer any suggestion to my translation!

Snow Lioness

Versions: #2
I really do exist, I'm a feminist, environmentalist and pacifist
I ride a snow mobile and I'm an egoist
I'm a Buddhist, I believe in Jesus Christ
I was here first, not last
Don't treat me like some court case
The difference between yours and mine is just lines on a page
Of historical lies and fabrications
Anti-racist, my ass
When you can't tell who you stole all your cash from
He, she, they, son
You stole our land from us once
Indigenous woman, snow lioness, I'm the rainbow in your iris
I'm all that, I'm more, I'm queer, I've existed here for thousands of years
Hi Minister, can I have a word with you?
Even though you’ve got a lot on your plate
This pertains to what is actually our land
Did you know we commit suicide
Because our population is too small to exist?
And anything that pertains to the few doesn't matter
Do you understand? No one wants to disappear
When they've been here as long as the land can remember
Is this really democracy
When the majority has power over people like us?
I want to be free, not just feel free
What do I have to do in order to belong?
Indigenous woman, snow lioness, I'm the rainbow in your iris
I'm all that, I'm more, I'm queer, I’ve existed here for thousands of years
Eamiálbmot, álo gávdnon, mon lean lejonváibmu garra fámuin
Mon lean gait, bonju maid, arvedávgi ravddas ravdii

Jag uppskattar gärna förslag och korrekturläsningar.

Have You Ever Had Heart Broken?

It’s been a while, those few words
Settle in my heart again
In case you notice
I’m putting my head down, I have to hide myself
I’m trying to be calm, standing in front of you
But like a fool, I keep wanting to cry
And I’m comforting myself
I haven’t gotten over you like you did
I still only have you in my heart
Even though I can’t find any of me in your heart
I still love you
More than the person who is with you now
You seem good, your comfortably smiling face
I knew you were different from me
When will I see you again?
I’m sure I’ll be waiting for that small chance
You’re getting farther away
Will you turn around at least once?
I haven’t even taken a single step yet
I haven’t gotten over you like you did
I still only have you in my heart
Even though I can’t find any of me in your heart
I still love you
Just like the person who is with you now
Yes, I’m alright, don’t look at me that way
I have no regrets from loving you before
Now I can’t do anything else for you
But when I see you again some day
I’ll smile for you, just like you did
But I haven’t forgotten everything
Your bright smile from today
Seemed like it was asking me to forget you now
But it’s still too hard for me to let you go

The Answer to Come Back

I've come
to tell you what I'm sorry about.
I've been strong, and
inside me I'm dying.
I can't deny that I still love you.
It's not possible to forget you, but...
I've come
to tell you that I can't.
It's exhausting.
This time was the last time I'll try.
Stop insisting.
We can't be such fools.
So accept that our time has come...
to let go, and let us go.
It's hard but I understand.
Before, it was me who wanted to keep going,
but without love, I stopped feeling.
So, now I've decided,
and insisting won't work.
I'm left with nothing,
I gave you everything.
Now, all that's left is the memories,
of something that wasn't perfect.
But that finally made me happy.
Good things don't wait.
We had it good, but indifference won us over.
And now it's too late to rebuild.
We tried time and time again,
but time and time again,
we failed.
I don't want to hurt.
I know that if we keep trying,
we're going to go on hurting,
and it's absurd to keep on going like this.
Because I loved you enough.
Now, the smartest thing to do is
know that this has come to an end.
I've come
to tell you what I'm sorry about.
I've been strong, and
inside me I'm dying.
I can't deny that I still love you.
It's not possible to forget you, but...
I've come
to tell you that I can't.
It's exhausting.
This time was the last time I'll try.
Stop insisting.
We can't be such fools.
So accept that our time has come...
Our time has come.
Now we can each go our own way,
looking for a way to be happy.
Everything that we once dreamt about,
can be left to be forgotten, and it's better that way.
If it was my fault, or yours,
I don't know.
If it was destiny, or time
There's no need for a reason this time.
I don't feel the need to explain why. 1
I've come
to tell you what I'm sorry about.
I've been strong, and
inside me I'm dying.
I can't deny that I still love you.
It's not possible to forget you, but...
I've come
to tell you that I can't.
It's exhausting.
This time was the last time I'll try.
Stop insisting.
We can't be such fools.
So accept that our time has come...
  • 1. lit: 'There are no more motivations to explain why.

Im gonna miku miku you

Beyond the limits of science
I'm here.
I don't have leeks.
I wish I could.
You know, early
Put it in your computer.
What's wrong?
Package I've been staring.
About you.
I'll give you a try!
I'm still singing.
I'll give you a try!
So be prepared for a moment.
I'll do it for you.
Mikku Mikuni
Until the end.
Mikku Mikuni
So give me a little alert.
I'll give you a try!
than anyone else in the world
I'll give you a try! So let me sing more

I Fell in Love with You

I fell in love with you
because I had nothing better to do.
By day, I wanted to meet someone.
At night, I wanted something to dream about.
I fell in love with you
because I could no longer remain alone.
By day, I wanted to talk about my dreams.
At night, I wanted to talk of love.
And now that I have a thousand things to do,
I feel my dreams fade away—
and I no longer think
of anything else but you.
I fell in love with you
and now I just do not know what to do.
By day, I regret having been with you.
At night, I come searching for you.
I fell in love with you
and now I just do not know what to do.
By day, I regret having been with you.
At night, I come searching for you.

I Fell in Love with You

Versions: #3
I fell in love with you
because I had nothing better to do.
By day, I wanted to meet someone.
At night, I wanted something to dream about.
I fell in love with you
because I could no longer remain alone.
By day, I wanted to talk about my dreams.
At night, I wanted to talk of love.
And now that I have a thousand things to do,
I feel my dreams fade away—
and I no longer think
of anything else but you.
I fell in love with you
and now I just do not know what to do.
By day, I regret having been with you.
At night, I come searching for you.
I fell in love with you
and now I just do not know what to do.
By day, I regret having been with you.
At night, I come searching for you.

Set This Shit on Fire

You can find everything here and even a little more
If only you dare
To see it
You can find the light here if you want to
If only you dare
When tears keep falling
And you scream no and no
You can find the light here if you want to
Breathe in and breathe out
Make everything explode
And blow up the truth inside of you
Breathe in and breathe out
Let all thoughts disappear
Yes, set this shit on fire
Yes, set this shit on fire
Let the pain be
Let it even be more painful
Make your weakness go by
So that your strength gets to be alive
When the tears stop
And the light comes in
You can find the light here if you want to
Breathe in and breathe out
Make everything explode
And blow up the truth inside of you
Breathe in and breathe out
Let all thoughts disappear
Yes, set this shit on fire
Yes, set this shit on fire
Time won't heal all wounds
And here we go again
With our broken hearts
A lightheartedness that's coming down
And hides inside of me
And I hide inside you
You can find the light here if you want to
Breathe in and breathe out
Make everything explode
And blow up the truth inside of you
Breathe in and breathe out
Let all thoughts disappear
Yes, set this shit on fire
Yes, set this shit on fire