Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 17


Unlucky Struggler

Who would say that that among all of the people
This fire of blooming pleasure will destroy me,
Will, drag me to hell.
We danced in the dark, looked into our eyes softly
Supposedly there is nothing between us,
Everything is between us.
Everyone booked their chairs,
There isn't any seat for me to go, oh
I've had friends, now they all got ruined,
They had no strength left in them to knock on my door without being merciful
It were all finished when I wasn't even started
While you were crying, she left
Unlucky struggler, unlucky struggler
It's morning and I don't remember the night,
I'd stay in yesterday, I cannot forget
Your broken flower-like face,
Your hurt flower-like face.
Who would say that that among all of the people
This fire of blooming pleasure will destroy me,
Will, drag me to hell.
We danced in the dark, looked into our eyes softly
Supposedly there is nothing between us,
Everything is between us.
Everyone booked their chairs,
There isn't any seat left for me to return, oh
I've had friends, now they all got ruined,
Because of the pain they had no strength left in them to knock on my door
It were all finished when I wasn't even started
While you were crying, she left
Unlucky struggler, unlucky struggler
It's morning and I don't remember the night,
I'd stay in yesterday, I cannot forget
That broken flower-like face of yours,
Your hurt flower-like face.

Okay words

A bitch of ghost
It does not give us comfort
Fear of concern
I'm worried, it's not going
When your smile ended your story
I laughed with you, right
I was unfair, I was cleared
I accepted, it does not
My everything
My everything is you

Don't Come Back

Versions: #1
Roads were all long like this,
Years were cruel before?
Loves are all lie,
What has left for us?
I didn't deserve loneliness
I didn't want seperation
Don't come back
If you do, I can't forgive
Don't love me
Even if you do I can't give up
Stay where you leave
Stay away
Days are all lost like this,
Nights were congested before?
Your hands are prohibited,
Tell me, If I hold, will you run away?

Oh yeah baby

Don't wrap me like that wrap it like this
Then lit it instead of hurting me
The girls walk around at the loneliest nights
Taps of the their heels at the Istiklal
Former boys at the windows
Military service by payment in their eyes
Their palms smells soap
their eyebrows newly plucked
My nose running, somebody sniff up
This line is goes like this
My voice gets aggressive my hands get bigger
I didn't see you, I didn't see you
I didn't cheat on you, you didn't cheat on me
It was hopeless but I didn't believe it
I got packed as soon as it has gone
My hair is wet, my head gets cold
Talk dirty to me
oh yeah baby
Need to burn until the end


A person can't live alone, (he or she) can't ah
Turns all the time and stops in bed, can't sleep ah
I've lost you, I don't understand vah
Mornings late nights, it was hard to get through vah
Wasn't there a saying time is the cure for everyting right, it's a lie ah
Wasn't there a thing that love would come and go right, it says where it is ah
The wind blew onto me onto me onto me oof
It hit you right in my face in my face in my face oof
A person can't live alone, (he or she) can't ah
Turns all the time and stops in bed, can't sleep ah
The songs never end, never stops ah
Here time never passes by ah vah ah


Birds, the birds aren't bringing any news
This morning, your birds
Birds all alone in the garden
I ate a poisonous mushroom
Getting dizzy, I couldn't reach
There's always something holding me back, holding me back
Something to say, you don't have something to say
I'm hearing it not being echoed
Your face, you don't have a face
I'm seeing that the shadow moved out of the way of my face
I'm walking on roads that I don't know of
i don't have any interest in foreigners
The dust is gone from the living room you burned your pictures
You promised me, or did you forget
Something to say, you don't have something to say
I'm hearing it not being echoed
Your face, you don't have a face
I'm seeing that the shadow moved out of the way of my face
I'm walking on roads that I don't know of
i don't have any interest in foreigners


Peste tot este par, în locuri este păr
A cui este acest păr
Nu știu
Când m-am trezit, cu străini
Ee nu pot pleca din casa mea
Am crezut că ești tu
Nu este așa
Nu pot să spun îmi cer scuze
Dacă nu aș fi m-aș lua eu
Nu mă socotiți ca pe un băiat
Mă doare mult
Sunt nebună
Dacă nu aș fi nu m-aș uita la mine
Nu mi-aș face o corba
Tu mai învățat toate astea
Iubitul meu
Ege Kökenli


Toate seamănă cu tine iubitule
Nu mi-a venit în cap niciodată
A fost cum am crezut, ceea ce am crezut
Ceea ce am povestit are și ceea ce am spus
Am sunat, când am sunat am găsit ceea ce căutam
Dar tu, nu erai deloc
Pentru a vedea acel chip frumos
M-am trezit la miezul nopții
Au rămas tăcute buzele
Sună-le imediat
Și zâmbește mi
Sau spune-mi ceva
Dacă ar trăi, dacă ar trăi
Pentru a trăi așa totul are un preț
Tu cu cine altcineva ești, ce e?
Nu știu
Cineva a călcat
Nu există, eu nu aud
Furtuna a ieșit din piept
Te ascult iubitule
Marea dragoste mereu se termina
Bine, nu mă tem
A venit cu cai eu nu plec
Am lovit întrebările
Nu te împart iubitule
Iubitul meu, iubitul meu
Ege Kökenli


Versions: #2
Everyone I love looks like you
That've never happed, not even once
Some I thought, some believed in
Some I told to others, some I understood
I sure searched, while doing that I did found some
But you were not in among
To see that beautiful face you wake up at midnight
Lips thirtsty for that opens up immediately
Either smiles at me or tells me something
If we live
If we live
To live like this is worth everything
I don't know anyone anything except you
Some may have rang
I do not hear
There is a storm inside me, what I hear is you, my love
Greater love always ends, they tell me
ok I am not afraid
They tell me come with your horses, I don't
I mutiplied questions with the problems
I do not divide you and me
My love, my love, my love
To see that beautiful face you wake up at midnight
Lips thirtsty for that opens up immediately
Either smiles at me or tells me something
If we live
If we live
To live like this is worth everything
I don't know anyone anything except you
Some may have rang
I do not hear
There is a storm inside me, what I hear is you, my love
Greater love always ends, they tell me
ok I am not afraid
They tell me come with your horses, I don't
I mutiplied questions with the problems
I do not divide you and me
My love, my love, my love

a life time (without you) does not pass

Your face goes down
The blues remains on your face
Your grin gets offended to me
In this story there are forty foxes
Their tails don't touch to you
They touches to me
The youngness overs
The habits become enemies
The houses, the buses, the banks and the offices
In the very road that you know, spring defoliates
And you get lost ninety-nine times
Today without you, today does not end without you
These greens and blues do not worth a penny
It is not enough what ever I do, I do, I do
Today without you, a life time without you does not pass
Today without you, today does not end without you
These greens and blues do not worth a penny
It is not enough what ever I do, I do, I do
Today without you, a life time without you does not pass
The youngness overs
The habits become enemies
The houses, the buses, the banks and the offices
In the very road that you know, spring defoliates
And you get lost ninety-nine times
Today without you, today does not end without you
These greens and blues do not worth a penny
It is not enough what ever I do, I do, I do
Today without you, a life time without you does not pass
Today without you, today does not end without you
These greens and blues do not worth a penny
It is not enough what ever I do, I do, I do
Today without you, a life time without you does not pass

I've always loved you

Versions: #2
I've always loved you
I've always loved you
I haven't seen you yet
While I don't know your incomparable name
I refused this body that belongs to this unjust world
I resign
I've always loved you
I've always loved you
The lotto wheel turned 25 trillion times
This vile system was forced upon me
Did traitors wrote the future?
I didn't get afraid nor ran away, show yourself!
I've always loved you
I've always loved you
The owner of paradise is pregnant
But doesn't give out a seat to the vulgar people on the bus
Life is a tasteless three segment cabaret show
Should we forever be children together?
I've always loved you
I've always loved you
To me you all look alike
To me you look like yourselves
To me this situation is like any other
But, without giving you a name, I resign

Between us

When you are (planning to leave) leaving when you are leaving, stay
It's subtly dripping away between us, it's water(leaking)
When you are (planning to leave) leaving when you are leaving, stay
It's subtly dripping away between us,
Not even watching back over your shoulder
Without giving a hug
Without a reason, out of nowhere
There is something(a connection) between us
Both black both white
There is something(a connection) between us
The entire world close to us