Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 14
By Your Side
I didn't want to leave without telling you somethingThat I want to spend a little bit more time like this
I don't want to lose this moment to tell you
That I want to move myself a bit closer to you
To see what comes after because
There's something that affects me and I don't know
how to tell you what it is
There's something that affects me and I don't know
how to tell you what it is because
I want to stay by your side, by your side
And it's there where I want to stay
I want to stay by your side, by your side
Something happens to me when I'm at your side
I can't parse it, much less see well what it is
We shouldn't leave this for the other to forget
We should do now what we came to do
Tell me if you understand me, because
There's something that affects me and I don't know
how to tell you what it is
There's something that affects me and I don't know
how to tell you what it is, I only know
I want to stay by your side, by your side,
And it's there where I want to stay
I want to stay by your side, by your side
Pentru că nu ai știut să-mi înțelegi inimaCe era in ea pentru că
Nu ai avut curajul să vezi cine sunt
Pentru că nu asculți ceea ce e aproape de tine
Doar zgomotul de afară și eu
Care stau chiar lângă, dispar de lângă tine
Nu vreau să plâng și să spun că nu merit asta
Pentru că e probabil că o merit dar nu o vreau
De aceea plec
Ce păcat, dar adio
Mă despart de tine și plec
Ce păcat, dar adio
Mă despart de tine
Pentru că știu că mă așteaptă ceva mai bun
Cineva care știe să-mi ofere iubire
Acela ce îndulcește sarea și face soarele se răsară
N-am crezut niciodată că o să plec de lângă tine
Că era dragostea bună pentru tot restul vieții
Dar azi am înțeles că nu e suficientă pentru noi doi
Nu vreau să plâng și să spun că nu merit asta
Pentru că e probabil că o merit dar nu o vreau
De aceea plec
Ce păcat, dar adio
Mă despart de tine și plec
Ce păcat, dar adio
Mă despart de tine
Plec, ce păcat dar adio
Mă despart de tine și plec
Lămâie și sare
Trebuie să recunosc faptul că uneoriNu-mi place felul tău de a fi
După îmi dispari
Și nu înțeleg prea bine de ce
Nu spui nimic romantic
Când răsare soarele
Te comporți ciudat
La fiecare lună plină
Dar în afară de asta
Câștigă binele pe care mi-l faci
Doar ca să te am aproape
Simt că încep din nou
Eu te iubesc cu lămâie și sare,
Eu te iubesc așa cum ești
Nu trebuie să schimbi nimic
Eu te iubesc chiar dacă vii sau pleci
Dacă ești sus sau jos și când nu ești
Sigură de ceea ce simți.
Trebuie să recunosc acum
Niciodată n-am crezut în fericire
Uneori așa pare,
Dar e doar o coincidență.
După mă surprind uitându-me
În ochii tăi și îmi dau altceva
Doar ca se te am aproape
Simt că încep din nou
Eu te iubesc cu lămâie și sare,
Eu te iubesc așa cum ești
Nu trebuie să schimbi nimic
Eu te iubesc chiar dacă vii sau pleci
Dacă ești sus sau jos și când nu ești
Sigură de ceea ce simți.
Doar ca să te am aproape
Simt că încep din nou...
From my steps
I won't know the face of the timepast and you and I.
I won't live for the experience
of feeling your scent and recognizing.
I won't turn off the wind that pushes me
and moves me away from you
While you sit and close your eyes
and ask your destiny for help.
I learn from my steps
I understand in my walk.
Erased words, forgotten nostalgia,
drinking us all up each moment.
It does good for passing to memorize it
when it comes back, I'll know
I won't forget.
I learn from my steps
I understand in my walk.
I learn in what I was,
I learn in what I gave,
I learn in what I was,
I learn from what I gave,
I learn from what I was,
I learn from what I give,
I learn from you.
Versions: #3I once had a fantasy
And I didn't know what to do
I didn't know what to do
with it
I didn't know what to do
And it left
because I let it go
Why did I let it go?
I don't know
I only know that it left
My heart, since then,
cries every day
at the gateway
For the dream, I didn't know what to do
And it went away
because I let it go
Why did I let it go?
I don't know
I only know that it left me
I know that all I wanted
I left all I wanted
because I didn't let myself try
to live a happy life
It's the fantasy of your return
that makes me happy
makes me live
For this dream, I didn't know what to do
and it went away
because I let it go
Why did I let it go?
I don't know
I only know that it left me
I know that all I wanted
I left all I wanted
because I didn't let myself try
to live a happy life
I left all I wanted
I know that all I wanted
I left all I wanted
Because I won't let myself
try to live a happy life
Because I let it go
Why did I let it go?
I don't know
I only know that it left me
because I let it go
Why did I let it go?
I don't know
I only know that it left me
Translated by Jennifer Matesa. If you wish to copy/share, please ask for permission and always cite my name as its author. ::
Tradução feita por Jennifer Matesa. Se você quiser reutilizar ou compartilhar, por favor peça permissão e me cite como autor.
A Thing Is Changing
Versions: #4You're speakin to me, askin,1
If we can see each other!?
Motivations, I’m left with
But although I wish, i don’t know
Always there's something more,
That at first glance isn't seen
Can it be , that there’s something else,
'Cause at first glance ...
It scares you the idea
Of what might be,
To tell you i'd like
A thing to make you feel nice,
But thing is, there’s something else,
That at first glance isn't seen
Maybe there’s something else,
That at first glance isn't seen
But I feel there's within me
Something which changes
IT doesn't show ...
But I feel there's a thing within me
Something which changes
Think not that I’ve lost
What it gave me the love of yours
I cary it within,
This way i can feel good
But there’s something else,
That simply can’t be seen
Maybe there’s a lil' extra,
That at first glance isn't seen
But I feel there's within me
Something which changes
IT doesn't show ...
But I feel there's within me
Something which changes
What more shall i ever wish for !?
thAN to be happy and regaling you love, caresses
What more shall i ever wish for !?
Besides happy living and regaling you love, caresses
Always there's something more,
That at first glance isn't seen
But I feel there's a thing within me
Something which changes
IT doesn't show ...
But I feel there's a thing within me
Something which changes
- 1. Personal Adaptation/Translation/ Work allowed under the moral and written rule , found under the section of 'Website Rules---Adding a translation----Paragraph no 10 'As translations can be a mean of knowing and understanding a new language, it's better if you keep at least a colloquial (Though YOU'RE FREE to keep an informal tone in certain contexts) language that's easy to understand - and you may use footnotes to add general explanations and comments in certain parts of the translation.' So that being said , my profile is the place for the non-literal translation's and adaptation so people may like it or not , still that won't ever change a thing , so like they say in our dear America : Deal with it !!!
Lime and salt
Versions: #4I have to confess that sometimes
I don't like the way you are
Then, you disappear
And I don't quite understand why
You don't say anything romantic
When the sun sets
You get in a strange mood
With every month's full moon
But all of that
Loses to the good you give me
Just having you around
I feel like I start over
I want you with lime and salt
I want you just how you are
There's no need to change a thing
I want you if you're coming or going
If you're rising or falling and you're not
Sure how you're feeling
I have to confess now
I never believed in happiness
Sometimes I find something that looks like it
But it's just chance
Then I come to find
You eyes, they give me something else
Just having you around
I feel like I start over
I want you with lime and salt
I want you just how you are
There's no need to change a thing
I want you if you're coming or going
If you're rising or falling and you're not
Sure how you're feeling
Just having you around
I feel like I start over
Two Lonelinesses
Loving sometimes hurts, even though he loves youA cloudy day when he's not here
And maybe his absence marks the day
It was painted with nostalgia
Life dressed itself in wonders with his voice
His existence already changed your life
You forget that some day you were sad,
You sighed for something more
A void ended when we found each other
And a door opened when we got close to each other
Two lonelinesses or none
There's a reason why misfortunes that you can count pass by
They teach you to live and to appreciate the rest
They say 'You see, you're sill alive and you'll even forget this pain'
You know that you can be so much better at his side
You start another life, even though nothing was forgotten
Together they are weaving happinesses around theirselves
A void ended when we found each other
And a door opened when we got close to each other
Two lonelinesses or none
And let's fill the world with happiness
Let's fill the world with happiness
A void ended when we found each other
And a door opened when we got close to each other
Two lonelinesses or none
And let's fill the world with happiness
Totul e o minciuna
Minte cine spune ca nu stie cum e sa minti,Minte fara motiv, fara noima si minte pentru ca minte.
Si minte cine jura ca te iubeste si te va face fericit
Si cine ti-a povestit ca eu inca ma gandesc la tine.
Si deasemenea acela care te-a abandonat
Si cel care s-a dus fara sa anunte
Si cel care a zis 'adio!', a mintit si a ramas.
Si cand ti se spune ca totul e o minciuna
Nu crezi nici macar stiind adevarul.
Si cand ti se marturiseste cat de mult se minte,
Suspecteaza cine s-a ras de cine si cine a mintit ce a mintit.
Si in plus acela care s-a inselat,
Cel care a exagerat si a vorbit prea mult
Si cel care a uitat si a mintit si s-a potrivit.
Si cand ti se spune ca totul e o minciuna
Nu crezi nici macar stiind adevarul.
Si cand ti se marturiseste cat de mult se minte,
Suspecteaza cine s-a ras de cine si cine a mintit ce a mintit.