Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 11


Pocket full of rocks

(Dedicate to Aunt Jane)
Fireflies fly
Over the ponds and puddles in the city
Seems like they don’t care
That the beauty present now will later disappear
Accept me without conceding one of your fatalistic replies
Here I stand, shuddering.
Some forms of music die off
But when they do, the earth will quake
These quakes seem like useless explosions
But in certain hearts, something will remain
We don’t know how constellations, galaxies and energy are formed
Men play with dice
And the magic remains on the table.
I’m alone tonight without you
You’ve left me alone, under the heavens
And I don’t know how to read, come and get me
You’ll recognize me, I’m the one with rocks in his pockets.
I’m alone tonight without you
You’ve left me alone, in front of the school
I could cry
Get here quick
You’ll recognize me, I’m the one whose shoes are full of steps
A face full of slaps
A heart full of beats
And eyes filled with you
Flowers bloom
They give everything they have freely
They give. They’re not interested
In being compensated and everything that will come afterwards.
People mumble and whisper
Make it stop by practicing happiness.
Men play with dice
And the magic remains on the table.
I’m alone tonight without you
You’ve left me alone under the heavens
And I don’t know how to read, come and get me.
You’ll recognize me, my cape is made up of rags.
I’m alone tonight without you
You’ve left me in front of the school
I’m going to cry
Get here quick
You’ll recognize me, my shoes are full of steps
My face is full of slaps
My heart is full of beats
And my eyes are filled with you

When You'll Be Far Away

I'd like you to have a new boyfriend
I'd like him to treat you well
To make you feel important
And the blood to boil in your veins.
When he will wait for you at your door
To go for a ride, maybe to dinner
I'd like you to touch the sky
When he kisses your back at night
Him to talk about his problems
And not to keep them for himself as I do
I'd like to see you two married, maybe
Him to stay always with you
To never piss you
To never forget about a birthday
To be liked by your parents
Make them grandparents
But someday, when you'll be far away
And you'll see the sky getting painted
Think about me for a while
Think about me for half an hour, at least
I'd like to know: how is it going, huh?
Now that we're not together anymore
That I've been told you've been hurt for a while
That now you're fine, though.
Sure enough, everything was crazy at the beginning
We never stopped laying in bed
Heck of a mess we made
And look at us now, who would have thought?
I leave home at 3 am
With four friends, we go hunting
To score some easy love
I won't remember the face of the day after.
But someday, when you'll be far away
And you'll see the sky getting painted
Think about me for a while
Think about me for half an hour, at least
And when I'm here, in my empty bed
I'd like to sleep with you and it's not easy
When you don't know if it will ever be possible
To fall in love and never leave
But someday, when you'll be far away
And you'll see the sky getting painted
Think about me for a while
Think about me for half an hour, at least

Lucky Boy

If I might, I would always be on holiday
If I could, I would write down the sky in a room
But if I had to be honest, it's not the paradise here
I smile as I lie to the hell of the truths
No problems, never ending problems
One day it looks the last one, another one gets you out of your mind
But if I had to be honest, it's not the paradise here
I smile as I lie to the hell of the truths
You could complete one thing out of ten you did
And you never put a patch where there are tears
You could complete one thing out of ten you did
And you never put a patch where there are tears
I'm a lucky boy
Because they gave me a dream
I'm lucky
Because there's nothing I need
And when it comes the evening and I'll come back to you
When all is said and done, my luck is to meet you again
You're beautiful as the sun, you make myself crazy
You're beautiful as the sun, you make myself crazy
Siddhartha told me only love matters
And everything you need can fit into your heart
But if I had to be honest, it's not the paradise here
I smile as I lie to the hell of the truths
You could complete one thing out of ten you did
And you never put a patch where there are tears
You could complete one thing out of ten you did
And you never put a patch where there are tears
I'm a lucky boy
Because they gave me a dream
I'm lucky
Because there's nothing I need
And when it comes the evening and I'll come back to you
When all is said and done, my luck is to meet you again
You're beautiful as the sun, you make myself crazy
You're beautiful as the sun, you make myself crazy
I'm a lucky boy
Because they gave me a dream
I'm lucky
Because there's nothing I need
And when it comes the evening and I'll come back to you
When all is said and done, my luck is to meet you again
They gave me a dream
There's nothing I need

To Me

It is not easy for me
saying something exactly to you
who know me so well as you know your own skin.
This morning when you went out before me
I stayed in bed looking at the stars,
lying on your side of the bed
with your still warmth of earth,
of dreams that I don't know how to understand.
I was holding my breath
to listen for the silence
of a room when you are not there,
I was hugging the pillow
to look for the perfume
of a night from your hair.
And I will never be able (never)
to tell you how beautiful you are, (you are)
how much life you give me (give)
and what you are to me,
to me, to me, to me, to me.
You are the other side of the moon,
the fire that doesn’t burn out,
the thunder that precedes the lightning,
the strongbox of my time.
It is difficult then finding ourselves
with ten years behind us.
Habit, you know, is the worst of woes,
you become like two old comedians
who no longer laugh,
who no longer invent,
who are there to reassure the public.
I love you and I'm even a little ashamed.
Like a child I keep on telling you.
And I will never be able (never)
to tell you how beautiful you are, (you are)
how much life you give me (give)
and what you are to me,
to me, to me, to me, to me.
I will never be faithful but I will never betray you.
You know that I’m not faithful to anything.
I’m not with me,
I'm not with you
not even with God, not even with people.
I will not love you the way you want
because I don’t know how to say “us”
but you know I can give you the sun.
It’s only with you
that I understood why
the word love is so beautiful.
And I will never be able (never)
to tell you how beautiful you are, (you are)
how much life you give me (give)
and what you are to me,
to me, to me, to me, to me.
You are the top of Olympus,
the rain that revives the field,
the mother who doesn't look like me,
the blink of my eyelashes,
the night where I can fall asleep
and the wing where I can take cover.
You are the constant danger,
my diamond mine
for me, for me, for me, for me.


Știu că nu sunt singur
Chiar și când sunt singur
Știu că nu sunt singur
Știu că nu sunt singur
Chiar și când sunt singur
Sub un cer de stele și sateliți
Printre vinovați, victime și supraviețuitori
Un câine latră la lună
Un om își privește mâna
Pare a tatălui său
Când de copil
Îl prindea cu ușurință și-l ridica in sus
Era frumoasă priveliștea văzută din înalt
Se arunca pe lucruri înainte de a se gândi
Mâna sa era micuță dar prindea întreaga lume
Acum orașul e un film străin fără subtitrare
Scările de urcat sunt alunecoase, alunecoase, alunecoase
Gheața pe lucruri
Televiziunea spune că străzile sunt periculoase
Dar unicul pericol
pe care îl simt cu adevarat
E acela de a nu mai putea auzi nimic
Parfumul florilor, mirosul orașului,
Zgomotul scuterelor, savoarea pizzei
Lacrimile unei mame, ideile unui student
Întâlnirile posibile într-o piață
Pentru a sta cu antenele ridicate spre cer
Știu că nu sunt singur
Știu că nu sunt singur
Chiar și când sunt singur
Știu că nu sunt singur
Și râd și plâng
Și mă contopesc cu cerul și noroiul
Ştiu că nu sunt
Chiar și când sunt singur
Știu că nu sunt singur
Și râd și plâng
Și mă contopesc cu cerul și noroiul
Orașul, un film străin fără subtitrare
O oală care gătește bucăți de dialog
Ce faci? Cât costă? Cât e ceasul?
Ce se întâmplă? Ce spui? Cine crede?
Și atunci ne vedem
Ne simțim singuri de partea țintei
Și devii o ciumă când faci o greșeală
Un afiș de șase metri spune totul e în jurul tău
Dar te uiți împrejur și în schimb nu e nimic
O lume veche ce rămâne împreună doar mulțumită celor
Care mai au curajul de a se îndrăgosti
E o muzică ce pompează sânge în vene
Și care te face să vrei să te trezești și să te ridici
Încetează să plângi
Singurul pericol pe care îl simți cu adevărat
E acela de a nu reuși să mai auzi nimic
Bătaia inimii în piept
Pasiunea ce face să crească un proiect
Pofta, setea, evoluția în act
Energia care se dezlănțuie într-un contact
Știu că nu sunt singur
Chiar și când sunt singur
Știu că nu sunt singur
Și râd și plâng
Și mă contopesc cu cerul și noroiul
Știu că nu sunt singur
Chiar și când sunt singur
Știu că nu sunt singur
Și râd și plâng
Și mă contopesc cu cerul și noroiul
Și mă contopesc cu cerul și noroiul
Și mă contopesc cu cerul și noroiul

Ma gandesc pozitiv

Eu gandesc pozitiv pentru ca sunt viu pentru ca sunt viu, eu gandesc pozitiv
pentru ca sunt viu si cat sunt viu, nimic si nimeni pe lume va putea sa ma opreasca de a gandi, nimic si nimeni nu va putea opri,
opri, opri acest val care se duce, acest val, acest val care vine si pleaca
acest val care vine si pleaca acest val care se duce, acest val care vine si pleaca.
Eu gandesc pozitiv dar nu vrea sa zica ca nu vad eu gandesc pozitiv in cat cred, nu cred in uniforme si nici in rochii sacre care mai mult de o data au fost gata sa binecuvanteze masacre, nu cred in fraterne imbratisari care se confund cu lanturi
Eu cred doar ca intre rau si bine e mai tare binele.
Eu gandesc pozitiv pentru ca sunt viu pentru ca sunt viu, eu gandesc pozitiv
pentru ca sunt viu si cat sunt viu, nimic si nimeni pe lume va putea sa ma opreasca de a gandi, nimic si nimeni nu va putea opri,
opri, opri acest val care se duce, acest val, acest val care vine si pleaca
acest val care vine si pleaca acest val care se duce, acest val care vine si pleaca.
Sa iesi din metru patrat unde fiecare chestie pare sa se uite inauntru la chestii este un adevar necunoscut care cere doar un mod de a veni afara sa vada stelele si sa traisca esperiente pe pielea mea pe pielea mea.
u gandesc pozitiv pentru ca sunt viu pentru ca sunt viu, eu gandesc pozitiv
pentru ca sunt viu si cat sunt viu, nimic si nimeni pe lume va putea sa ma opreasca de a gandi, nimic si nimeni nu va putea opri,
opri, opri acest val care se duce, acest val, acest val care vine si pleaca
acest val care vine si pleaca acest val care se duce, acest val care vine si pleaca.
Eu cred ca pe lumea asta exista doar o mare biserica care incepe de la Che Guevara si ajunge pana la Madre Teresa
trecand pe la Malcom X printre Gandhi si San Patrignano
ajunge de la un preot in periferie care merge inainte in ciuda Vaticanului
Eu gandesc pozitiv pentru ca sunt viu pentru ca sunt viu, eu gandesc pozitiv
pentru ca sunt viu si cat sunt viu, nimic si nimeni pe lume va putea sa ma opreasca de a gandi, nimic si nimeni nu va putea opri,
opri, opri acest val care se duce, acest val, acest val care vine si pleaca
acest val care vine si pleaca acest val care se duce, acest val care vine si pleaca: istoria, matematica, italiana, geometria, muzica...fantazia.

The Songs

Laughing makes you want to cry
If you think about all the times when in the golden moments
You were thinking about something else
In another place
At another time
Just right now as I'm watching you
In this corner
Of this world
Where the songs are souls
Where we're stupid from our childhood on
And we like the wrong things
That may later be the right ones
And we swim against the current
And we make absurd decisions
But you reflect more on them and you make more mistakes
The instinct is the arm that pulls you outside
From the quicksand that sweeps away
You are right
The songs don't have to be beautiful
They have to be stars
Light up the night
Make the people dance
Everyone the way they see fit
Everyone where they see fit
Everyone the way they feel
Everyone the way they see fit
Everyone where they see fit
Everyone the way they feel
As though it were forever
As though it were forever
My voice eludes me from the inside out
From a zone that's out of control
Makes the lungs swell
Exits the throat
And then it leaves and never goes back inside
We thought it was enough to break a window pane
That separates us from the rest of the world
To be free at the bottom
It's a surface above the surface
One can read the deep meaning
In the lightness of a song
In the flash that captures the expression
We are all diverse, all scattered
Always on the edge of a revolution
Looking at the world like in an autopsy
Leaving the fantasy
And crying makes us want to cry
Like the sailors of a famous song
My way, sketched for progress
Towards a world of free people
The songs don't have to be beautiful
They have to be stars
Light up the night
Make the people dance
Everyone the way they see fit
Everyone where they see fit
Everyone the way they feel
Everyone the way they see fit
Everyone where they see fit
Everyone the way they feel
As though it were forever
As though it were forever
As though it were forever
As though it were forever
As though it were forever
As though it were forever
The spirit is heavy
To carry on one's own
Take a bit of mine
Give me a bit of yours
And give me a strong hug
An even stronger one
As though it were forever
As though it were forever
As though it were forever
As though it were forever
As though it were forever
As though it were forever
The songs don't have to be beautiful
They have to be stars
Light up the night
Make the people dance
Everyone the way they see fit
Everyone where they see fit
Everyone the way they feel
Everyone the way they see fit
Everyone where they see fit
Everyone the way they feel
As though it were forever
As though it were forever
As though it were forever
As though it were forever
As though it were forever
As though it were forever
Hit dat big ol’ “thanks!” butt’n or rate if helpful, PM corrections or suggestions. Give credit if reposting, it’s unique stuff anyway.

Toata dragostea pe care o am

Toate minunile acestui colt de univers,
Par a fi creeate sa ne scoata in evidenta.
Si daca din gresala te-ai pierde in haos,
Si vei avea un sentiment puternic de neinplinire.
Vazandu-te, un vid imens in suflet ar fi extinde
Pana la extremele sperantei mele.
Te-as fi cautat ca un Don Quixote,
As fi luptat cu Diavolul si toti dracii sai,
As fi trecut prin toate labirintele fara ajutor,
Mancand orice mi-ar fi oferit natura
Si in orice tara as fi cerut acoperis deasupra capului.
Mi-as fi riscat pana si viata pe mare.
Considerand ca iubirea e nepretuita,
Sunt dispus sa fac orice pentru putin din ea.
Considerand ca iubirea e nepretuita,
As plati toata dragostea care o primesc
Cu toata dragostea pe care o am.
Ma simt un prizonier intr-o inchisoare infinita
Cand tu nu mai esti in inima mea.
M-as ascunde, ca toti ceilati, dupa deget
De cei ce vin sa-mi vanda durere.
Am vazut lucruri rezervate visatorilor,
Am sorbit din amarul dispretului,
Am comis toate actele mele cele mai pure.
Considerand ca iubirea e nepretuita,
Considerand ca iubirea e nepretuita,
Sunt dispus sa fac orice pentru putin din ea.
Considerand ca iubirea e nepretuita,
As plati toata dragostea care o primesc
Cu toata dragostea pe care o am.
Toata dragostea pe care o am.
Toata dragostea pe care o am.
Fara tine toate acestea ar fi in van,
Ca o sabie care strapunge un om mort deja
Fara dragoste as fi un simplu sarlatan,
O corabie condamnata sa stea la tarm.
Considerand ca iubirea e nepretuita,
Sunt dispus sa fac orice pentru putin din ea.
Considerand ca iubirea e nepretuita,
As plati toata dragostea care o primesc
Cu toata dragostea pe care o am.
Toata dragostea pe care o am.
Toata dragostea pe care o am.
Toata dragostea pe care o am.
Toata dragostea pe care o am.
Toata dragostea pe care o am.
Toata dragostea pe care o am.

Make It Turn

You know that appearances do not deceive
And the swans inside the water do not get wet
You know there is a fever that makes you heal
And that there is a silence that makes itself felt
You know that the DNA is longer than the equator
You know that there is a spirit even inside an engine
You know that great mystics have strong arms
And the great players have got stunted feet
You know that you can hear the sounds in your stomach
You know that even the wicked do good deeds
You know that every sunset is a vampire's dawn
And that future ideas are already around
You know that right now a man is dying
You know that right now a baby is being born
You know that right now we are living and something right now we are exchanging
Turn it around and turn it around so that everyone can see it
Turn it around and turn it around so that everyone can hear it
Zebras are white with black stripes
Zebras are black with white stripes
You know that for the flies we are very slow
And for a whale we are very small
Africa is the richest continent on the planet
Sometimes the alphabet starts with the zeta
You know that the holy grail is in my grandmother's living room
And the center of the earth is under the skirt
You know that a kilo of gold weighs like a kilo of air
You know that God exists until proven otherwise there are two ways
To get out of jail
Discount your sentence or an escape
You know that there is no gravity in space
You know that sometimes there is not even here
You know that this night will explode a star
You know that an emotion can not be canceled
Turn it around and turn it around so that everyone can see it
Turn it around and turn it around so that everyone can hear it
You know that there is a fever that makes you heal
And that there is a silence that makes itself felt
You know that the DNA is longer than the equator
You know that there is a spirit even inside an engine
You know that great mystics have strong arms
And the great players have got stunted feet
You know that you can hear the sounds in your stomach
You know that even the wicked do good deeds
You know that every sunset is a vampire's dawn
And that future ideas are already around
Turn it around and turn it around so that everyone can see it
Turn it around and turn it around so that everyone can hear it

The wind is picking up

The wind is picking up,
We need to live.
There's not even time
To reflect.
Have you heard?
Another man looked back,
He gave up,
Just when there were just a few meters left.
The wind is picking up,
If you look outside, you'll see the trees shaking.
I'm going to pick you up,
Let's go all the way to our best mistake
In the deserts
And in the parks that are emptying out
In the open seas
And among the crowd and the faces that get all mixed up.
The slaves, the pyramids
The plagues and the promises.
The night that lights up
With whispered words.
The game rooms are thundering,
You can hear it from outside too.
Let's get away from here,
To see that at the bottom of these hearts of ours,
The wind is picking up,
We need to live.
The wind is picking up,
We need to live.
Day and night
Falling in love with an amazing idea,
The rock’n’roll
The freedom that was under the tables when we were kids,
Those things
That we say to each other and then let go.
For instance,
Try to really do what you wanted.
The slaves, the pyramids
The plagues and the promises.
The night that lights up
With whispered words.
The game rooms are thundering,
You can hear it from outside too,
Let's get inside and see what's there.
At the bottom of these hearts of ours,
The wind is picking up,
We need to live.
The wind is picking up,
We need to live, try to live.
Winter is coming