Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 2


Love me, Delilah

I'm totally mad
I'm mad
about your every gesture, and even
despite all
the taboos,
to the very end
I do love you.
You know nothing1
about the hidden secrets and the ties
of this endless love.
Love me, Delilah
Love me, Delilah
since my life
withers far away from yours
what do I care for a fate
that carries me away from yours?
You know how to say anything,
destroy anything
with a mere smile
you put me in chains.
You know how to lie,
and even worse,
curse me
with your hate.
you can do nothing
against this very love
that drives me toward you
Love me, Delilah
Love me, Delilah
Give me
the strength of a lawless love,
and despite all evidence
give us another chance
you know nothing
of what keeps me
in the garden of your loins
Love me, Delilah
Love me, Delilah
And with a scream
at the end of the night
in the hollow of your body
I want to sign
with love and its remorse
I am mad
Despite everything
love me, Delilah
  • 1. John Snow! Oops sorry...

Iubeste-ma Delilah

Sint totul
Sint nebun
Din cauza tuturor gesturilor si chiar
In ciuda tuturor
Pina la urma
Da, te iubesc
Tu nu stii nimic
Din secretele nici din legaturile
Acestei iubiri fara sfirsit
Iubeste-ma, Delilah
Iubeste-ma, Delilah
Daca viata mea dispare departe din viata ta
Ca destinul meu nu conteaza
Daca ma indepartezi de la a ta
Stii tot sa spui
Tot sa distrugi
La un zimbet
Ma tragi
Stii sa minti
Iar la cel mai rau
Sa ma blestemi
Din ura
Tu nu poti nimic [sa faci]
Nimic impotriva acestui iubiri
Ce ma trage spre tine
Iubeste-ma, Delilah
Iubeste-ma, Delilah
Puterea unui iubiri fara lege
Si in ciuda tuturor dovezilor
Lasa-ne o sansa
Tu nu stii nimic
Nimic din ceea ce ma retine
In gradina rinichilor tale
Iubeste-ma, Delilah
Iubeste-ma, Delilah
Si de la un strigat
Vreau la capatul noptii
Sa semnez in golul corpului teu
Iubire si remuscarea ei
Sint nebun
In ciuda la tot
Iubeste-ma, Delilah