Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 11


Magapay / Ya Ghayeb

Don't give me, don't give me any more
to drink out of your glass
You are making me drunk and I am amazed
at myself
when I look at me, when I look at me
pulling petals off daisies
and constantly asking them:
'He loves me - he loves me not'
and whether he aches for me.
'He loves me - he loves me not'
and whether he aches for me.
If only you knew
how much I've missed you
When we are apart
I find only sorrow.
You who is so far, why don´t ask,
about the ones who love you,
Who don´t sleep at the night, for your eyes
I´am thinking of you
You go so far away from me, and forget me.
I need you beside me, take care of me.
Do me forget my pains and my sadness.
I´am missing your eyes
If only you knew
how much I've missed you
When we are apart
I find only sorrow.
'He loves me - he loves me not'
and whether he stays up all night for my sake.
Your love changed my life
Make me forget my pains, and sadness
Make me remember all my tales
Made me melt for you
You are all my love
The sun of my life, and its shadow
You are all the world
I´ll never giving up loving you
'He loves me - he loves me not'
and whether he aches for me.


Until I was hit by the boom
When I wanted what everyone else wanted I felt nothing
Now everything starts anew, to fall and get up
To fall and get up and get up
Nothing happened I just woke up up backwards
A crooked world, the straight heart raised its hand
Even when I dreamed of flying and I climbed on top of the mountain
Each time someone closed the skies
Afraid is not how you live if there's no smoke
Only time burns
Until I was hit by the boom
When I wanted what everyone else wanted I felt nothing
Now everything starts anew, to fall and get up
To fall and get up and get up
Nothing happened when I was ripped on the page
I got a big voice that floats for years upon the water
Between the large waves and the tornado of now
The silence was already painful on the lips
Afraid is not how you live if there's no smoke
Only time burns
Nothing happened when I kicked the door... boom boom
And awakening, I got used to this dance
Each time anew I fall and rise
And I have a sister with a different sister,
And another all of us are in the same boat
The truth is I'm not afraid
Because I've already been hit by the boom...