Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 5


The Time That's Left

How much time,
How much more time?
Years, days, hours, how much?
When I think about it my heart beats so strongly...
My country is life.
How much more time,
How much?
I love the time that's left so much
I want to laugh, run, cry, talk,
And see, believe, drink, dance
Cry, eat, swim, jump, disobey
I'm not done, I'm not done
Steal, sing, leave, leave again, suffer, love
I love the time that's left so much!
I no longer know where I was born or when
I know it wasn't long ago...
That my country was life
I also know my father said:
Time is like your bread,
Save some for tomorrow!
I still have some bread
Some more time, but how much?
I want to play some more...
I want to laugh mountains of laughs,
I want to cry floods of tears,
I want to drink entire boats of wine
From Bordeaux and Italy
And dance, cry, steal, swim in all the oceans
I'm not done, I'm not done
I want to sing
I want to talk until my voice is gone
I love the time that's left so much!
How much time,
How much more time?
Years, days, hours, how much?
I want stories, journeys,
I have so many people to see, so many pictures
Babies, women, big men,
Little men, funny people, sad people,
Very smart people and dumb ones
It's funny, the idiots lain to rest1,
It's like leaves in the middle of roses...
How much time,
How much more time?
Years, days, hours, how much?
I don't give a damn, my love!
When the orchestra stops, I'll keep dancing
When the airplanes are no longer flying, I'll fly alone
When time stops...
I'll still love you
I don't know where, I don't know how
But I'll still love you
  • 1. 'reposer' can mean to lie/rest in terms of being dead, but the 'ça' here is confusing me and I'm not sure of what it's referring to

O primă dragoste

O primă dragoste, primă dragoste, primă dragoste
Nu se uită niciodată, niciodată, niciodată.
O primă dragoste, o căutăm întotdeauna
În alte iubiri, o urmărim toată viața.
Ne-a tulburat, și ne-a făcut să visăm, și să tremurăm
Această primă dragoste, primă dragoste, primă dragoste.
Dar copilul care suntem, copilul care a rămas în noi
Mereu se va-nfiora în amintirea acestei iubiri.
Și tu, tu pe care l-am iubit
Ce ai făcut din tine?
Ce ai făcut fără mine?
Și eu, eu care te-am pierdut
Ce am făcut în plus?
Am fost mult mai fericită?
Noi știam de fapt ...
O primă dragoste, primă dragoste, primă dragoste
Nu se uită niciodată, niciodată, niciodată.
O primă dragoste, o căutăm întotdeauna
În alte iubiri, o urmărim toată viața.
Că toate aceste sărutări pe care le-am furat, nu le-am dat,
Aceste gesturi nevinovate ne-au angajat atât de mult timp.
Nu, copiii care încă eram atunci
Nu bănuiau prea multe, erau încântați
Că o primă dragoste, prima lor dragoste era atât de puternică.


Marea mea pasăre bolnavă - libertate,
Corabia mea cu trei catarge pe val - libertate.
Balada mea ciudată,
Chitara mea disperată
În degetele nebune de nomazi - libertate.
Sumbra mea sfâșiere - libertate,
Iubirea mea fără podoabă - libertate.
Doamne, fă ca timpul meu să dureze,
Cum n-a mai durat vreodată,
Nemăsurat - libertate.
În apa albastră din fântâni, libertate,
Fără să-și cruțe efortul, libertate,
Oamenii fac un lanț
Ca să te cucerească, să te țină
În mâinile lor sângerânde, libertate.
Pajiștea mea neîmprejmuită - libertate.
Ca un cuvânt care șters - libertate.
Suntem aruncați pe pășune,
O aparență a adevărului tău,
Unde te desfigurăm, libertate.
Prin forță și viclenie, libertate,
Ne ești refuzată, libertate.
Răbdarea noastră se tocește,
Vreau să știi că a sosit ceasul
Să deschidem larg zăgazurile. Libertate!

Do you know what a Christmas tree needs?

La la la...
Do you know what a Christmas tree needs?
It needs some rain and some sunshine too,
rain, sunshine, but there's a hitch,
it's not enough.
Winter rain will freeze
and the tree will die.
So, do you know what it needs?
Some bright sunshine, some rain
and friends too.
Love, always,
On the letter you write to Santa,
so that it doesn't get lost in the huge sky,
draw the golden sledge,
the immaculate reindeer1
but that's not enough yet.
It still needs...
Do you want to know what it needs
to climb up there
into the blue?
It needs the impulse of a pure heart,
two immaculate reindeer,
a bouncing sledge,
some sunshine and rain,
and friends to boot,
and love,
always love.
La la la...
  • 1. and what about ?

The spring

Versions: #2
It sings in the middle of the wood
The spring, and I wonder
whether one should believe this legend
About a girl who was found there
She was fair, she was gentle
She was fond of resting
In the woods, lying on the moss
Listening to the singing birds
One day, when she went to town
Through the wood where she used to walk by
Suddenly she saw
Three men watching her
Three men watching her
It sings in the middle of the wood
The spring, and I wonder
If one should believe this legend
About a girl who was found there
The three were here waiting for her
Three wolfmen, for this sheep{2x}
Her flesh was too tender
They were too hungry
As she didn't know how to fight for
The light breath of her life
She fell down on the new grass
As a bird falls from its nest
As a bird falls from its nest
It sings in the middle of the wood
The spring, and I wonder
If one should believe this legend
About a girl who was found there
When she was picked up from the ground
As a big cut flower
Her white dress and the light,
She looked like a bride
When she was picked up from the ground
It looked like a great bed
Among the leaves and the rocks
A clear spring gushed out
A clear spring gushed out
It sings in the middle of the wood
The spring, and I wonder
Whether one should believe this legend
About a girl who was found there
It sings in the middle of the wood
The spring, and I wonder
Whether one should believe this legend
About a girl who was found there
Lai lai lai la la la lai la
lai lai lai la la la lai la
Lai lai lai la la la lai la
About a girl who was found there.