Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 7
She’s with you (eh)
But she seems like a cat that eats a mouse, she’s the fair of the East (eh)
I pretend I don’t know her, but she’s really the fair of the ex
She was with me, with Nek too, and with three others
Your new girl’s gone through more seasons than Big Brother (Big Bro, yeah)
These are little boys, the lady eats them up like sandwiches
If she swaps them with her girlfriends, these cards
I’ve got it, I don’t, I’ve got it, I don’t, like Panini’s
The rules tear her Amiri jeans
I put on a patch from Lundini
I’m roast pig and you’re sashimi
I’ll ruin your livestream with a burp
We’re just waiting for us all to be here
We’re gypsies in the streets, out all night long
Tonight only those nasty ones come in
Because at the sea you don’t need manners
And tell me, tell me that
In this dark night, at dinner in a tank top
Everything will come true, and now that my band is playing
To dance the Bamba
Jump, salsa
You’ve got written on your t-shirt
No, bro, wrong year, start over
The token’s down and you go (yeah), like on the tagada (yeah)
We’re made for each other
You make the salsa, I’ll make the pasta
To the first decree was: “Enough”
To the last instead was: “Bastard”
The over 65 from AstraZeneca
Hit the bong on the beach like in Senegal
We’ll be saved this time too
With a big mouth and a short memory
And you’ll shout all night long, all night long
You drink one shot too many
And then you stay up all night, all morning
And even a bit the night after
We’re just waiting for us all to be here
We’re gypsies in the streets, out all night long
Tonight only those nasty ones come in
Because at the sea you don’t need manners
And tell me, tell me that
In this dark night, at dinner in a tank top
Everything will come true, and now that my band is playing
To dance the Bamba
I sweat away the poison because here even the air is a weight
I raise my hands and push the sky up (Jump, jump)
I was caged in, now escaped
I go til sunrise with my bros
If you don’t take another we’re not going away
He’s got on his wrist a $20k Audemars (Ah)
He’s got Dior sunglasses too (Ah)
But if he’s the Wish version of Elon Musk
With a look like: Shock, because
Then she won’t look at his Louis Vuitton’s
But at us shirtless in the booth
We’re just waiting for us all to be here
We’re gypsies in the streets, out all night long
Tonight only those nasty ones come in
Because at the sea you don’t need manners
And tell me, tell me that
In this dark night, at dinner in a tank top
Everything will come true, and now that my band is playing
To dance the Bamba
Jump, salsa
Supercali fragile
I'll tell you my story, be warned it's a scary one
It's a head on crash at 180 with no seatbelt
There's nothing to cut out, I'm leaving it as is
All natural slaps with your vegetables
Headaches and OKI*, good days...not many
The wind didn't change Mary Poppins never convinced me
Happiness in a pill, people believe it
Just a little sugar and you die of diabetes
Cruising on the Titanic, my career in deep water
Anyway, I enjoyed the ride, smoking on the benches
I was so broke, like 30 cents shy of a quarter broke**
But I knew my drama would have a happy ending.
From the beginning, from the start
It was already written in the sky that
After having seen nothing but darkness
The rainbow was just above me
We are strong and fragile
It doesn't frighten us to be
Supercali fragile
Supercali fragile.
I have the suburb and the city
I'm the hero of both worlds
There are zombies here that suck the life out of dreams
I know because I used to write to my mom asking for money
And my dad doesn't think I have a real job, but just a hobby
Not much sapce at home
But I'm proud I didn't end up on the streets dealing drugs
I grew up on sandwiches from a paper bag
A champion at skipping meals like a Super Mario at Cracco's.***
From the beginning, from the start
It was already written in the sky that
After having seen nothing but darkness
The rainbow was just above me
We are strong and fragile
It doesn't frighten us to be
Supercali fragile
Supercali fragile
Supercali fragile
Supercali fragile.
We are strong and fragile
at dodging the low blows
Because things that come easy don't give as much satisfaction
But you imagine it anyway
A life with no obstacles
We're like a page without margins, you and I
Supercali fragile
Supercali fragile
Supercali fragile
Supercali fragile
Supercali fragile.
Tot maica- ta
Viata nu, nu e o gluma dar are ironia sa
Eu zambeam pentru munca mea dar era o minciuna
Si mai mult de o familie eu vroiam Anarhia
Dar acum usuc tot cu fotografia ta
Imi pierdusem increderea in oameni
Fara macar sa-mi dau seama
Munca mergea cu panzele intinse
Casa , o barca ce se scufunda
Sti ca mama astepta un copil dar la pierdut
Eu paralizat ca intr-un cosmar
In timp ce ea plangea si cadea in genunchi
Si in acel moment ceva sa rupt in mine
Pentru prima oara m-am simtit batran
Victima unei facaturi, a unei stregonerii.
Tu ai rupt vraja
Pentru ca esti o magie
Si am sa te duc departe
cu forza unui misil
Si am sa te iau de mana
Te voi duce sa ne jucam in iarba
Si telefonul l-am aruncat
Si am aruncat toate 'le pare'
Din fericire semeni cu mama ta
Din fericire esti tot maica-ta
Cand e ca faceti un copil?
Toti aceeasi intrebare
Eu i-mi retineam nervii
Pentru ca as fi vrut sa le sparg fata
I-mi pierdusem demult la speranza
Nu mai suportam toata drama asta
Sa-mi dea curaj se gandea mama
Printre medicamente si injectii in burta.
Pus la stramtoare ma gandeam la religie
Daca un fiu e dar de la D
Poate asta e pedeapsa mea
Dar cei ce ma iubesc
Cu biletul pentru spectacolul meu
Cine stie daca isi imagineaza
Ca au platit tratamentele si doctorii care au
realizat un miracol
Acum stiu ca in haos e un sens mai profund
Te-ai nascut in Februarie in aceeasi zi cu bunicul
Mama incredula se temea sa nu fie un miraj
Si primele luni te-am tinut zi si noapte in brate
Si am sa te duc departe cu forza unui misil
Si am sa te iau de mana
Te voi duce sa ne jucam in iarba
Telefonul l-am aruncat
Si am aruncat toate tigarile
Din fericire semeni cu mama ta
Din fericire esti tot maica-ta
De la mama ai luat nasucul, forma ochilor si a fetei
Abilitatea de a-mi schimba starea de spirit doar cu un suras
Cand nu dormi niciodata pana dimineata
Cand faci nebunii rad pentru ca
Incapatanarea si cheful de urlat alea le-ai luat de la mine
Le-ai luat de la mine
Si te voi duce departe cu forza unui misil
Si te voi lua de mana
Te voi duce sa ne jucam in iarba
Si telefonul l-am aruncat
Si am aruncat toate tigarile
Din fericire semeni cu mama ta
Din fericire esti tot maica-ta
The man in the hat
Oh nice DJ Ax, big can I touch your goatee?
Are not you ashamed of your age?
Oh, but can I ask you a question? (Go)
Are not you ashamed of your age?
But why do you always have it on your hat?
I have a hat because underneath my hair is brown rat
Try to be Italian and poor DNA
In the family we have big ears and a wide nose
We seem to be hobbit of the Lombard stock.
As a boy, I put ammonia in the shampoo
To look less than Cologno and more than Seattle
I burned the scalp and more than yellow I went out of the bathroom
With the white skull like a slither combed albino.
And thank goodness so at school the next day
I understand that you feel when they call you fagot
What if they make you hate man in the mirror
He puts on a cap, she puts them in her chest
This is not a goatee is that the hair has come down
On the chin to better feel the heresies I said
I put it in the church as if in bed
And I do not remove it so it is clear that I do not respect you
The man in the hat will not care
Whether the sky is beautiful or it will rain
And he has braces because he does not like it
To wear the trousers down halfway
The man in the hat with the heat that there's here
In front of the guards and the time that goes
To irritate the normal people who will say
Are not you ashamed of your age?
In a country dressed up as a jig that is a weekend
In the middle of the lines and on Monday the line in between
I've got it since the days when it was fashion and they said
Oh, go fishing? when I put the Kangol
Mainly the reason is this
So I still bend the New Era visor when I rap
Now even if I took it off you would find me sexy
Rudy Zerbi also has his groupies
But I still hold it for the timid repressed
The bad scarred the bald with the complexes
For the province rockers with rings with skulls on them
And ward off you girls magpies attracted by jewels
For those with style even without cash
And in the photos he has red eyes even without the flash
The hat covers half a face
In spite of the city and its video surveillance
The man in the hat will not care
Whether the sky is beautiful or it will rain
And he has braces because he does not like it
To wear the trousers down halfway
The man in the hat with the heat he's doing
In front of the guards and the time that goes
To irritate the normal people who will say
Are not you ashamed of your age?
I have a hat because if I see a toupee
It seems done with the hairs I lost in the bidet
Because the rich with transplants have Barbie's hair
To give Caesar what is Caesare Ragazzi's
When I drowned the dreadlocks
I understood it's sad to be ex, escort, extension
With the hat are Luciana Littizzetto at Playboy Mansion
The only one with the brain
The man in the hat will care
Whether the sky is beautiful or it will rain
And he has braces because he does not like it
To wear the trousers down halfway
The man in the hat with the heat he's doing
In front of the guards and the of time that goes
To irritate the normal people who will say
Are not you ashamed of your age?
italian girl
discounted nation, the offert splits
because here there are more lidl* than leader
silvio** come back in wi-fi version
you can't forget your first amnesia
popular people this year will go to Mykonos
to be hippie while smoking origan
maybe it's the happiness that played before
for this red eyes there isn't an antihistamine
and then Donald Trump trains whit Risiko!
if he isn't at the pentagon, he is at the polygon
and you're feeling afraid at least
like when Fausto Brizzi*** ask for your curriculum
keep the flag high
the italian athlets are retreating in Formentera
no, a women is a true bad luck
but it's another story
italian girl
the summer you're searching for isn't far
you know, people fall in love for nothing
if you come from the sea we are waiting for you
with water to the throat
we'll tell you an italian story
you'll see that works will stay away from you
and even if it rains, the music will play
we've lost but i believed in it
like at the world' games and at the eletions
costume fitting for losing weight
here, we only eat illusions
and boom
we'll wait kim jong un rocket
keeping informed by fake news
beach dances keeping fit doing tv series marathons
italian style
cooking books and the tangas, a culinary culture
triangle and bermudas are the new republic
we'll shave for the pubic opinion
we'll touch the sky and tag the bottom
looking bad like in the passport photos
we're more out of the world than out of europe
and if you're pretty, you have a discount
talian girl
the summer you're searching for isn't far
you know, people fall in love for nothing
if you come from the sea we are waiting for you
with water to the throat
we'll tell you an italian story
italian girl
you'll see that works will stay away from you
and even if it rains, the music will play
it's all a round of crossings
hear the voices
that mixes with the wind
like out of time
everything has changed but some things rest the same
so, make it easy
and tell me a new story
and even if it rains, the music will play
and even if it rains, the music will play
talian girl
the summer you're searching for isn't far
you know, people fall in love for nothing
if you come from the sea we are waiting for you
with water to the throat
we'll tell you an italian
Fără a plăti
De copii era normal sa nu avem bani
Si înainte de a comanda controlam portofelele
Priveam vitrinele cu ochi mari
In autobuzul ce ne ducea din centru in periferii
Tu mergeai frumos la școala
Eu cu capul in nori eram un măgar zburător
După va fi lumea muncii care a mințit asupra diplomei tale
Si visele mele au păstrat cuvântul dar
In aceasta seara mergem la discoteca
Intram cu timbrul
Prietena mea aduce 2 prietene singure de-ale ei
Astfel vom plăti chiria
A escroca e mai bine decât a fi bogat
Ca o crima,fără reguli
Ca fetele cu declanșatorul ușor
Intram fără a plăti
Ca si fotbaliștii din Seria A
Ne privește tot localul
Dar pana la urma nimeni nu ne va atinge
Ca si o crima.
Încă mergeam la cuib cu mama si tata pe încredere
Si după viața ce te risipa mereu cu fata obosita
Fără haine de firma cu 2 culori si o rata in banca
Acum in schimb alcool ce curge râuri
Si doar femei de moravuri ușoare
E un muzeu de ostentatii
Colecționez cadre cu situații
Bogatii la intrare
Pasarici en-gros
Selecție la intrare
Iti par in depresie?
Răscumpărare socială niciodată
Doar bogățiilor le este acordat luxul de a nu plăti.
Ca o crima,fără reguli
Ca fetele cu trăgaciul ușor
Intram fără sa plătim ca fotbaliștii di seria A
Ne privește tot localul
Dar la sfârșit nimeni nu ne va atinge
Ca o crima
Este o mașina închisă la culoare
Cu o lumina albastra
Seamănă aproape cu luna
Sa fie ajunsă aici jos
E nevoie sa fim puțin criminali pentru a salva lumea
De la stele in strada
Suntem prea buni si nu plătim
Ca o crima,fără reguli
Ca fetele cu declanșatorul ușor
Intram fără sa plătim ca si fotbaliștii din serie A
Ne privește tot localul
Dar pana la urma nimeni nu ne va atinge
Ca si o crima.
Without paying
When we were kids it was normal having no money
And, before ordering, checking the wallet
Professor X, Batman, Iron Man and Iron Fist
Superheroes rolling in dough
Darth Vader, Lex Luthor, Joker, Harley Quinn
I like the villains much more
I know what 'I can't make the ends meet' means
This is my film, dude, I recorded it
You don't like that, but I react to your insults
A film director who talks back: Martin Rude *
Ra-ta-ta-ta, here no one gives you
A hand when you need it, like Trump with Merkel **
It's better to say funny things
Actually, there is a silent code
Like the crime, without rules
Like trigger-happy girls
We get in without paying
Like Serie A football players ***
All the club looks at us
But at the end no one will touch us
Like the crime
Set out on a raft, now I'm on a boat, bro
But I'm still the son of two hearts and a bank load, bro
My lost kids and I shouted: 'Bangherang!'
With no branded clothes and the life that exhausts you
I went to nursery school
With mum and dad hanging by a overdraft ****
Being in debt since you're a fetus
They hide the dust underneath the decree, underneath the decree
With a low cost for Ibiza
And the Blue Tornado of Gardaland *****
Visa lessons ****** sit in the back of the ATM *******
From the class struggle to the taxes boom
Commies with a Rolex!
Like the crime, without rules
Like trigger-happy girls
We get in without paying
Like Serie A football players
All the club looks at us
But at the end no one will touch us
Like the crime
We used to be begging for work
Now we feel like we don't need to head into work
We hit the fast food spot with a dollar
Now we get mad if the thots don't holla
Straight from walking to a Lambo
Eating food straight out of the can, bro
Now my pilot tellin' me to have a good day
Now I'm feelin' good in a good way
I like it, ayy, she like it, ayy
And everything came right on time
On time
Like the crime, without rules
Like trigger-happy girls
We get in without paying
Like Serie A football players
All the club looks at us
But at the end no one will touch us
Like the crime