Rezultatele căutării pagină 2
Număr de rezultate: 37
One time in the evening, in the evening I went to the seaside,
to find a girlfriend ( for myself) ,
of light skin and with rosy cheeks, of light skin and with rosy cheeks, very graceful,
with whom I can live my life in joy fun.
Tiritomba, tiritomba,tiritomba
is sounding in the air,
Tiritomba, tiritomba, tiritomba
it goes in the air.
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Red Flag
Forward people, to the rescue
Red flag, red flag
Forward people, to the rescue
Red flag will triumph.
Red flag will be triumphant
Red flag will be triumphant
Red flag will be triumphant
Long live socialism and freedom!
The exploited's immense formation
Raises the pure, red flag
Oh proletarians, to the rescue
Red flag will triumph.
Red flag will be triumphant
Red flag will be triumphant
Red flag will be triumphant
The fruits of labor will be for he who works!
From the country to the sea, to the mine
To the workshop, those who suffer and hope
Be ready, it's the hour of vengeance
Red flag will triumph.
Red flag will be triumphant
Red flag will be triumphant
Red flag will be triumphant
Only socialism is true freedom.
No more enemies, no more frontiers
The borders are red flags
Oh socialists, to the rescue
Red flag will triumph.
Red flag will be triumphant
Red flag will be triumphant
Red flag will be triumphant
Only in socialism is there peace and freedom.
Bold, conscious and proud ranks
Unfurl the red flag in the sun
Workers to the rescue
Red flag will triumph.
Red flag will be triumphant
Red flag will be triumphant
Red flag will be triumphant
Long live communism and freedom!
Love Night
Love night,
night of songs sung to the stars
in a low voice, skin to skin
Sweet love night,
night of a tale told to the wind,
of a past that I don’t feel anymore
Night with you,
warm caresses like flower petals
Sun light
that lays on your eyes,
that illuminates your hair
Sweet love night
that falls asleep with me
Light poem, you have to go away
and I’m here like a wave
that dashes in the sea
Sand that passes
through the fingers of my fists,
but that I can’t hold
Loving evening,
two lovers are kissing
holding tight, caressing
Sweet love night
that falls asleep with me
Light poem, you have to go away
and I’m here like a wave
that dashes in the sea
Sand that passes
through the fingers of my fists,
but that I can’t hold
Love night
that falls asleep with me
El: Hai,da-ti jos sortul!
Ea: Sortul , nu, domnule, nu!
El Daca nu vrei sa-l dai jos,
Ma ridic si plec de aici!
Ea: Ei bine, l-am dat jos,
Cecino,ti-am facut pe plac, fa ce vrei!
El: binecuvantata fie maica-ta cand m-am insurat cu tine!
Ea: binecuvantata fie maica-mea cand m-am maritat cu tine!
El: Hai,da-ti jos rochia!
Ea: Rochia, nu, domnule, nu!
El: Hai, da-ti jos camasa!
Ea: camasa, nu, domnule, nu!
El: Hai, da-ti jos juponul!
Ea: Juponul, nu, domnule, nu!
El:Hai, da-ti jos corsetul asta!
Ea: Corsetul acesta, nu, domnule, nu!
El: Hai, da-mi draga, un sarut!
Ea: un sarut, nu, domnule, nu!
El: Daca nu vrei sa mi-l dai,
Ma ridic si plec de aici!
Ea: ei, gata, iti dau un sarut,
Cecino, ti-am facut pe plac, fa ce vrei!
Impreuna: Binecuvantata fie maica-ta, cand ne-am casatorit!
Orasul soarelui
Astazi sunt atat de vesel
incat, aproape ca imi vine sa plang de atata fericire.
Dar e adevarat sau nu e adevarat ca m-am intors la Napoli?
Dar e adevarat ca sunt aici?
Trenul era deja in gara
cand am auzit primele mandoline.
Acesta este orasul soarelui,
acesta este orasul marii,
acesta este orasul unde toate cuvintele,
fie ca sunt dulci sau amare,
sunt mereu cuvinte de dragoste.
Totul, totul este destin
Cum puteam sa-mi caut norocul in alta parte daca eu aici vreau sa traiesc?
Puneti vinul la rece, atat de mult vreau sa beau
incat vreau sa ma imbat.
Inauntrul acestor patru pereti eu sunt multumit.
Mama imi sta alaturi, iar iubita canta.
Acesta este orasul soarelui,
acesta este orasul marii,
acesta este orasul unde toate cuvintele,
fie ca sunt dulci sau amare,
sunt mereu cuvinte de dragoste.