Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 16
Under Akropolis
Under Akropolis there is a small neighborhoodwhere an everyday bell rings
jasmin and woodbine is what matters
the insignificant one.
Under Akropolis a lot of people
tired, careless, heroes, cowards
they fight, they come to blows with their neighbor
and they care.
You are saying, life, business, children, voices, light
you are saying, the moon, the yards, you keep secret the pain that makes you cry
you are saying, what are you saying, good things will happen to us, you shall see
you are saying, lottery tickets, serials, wouldn't it be nice if we won a billion
Under Akropolis there is a small neighborhood
like a restless everyday swarm of bees
small shops open
they close the shutters before they leave.
I left you food in the kitchen
a women named Fofi was looking for you all morning
i know how much is two thousand* worth to a euro
and i was happy.
Forever Young
No matter what I do,In sleepless nights
By all means,
I just can't seem to fall asleep
If it's to take shelter from the rain, then
Let's run to the city where the sky is clear
Forever Young
Meeting the you from that time
Forever Young
The you from now wishes for nothing
With weary words
We exchange a new promise
With a withering voice
We'll sing a new song
Even brimming new leaves one day will
Unfold on top of faded dry leaves
Forever Young
Meeting the you from that time
Forever Young
The you from now wishes for nothing
Forever Young
Meeting the you from that time
Forever Young
The you from now wishes for nothing
Forever Young
When We Were Together
I had to hurt for a whileI had to endure through time
Because I couldn’t forget the one person
Who used to be my everything
Like a fool, now I finally know
I remembered the days we spent together
So I finally know
That we were happy for all those days
And that’s enough for me
I’m sending my tears to the sky
To endure through this pain
You are always looking at me
You’re the one who makes me live
Like a fool, now I finally know
I remembered the days we spent together
So I finally know
That we were happy for all those days
And that’s enough for me
I remember
On that path we walked together
There was pain, sadness and hope
Days we hid behind each other
Like a fool, I’m crying because I can’t forget
Because I long for the days we were together
Now I finally now
The meaning of all those days
That I loved you
I still love you
That I’m waiting for you
Now I know
Body language
I hear way too wellWhat your body language whispers
Your lips are wet
And the seventh sense is starving
You don't want gentleness
Don't need pampering
You come straight from hell
and beg for punishment
You order
Hit me then you'll know what's good
Put me in handcuffs and humiliate me more
Hit me because I can't endure it anymore
my body language screams for you
When you leave
I can't calm down
Small drops of blood
Have dried onto the pillow
Hit me then you'll know what's good
Put me in handcuffs and humiliate me more
Hit me because I can't endure it anymore
My body language screams for you
Versions: #2You lied to me
I didn't expect that much
You lied to me
You didn't care about me anyway
Like jumping off a cliff
Like dying by landmines
I felt like hell, however I didn't go
Hit, Let your love confound me
Maybe in this case I'll pull myself together
O Allah (God) forgive me
These days, I have a propensity for doing bad things
Neither I'm a rebellious nor escaper
I'm standing beside you
I'm in a gamble
Neither my magnificence nor my ambition
I think this is a prophecy
Look! I'm damaged
Iata Schimbarea se intrezareste !
Vers 1]Intr-o buna zi nu voi mai fi
Lumea continua a se schimba
Eu sper sa las acest loc'
Mai bine decat regasit-am
Pre Refren
oH, E greu , stiu ca-i dificil
A fi strafulgerul in intuneric
Tine-te bine , ai sa fi in regula
Stii ca e timpu' ....
Iata Schimbarea se intrezareste !!!!
Ne maturizam !!
Asta nu-i o faza,
Iata vine , iata se arata, Schimbarea !!
Vers 2
Este oare un gand nebunesc !?
Ca daca un copil am sa am
Eu sper ca ei sa apuce a vedea ziua
In care fiece persoana-i egala
oH, E greu , stiu ca-i dificil
A fi binele dinlauntrul raului
Fi puternic , ai sa fi in regula
Stii ca e timpu'...
Iata Schimbarea se intrezareste !!
Ne maturizam !!
Asta nu-i o 'faza'
Iata vine , iata vine , Schimbarea !!
Sper ca are sa vina o vreme cand noi (vreme cand noi )
Putem a trai si a ne stinge libertin (si-a 'muri' in libertate )
Eu sper si ruga spun , ca are sa vina ziua ...
Iar curand , aceasta se arata/ intrevede ....
Iata Schimbarea se intrezareste !!
Ne maturizam !!
Asta nu-i o 'faza'
Iata vine , Iata vine , Schimbarea !
Iata vine , Schimbarea !
Ne maturizam!
Asta nu-i o 'strafulgerare '
Iata vine, si iata se arata Schimbarea!!!
E timpu a schimba!!
Noi suntem Schimbarea!!
Iata se arata schimbarea !!!
A Sign of a Song
We're covered by the morningClearer than light
The hesitation whether to catch the feathers in the wind
Crops the tail of the song
Now I want to feel the dropping temperature
More than the rainbow-coloured view I saw yesterday
The dream is melting in a transparent sigh
Shining noticeably in the traffic jam
Pushing its way through gropingly
Relying on a sign of the song
EN: If you have any suggestions about improving a translation, feel free to do so, I'd be really grateful. In case you would like to use any of my translations anywhere, all I would like you to do is to mention where you've taken it from and to notify me if possible. After all, other people's content should be given proper credit, right?
BG: Ако в някой превод има нещо, което не ви звучи добре, не се стеснявайте да ми кажете, ще съм благодарен за помощта. В случай че искате да използвате който и да е от преводите ми някъде, не искам нищо друго освен да споменете откъде сте го взели и по възможност да ме уведомите. Все пак бива чуждият труд да се цени, нали така?
[Verse 1]Tengo chicos en cada código postal
Solo una trotamundos de buena racha
Yo expondría mi faceta como vaquera y amartillaría esas pistolas
Siempre me voy antes de que el vaquero llegue
[Antes del Coro]
Después te conocí el sábado por la noche, intenté huir
El domingo por la mañana, me desperté con resaca, contigo justo al lado mío
Tenía un vuelo a Japón reservado, pero me cogiste de la mano
Ahora cada mañana me despierto contigo justo al lado mío
Me siento en las nubes, superando mi tristeza
Todo para cuando estoy contigo
Así que ven aca, dime la verdad
Sé que te encanta cuando no me pongo nada excepto tus botas
[Después del Coro]
Ah oh, ah oh, ah oh, oh
Ah oh, ah oh, ah oh, oh
[Estrofa 2]
Nunca pensé en hacerme esposa
Campanas de boda solo me hacían querer morir
Pero cuando me te me agarras y me giras
Realmente le das la vuelta a mi cabeza
[Antes del Coro]
Después te conocí el sábado por la noche, intenté huir
El domingo por la mañana, me desperté con resaca, contigo justo al lado mío
Tenía un vuelo a Japón reservado, pero me cogiste de la mano
Ahora cada mañana me despierto contigo justo al lado mío
Me siento en las nubes, superando mi tristeza
Todo para cuando estoy contigo
Así que ven aca, dime la verdad
Sé que te encanta cuando no me pongo nada excepto tus botas
[Después del Coro]
Ah oh, ah oh, ah oh, oh
Ah oh, ah oh, ah oh, oh
Si no puedes manejar estas uñas, no te voy a dar esta gatita
Nene, recógeme, girame, llevame a dar una vuelta
Yo te acerco por el cinturón, reconoce que eres mío esta noche
Nene, recógeme, girame, llevame a dar una vuelta
Yo te acerco por el cinturón, reconoce que eres mío esta noche
Me siento en las nubes, superando mi tristeza
Todo para, ay, cuando no me pongo
Cuando no me pongo, nene, nada excepto tus botas
[Después del Coro]
Ah oh, ah oh, ah oh, oh
Nada excepto tus botas
Ah oh, ah oh, ah oh, oh
Nada excepto tus botas
Rugandu- te
Stofa 1Deci, aproape m-ai pacalit
Spunandu-mi ca sunt un Nimeni fara tine
Oh, dar dupa tot ce ai facut
Iti multumesc pentru cat de puternica am devenit
Tu ai aprins flacarile si
m- ai dus in iad
A trebuit sa invat sa lupt pentru mine
Si amandoi stim tot adevarul pe care il pot spune
O sa spun doar ca iti doresc ramas bun
Sper ca esti undeva rugandu-te, rugandu-te
Sper ca sufletul ti se schimba, schimba
Sper ca ti- ai gasit pacea
Căzând in genunchi, rugandu-te
Strofa 2
Sunt mandra de ce am devenit
Fara monstrii, pot respira din nou
Si mi- ai spus ca nu mai am nimic de oferit
Ai gresit si acum ce e mai bun o sa vina
Pentru ca pot reusi de una singura
Si nu am nevoie de tine, am gasit o forta de care nu stiam
Am fost alungată , am fost distrusa
Cand voi termina, ei nu o sa-ti mai stie nici macar numele
Tu ai aprins flacarile si
m- ai dus in iad
A trebuit sa invat sa lupt pentru mine
Si amandoi stim tot adevarul pe care il pot spune
O sa spun doar ca iti doresc ramas bun
Sper ca esti undeva rugandu-te, rugandu-te
Sper ca sufletul ti se schimba, schimba
Sper ca ti- ai gasit pacea
Căzând in genunchi, rugandu-te
Oh, cateodata, ma rog pentru tine in noapte
Intr-o zi poate vei vedea lumina
Oh, cateodata, in viata primesti ceea ce dai
Dar anumite lucruri, doar Dumnezeu le iarta
Sper ca esti undeva rugandu-te, rugandu-te
Sper ca sufletul ti se schimba, schimba
Sper ca ti- ai gasit pacea
Căzând in genunchi, rugandu-te