Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 10


I was a rose

Versions: #1
Once - I was a rose for your heart
Once - I was your rose
Today I'm a thorn
When you look at me
I'm not a woman anymore
God gives it to me
God takes away from me
Once I was a rose but not anymore
From time to time it seems as if I could still hear you
Walking through my door
My dear
From time to time, although I know I don't have the right
Because I'm not yours anymore
And on my roof comes the nest back to live
The children came back home
And I was dreaming that just like them
You'll come back too, my dear
God gives it to me
God takes away from me
Once I was a rose but not anymore
From time to time it seems as if I could still hear you
Walking through my door
My dear
From time to time, although I know I don't have the right
Because I'm not yours anymore
From time to time it seems as if I could still hear you
Walking through my door
My dear
From time to time, although I know I don't have the right
Because I'm not yours anymore
Once I was a rose but not anymore

How shall we separate

I've experienced so much things in my short life
You are the only memory of mine.
I could never get enough of you , I can never get ...
Even if I live a thousand years,
The day is you, the month is you
The years are already you.
How shall we separate from each other ?
I can't get enough of you, even if I live a thousand years.
Let your hands be on my hands always
Please you send me to my final journey.
Get a red carnation of the darkest shade
Open curtains, let the sunshine in to my heart
Please keep your eyes inside my eyes,
Sing to the darkness, sing our song.
I cannot stand your teardrops at all.
Do the angels ever cry, baby?
Lean your head, just lean on my chest, please.. please.
Before our roads get separated, before our days are over
Before the fate separates us, give me a hug, my only one !
Do not look at me so sad, you snowflake.
I cannot take you with me this time.
Never cry or my mind would not find peace.
Bid farewell to me just like you say good night
All the words are inadequate at this moment,
And there's actually a lot to say,
You only need to know that I love you..

Să iubeşti o dată, inseamnă să mori de o mie de ori

Am băut din vinul dragostei
Fără să ştiu
Am păşit pe calea iubirii
Fără să ştiu
Iubirea ta era o vâlvătaie,
Iubita mea,
Era o bucată de foc
Mi-am dat inima focului fără să ştiu
Mi-am dat inima focului fără să ştiu
Să iubeşti o dată
Înseamnă să mori de o mie de ori
Să iubeşti o dată
Înseamnă să mori de o mie de ori
Să mori de o mie de ori
Dar de fapt să nu mori niciodată
Vinul ei era otrăvit
Muream când îl beam
Drumul ei era plin cu prăpăstii
Muream când cădeam
Iubirea ta era o vâlvătaie,
Iubita mea,
Era o bucată de foc
Mi-am dat inima focului fără să ştiu
Mi-am dat inima focului fără să ştiu
Să iubeşti o dată
Înseamnă să mori de o mie de ori
Să iubeşti o dată
Înseamnă să mori de o mie de ori
Să mori de o mie de ori
Dar de fapt să nu mori niciodată
Să iubeşti o dată
Înseamnă să mori de o mie de ori
Să iubeşti o dată
Înseamnă să mori de o mie de ori
Să mori de o mie de ori
Dar de fapt să nu mori niciodată

Cu tine am totul

Cu tine am totul,
Ești drumul meu norocos,
Voi merge spre stele cu tine,
Dacă vrei, voi muri pentru tine.
Tu ești totul,
Sufletul meu în sufletul tău îl poți pune,
Dacă voi renunța la tine,
În foc mă poți arunca.
Tu, tu ești pentru mine
Unică în lumea asta,
Ești un înger, ești un copil,
Ești totul pentru mine,
Nu pot trăi fără tine,
Nu pot trăi deloc,
Ești mierea mea delicioasă,
Ești un fluture.
Tu, tu ești pentru mine
Un soare arzător,
Ziua mea de azi, ziua mea de mâin,
Ești totul pentru mine,
Doamne, nu ne lăsa să ne despărțim,
Nu mă lăsa să trăiesc așa ceva!
Nu pot nici măcar să respir
În lipsa ta,
Tu, tu ești a mea!


Nights tar black nights
Some hands tobacco smells nights at
Nights not likely nights
Opens sails of loneliness
Hits wave voices my heart at
Nights lover lover 4 wall melancholy
Nights lover lover my head at love of
Hitting chains to remedys nights at
One drop one drop more
Drops dungeons to my tears
Nights lover lover 4 wall melancholy
Nights lover lover my head at love of
Nights tar black nights
Some hands tobacco smells nights at
Nights not likely nights
Opens sails of loneliness
Hits wave voices my heart at
Nights lover lover 4 wall melancholy
Nights lover lover my head at love of
Hitting chains to remedys nights at
One drop one drop more
Drops dungeons to my tears
Nights lover lover 4 wall melancholy
Nights lover lover my head at love of

My heart's page

I've kissed your picture
I played and listened to our songs
I've waited all night long
It's morning again
Maybe because you come
I didn't turn off the lights
Newborn morning
There is an abstinence
My memories are holes in desires
I read the letters and choose
I smelled carnations for you
My room smells like longing
Passing through the mirror
I cry my fate, drink and drink
I am deeply clear on my heart's page
It writes your name

What for

I don't need yesterday's tears
And I don't want old arguments also
I don't need more traumas
I don't scratch old wounds
Because, what for?
Today it's not yesterday anymore though
I throw old pain to oblivion
What for I need last year's snow?
I won't mention any names also,
Because, what for?
All that is true is what is here and now
It's beautiful, don't complain
What for, what for, what for, what for?
Appreciate what you have
Forget what you don't have
And don't worry in advance
What for, what for, what for, what for?
What for,
what for,
what for,
what for?

When fear will wake up inside you
That tomorrow it's gonna be very bad
Because everyone around scares you
Wave (thwack) your hand, don't give up
Because, what for?
Tomorrow is not today though
It's fine if it (tomorrow) will be willing to come
Tomorrow is still in your hands (it's up to you)
Do something great, snap out of it (wake up)
Because there's reason what for to do that
All that is true is what is here and now
It's beautiful, don't complain
What for, what for, what for, what for?
Appreciate what you have
Forget what you don't have
And don't worry in advance
What for, what for, what for, what for?
All that is true is what is here and now
It's beautiful, don't complain
What for, what for, what for, what for?
Appreciate what you have
Forget what you don't have
And don't worry in advance
What for, what for, what for, what for?

Greetings from Poland. If You see any mistake, just let me know or improve the translation. Thanks! | Pozdrav iz Poljske! Ako vidite neku grešku, javite mi se ili jednostavno ispravite prijevod. Hvala!