Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 18
Two kids in the sunshine
The sea without stoppingRolled his pebbles.
Hair untied
They looked at each other
In the aroma of the pines
Sand and thyme
spreading along the beach.
They looked
at each other without speaking
As if they were drinking the water from their faces.
And it was as if everything was starting again.
The same innocence made them tremble
In front of the wonderful,
The miraculous
Journey of Love.
They spent the night outside,
And they slept adjacent to one another.
The sea has rocked them for a long time
And when they woke up
It was as if they were born again
In the first morning of the world.
The sea without stopping
Rolled his pebbles,
When they ran
Barefoot in the water
In the shade of the pines,
They took each other's hand
And without any resistance
They fell into the water
Like two birds
Under the warm kiss of their tender mouths
And it was as if everything was starting again.
Life, hope, and freedom
With the wonderful
The miraculous
Journey of Love.
Will it be a bird's song left?
What will be left on earthFifty years from now?
We poison rivers
And oceans.
We eat hydrocarbons,
What else do I know?
The Rhône river is carrying mercury
And dead fish.
For children of a new age,
Will it remain a bird song?
The world has lost its compass.
What did he gain?
Black beaches full of oil
For bathing.
The atom will reign on earth
Like a Lord.
What will we do with it? It is a matter
That scares me.
Hardly the misfortune of men
Is it smaller
That already apples are rotting
In this new age.
Children, children, the earth is round
Shout louder
For the world to wake up
If he is not dead yet.
Frumoasă e viața
Vântul prin părul tău blond,Soarele la orizont,
Câteva cuvinte dintr-un cântec...
Cât de frumoasă, de frumoasă e viața!
O pasăre care se rotește
Într-un copac deja roșcat,
Și țipătul ei, mai presus de toate...
Cât de frumoasă, de frumoasă e viața!
Tot ce tremură și tresaltă,
Tot ce se luptă și se bate,
Toate în care-am crezut prea repede
Sunt pierdute pe veci pentru mine.
Încă pot să privesc,
Încă pot să ascult,
Și, mai presus de toate, să cânt.
Cât de frumoasă, de frumoasă e viața!
Începe jazzul în noapte,
Cu trompeta lui ce ne urmărește
Pe o stradă din Paris.
Cât de frumoasă, de frumoasă e viața!
Floarea roșie izbucnește
Dintr-un neon care face să tresară
Cele două umbre ale noastre uimite.
Cât de frumoasă, de frumoasă e viața!
Tot ceea ce era să pierd,
Tot ceea ce mi-a fost redat,
Îmi vine azi pe buze
În acest sfârșit de zi.
Încă pot să-mi împart
Tinerețea, ideile mele
Cu iubirea mea regăsită.
Cât de frumoasă, de frumoasă e viața!
Încă pot să-ți vorbesc,
Încă pot să te strâng în brațe,
Să-ți spun și să-ți cânt:
Cât de frumoasă, de frumoasă e viața!
My country was lovely
My country was lovely,With a wild beauty.
Men with horses and wood with tools
Lived in harmony
Until that big devastation.
No one can simply live here anymore.
It's raining in this village
With dark lanes
And nothing else is moving.
Silence is taking root under our bed
Oh, silence!
Sweet and heart-rending violin,
Happy fanfare,
Cover us
With the big overcoat of the night,
And with your giant wings.
My country was lovely,
With a wild beauty.
Men with horses and wood with tools
Lived in harmony
Until that big devastation.
No one can simply live here anymore.
To die in sunshine
I would like to die standingIn a field, in sunshine,
Not in a bed with crumpled sheets,
In the confined Shade of the shutters
Through which not a single more bee comes
A single bee
I would like to die standing
In a field, in sunshine,
Not hearing so softly
The door and aimless
Whispering of people
and old women
And old women
I would like to die
Anywhere, in sunshine,
You wouldn't be there, I'd have
Your hand that I could press,
My mouth full of redcurrant,
Of redcurrant.
A honest woman
You will, my daughter, be sailing to Kythera 1But I have the duty to warn you
Since we have to talk about vulgar things
Evoking the fires that make you shudder
Evoking the fires that make you shudder
An honest woman has no pleasure
Whether lying down or kneeling in the ground
No going astray in powerful sighs
In moving cries 'Ah, I'm going to die'
Taken a hundred thousand different ways or always the same
Taken a hundred thousand different ways or always the same
An honest woman has no pleasure
Assaulted in front of broken from behind
If you were about to faint
Think of hell think of martyrs
It is by reliving what they suffered
It is by reliving what they suffered
That an honest woman has no pleasure
The priest used to say it once
To the frail maiden falling prey to desire
We can succumb but not fail
Even by indulging in solitary joys
Even by indulging in solitary joys
An honest woman has no pleasure
Yielding to the follies of other partners
If you happened to be entertained
By breaking the bonds that the hymen2 inspires
Know that even within adultery
Know that even within adultery
An honest woman has no pleasure
And if your spouse froze with anger
Struck with love and crazy with desire
Shouted to you one day 'You looks like your mother!'
This beautiful compliment should make you happy
This beautiful compliment should make you happy
An honest woman has no pleasure
How beautiful life is !
Wind blowing in your blond hair,A sunrise or a sunset ,
Some words of a song,
How beautiful, how beautiful life is !
A bird making a wheel with its tail
On an already russet tree
And its song above all.
How beautiful, how beautiful life is !
All what shakes and pulsates,
All what struggles and fights,
All what I believed in too fast
Vorever lost for me.
Still being able to watch
And to listen
And above all to sing...
How beautiful, how beautiful life is !
Open Jazz in the night,
With its following trumpets
In a street in Paris...
How beautiful, how beautiful life is !
The red blooming flower
Of a fluorescent lamp that makes shiver
Our two surprised shadows...
How beautiful, how beautiful life is !
All what I might have lost,
All what is given to me again,
Is coming to my lips today,
At the end of this evening.
Still being able to share
My youth, my ideas
With my met up lover.
How beautiful, how beautiful life is !
Still being able to talk to you
Still being able to hug and kiss you
To tell you and sing about all that.
Yes, it's beautiful, life is beautiful !
the mountain
Versions: #2They're leaving one by one the village
To go and earn their living
Far from the land where they were born
They had been dreaming for a long time
About the city and its secrets,
The Formica and the movies.
For the old people, it wasn't strange
When they wiped their lips
Mechanically with their sleeves.
But they knew all about
Killing quail or partridge
And eating goat cheese.
However how beautiful the mountain is !
How could one think
While watching a flock of swallow
That autumn just arrived?
With their hands over their heads
They had built low walls
Until the top of the hill
No matter the days, the years
They all had a well-born soul
Gnarled as a vine stock.
Vines run mixted with wood
Wine won't be done any more
It was an awful cheap wine
But it was making people live hundred years,
And these people were numerous,
If it didn't make you feel dizzy.
Two goats and a few sheep
A good year and a bad one
And no holidays nor going out
The girls want to go to dancing
There's nothing more common
Than wanting to live your own life
Their lives, they'll be cops or civil servants
Able to wait without fear
The time of retirement
You have to know that you like
And coming home to a council flat
Eating hormone-treated chicken
However how beautiful the mountain is
How could one think
While watching a flock of swallow
That autumn just arrived?
Să iubesc până-mi pierd mintea
[Refren]:Să iubesc până-mi pierd mintea
Să iubesc fără să știu ce spun
Să te am orizont doar pe tine
Și să nu știu anotimpurile
Decât prin durerea plecării
Să iubesc până-mi pierd mintea
Ah, pe tine ce mereu rănesc
Oglinda ta mereu se sparge
Biata mea fericire, slăbiciune
Tu, pe care te las și te jignesc
În orice carne torturată
Să iubesc până-mi pierd mintea
Să iubesc fără să știu ce spun
Să te am orizont doar pe tine
Și să nu știu anotimpurile
Decât prin durerea plecării
Să iubesc până-mi pierd mintea
Foamea, oboseala şi frigul
Toate mizeriile lumii
Prin iubirea mea cred în ele
Și în ea îmi duc crucea
Nopțile lor topesc noaptea mea
Să iubesc până-mi pierd mintea
Să iubesc fără să știu ce spun
Să te am orizont doar pe tine
Și să nu știu anotimpurile
Decât prin durerea plecării
Să iubesc până-mi pierd mintea