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Being with You
Being with you
is like touching the sky with my hands,
like the sun on the first day of summer,
like in a tale, being with you.
Being with you,
keeping your secrets awake one by one,
figuring out everything you carry inside.
I leave everything for being with you for one moment.
I feel like your company
is the best gift that life gave me.
The strength that pushes me to keep going.
Of everything I have, it is the most important thing.
Being with you is like a dream
from which I don't want to wake up
if I open my eyes and you're not there.
Living with you is my wish.
It is everything I want to do
because by your side I can be
only myself.
(Only myself...)
Only myself.
(Only and just myself...)
Being with you
is making every day different.
There is always something that manages to surprise me.
It is like a game that amuses me, being with you.
I feel like your company
is the best gift that life gave me.
The strength that pushes me to keep going.
Of everything I have, it is the most important thing.
Being with you is like a dream
from which I don't want to wake up
if I open my eyes and you're not there.
Living with you is my wish.
It is everything I want to do
because by your side I can be
only myself.
(Only myself...)
I can be.
(Only and just myself...)
(Only and just myself...)
Girl, forever, to be with you.
Being with you is like a dream
from which I don't want to wake up
if I open my eyes and you're not there.
Living with you is my wish.
It is everything I want to do
because by your side I can be
only myself.
(Only myself...)
I can be.
(Only myself...)
(Only and just myself...)
Just Around the Corner
If I tell you that not everything looks
the way you're looking at it, the way you're looking at it.
Sadness goes with solitude.
Don't give it the air you breathe.
The colours of life
remind you that this tale isn't over.
And just around the corner,
you forget your sorrows
and you find a flower
on the road you're walking on.
And there are stars and there are songs,
new dreams and hopes.
Don't give up 'cause your hands
will receive what you imagine.
Just around the corner
we still have some steps to go up left.
Your smile is there, let it come.
Your smile is just around the corner.
It was your turn to suffer, it was your turn to cry.
I know that hurts, I know that hurts.
We're going to get out of the darkness.
You know nobody dies out of love.
I already swam through that river
and even though I miss what I lost, I'm telling you
That just around the corner,
you forget your sorrows
and you find a flower
on the road you're walking on.
And there are stars and there are songs,
new dreams and hopes.
Don't give up 'cause your hands
will receive what you imagine.
Just around the corner
we still have some steps to go up left.
Your smile is there, let it come.
Your smile is just around the corner.
Just around the corner,
the new colours of a new life.
Just around the corner,
you can find whatever you imagine.
Just around the corner,
a new life, new joys.
Just around the corner,
you can find whatever you imagine.
On the Wet Floor
If I were to be born again, I would fall again
in the same mistakes, I would learn again.
If I lived again and started over again,
I would again know where my place is.
If I discovered again
the abyss inside you,
I would let myself fall again.
If I could play with time and make
this night last forever.
If I could find a way to make
your life change colours.
If I wanted to forget your way of being,
I wouldn't be able, it's been engraved on my skin.
If I wanted to find better company,
I wouldn't be able to find it not even up in Heaven with God.
Because Heaven is your eyes.
I only want to look at them
now that I'm able to see them.
If I could play with time and make
this night last forever.
If I could find a way to make
your life change colours.
And to be born again, and to laugh again.
And to feel vertigo and let myself fall.
Now you're the sky that projects the light
that illuminates my steps on the wet floor.
And to be born again, and to laugh again.
And to feel vertigo and let myself fall.
Now you're the sky that projects the light
that illuminates my steps on the wet floor.
If I Don't Have Your Heart Anymore
I woke up
and what a disappointment
I stumbled upon.
I learned
that falsity is not an art,
it is a necessity.
But if I see him again downtown,
at the gym or on the train, I'll let him know.
'Cause there's no point in throwing away all we lived because,
my boy, listen well!
And what do I want the newest Ferrari for?
And what do I want to be fifteen again for?
And what do I want to stick myself to the radio for
if I don't have your heart anymore?
And what do I want this silver moon for?
And what do I want to win this battle for?
And what do I want to dream with my Havana for
if I don't have your heart anymore?
I don't have, I don't have.
If I don't have your heart anymore.
I don't have, no no no, I don't have, oh no.
Swear to me
that it is not only mere fascination,
that which can't be seen.
I discovered
stubbornness by chance,
by curiosity.
But if I see him again downtown,
at the market or on the train, I'll let him know.
'Cause there's no point in throwing away all we lived because,
my boy, listen well!
And what do I want the newest Ferrari for?
And what do I want to be fifteen again for?
And what do I want to stick myself to the radio for
if I don't have your heart anymore?
And what do I want this silver moon for?
And what do I want to win this battle for?
And what do I want to dream with my Havana for
if I don't have your heart anymore?
I don't have, I don't have.
If I don't have your heart anymore.
I don't have, no no no, I don't have, oh no.
And what do I want the newest Ferrari for?
And what do I want to be fifteen again for?
And what's the use of my first million bucks
if I don't have your heart anymore?
And what do I want this silver moon for?
And what do I want to win this battle for?
And what do I want to dream with my Havana for
if I don't have your heart anymore?
I don't have, I don't have.
If I don't have your heart anymore.
I don't have, I don't have.
If I don't have your heart anymore.
I don't have, I don't have.
If I don't have your heart anymore.
I don't have, no no no, I don't have, oh no.
And what do I want Venice for, my love,
if I don't have your heart anymore?
And what do I want to lose myself in your laughter for
if I don't have your heart anymore?
And what do I want millions of pesos for
if I don't have your heart anymore?
And what do I want to die over that for
if I don't have your heart anymore?
I don't have, I don't have.
If I don't have your heart anymore.
I don't have, I don't have.
If I don't have your heart anymore.
I don't have, I don't have.
If I don't have your heart anymore.
I don't have, no no no, I don't have, oh no.
If I don't have your heart anymore.
The Fish Song
If you came to have dinner with me tonight,
I would buy a fish and a bottle of wine.
I would put it in my secret sauce three hours before
and I would fill the house with some candles.
Because I know all that I have to risk.
Everything will be on the table without thinking.
I don't have to tangle myself up so much.
There's a party tonight because I am with you.
Today, it's going to be clear that we're not only friends.
There's a party tonight, it's not a mistake.
Tonight the neighbours are going to stay awake.
If you came to have dinner with me tonight,
there would be no need of talking with double-entendres.
And this time there won't be any reasons to stop
that which has been meant to happen for so long,
and postponing it is not worth it.
There's a party tonight because I am with you.
Today, it's going to be clear that we're not only friends.
There's a party tonight, it's not a mistake.
Tonight the neighbours are going to stay awake.
Tonight, tonight, tonight there's a party.
The best has yet to start.
From friendship to love, there's only half a metre to cross.
And if it's for real, why pretending?
There's a party tonight because I am with you.
Today, it's going to be clear that we're not only friends.
There's a party tonight, it's not a mistake.
Tonight the neighbours are going to stay awake.
There's a party tonight because I am with you.
Today, it's going to be clear that we're not only friends.
If you came to have dinner with me tonight,
I would buy a fish and a bottle of wine.
Dirty Dancing
Breathe deeply next to me
Because your foreign clothes
I want to rip
And then throw them
My skin is a map on you
Where we are, nobody knows
With the sky on the floor
Is much more beautiful
But I don't want to hide anymore
Melt my fog right now
I want to show you everything that I don't tell you
I have movies as many as you want, want, do you want me
Not to hide them from your eyes?
Dirty Dancing from 3 o'clock, do you want, do you want me
To tame all your demons?
Squeeze me in your arms harder
I feel like I'm sinking
Dirty Dancing from 3 o'clock, do you want, do you want me
To tame all your demons?
Mix the blood in the glass
Take a cube of ice, stand on hot coals
You feel goose bumps under your skin
Where my hands are
I drink it to the bottom, but slowly
My mind has been pawned
You feel goose bumps under your skin
Where my hands are
I have movies as many as you want, want, do you want me
Not to hide them from your eyes?
Dirty Dancing from 3 o'clock, do you want me, do you want me
To tame all your demons?
Squeeze me in your arms harder
I feel like I'm sinking
Dirty Dancing from 3 o'clock, do you want me, do you want me
To tame all your demons?
I have movies as many as you want, want, do you want me
Not to hide them from your eyes?
Dirty Dancing from 3 o'clock, do you want me, do you want me
To tame all your demons?
Cine îmbrăţişează o femeie este Adam.
Femeia este Eva.
Totul se întâmplă pentru prima oară.
Văzut-am ceva alb pe cer.
Că-i luna mi se spune, dar ce pot face
cu un cuvânt şi o mitologie?
O înfiorare simt când văd copacii.
O, cât sunt de frumoşi!
Se-apropie de mine cu blândeţe tot felul de jivine
pentru ca eu să le spun pe nume.
Pe raft stau cărţi, dar litere nu au.
Când cartea o deschid, apar şi ele.
Când răsfoiesc atlasul, trasez conturul Sumatrei.
Cine aprinde un chibrit în întuneric
născoceşte focul.
În oglindă cineva stă la pândă.
Cine priveşte marea vede Anglia.
Cine recită un vers de Liliencron
a intrat în luptă.
Am visat Cartagina şi legiunile
care au nimicit Cartagina.
Am visat spada şi balanţa.
Lăudată fie dragostea în care nu există posesor
şi posedat, căci amândoi se lasă în voia ei.
Lăudat fie coşmarul, care ne arată
că putem crea iadul.
Cine se scaldă într-un râu se scaldă în Gange.
Cine priveşte un ceas de nisip vede
năruirea unui imperiu.
Cine se joacă cu un pumnal
prevesteşte moartea lui Cezar.
Cel care doarme este toţi oamenii.
În pustiu am văzut apărând Sfinxul,
pe care chiar atunci îl terminaseră.
Nimic nu e atât de vechi sub soare.
Totul se întâmplă pentru prima oară,
dar într-un chip veşnic.
Cine citeşte cuvintele mele le inventează.
Everything changes
Versions: #1
Your kiss turned into heat
then the heat movement,
it became a drop of sweat,
that went to steam, then wind
that in a corner of La Rioja
moved the vane of a mill
while the wine was stepped on
that your red mouth drank.
Your red mouth in mine,
the glass that turns in my hand,
and while the wine fell down
I knew that in some distant corner
from another galaxy
the love you gave me
someday would return transformed
to say thank you.
Each one gives what it receives
and then receives what it's giving
nothing's more simple
there's no other rule
nothing is lost
everything just transforms.
The wine I paid for
with that Italian euro
that had been in a wagon
before being in my hand.
And before that in Torino
and before Torino in Prato
where my shoes were made
on top of which the wine would fall
Shoes that in some hours
I will look for under your bed
with the light of the dawn
next to your flat sandals
that you bought that day
in Salvador de Bahía
where to other you gave the love
that today I would return back to you.
Each one gives what it receives
and then receives what it's giving
nothing's more simple
there's no other rule
nothing is lost
everything just transforms.
Milongas* de iubire
Spune că sunt un căpcăun care nu se răzgândește niciodată,
spune că am mereu ceva de ascuns,
spune că nu te scot niciodată la cinema sau la cină,
dar nu-mi spune să nu te mai iubesc!
Spune că te bântuie fantomele trecutului,
spune că alibiul meu e greu de crezut,
spune că răbdarea ta a ajuns la limită,
dar nu-mi spune să nu te mai iubesc!
Spune că sunt tipul cel mai greu de înțeles,
spune că felul meu macho de-a fi mă duce de râpă,
spune că nu crezi că m-am lăsat de băutură,
dar nu-mi spune să nu te mai iubesc!
Spune că m-ai visat în brațele altei femei,
spune că această milonga nu ne va da de mâncare,
spune că uneori îți vine s-o iei la fugă,
dar nu-mi spune să nu te mai iubesc!
Lost hearts
I know words are gone with the wind
but I did what I could to make you happy
but this life is not made of dreams
and you don't want to see it
and you don't want to see it
It happens what always happens with people
they're made of a way and they can't be changed
and it takes a life to try to understand it
and you don't want to see it
and you don't want to see it
I've seen so many, so many lost souls
I've seen them wandering in the city
and it's where you'll end if you run out of luck
and you don't want to see it
and you don't want to see it
I know the truth has many ways
but in any case, what matters the truth
if the lost hearts are only two
and you don't want to see it
and you don't want to see it
if the lost hearts are only two
and you don't want to see it
At your feet
You found the way
the blessed way
and we meet again
Nailed in the wood
like the Christ that it was
the show must go on
It's the life of the artist
it turns you pessimistic
and there's little you can do
A new conquer
the masochist part
that doesn't want to be convinced
And again I'm at your feet
And again I'm at your feet
You were around
like a beast on the loose
the footprints won't get lost
It's about a moment
so insignificant
the wick is on again
It's about the destiny
the crossroads
the mysteries of love
The masochist part
sorry if I insist
the pray that falls again
Fighters in the mud
I no longer remember why we fight
How everything went out of hands
No matter who's to blame
We both know well
It's killing us
Days go by, damage report
Months and years go by
It seems to be normal
To stab each other
Besieging each other
Life passes behind a chimera
It can happen to anyone
Because in the tunnel of love
There's the fog of pain
Tormenting us
We are fighter sin the mud
We are losers to everything
Speeding up till the end
Like in a crazy carnival
Missing each other
We are fighter sin the mud
First the finger, then the elbow
The bitter and the sweet
Speeding up till the end
Missing each other
Carts of my city
I know you don't see them
because they're in the deceitfulness
of a city without memory
without time for its history
They load as much as they can
and also what they can't
swaying to the swinging
of their invisible dreams
Carts of my city, chamarrita that names them
Shadows rummaging in the shadow of the harsh reality
Rattles that the wind brings pulled by a horse
A pintabian or a bay trotting on the pavement
They're searching in the garbage
whatever is good for them
swaying to the swinging
faces with the hardest skin
Like in a strange rite
they don't mind the filth
they find something good
when carts pass by
A very powerful man
say it's a shame
and insult to decency
an improper job
He completely missed the mark
because a shame is to steal
shame is not working
to bring the bread to the table
Anticipation of Love
Neither the intimacy of your look,
your brow fair as a feast day,
nor the favor of your body,
still mysterious, reserved, and childlike,
nor what comes to me of your life,
settling in words or silence,
will be so mysterious a gift
as the sight of your sleep, enfolded
in the vigil of my arms.
Virgin again, miraculously,
by the absolving power of sleep,
quiet and luminous
like some happy thing recovered by memory,
you will give me that shore of your life
that you yourself do not own.
Cast up into silence
I shall discern that ultimate beach of your being
and see you for the first time, perhaps,
as God must see you --
the fiction of Time destroyed,
free from love, from me.
When The Night Reaches The Port
Sleeping with the open window
Out there, the night goes broken
The voice that went silent, something that falls apart
Town is brutal when the night reaches the port, port
Fever and equinoctial
The walls grips closer
Heart's on the throat just like in a Cohen Vals
Patchy kind when the night reaches the port, port
Sleepless summer nights.
Something inside of me releases
Give me a rain, come out of nowhere
Gasp for air again, when the night reaches the port
Inainte ca visul (sau teama) să ţeasă
mitologii şi cosmogonii,
înainte ca timpul să se transforme-n zile,
marea, marea veşnică, exista deja, era.
Cine este marea? Cine este acea violentă
şi străveche fiinţă care roade pilonii
pământului şi este una singură
şi mai multe mări în acelaşi timp?
Cine-o priveşte o vede pentru prima dată,
mereu. Cu uimirea pe care-o trezesc
lucrurile elementare, frumoasele
seri, luna, focul aprins într-un cămin.
Cine este marea, cine sunt eu? Ziua care va urma
agoniei mi-o va dezvălui.
Waking Up
Daylight leaks in, and sluggishly I surface
from my own dreams into the common dream
and things assume again their proper places
and their accustomed shapes. Into this present
the Past intrudes, in all its dizzying range–
the centuries-old habits of migration
in birds and men, the armies in their legions
all fallen to the sword, and Rome and Carthage.
The trappings of my day also come back:
my voice, my face, my nervousness, my luck.
If only Death, that other waking-up,
would grant me a time free of all memory
of my own name and all that I have been!
If only morning meant oblivion!
I come to implore
on my knees, before You.
I ask for forgiveness and redemption,
if it can be, for my faults.
I know very well that I committed
a crime with her love
and, now, repentant I am.
I am
the one who one day, before the altar,
promised never, ever
to abandon
the beautiful and happy woman
that adored me.
I was
the disgrace of her love
and, on my knees, before You,
once more, I beg for pardon,
I was
the disgrace of her love
and, on my knees, before You,
once more, I beg for pardon,
Serenadă venețiană
Sub luna limpede din Veneția
și în apele albastre ale canalelor sale
un gondolier cânta cu un accent trist
această tânguire în timp ce vâslea:
influenţa ochilor tăi
la fel de albaștri ca marea,
m-au îmbătat nebunește
și te voi iubi mereu.
în gondola mea te aștept
să-ţi povestesc despre iubirea mea.
nu-mi disprețui dragostea
pentru că mor de durere.
Oh, oh, oh, oh...
Oh, oh, oh, oh...
pentru un sărut al gurii tale
aș ucide fără milă.
vino și calmează cu buzele tale
pasiunea și neliniștea mea.
Oh, oh, oh, oh...
Oh, oh, oh, oh...
To Hell With Women
If we men weren't foolish
and we'd think reasonably,
we'd treat with ridicule and contempt
that curse they call love.
It only serves to displease us,
only to break our soul,
to live amongst sorrows and fears
and in addition to suffer in silence.
If one loves a woman because she is pretty,
it's her fault when a rival appears,
and life turns out to be cursed,
and fate turns deadly.
If one is poor, they love money
if one is ugly, they throw him to the lions
and the man who is good and honest.
they drive him mad just to betray us.
That's why women can go to hell,
they only serve to bring us pain.
I once surrendered my love
to a lovely and precious woman,
she was my love, one of the best,
but ungrateful her love was.
For her I was paid in betrayal,
because they all pay us like this,
her malicious decisions were foolish,
they made me cry and suffer.
From here to there experience has taught me
that women are just furniture,
we must only look at their appearance
than to ever take them seriously.
I don't want to collect that debt,
it's better off for me to stay where I am,
I know too well that another can pay it,
why should I like this I am very happy?.
That's why women can go to hell,
they only serve to bring us pain.
That's why women can go to hell,
they only serve to bring us pain.
A new neighbor everyone knows about
Except nobody knows if she already has a boyfriend yet
What's there is what people want to know
There are people marrying money, making money
What's there is what is people want to know
There's a single line at your heart's door
I'm one person
My plan is set
It has already been extensively tested
Never let me down
You'll see, people will come up
If we pass hand in hand and then kiss
You'll see, people will want
Know the spell I did to stay with you
I do not know your name
You also don't know mine
If you are Juliet
I can be Romeo
They say he'll be back on the street already
As soon as he just arrived
I asked but you continue
And you don't even think about changing
If you want it with me this way
And I will have to adapt
I can even review my concepts
But I have the right to claim
Stay more at home for your sake
My vein
See if you can think a little
My vein
Let's dive into the Zen wave
Do come and go
Which is good too
And we have love to give
My vein
Let's dive into the Zen wave
Do come and go
Which is good too
And we have love to give
My vein
Olé, olé!
It comes together that the vibe is strong
The more joy the better
Let's get lucky
Our energy is much greater
It's a really cool thing
That pushes the crowd up
It's a mix of pop and rap
Rock and confetti
Samba and serpentine
You will like the climate
You'll want to dance
The 'bros' are fine people
And the 'chicks' are to fall in love with
You will like the climate
You'll want to come back
So put your hand up
I want to see the people sing
Ole Ole
Olê olê, Olê olê, Olê olê
Olê olá (Hello) (x2)
The hunters
Little path on the mountain
steeped by the rain,
where the hunter found
the tracks of the deer.
Mountain who is loving
to those that seek refuge in it,
but what dangers await those
who always want to mock its law,
but what dangers await those
who always want to mock its law.
To the little water well
the deer came down to, down to drink,
and because it was careless, the poor thing
didn't even have time to run.
To many men the same thing happened
as it did to the deer,
because they are careless
they lose their lives, they lose their hearts,
because they are careless
they lose their lives, they lose their hearts.
Little path on the mountain
filled with flowers and hope,
listen to the hunters,
how they praise you in their song.
From the little water well
the hunter returns content,
he goes to his refuge where a
bloody life has abandoned him,
he goes to his refuge where a
bloody life has abandoned him.
The Bison
Mountainous, worn down, indecipherable,
flaming red as an ember that goes out,
it walks burly and slowly in the vague
solitude of its untiring wilderness.
It awakes with its equipped nape.
In this old bull with sleep rage,
I see the Indian men from the West
and the lost men from Altamira.
Then I think that human time, whose
spectral mirror is memory, ignores it.
Time cannot reach it, nor can the history
of its passage, so changeable and futile.
Timeless, numberless and nil
is the first and final bison.
The One in Love
Moons, ivory, instruments, roses,
lamps and the works of Dürer,
the nine numbers and the changing zero,
are things I must pretend to see.
I must pretend that Persépolis and Roma
were long gone, and that a fine arena
measured the luck of the battlement
that the centuries of Iron disrupted.
I must pretend that the weapons and pyre
of the epopee and the heavy seas
eat away the Pillars of the Earth,
and that others exist, yet it's all a lie.
Only you exist. You, my misfortune
and my fortune, who is tireless and pure.
The Moon
There is such solitude in that gold.
At night, the moon is not the one
that witnessed the first Adam. The many centuries
of human vigil have embellished it
with ancient sadness. Behold. It's your reflection.
Baruch Spinoza
In golden haze, the West lights up
the window. The frequent manuscript
awaits, already filled with infinity.
Thus God is created in dim light.
A man begets God. He is a jew
with sad eyes and an olive skin.
Time carries him like the river carries
a leaf through the declining water.
He shows no care. The magician perseveres
and carves his God with fine geometry,
and starts from His disease, from nothing.
He still proclaims God's name with His word.
The most prodical love was bestowed to him,
His love, which does not wait to be loved.
Oh, no
You look interested
Beyond your figure
Tell me if you have plans
Of starting an adventure
There you go very confidently showing your skin
You are very good at stealing glances
It gets interesting, interesting
Oh, leave me a doubt
Let me see you
Only once and then we'll see if it works
How does it feel like, oh
I have options
I'm not going to lie
I have options
But I want you
Oh, baby you and I
Nobody else
You don't still say no
When I am with you I
Have options
I have options
That's why we better not to take advantages
For once, for once, come on, let's go
If my hands go fast stop me
And in rhythm I get low
Smooth but don't let the engine turn off
That you have the control of the ride
Let me be a gentleman
And I grab all your luggage
I have options
I'm not going to lie
I have options
But I want you
Oh, baby you and I
Nobody else
You don't still say no
When I am with you I
I Have options
I have options
Let me see you
Only once and then we'll see if it works
How does it feel like, oh
I have options
I'm not going to lie
I have options
But I want you
Oh, baby you and I
Nobody else
You don't still say no
When I am with you I
I have options
Maybe I'm not the suitable person for rummaging on your drawer
You can fly if you want
When I try to catch your
Heart, I stick myself hundreds of pins
I don't now whether I have to talk or to shut up,
Hardly I get to forget
I don't want to lose myself, if it's not with you.
The eve fell again like a concrete block,
And thermostat doesn't move
I have to end up this song, that
I began when I was 29 years old
It was Sunday and the wind changed, now I plan on
And I heat my voice
You are like a hurt puppy,
I am the luck you've not got,
And I don't want to lose myself if it's not with you.
I have multi-coloured flowers,
My shoulders when you need to cry
And my clown nariz
I want to walk thousand of paths with you.
Neither with whereabouts,
Nor with destiny,
Where you want to guide me
Matchless Talisman
Hey, I just wanted to tell you
That it was so nice to know you
I don't even know how to explain
It's as if I could see
What there's inside of you
You came to make me whole
It can be seen right from the beginning
That I need you
Just like air, for me to breathe
If one gets lost from the other
Everything loses its meaning
Like a matchless talisman
When it comes from the heart
We notice it as we breathe
Take hold, break, I'll give you my heat
I was born to be and I'm your loved one
When it comes from the heart
We notice it as we breathe
Take hold, break, I'll give you my heat
I was born to be and I'm your loved one
Hey, I just wanted to tell you
That it was so nice to know you
I don't even know how to explain
It's as if I could see
What there's inside of you
You came to make me whole
It can be seen right from the beginning
That I need you
Just like air, for me to breathe
If one gets lost from the other
Everything loses its meaning
Like a matchless talisman
When it comes from the heart
We notice it as we breathe
Take hold, break, I'll give you my heat
I was born to be and I'm your loved one
When it comes from the heart
We notice it as we breathe
Take hold, break, I'll give you my heat
I was born to be and I'm your loved one
I was born to be and I'm your loved one
I was born to be and I'm your loved one
My love
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
The Sea
Ere Dream - or Terror - had begun to glean
its web of myth and broad cosmogony,
ere Time had settled unto days, the Sea -
the ever Sea - existed and had been.
Who is the Sea? Who is the old tormentor
who has for ages sapped the earthly shore,
and who at once is one and countless more,
and randomness and storm and fall and splendor?
Each time one sees the sea is yet the first.
The spellbound soul takes in the peremptory
display of primal things: the moonshine glory,
the shifting skies, the gaze in flames immersed.
Who is the Sea, who am I? I shall find
the day my agony is left behind.