Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 8
Foolish Wolf
Once upon a time there was a Bad WolfWho decided to dine with someone
He didn't have any money
But he took a chance
And soon was in over his head
A Little Hood in a swimsuit
Heard the car horn and didn't stop
But the Bad Wolf insisted
And made a sad face
But Little Hood listened
To grandmother's advice
Say no to the Wolf,
That with the Wolf you won't go out alone
The Wolf sang, asked,
Promised everything, even love
And said that Wolf's weakness
Is to see a Little Hood in a swimsuit
But Little Hood realized
That the Bad Wolf was melting
'Cause you see that Wolf
Was also making a fool of himself
So, I can tell you
Little Hood now brings
The Wolf on a collar
Who doesn't dine any more!
Foolish Wolf
Vara, esti fierbinte la fel ca si sarutarile care am pierdutEsti plina de o dragoste acum care nu mai e
Pe care inima mea vrea sa uite
Vara, soarele care in fiecare zi ne incalzea
Ce frumoase apusuri de soare pictai
Acum incalzeste numai cu furie
Se va intoarce o alta iarna
Vor cadea o mie de petale de trandafir
Zapada va acoperi toate lucrurile
Si poate un pic de pac va intoarce
Vara, care le-a dat aroma fiecarui floare
Vara, care a creat iubirea noastra
Lucrari excelente si o legatura de durere.
A zimbit la mine
A zimbit la mineN-a spus nimic totusi
A facut un gestut
De la cine vrea sa se intoarca
Dansa cu cineva
Care m-a furat a lui iubire
Acum e prea tirziu
Nu mai sufar de aceasta durere
E tirziu, e tirziu
Am gasit o noua iubire
Eclipsa de luna pe cerNevoie de lumina pe mare
Atit de singur cu neconsolarea mea
Uitindu-ma la noapte am inceput sa pling
Ma gindeam ca nu ma mai iubesti
Cu profunda disperare
Si la ceva care totdeauna o eclipsa pe
Lumina iubirii tale
Eclipsa iubirii pe buzele tale
Care nu mai vor sa ma sarute
As vrea sa-ti uit nemultumirile
Si apoi sa visez
Just the Right Love
Love at first sightLove firsthand
That's what comes singing, smiling
Requesting entry into the heart
Our love has been patented
It's been trademarked, it's love that we're feeling
I keep, even make, records of all of this affection of mine
The whole world will know what it is to love just right
This love of ours wasn't made up
It was something that was drafted up just for the two of us, was it not?
This love of ours wasn't made up
It was something that was drafted up just for the two of us, was it not?
She smiled at me
Versions: #2She smiled at me
But did not say a word
She acted like someone
Who would come back
She danced with someone
Who stole her love from me
Now it is too late
I don't suffer this pain any more
It is too late, it is too late
I found a new love
Peaceful Love
I lovedAnd loved, alas, much more
Than I should have loved
I cried
Upon feeling that I would suffer
And despair
It was then
That from my infinite sadness
You happened
I found in you
My reason to live
And love in peace
And suffer no more
For love
Is the saddest thing
When it becomes undone
Love is the saddest thing
When it becomes undone