Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 12
Hey baby
Hey baby!I keep thinking it's worth it,
and this thing I'm feeling it's still living in my veins,
and I've decided not to suffer the punishment
no, no, no, no, of not having you close.
And look at me, baby!
I'm looking for the way of having you close.
You're flavor won't leave me,
and I pretend to give you what your body needs,
my girl, come here!
so I can make you enjoy.
Hey, right there!
Hey baby!
I know you think this is too complicated,
and that you prefer to walk your own way.
But I know you've thought of me too,
and that ou love me, baby.
And look at me baby!
I don't want to remain as a friend,
and I would give my, my life to live it by your side,
and hug you day and night, my girl,
and hug you day and night,
so I can kiss you and eat you, beautiful brunette,
princess, come here!
Na na na na...
Hey baby! Hey baby!
I keep thinking, I keep believing, I keep having the feeling
that this is actually worth it.
Hey baby! Hey baby!
Hey! And tell you sincerely
that you drive me crazy with your hips' swing.
Hey baby! Hey baby!
Hey! I know I'm an ugly guy
but don't tell me you don't like my kisses,
because I don't buy it.
Hey baby! Hey baby!
Listen, don't worry 'cause everything will be okay,
baby, I swear.
Hey baby! Hey baby!
You say this is complicated,
you say this is entangled,
but I'm telling you: 'I want you by my side'.
Hey baby! Hey baby!
Hey, beautiful princess, beautiful princess,
you know that your mouth enchants me.
Hey baby! Hey baby!
No, no, I don't want Tomasa,
I don't want Rosa, I don't want Elena,
I just want my baby.
Hey baby! Hey baby!
You say 'no, no, no', and then 'yes, yes, yes',
make your mind and come with me, baby.
Na na na na...
The Books of the Good Memory
The wine warms,dreams as it gasps...
from it's mouth,
a greenish sweetness...
and between the books,
of the good memory,
he keeps listening,
like a blind man in front of a sea...
My voice will come to you,
my mouth as well...
maybe I'll trust it,
that you were a vestige of the future.
Red and green,
lights of love.. conjure,
under a red halo...
what strange shadow,
you hid from my sight...
that you never heard,
the crunch of leaves...
Well then I'll write to you,
I will make you cry...
my mouth will kiss you,
and all the tenderness of your aquarium...
More if the moon,
reddened in thirst...
or the impalas,
ran across your pond...
you wouldn't come,
to win in your soul...
I know you would take,
a long way to get there...
I'm still here, waiting for you...
everything is dark,
I don't know if the sea will rest...
A stem will have grown on the walnut tree...
the light will have marked people without faith...
and this bottle,
has been emptied as well...
that not even dreams,
can hide from rumors...
Liquor don't come back now,
stop laughing...
it's not needed anymore,
you can already see the tigers in the rain...
Captain Beto’s Ring
There goes Captain Betothrough space...
with his fiber ship,
made in Haedo.
Yesterday a bus driver,
today master among the masters,
of the air...
It’s already been 15 years,
on his voyage...
his equipment is as precarious,
as his fate...
However a strange ring,
drives off his dangers,
in the cosmos...
There goes Captain Beto,
through space...
a photo of Carlos
on the display...
and a River Plate pennant
and the sad little stamp of a saint...
Where is it, the place,
that everyone calls heaven?
If nobody comes here,
to prime me with some bitters,
like in my old threshold...
Why will I have come this far?
If I cant stand anymore solitude...
I cant stand any more solitude now...
His ring protects him
from the dangers...
But it doesn’t protect
against the sadness...
Sailing through the galaxy of man.
There goes Captain Beto,
the wanderer...
Where will there be,
a city,
in which some whistles a tango?
Where are they?
Where are they,
the garbage trucks,
my old woman and coffee?
If it continues on like this...
Not a sad shadow will remain...
Not even a sad shadow will remain...
There goes Captain Beto,
through space...
watering the geraniums in his cabin...
without compass and without radio,
he will never return to the Earth...
It took them many years,
until they found it...
Captain Beto’s ring carried the inscription,
of the sign of the soul.
You come to my mind in the moonlightYou have uncontrollable charms woo yeah
Every time I feel those lips
It sets all my senses on fire
In intense flames of your love that never vanish
Wrapped and embraced at the beginning of summer
The scars of your nails thrust on my body, still emit light on dark nights
Love is Invisible, I won’t let anyone see it
You control all my emotions
Love is Invisible, when my body is getting so hot like this
What should I do? You’re such an Aphrodite
I don’t know, I don’t care, I can’t go back, I can’t see you, that’s why I want to see you
I want to take you away, I want to touch you, I’m getting crazy, I only want you
You’re beautiful, seductive, lovely, I wanna see your passion
I’ll take your clothes off, then I’ll dig up your body, I already want you so bad
If you lie to hide the truth, then I will believe it
Even if everything we’re touching right now is a fantasy that’ll eventually vanish…
Love is Invisible, my emotions keep getting deeper and deeper with every encounter
My desires are screaming for you
Love is Invisible, my heart is yearning for you so much
I want to pull your face to myself and sleep like that, Aphrodite
I thought I didn’t belong anywhere
I thought I couldn’t go anywhere
But I won’t leave here
You’re my only certain place
Love me, don’t avoid me
Dye me in red, Your love is darker than the color of blood
I don’t know if the one I loved was a goddess or a demon
I don’t get you at all, but why do I love you so much?
That you see the sky
Today your skirt twist with the windI want to see you dance
Among the people
Among the people
I want to see you dance
Don’t care your name
If you can answer me
There’s so many of your dreams that you see the sky
While I see you dance
Today your smile
It’s clean and twist
I want to see you dance
Among the people
Among the people
I want to see you dance
Don’t care your name
If you can answer me
There’s so many of your dreams that you see the sky
While I see you dance
Ea nu poate vedea cum se aprind ochii tăi când zâmbeștiNu va observa niciodată cum te oprești și privești de fiecare dată când trece pe lângă
Și nu poți vedea cum eu te vreau așa cum o vrei tu pe ea
Dar tu ești totul pentru mine
Și vreau doar să-ți arăt
Ea nici măcar nu te cunoaște
Nu te va iubi niciodată așa cum vreau eu să te iubesc
Dar tu doar vezi prin mine, dar dacă m-ai cunoaște
Am fi un miracol frumos, nemaivăzut, în loc de invizibili
Există o flacără înlăuntrul tău care nu se poate abține din strălucit
Ea nu va vedea niciodată lumina
Indiferent de ceea ce faci
Și mă gândesc doar la cum să te fac să te gândești la mine
Și la tot ceea ce-am putea fi
Ca umbrele într-o lumină slabă
Oh suntem invizibili
Vreau doar să-ți deschid ochii și să te fac să realizezi
Și vreau doar să-ți arăt, ea nici măcar nu te cunoaște
Dragule, lasă-mă să te iubesc, lasă-mă să te doresc
Dar tu doar vezi prin mine,
dar dacă m-ai cunoaște
Am fi un miracol frumos, nemaivăzut, în loc de invizibili
Ea nu poate vedea cum se aprind ochii tăi când zâmbești
Nothing here, nothing thereNothing to say, nothing to explain
Today, not even the sun will shine on me
Nothing to prove, nothing to pretend
Nothing to judge, nothing to avoid
Today, no one will hear my voice
So many lights, so many looks, what are they staring at?
So much darkness, so much darkness
Because it's true that I feel invisible
When1 I prefer to be seen
And deep down, I only seek to be found
When I prefer to disappear
I feel the power of seeing without being seen
When no one notices me is
When I know that I exist
I'm not Mephistopheles2 (hey!)
Nor the Antichrist (ah!)
I don't hide for pleasure, but out of necessity
Like Houdini, unpredictable
Without magic or charms I become invisible
And unmoved, I dig my war's trenches
Pleading: 'Earth, swallow me!'
I may be real, I may be fiction
Only material or just an illusion
but I have control
And although I know that I'll never see him
I know there's someone else who must have
the same intentions that I do.
Essential things aren't seen by the eyes, that's why some days I choose not to be...
And that is my truth, and that is my truth
Because it's true that I feel invisible
When I prefer to be seen
And deep down, I only seek to be found
When I prefer to disappear
I've gotten used to being transparent
Among the crowd, I don't see myself as being present
And I feel absent, only when I fade away
Wells wrote about me, Dalí painted me
But no one understands why I'm the way I am
If they ask how I'm doing, nobody answers
Not everything has an answer!
Because it's true that I feel invisible
When I prefer to be seen
And deep down, I only seek to be found
When I prefer to disappear
When I prefer to disappear
When I prefer to disappear
δωρεάν ελάβετε δωρεάν δότε
E ca și cum camera s-ar fi golit de fum,Nu am vrut nici măcar inima pe care ai rupt-o,
Este a ta, să o păstrezi,
Poate că ai nevoie de una.
În cele din urmă mi-am găsit adevăratul nume,
Nu voi fi eu când mă vei vedea din nou,
Nu, nu voi mai fi fiul tatălui meu.
Sunt mai mult decât știi,
Sunt mai mult decât vezi aici,
Mai mult decât m-ai lăsat să fiu.
Sunt mai mult decât știi,
Un trup într-un suflet,
Nu mă vezi, dar o vei face,
Nu sunt invizibil.
Este corect:
Voi fi în lumea invizibilă.
Nu visez, nu așa cum trebuie,
Nici măcar la tine nu mă gândesc prea mult,
Doar dacă încep să nu mă gândesc deloc.
Toate zilele înghețate,
Și căile tale înghețate
Îți taie fața ca zăpada.
Sunt mai mult decât știi,
Sunt mai mult decât vezi aici,
Mai mult decât m-ai lăsat să fiu.
Sunt mai mult decât știi,
Un trup într-un suflet,
Nu mă vezi, dar o vei face,
Nu sunt invizibil.
Sunt aici,
Sunt aici.
Nu există
Nu există
Doar noi
Doar noi
Nu există
Nu există
Ești doar tu
Sunt doar eu
Nu există
Numai noi
Numai noi
Nu există
Nu există
Numai tu
Sunt doar eu
Nu există
Numai noi
Nu există