Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 15


A Small Love Message

Darling, I've got a lot to say
I've got a lot
Where do I start, my dear,
when everything in you is so regal
These are my emotions and this is me
This little book binds us together
If you turn its pages tomorrow,
a lantern longed
And a bed sang
then don't say what is with this boy
who ratted me out to the roses, their fragrance
the birds and the clouds...
Even I stumble in my step in life
when I walk
Darling, I've got a lot to say
I've got a lot
Where do I start, my dear,
when everything in you is so regal
Let others talk
You'll never be great
unless you get my great love
What is the point of life
without your eyes?
What is the point?
Darling, I've got a lot to say
I've got a lot
Where do I start, my dear,
when everything in you is so regal

I've turned you in to God

I've turned you in to God.. you who caused me pain
I wish I never met you.. what brought you to me?
I won't be content without love.. and I never plead it from you
You're so unjust with no mercy.. and your suffering does not concern me
I don't complain or get hurt.. don't let your youth deceive you
Life goes on whether you like it or not
I won't be content without love.. and I never plead it from you
I know what you're about
You want to be followed by the one you hurt
And I know that you become unfair when you're hurt
People who know you can judge that
You're so unjust with no mercy.. and your suffering does not concern me
I don't complain or get hurt.. don't let your youth deceive you
Life goes on whether you like it or not
I won't be content without love.. and I never plead it from you
Don't act courteous and say 'How are you'
Your tears won't shake me up
Don't try to deceive me with your love
And treat me nicely
You're so unjust with no mercy.. and your suffering does not concern me
I don't complain or get hurt.. don't let your youth deceive you
Life goes on
Whether you like it or not
And I won't be content without love.. and will never plead it from you

City of Love

Versions: #1
Oh city of love, I walk your streets
Watching love carried around wrapped in burial rags
Pour torture upon my body as you like
Nobody bears witness to the torture my captor inflicts
I went back home, walking upon my flames
Hand in hand, led by deprivation
Is there anybody home? I am waiting by the door
Is there anybody home? I am waiting by the door
I'm not carrying roses
I'm not carrying roses
I'm not carrying roses
I'm carrying a wreath made of my sadness...
She's gone
She's gone
She's gone
She's gone
Gone with the wind
So wake up, oh her pampered lover
She's now a chalice in the hands of another lover
She's gone with the wind
So wake up, oh her pampered lover
She's now a chalice in the hands of another lover
She's gone
My eyes, lips, nerves, my imagination and my blood
all search for her within my embrace
My eyes, lips, nerves, my imagination and my blood
all search for her within my embrace
They trashed the place and caused a ruckus around her photo
Protesting like a population behind bars
'We want her today, our candle, our lover!
No food for us, no sleep, we will persevere in this defiance!'
Oh dear people, my body, my emotions...
oh my body and emotions...
Quit blaming me, I am tired of blaming and beating myself up
Quit blaming me, I am tired of blaming and beating myself up
I slapped my face, oh
I slapped my face
Oh life, is this really me?
Love has turned me into a blind mute...
After our separation
I saw patience bid me farewell
After our separation
Oh, after our separation
I saw patience bid me farewell
At early dawn
I stumble around like a drunk
Night scares me
Night scares me
And memories torment me
Night scares me
Night scares me
And memories torment me
Oh, torments me
And blame has assaulted my memories and my eyelids
I slapped my face, oh
I slapped my face
Oh life, is this really me?
Love has turned me into a blind mute...

My Baby

I got into a fight with my baby, and then I made up with her
[That is] when she cried and ran into my arms
She caught my embrace longing for her
And therefore, turned my anger into tenderness
Men are knights1
But there is no such authority that is superior to women
We came back to teasing each other until the morning
The jokes and the mood came back to what they should be
She snatched my phone in a sneaky way
She leaned2 into my chest
The questioning and detecting have started, o lover
Who is she? Did you become friends with her?
How many numbers3 have you canceled?
How many beautiful [girls] have you been flirting with when I was not around?
Come on, admit it, Your Majesty, Sultan
I got into a fight with my baby, and then I made up with her
[That is] when she cried and ran into my arms
She caught my embrace longing for her
And therefore, turned my anger into tenderness
Do you want me to count them? It is hard for me to count them
But if I must admit, they are a group all gathered in one
It is you, my baby, my sweetie, my lovely
Our cheeks then touched4, and our breaths mixed5
O, our love, witness
That She or I will never get lost in a fight, not even for seconds
I got into a fight with my baby, and then I made up with her
[That is] when she cried and ran into my arms
She caught my embrace longing for her
And therefore, turned my anger into tenderness
O, people6, men are kind
They do not hurt women's feelings
  • 1. Meaning here is that men have strong authority and power.
  • 2. Literally, jumped.
  • 3. /nimrah/ نمرة in Egyptian Arabic means Number. I could not find any meaning to it in MSA (except for Tiger) so I used the Egyptian meaning because it seemed more appropriate in this context.
  • 4. Literally, shook hands.
  • 5. Literally, whispered.
  • 6. Literally, gentlemen.

The Older You Get, The Sweeter You Get

Versions: #2
The older you get, the sweeter1 you get
And you become sweeter and more beautiful
Between your cheeks and your eyebrows
lie the charms of the entire world
She passed through our street
The entire street cafe went silent
We bit our fingers
out of admiration for the sweetie
One man twirled his mustache
the other moved his eyebrows
And she got flustered, tripped and laughed
Everyone yelled: God bless you!
Their love is cold, all of them
And my love is the only remedy for maladies
They should all go away
And leave love to its people
Why would you twirl your mustache?
Why would you move your eyebrows?
Poor thing, she got flustered, tripped and laughed
Everyone yelled: God bless you!
  • 1. or more beautiful.
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

Ziua îndrăgostiților

Minunată, minunată, minunată, ziua îndrăgostiților e minunată!
Mi-e dor de ea... Purta o rochie din trandafiri de vară, proaspeți,
Și mi-a spus s-o iau de mână, ca să nu se piardă...
Și știe că sunt pierdut în iubire din ziua când am renăscut,
Și știe c-o ador din cap până-n picioare.
Minunată, minunată, minunată, ziua îndrăgostiților e minunată!
Vâslind în vremea iubirii și neștiind încoto să merg,
Vâslind spre tine și neștiind încotro să merg...
Hei, trandafiri de seară, păsări cântătoare,
Ce frumoasă e seara în care îmi ești alături,
Ce plăcute sunt mâinile tale!
Vâslind în vremea iubirii
Vrăbiile văd un gol în visele lor,
Un trandafir, o stea și dulceața
Mă țin captiv, aproape de ochii tăi,
Și nu-ți cer, doamna mea, să mă eliberezi,
Ci aș vrea să mă scufund mai adânc în iubirea ta,
Aș vrea să am mai mult din pielea ta, părul tău, vocea ta.
Oh, o femeie ce nu vine aproape des,
Dulceață, dulceață,
Bea puțin vis cu mine,
Bea puțină iluzie cu mine,
Bea puțină risipire cu mine
Și lasă-mi restul mie...


at the gate of Alhambra 1 we've met.. how delightful it is to meet by chance!
at the gate of Alhambra we've met.. how delightful it is to meet by chance!
dark eyes, how beautiful they are. like the candle in a christmas night
are you Spanish? I asked her. She said: and I was born in Grenada
Grenada, has woken up after a seven-centuries sleep in those eyes
Grenada, has woken up after a seven-centuries sleep in those eyes
at the gate of Alhambra we've met
how strange is history, how it brought me back to a beautiful brunette from my grandchildren
and I saw our old house, and my room where my mother put my pillow
she walked with me and her hair was gasping behind her 2 like a wheat 3 that was left without reaping
she said 'here's Alhambra, the pride of our grandfathers, read my glories on its walls'
her glories, and she wiped a bleeding wound, and she wiped another wound in my heart
at the gate of Alhambra we've met
and I walked like a child behind my gate and history like ashes behind me
if only my beautiful heir realised that whom she meant were my grandfathers
I embraced a man named Tariq Bin Ziyad* as I bid her farewell
at the gate of Alhambra we've met
  • 1. the castle in Grenada
  • 2. it's an implication of how long her hair is
  • 3. her hair is similar to wheat in length and colour
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت مكان طالما وضعت الرابط لها


Your love taught me

Versions: #2
Your love taught me to grieve
and I have been in need, for centuries
a woman to make me grieve
for a woman, to cry upon her arms
like a sparrow
for a woman to gather my pieces
like shards of broken crystal
Your love has taught me, my lady, the worst habits
it has taught me to read my coffee cups
thousands of times a night
to experiment with alchemy,
to visit fortune tellers
It has taught me to leave my house
to comb the sidewalks
and search your face in raindrops
and in car lights
and to peruse your clothes
in the clothes of unknowns
and to search for your image
even in the posters of advertisements
your love has taught me
to wander around, for hours
searching for a gypsies hair
that all gypsies women will envy
searching for a face, for a voice
which is all the faces and all the voices…
Your love entered me…my lady
into the cities of sadness
and I before you, never entered
The cities of sadness
I did not know…
that tears are the person
that a person without sadness
is only a shadow of a person…
Your love taught me
to behave like a boy
to draw your face with chalk
upon the wall
upon the sails of fishermen's boats
on the Church bells, on the crucifixes,
your love taught me, how love,
changes the map of time…
Your love taught me, that when I love
the earth stops revolving,
Your love taught me things
that were never accounted for
So I read children's fairytales
I entered the castles of Jennies
and I dreamt that she would marry me
The Sultan's daughter
those eyes…
clearer than the water of a lagoon
those lips…
more desirable than the flower of pomegranates
and I dreamt that I would kidnap her like a knight
and I dreamt that I would give
her necklaces of pearl and coral
Your love taught me, my lady,
what is insanity
it taught me…how life may pass
without the Sultan's daughter arriving
Your love taught me
How to love you in all things
in a bare winter tree,
in dry yellow leaves
in the rain, in a tempest,
in the smallest cafe, we drank in,
in the evenings…our black coffee
Your love taught me…to seek refuge
to seek refuge in hotels without names
in churches without names…
in cafes without names…
Your love taught me…how the night
swells the sadness of strangers
It taught me…how to see Beirut
as a woman…a tyrant of temptation
as a woman, wearing every evening
the most beautiful clothing she possesses
and sprinkling upon her breasts perfume
for the fisherman, and the princes
Your love taught me how to cry without crying
It taught me how sadness sleeps
Like a boy with his feet cut off
in the streets of the Rouche and the Hamra
Your love taught me to grieve
and I have been needing, for centuries
a woman to make me grieve
for a woman, to cry upon her arms
like a sparrow
for a woman to gather my pieces
like shards of broken crystal

May Ah go away from you

Versions: #2
May Ah go away from you
I swear that I feel it, before you feel it in your chest
(I wish) pain and ah comes to me, not you
How would I let you, scream from ah alone
May ah go away from you
Baby... eyes of my lover
Baby... the soul of my lover
If I'd know, my tear will fall, and it'd carry some of your worries
I'd gather people's tear and cry them beside you
My happiness is derived from yours, and my comfort is derived from yours
I wish I have pain and not you
I will take grief form you, and bring your smile back to you
You're both my eyes, and my health is derived from yours