Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 15

Număr de rezultate: 477


No woman

Complaint looks like rain into your eyes tonight
In the morning, I look like a broken boat
I loved you and you broke me into pieces
You cut my life into two pieces
No woman deserves love, no woman
Betrayal, shame and isolation
I have felt deep into my heart
No woman deserves, I am telling you, no woman
And no one can save me
Pain and bitterness have become my friends tonight
I will get drunk due to you tonight
You are ungrateful, you left me dying
You didn't deserve my crazy love
No woman deserves love, no woman
Betrayal, shame and isolation
I have felt deep into my heart
No woman deserves, I am telling you, no woman
I am damaged
And no one can save me

My Sister

My sister*, you, don't laugh so
By just looking to my feelings
I know that you walk with a bad guy
My loving heart is jealous of you
I like you, my feelings are deep
If you want moon and stars I would take and give you
Care about my love and
Walk by my side forever oh, oh, oh!
Oh, oh, oh, oh my sister oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh if I look you, you abstain oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh you play hard to get oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh your moony face makes me love you
If you coquet and be spoilt to me
I admire your beauty
I'm looking your photo always,
By wanting your return
Oh, oh, oh, oh
I like you, my feelings are deep
If you want moon and stars I would take and give you
Care about my love and
Walk by my side forever oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh my sister oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh if I look you, you abstain oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh you play hard to get oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh your moon face makes me love you
You occupy to my love oh
You come my side oh
If I want your hand, you take me your hand oh
You, be by my side by playing to get and coquet oh
I become a newbie kid by believing you before.
I want never move away from you even a little
I wish that your nice smell to be felt near me
Sister, we walked together for days
By spending together the spring, summer oh, the autumn and winter!
Oh, oh, oh, oh my sister oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh if I look you, you abstain oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh you play hard to get oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh your moon face makes me love you


When the dances are beginning for others,
and you are shut in a room, lying in bed.
(you can’t breathe, you can’t breathe)1
(you can’t breathe, you can’t breathe)
It seems like time doesn’t feel like venturing out,
you’d like to wreck those hours.2
(you can’t breathe, you can’t breathe)
(you can’t breathe, you can’t breathe)
And you must be alone with yourself,
with that throbbing pain that has overwhelmed you.
(you can’t breathe, you can’t breathe)
(you can’t breathe, you can’t breathe)
You must live with it, you can’t decide,
looking for beauty in some sentence, in some gesture.
(you can’t breathe, you can’t breathe)
(you can’t breathe, you can’t breathe)
You can’t breathe, you can’t breathe.
You can’t breathe, you can’t breathe.
(you can’t breathe, you can’t breathe)
(you can’t breathe, you can’t breathe)
Breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe!
Breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe!
What doesn’t kill you, surely makes you stronger.
And if, at the beginning, being left alone is grievous,
going on, it seems less and less bad.
(you can’t breathe, you can’t breathe)
(you can’t breathe, you can’t breathe)
You look for strength from the pit of your stomach,
you look for the little bit that’s hidden in every nook and cranny.
(you can’t breathe, you can’t breathe)
(you can’t breathe, you can’t breathe)
Day by day, day by day.
Day by day, day by day.
(you can’t breathe, you can’t breathe)
(you can’t breathe, you can’t breathe)
You can’t breathe, you can’t breathe.
You can’t breathe, you can’t breathe.
(you can’t breathe, you can’t breathe)
(you can’t breathe, you can’t breathe)
Breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe!
(you can’t breathe, you can’t breathe)
Breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe!
(you can’t breathe, you can’t breathe)
What doesn’t kill you, surely makes you stronger.
Breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe!
What doesn’t kill you, surely makes you stronger.
(you can’t breathe, you can’t breathe)
(you can’t breathe, you can’t breathe)
Breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe!
Breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe!
What doesn’t kill you, surely makes you stronger.
  • 1. Lit. ‟You’re lacking air”.
  • 2. mattanza = killing, slaughter.
You can use my translations however you like.
“Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality.” ― Dalai Lama XIV

In My Birthday Suit

I’d like to get everything off of me:
as naked as in my birthday suit.1
I’d like to get everything off of me
and be left naked, looking at myself happily.
Non so much for modesty, as to get off of me
four layers of cloth that cover me from the world.
I’d like to get everything off of me,
I’d like to get everything off of me.
I’m getting rid of sunglasses,
of shirts that have been too tight for a while now.
It’s always the same old story, Your Eminence.2
I swear, they are pointless.
I’d like to get everything off of me,
like a cupid in a painting by Giotto.
I’d like to get everything off of me
and be left naked, looking at myself happily.
Getting rid of, combing, my beard and hair,
conjectures and distractions.
My world-wise appearance
doesn’t help me feel less of a moron.
I’d like to get everything off of me,
because I’m tired, because I think it’s right.
I’d like to get everything off of me
and be left naked, looking at myself happily.
Completely erasing future expectations,
mental masturbation.
Existentialist questions by rocket-science philosophers
are pointless, as you can see.
I’d like to get everything off of me,
as free and serene as I once was.
I’d like to get everything off of me
and be left naked, looking at myself happily.
Non so much for modesty, as to get off of me
four layers of cloth that cover me from the world.
I’d like to get everything off of me,
I’d like to get it off of me.
Getting rid of pretensions of neutron fission,
useless ravings about revolution.
People who think they’re wise
err of approximation.
I’d like to get everything off of me.
  • 1. Lit. ‟As naked as mum made me”.
  • 2. Lit. ‟the same old soup”.
You can use my translations however you like.
“Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality.” ― Dalai Lama XIV

I Resist

It’s not on whom brought me into this world,
nor on things that happen,
that I blame my sadness.
Not on love with a bad ending,
nor on the month in the hospital
which gave me a conspicuous scar.
It’s not the fault of events,
of the price of diesel fuel,
of delays or of relatives.
It’s nobody’s fault
if I feel like a nobody
and I’m no longer 20.
It’s not the fault of stars or of fate,
of the world smelling
like a wet dog.
It’s just that, sometimes, when people are speaking,
I can’t hear them,
and I often find myself feeling out of place.
When I’d really like to be somewhere else,
but I don’t know where…
But I exist, I resist, and I insist.
I exist, I resist, and I insist.
I exist, I resist, and I insist.
I exist, I resist, and I insist.
It’s not the burden of things, it’s not chance,
it’s the smoke of engines,
it’s not blood from my nose.
It’s just that, sometimes, it’s cold
getting out of bed,
and I’d like it to be always April.
When everything is its own opposite,
and I no longer know what to say…
But I exist, I resist, and I insist.
I exist, I resist, and I insist.
I exist, I resist, and I insist.
I exist, I resist, and I insist.
It’s not on whom brought me into this world
nor on things that happen,
that I blame my sadness.
It’s nobody’s fault
if I feel like a nobody
and I’m no longer 20.
You can use my translations however you like.
“Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality.” ― Dalai Lama XIV

Trenul negru

Ochii mei privesc drumul, inima mi-e mâhnită,
Vino tu însăți sau trimite o veste!
Am aflat că ai trimis o scrisoare de două rânduri,
Ai dus-o la tren și ai uitat de starea ta.
Trenul negru întârzie, poate nu va veni niciodată,
Străbate munți, nu-mi știe necazul,
Își urlă fumul, nu-mi vede starea,
Inima mea se umple de tristețe, lacrimile mele nu se opresc...
Durerea e în mine, leacul e la tine,
Vino tu însăți sau trimite-mi o veste!
Am aflat că ai trimis o scrisoare de două rânduri,
Ai dus-o la tren și ai uitat de starea ta.
Trenul negru întârzie, poate nu va veni niciodată,
Străbate munți, nu-mi știe necazul,
Își urlă fumul, nu-mi vede starea,
Inima mea se umple de tristețe, lacrimile mele nu se opresc...


I am not angry with you
Your departures are sudden angers
There's no reason, time passes and my suffering passes
I promise, I'll erase, white or black, does it matter
Mourning, it lasts a day
Life goes on
I am aware of there's no time left
Your leaving must be a sudden decision
I am aware of there's no time left
Wrong swears must have an end
My defense war is the same
While leaving, your heart fell apart on a different way
Being deceived by a new love, got burnt, while making us destroyed
Don't do, my war is the same
While leaving, your heart fell apart on a different way
Being deceived by a new love, got burnt, without even having us burnt out

We meet again

We meet again, days pass
Those we got are enough
Again complex nights wait for me
Waits waits again existence
An upright ascend, stars are crying along coasts
We console with waves, my mind can't accept
If I take you into my lonely dreams
My days are falling to yesterday without you
We meet again, deadly again
Glowing fires, fronts wait
Time blows its armor
It waits me to drill and pass
Jet black horses pulling my cart
Very yellow sunflower fields, lances are holing
Ocean is over, here

Don't apologize to me

Don't apologize to me
from my tiny body
I can't forgive nobody
while my soul is burning like that
how did you murder me
during my childhood time
I stayed alone and weak
against the life
the basil has no smell anymore
a hand's smell in my skin
Is my bridal dress a cerement?
Isn't there any fear of god?
even if the sun shines everyday
I've been buried in the darkness
even if I breathe and exhale
I am living dead
listen to your conscience
what ever says useless
I can't forgive you
don't apologize mother
the life you thought it is worthy
it is like the death name
from now on my life
has no taste
the basil has no smell anymore
a hand's smell in my skin
Is my bridal dress a cerement?
Isn't there any fear of god?
even if the sun shines everyday
I've been buried in the darkness
even if I breathe and exhale
I am living dead
O my god give me power

Un lucru pe care ar fi trebuit să-l fac ...

Ploaie în seara asta,
Mi-e frig şi sunt supărat,
Îmi pierd mintea fără tine.
Capul meu se rotește ca un titirez,
Înapoi la momentul în care am făcut ... o mulțime de lucruri
Acum, lumea mea este în bucăți,
Cât de repede se poate schimba viața!
Întotdeauna am făcut totul pentru tine
Ți-am dăruit inima, iar TU mi-ai dăruit-o pe a ta
Ar fi trebuit să te fac să simți că într-adevăr ești cineva
Deci, este un lucru pe care ar fi trebuit să-l fac.
Într-o zi, crezi că ai totul
Apoi te vei holba la perete ... ca într-un vis
Drumul care a fost odată pavat cu aur,
Acum devine ruginit,
Aceasta este culoarea cea mai tristă din lume.
Acum, viața mea e în ruine,
Cât de repede se poate schimba totul!
Întotdeauna am făcut totul pentru tine
Ți-am dăruit inima, iar TU mi-ai dăruit-o pe a ta
Trăiește pentru tine, pentru a simți că sunt într-adevăr cineva
Dar este un lucru pe care ar fi trebuit să-l fac.
Ar fi trebuit să fiu cu tine,
Ar fi trebuit să fiu cu tine,
Ar fi trebuit să fiu cu tine,
Ar fi trebuit să fiu acolo,
Nu am făcut totul pentru tine?
Dar am încercat atât de mult, asta-i adevărul!
Ar fi trebuit să te fac să simți că într-adevăr ești cineva
Deci, este un lucru pe care ar fi trebuit să-l fac.
Am făcut totul pentru tine,
Ti-am rupt inima, acum și a mea este ruptă
În ceasul de nevoie nu am venit ...
Acesta este singurul lucru pe care ar fi trebui să-l fac.
Dana Kósa

The nights are dark

Will come one day that you'll understand it
Happiness is just in the dreams
Both if you trust and love someone
Life is very difficult for you in this world
Those are been that fleeing ones are free
What are we going to be
We were been that unloving ones due to your
Our hearts turned to the stone
Who said that: Is there someone who believes in love
The nights are dark The nights are dark
We've loved each other, is there any more pleasant lie than this
The nights are dark that ready to deny


Who is that, who is she and who the fuck are you?
Is there anyone else but me that's losing it?
What the fuck, I don't understand, what have you done to me?
I was just resting for an hour, who are you, girl?
And hey, what time is it and where am I?
Who is Sockan1, what kind of name is that?
Should I stand up? No, I shouldn't
[I] might as well sit down, I don't think I'll be capable
Of being that chipper guy
I got big problems with all the senses of the body
And my terrible memory, get yourself together Byzan
You're a rawmodel, think about RFSU2
And by the way, this is the beginning of the party
How am I supposed to manage the rest of it when I'm this low?
I'm from Finland, I drin booze with a spoon
Says the guy with thirteen beers but who blacks out on three
That was nothing
They said, here, take another one
They gave me fresh beers, fresh glasses, fresh shots
Until I stumbled away
I woke up somewhere
Where no one could help me
Where I didn't now anyone
I knew no one
I got wasted
I acted like a bastard towards you
I got wasted
I fucking misbehaved
I got wasted
I acted like a bastard towards you
I got wasted
But I finally got out, I just stumbled around
I had 2 different shoes, this is really weird
It's like this: you never learn from your mistakes
But you play the game according to the pleasant rules
'Cause you know, if you've lived on macaronies for week
It doesn't take much for you to fall and black out
Thinking that this is enough, or give me a sexa3
And I should actually open the beer that I've bought
Nothing can get left behind, nothing can be given away
Nothing can get wasted, everything has to go down fast
Right brand or not, it doesn't matter, give me something
I got something slightly annoying but tasty
That I drink before I enter the place
But to be honest, the drunk tank probably awaits me
Before the pub closes, fuck, how can something get this wild
And the bouncer is babbling now 'please, can you stand still'
That was nothing
They said, here, take another one
They gave me fresh beers, fresh glasses, fresh shots
Until I stumbled away
I woke up somewhere
Where no one could help me
Where I didn't now anyone
I knew no one
I got wasted
I acted like a bastard towards you
I got wasted
I fucking misbehaved
I got wasted
I acted like a bastard towards you
I got wasted
  • 1. Lit. 'the Sock'
  • 2. Swedish Association for Sexuality Education
  • 3. Lit. 'a six', a late night meal

Alungă norii negri dintre noi

Alungă norii negri dintre noi,
Vai aman*, vai aman, vai aman, vai,
Apropie-te de inima mea, cascada mea.
Câte patimi a îndurat Creatorul ca să te creeze?
Vai aman*, vai aman, vai aman, vai,
Apropie-te de inima mea, cascada mea.
Sunt puține privighetori care-ți înțeleg limba,
Vai aman*, vai aman, vai aman, vai,
Apropie-te de inima mea, cascada mea.
Dacă nu vii, primăvara va trece și se va face vară,
Vai aman*, vai aman, vai aman, vai,
Apropie-te de inima mea, cascada mea.

Black Destiny

Versions: #2
The beloved didn't listen our words
We have waited for a long time
We bent our heads down
Our black destiny is this.
Flowers started not to come into blossom
Fountains became undrinkable
The beloved started not to smile at us
Our black destiny is this.
We only called her as beloved
We said that she had something special
We said that she could understand us
Our black destiny is this.
Hey my heart, again tonight
My grief is higher than the night
Let's quiet down together
Our black destiny is this.

Happy Birthday To You

How much is pain prowling around?
How much separation is there?
They plucked 'gillyflower'
What a shame, shame
Fortunately, there is love in the world
Fortunately, there is love in the world
Gillyflower's hit my heart
Now I even can't look at mirror
All kites have been grieving
Now I can't fly againf
Fortunately, there is love in the world
Fortunately, there is love in the world
Happy birthday to you, my son
It's your life
Good luck with it
We could'nt change the world, forgive us for that
Years passed by (and we couldn't do anything)

Streets of Ankara

This is a memory of Ankara
It is an affair of Ankara
Many years ago the young boys
In the fastest time in Kızılay
While they were penetrating their fastest memories
to the pavements of Kızılay
Size by size, boys from every size
Before starting the fastest situations
Looking at each other
Ne ne yağlıca yağ yağ
Ya ya ah gidi gidi meh meh
This is a style of Ankara
It is from Ankara
It is new or old, what matters ?
I, we, they
Ha... and one more
In the fastest time of Kızılay
We loved each other
You and me
Maybe too early
But we were very near to each other
A girl and a boy
We fell like an avalanche on Ankara
Ah...who invented this handkerchief...
Ne ne yağlıca yağ yağ
Ya ya ah gidi gidi meh meh
Pavements are mute, they can't say
We can say how we passed on them
We ate bread from the bakery at dawn
We drank, we loved, we were loved
Actually if we try to tell our story
The brain of time stops, seas get dry
Peh peh peh
Before starting the fastest situations
Looking at each other
Ah...who invented this handkerchief...
Ne ne yağlıca yağ yağ
Ya ya ah gidi gidi meh meh

Streets of Ankara

This is a memory of Ankara
It is an affair of Ankara
Many years ago the young boys
In the fastest time in Kızılay
While they were penetrating their fastest memories
to the pavements of Kızılay
Size by size, boys from every size
Before starting the fastest situations
Looking at each other
Ne ne yağlıca yağ yağ
Ya ya ah gidi gidi meh meh
This is a style of Ankara
It is from Ankara
It is new or old, what matters ?
I, we, they
Ha... and one more
In the fastest time of Kızılay
We loved each other
You and me
Maybe too early
But we were very near to each other
A girl and a boy
We fell like an avalanche on Ankara
Ah...who invented this handkerchief...
Ne ne yağlıca yağ yağ
Ya ya ah gidi gidi meh meh
Pavements are mute, they can't say
We can say how we passed on them
We ate bread from the bakery at dawn
We drank, we loved, we were loved
Actually if we try to tell our story
The brain of time stops, seas get dry
Peh peh peh
Before starting the fastest situations
Looking at each other
Ah...who invented this handkerchief...
Ne ne yağlıca yağ yağ
Ya ya ah gidi gidi meh meh

What's up with love

Open your heart, it's me
Hold me tight, never let me go.
I just barely broke my walls down,
Just appreciate it, stop complaining
See, I have no gilding anymore,
I opened my doors, come on in
Look/visit all my parks and gardens,
Mind you, I have been scared of capital letters.
I have no clue of cannons or rifles,
I have no clue of a stone(cold) heart,
I have no idea how to row against the tide.
Never mind those things, what's up with love ?
The backside of your eyes...
The subtitles of your words...
I've put them all into the language of your heart
And, have read the pain in my native language.


All the story is about my heart's robbery
You make it and hide it
What would let me do with you
I loved you but you're a thief
I loved you and your love possessed my heart, a thief but for me an angel
I loved you and your love possessed my heart, a thief but for me an angel
All the story is about my heart's robbery
You make it and hide it
What would let me do with you
I loved you but you're a thief
If I didn't gave you the green light, crazy man
How would you steal my hearts with your two eyes
If I didn't gave you the green light, crazy man
How would you steal my hearts with your two eyes
Lovely and you know yourself, you stole my heart with your beauty
Where your shadow will be, I wanna be
I wanna be there
All the story is about my heart's robbery
You make it and hide it
What would let me do with you
I loved you but you're a thief
If I didn't gave you the green light, crazy man
How would you steal my hearts with your two eyes
If I didn't gave you the green light, crazy man
How would you steal my hearts with your two eyes
I gave my lovely heart
I won't let you leave my heart
I won't let you
I loved you and your love possessed my heart, a thief but for me an angel
I loved you and your love possessed my heart, a thief but for me an angel
All the story is about my heart's robbery
You make it and hide it
What would let me do with you
I loved you but you're a thief


You remember when,
It'd have seemed funny,
back when there weren't any immigrants in Chios
When you thought that you'll always sleep holding onto your mom every night so that you don't get scared
You remember when,
It'd have seemed funny,
back when you were a kid that went to school
When you thought that you'll always sleep holding onto your stuffed bear every night so that you don't get scared
Forever you said
But you turned thirty
The mother grew old
The stuffed bear is
now in an attic
And no one
will do you favours anymore
Forever you said
But you turned thirty
The mother grew old
The stuffed bear is
now in an attic
And no one
will do you favours anymore
Kids' fairytales,
The worst trap
They didn't teach you that you'll never find refuge
Everything in life is a mess
Nothing turned out the way you thought it would
No matter how many times you were told you're different, as a kid
You're the same
As every sinner on this earth
Even if you never werewith the losers
There's no 'forever'
There's no 'together'
This whore of a life will show you whether you want it or not
Forever you said
But you turned thirty
The mother grew old
The stuffed bear is
now in an attic
And no one
will do you favours anymore
Forever you said
But you turned thirty
The mother grew old
The stuffed bear is
now in an attic
And no one
will do you favours anymore
Now that you're seeing everything from a different perspective
Nothing's funny anymore
Your life won't be , like they said, like a book
It won't be a fairytale
It won't be a comedy
It'll be hard work and sweat
As if you're digging in a construction site
Now that you're seeing everything from a different perspective
Nothing's funny anymore
Your life won't be , like they said, like a book
Everyone you've ever loved is gonna leave
And if you're lucky enough you might meet them again
Up in the sky
Dig you moron
That'd what society wants,
A wanker
Who works and pays
And birthes children
So that he can raise
The new slaves
Forever you said
But you turned thirty
The mother grew old
The stuffed bear is
now in an attic
And no one
will do you favours anymore
Forever you said
But you turned fourty
The mother died
The stuffed bear rotted in the attic
and no one did you any favours

Hey, you Black Sea!

Its you, black sea!
Its filled but never overflow!
Never do it, my love!
The doer ones never lived!
Hey, ruined hill!
You played with my heart!
I will go but,
You are like basket* on my back! (I cant go without you)


It's seven in the morning,
And I rove through the city.
If I could only go to work
Well, I think, like really...
(I'm) crumpled, I'm smiling,
I walk like ladies do, with no shame.
Congratulations, since last night you are,
My favorite one,
Friend with benefit,
The one for second shift,
It's better like that, to push it (go) slowly without obligations.
Last night's mascara,
I haven't sleep again,
Code (password), nothing, love,
Not something serious and so on,
It's amazing for us like that.
I know that, I learn materials quickly,
Just dont brag about it,
Don't be Radio Mileva*.
Everything to remain in silence and discreetly
Because otherwise you mustn't be here!
Oh, oh, oh, oooh... you mustn't be here!

Last night I grabbed you,
From some club's crowd,
Air freshener smells better for me
Your old Volkswagen Beetle*
Under your (car's) seats,
I've left my golden bracelet.
Greetings from Poland. If You see any mistake, just let me know or improve the translation. Thanks! | Pozdrav iz Poljske! Ako vidite neku grešku, javite mi se ili jednostavno ispravite prijevod. Hvala!

Everything will be alright

Υοu suddenly ended our journey
We suddenly lost our connection
You said to be civilized about it
So I played my part
And finally, we're sending wishes and gifts
Just the typical stuff, we shouldn't gain momentum 1
Now that your heart is in order
You asked to learn if I am okay
Everything will be alright, everyone tells me but
I'm the only one who knows the facts
How much I want you, in what paranoia I live
What happens when I find myself behind the spotlight
Suddenly everyone always experiences this
Suddenly you pulled out a gun
We are big kids you said and so
I acted like a big kid
And in the end, sugar burns yesterday
And in the end, we act cool
Ιn action, the break-up for us is a party
Why do you worry if I'm okay
Everything will be alright, everyone tells me but
I'm the only ones who knows the facts
How much I want you, in what paranoia I live
What happens when I find myself behind the spotlight
  • 1. take it slow, don't get comfortable

O, Paokara

It's a big club
the one and only
there's noone else
PAOK is a god
In Toumba created it's nest
and it's children seem like 'eagle's chicks'.
In Toumba created it's nest
and it's children seem like 'eagle's chicks'.
PAOKara, there's crazyness in my mind
whenever you'll play, I'll follow you
I'll die for you and I live only cause of you.
Its name is full of
history and grace
and embodies Macedonia's
greatest achievement.

Two months

Two months,and a week after,two days are coming
He went from me and his absence is being long
Yeah my heart hasn't seen a man like him
I hope he meet with my heart and see my heart
My heart is saying I'm crying for him
The time is by my side
And my heart,my soul
I did hurt him and ı broke him so much but my heart Why?
I never sleep,live and be relax
Cause my love has gone from me
Oh curtenlly words are coming tomarrow
When I need him
He will forget things who ı do him
The time is by my side
And my heart,my soul
I did hurt him and ı broke him so much but my heart Why?

How could he know

It was six in the morning
You were sitting at a bar, alone
With a look that hated
The bum it loved
But immersed herself into the smoke
I asked a guy what you were looking for
He said ''let it be man, don't ask
She's like that every night
She's involved with bums
She's not for us, man''
How could he know that she's staying up late for me
How could he know that she's hurting for me
How could he know that she had believed me
And I've destroyed her, how could he know
The bum she loves is me, how could he know
I was ashamed to look him in the eyes
And tell him the whole truth
That you're a lady who's given me value
And that I'm the only bum
I asked if you love somebody
He said ''let it be man, don't ask
We're already late and the bar's closing
What do you want from a prostitute''
How could he know that she's staying up late for me
How could he know that she's hurting for me
How could he know that she had believed me
And I've destroyed her, how could he know
The bum she loves is me, how could he know

I didn't ask much

I've heard way too many stories
but none of them is similar to this one
I lived too many questions for you
without knowing what's happening and why
I wasn't asking much , only a hug
and a few sweet words, a few words from you
and you came like a threat like a deathly bullet
to destroy a whole life
I've heard way too many stories
but this one is going to be in history
I've done the craziest sacrifices for you
and I'm still doing them and I don't know why
I wasn't asking much , only a hug
and a few sweet words, a few words from you
and you came like a threat like a deathly bullet
to destroy a whole life
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.

Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.

Little Ships

A white page
how can I get there
with what words
if only I had a thousands voices
so that you could hear to whichever one you wanted
to choose
Two white pages
I have more for you to burn
I'm helpless, look
noone can catch you
one is a little ship
the other is a paper plane
Little ships and paper planes
they set off on a journey
how many wins, that many losses
if you can withstand they'll find you
And if you learn the truth
to what the kids say
if a paper plane catches you
pinch it on your heart
A paper page
who is missing from you and what
so that I can send you
what you are asking in life
and to see if it will get
in a sheet
Little ships and paper planes
they set off on a journey
how many wins, that many losses
if you can withstand they'll find you
And if you are learning about love
on your journeys
inside a little ship
get inside, and learn to love

Viața mea

Chiar dacă uneori poți cădea, să mergi, știi,
Oh, ca să spun ce pentru confort și pentru a te întinde după bunul plac
Cine a spus că au pus o bancă în colț?
Iubitorii de dragoste adevărați erau în mâinile unui vânzător de stradă.
Chiar și frumusețea minune a nașterii,
Ori de câte ori vă uitați, este plină de lacrimi, cu sânge, cu transpirație,
Nu-i așa, viața mea?
Aceia sunt străini, indiferent ce spun ca să poată trăi, știi,
Pe măsură ce caută un vițel sub un boul,
Un astfel de moment, când se pune sare pe răni,
Și iubitorii dragostei adevărate se străduiesc să iasă din despărțire (ei nu lasă asta să-i distrugă)