Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 26
The tangomaniac
She was the daughter of the daughter of the daughter of the daughter of the daughter ofSomeone very famous
She wasn't the duaghter of the vegetable seller
She wasn't the daughter of guys like you and me
She wasn't the daughter of good money
Even if maybe her great-grandson sweated
They called her the tangomaniac
'I go from milonga to milonga', she said
And when she took classes
She went from tutor to tutor
She was the daughter of...
She came from a fine family
From the fifth generation
She came from a good family
Of those you read about in the newspaper La Nación
She was the daughter of someone influential
I'm not a good boy
I'm more of a bad boy
But if you want it so much
I can be your glam boy
Hey, tangomaniac, tangomaniac
How much more do you want to spend?
Tangomaniac, tangomaniac
Buy us another round!
She was the daughter of...
Let's Go to Mars
From the sky, everything looks more beautifulLet me take you to the stars again
Like last night
Let's go to Mars, where no one is going to look for you
Neither you nor me
Where everything is quieter and lonelier for both of us
Where there is no one else, but you and me
Let's leave the earth that's full of shitty people
That want to crush us
Let's go on a trip to the stars and to Mars
To forget our painful problems
Let's gaze at the constellations and of all our visions
That take away the emptiness that we feel on Earth
Take my hand and let's get out of here
Put on your gray sweater and let's run away
Let's go to Mars, where no one is going to look for you
Neither you nor me
Where everything is quieter and lonelier for both of us
Where there is no one else, but you and me
To Be Reborn
The Lyrics for Renacer by Kevin Carbo feat. Yankel Luis CrespoYou make me reborn again
She has something so special in his eyes
Has, has
When she moves her waist I get sick1
I get sick
She gives me a kiss and a smile
I feel my heart so fast
You fill me so much with happiness
You know
You know that in my world nothing is the same anymore
Nothing is the same anymore
You have
You have the power to take me to your place (yea)
She gives me a kiss and a smile
I feel my heart so fast (hear)
You fill me so much with happiness (yea)
You take me to heaven
That2you take me, you take me to heaven
With you I feel new
That you don't see that with you I feel new
You move your waist from here to there
You have me crazy, I can't take it anymore
You make me reborn again
You take me to heaven
That you take me, you take me to heaven
With you I feel new
Oh babe that with you I feel new
You move your waist from here to there
You have me crazy, I can't take it anymore
You make me reborn again
She has the kiss, that has me prisoner
Her waist has something that makes me naughty
The delicacy of her, she is my princess (princess)
She's the only one who has put love in me (in my head)
She always speaks to me clearly, she has shown me (haa)
Now I'm struggling to have her by my side (ohh)
Maybe one day I have to fight a thousand soldiers (ahh)
I'll continue fighting by your side (baby)
She gives me a kiss and a smile
I feel my heart so fast
You fill me so much with happiness (You fill me up)
She gives me a kiss and a smile
I feel my heart so fast (you fill me up)
You fill me so much with happiness (yea)
You take me to heaven
That you take me, you take me to heaven
With you I feel new
That you don't see that with you I feel new
You move your waist from here to there
You have me crazy, I can't take it anymore
You make me reborn again
You take me to heaven
That you take me, you take me to heaven
With you I feel new
That you don't see that with you I feel new
You move your waist from here to there
You have me crazy, I can't take it anymore
You make me reborn again
You make me reborn again
I don't want to see him anymoreI don't want to see him anymore because it's hard for me
We have to learn
To make ourselves
Let ourselves be seen
I hid everything because he didn't like it
I put on makeup with my bright eyes
I figured it out
It hurts me
Him say it's bad to be more of a woman
I'm proud that they tell me that
Even if he thinks it's bad to be a diva
But I'm, what does it matter
Baby, that's life
That's how my life is
I don't want to see him anymore
He won't let me live
I don't want to see him anymore because it's hard for me
I don't want to take pills
He won't let me sleep, no
He won't let me be the queen of his life
Is not easy
I want to be the queen
Queen of your heart
Swarthy I want to be the queen
Queen of your heart
Swarthy I want to be the queen
Queen of your heart
Swarthy I want to be the queen
Queen of your heart
Na na na na na
We have to know
Believing yourself a macho is pointless
I already changed (slow it down)
Pants for a real dress
I painted1nails (Yass)
Their color can blind you
I hope that one day you can wake up
You'll be proud of what you hid
They tell us that because we're men we're not divas
But we are and that's it!
That's how our life is
Whatever they say
I don't want to see him anymore
He won't let me live
I don't want to see him anymore because it's hard for me
I don't want to take pills
He won't let me sleep, no
He won't let me be the queen of his life
It's not easy
I want to be the queen
Queen in your heart
Swarthy I want to be the queen
Queen in your heart
Swarthy I want to be the queen
Queen in your heart
Swarthy I want to be the queen
Queen in your heart
You are a queen
You are a queen (queen)
We dance among so many
That keep denying themselves2
You are a queen
You are a queen
I hope some day
They can finally accept it
I don't want to see him anymore
He won't let me live
I don't want to see him anymore because it's hard for me
I don't want to take pills
He won't let me sleep, no
He won't let me be the queen of his life
Is not easy
I want to be the queen
Queen in your heart
Swarthy I want to be the queen
Queen in your heart
Swarthy I want to be the queen
Queen in your heart
Swarthy I want to be the queen (To be the queen)
Queen in your heart
I want to be the queen
Dacă nu te îndrăgostești
Muzică CapitalăDomnule KR
Kevin Roldan
Fată lasă-mă să-ți spun
Dorința este prea mare
Că te am pe tine (scurt)
Știu că te simți singură
De aceea cauți refugiu in mine (tu si eu)
Și nu mă înțelege greșit
Vreau doar ceva sexual
Numai dacă nu te îndrăgostești
Domnule KR
Kevin Roldan
Dacă nu te îndrăgostești
Putem petrece câteva ore
O putem repeta
Ori de câte ori te simți singură
Tu și cu mine scurt
Dacă nu te îndrăgostești
Putem petrece câteva ore
O putem repeta
Ori de câte ori te simți singură
(Lasă-mă să-ți vorbesc clar)
Iti spun adevărul
Pentru că dintr-o dată instinctul tău te trădează
Nu vreau să simți ceva diferit
Sa simți doar erotism
Vreau să fie clar, cum este mecanismul
Fără a fi nevoie să te mint, nimic de suferit iubito
Dacă ceri plăcere noaptea, fii o doamnă
Eu sunt cine vrei noaptea în patul tău
Și că sentimentul continuă doar în pat
Dacă o faci așa
S-ar putea să revin și să se întâmple încă o dată
Dacă e clar
Vom evita multe lacrimi
Și dacă o facem așa de data aceasta
Va fi doar relaxare, pasiune, stres zero
Nu te gândi la asta, să o facem imediat
Dacă o vrem de mult timp
De ce să-l lăsăm pentru mai târziu
Dacă nu te îndrăgostești
Putem petrece câteva ore
O putem repeta
Ori de câte ori te simți singură
Când te simți singură, sună-mă
Dacă nu te îndrăgostești
Putem petrece câteva ore
O putem repeta
Ori de câte ori te simți singură
Kevin Roldan
Depinde de tine, dacă mă întorc și se întâmplă
Dacă este doar sex
Și nici unuia dintre noi nu ne doare
Știu că corpul tău vrea
Nu mai fi singură, roagă-mă să fiu aici
Atingându-ti pielea
Ajung rapid la nivelul următor
Te iau în pozițiile de demult
Am vrut să te am (domnul KR)
Mă bucur de cele două din acel moment intens
Pielea de gaina, de fiecare dată când mă gândesc la asta
Dacă o faci așa
S-ar putea să revin și să se întâmple încă o dată
Dacă e clar
Vom evita multe lacrimi
Și dacă o facem așa de data aceasta
Va fi doar relaxare, pasiune, stres zero
Nu te gândi la asta, să o facem imediat
Dacă o vrem de mult timp
De ce să lăsăm pentru mai târziu
Și nu mă înțelege greșit
Vreau doar ceva sexual
Numai dacă nu te îndrăgostești
(Ne vom distra bine)
Dacă nu te îndrăgostești
Putem petrece câteva ore
O putem repeta
Ori de câte ori te simți singură (singură)
Dacă nu te îndrăgostești
Putem petrece câteva ore
O putem repeta
Ori de câte ori te simți singură (singură)
Hei, numarul 1 iubito
Kevin Roldan
Domnule KR
Direct de la Kapital Music
Nicio competitie
Diamantul bate
Hyde, doar perreo este ceea ce există
Killa, aha
Kevin Roldan
A thousand years
Promise, i will never forget youHow to win, how to
Love you without falling.
For you, i look at you
And i can say
My doubts go away
Somehow they are gone
You got closer
I could die
And wait a life for you
Don't be afraid to feel
I would love you for a
Thousand more years
I would do it for a
Thousand more years.
There is no time
She is beautiful, i feel
I must dare
Nothing will stop you
From telling
When in front of me
I will always take care
of you
Every breath i will
You got closer
I could die
And wait a life for you
Don't be afraid to feel
I would love you for a
Thousand more years
I would do it for a
Thousand more years
I always knew that i
Would find you
No time to say
That I would love you
For a thousand more
Love you for a
Thousand more years
Sitting on a benchWaiting for the teco 1 guacamole
There´s meat with kidney beans, meat with kidney beans
Waiting for the sun to shine
Hoping for the chicken yakisoba 2
I hope there's some leftover, hope there's some leftover.
Oh girl 3, what are you doing, where do you go
Oh boy 4, I don´t know, just go already
Even when the bread 5 dips on a holey,
Your guacamole
Samaranch 6, Havelange 7 UEFA 8 FIFA 9,World Cup,
just like Queen Latifah
I hope she got some reefah 10
Solitaire, happiness, joy of life just' like a Lola 11
I hope she' there alone, hope she' there alone.
Your guacamole, your guacamole, oh yes boy
Oh girl, what are you doing, where do you go
Oh boy, I don´t know, but there I´m going
Even when the bread dips on the marinade
Oh, milk coffe.
Let´s go eat at Beto´s, he made us guacamole.
Meat with kidney beans, meat with kidney beans.
Cuchufrito 12, french beans, hot tamales 13, marinaded trout
with milk coffee, with milk coffee.
Chimichurri 14, woosh-woosh with a bit of deng-a-deng 15, Caraguatatuba 16
and a caipiruva, and a caipiruva 17
A bit of lard, four spoonfuls of breadcrumbs 18
Cheese with raspberry, set the table now.
(Please set the table.
Stay calm, there´s enough for everyone)
(Sit down, guys)
And two, and three, and four.
Boca Jrs, River Plate 19
Chacarita 20, Diego Maradona.
Diego has no mercy, Diego has no mercy.
Solitaire, happiness, joy of life just' like a Lola.
I hope she' there alone, hope she' there alone.
Oh girl, what are you doing, where do you go
Oh boy, I don´t know, but there I´m going
Even when the bread dips on a lilly
Don't be so silly.
Your guacamole, your guacamole, yes boy.
- 1. Unsure about this. Might refer to the city of Teco in Michoacán del Campo, Mexico
- 2. Fried noodles with chicken
- 3. Literaly 'mommy', but term usually employed to woo women of any age
- 4. Same as the previous verse for the opposite sex
- 5. If this word even exists, it´s too local for me. I guess it´s a play on words with 'pan', bread and 'pompa' (bubble, but also a term for the backside) or just mimicking a drumming sound
- 6. Juan Antonio Samaranch, president of the International Olympic Commitee from 1980 to 2001
- 7. Joao Havelange, FIFA President from 1974 to 1988
- 8. Union of European Football Associations
- 9. Fédération Internationale de Football Association, the ruling body actually in charge of th World Cup. UEFA was thrown in for rhythm and rhyme reasons
- 10. reefer, a cannabis cigarette
- 11. Short for Dolores, common Spanish female name
- 12. pork meat fried in olive oil and garlic
- 13. dough steamed in a corn husk or banana leaf.
- 14. meat sauce made from parsley, minced garlic, olive oil, oregano and red wine vinegar
- 15. The words in themselves do not exist. In Argentina, 'zucundún' is an onomatopeic sound to represent the sound of the waves or the wind, so is 'chengedengue' which represent a typical sound made while dancing (e.g. as seen in Boney M´s 'Brown girl in the Ring')
- 16. City in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil
- 17. Colloquial name for the caipirinha, a Brazilian drink made from cachaça, sugar, and lime
- 18. it refes to the preparation of 'milanesas', or breaded meat cutlets
- 19. Football teams based in Buenos Aires, which have probably the best known feud of the Argentina football league
- 20. Another Buenos Aires football team
Heart Attack (Spanish Version)
I am in defense mode,I don't believe in love anymore
If I do, I know I am
Like a heart attack...
I would never give all my love
And to the right girl I say: no,
Today I can get whatever I want,
If it is about you, I have nothing.
If it were someone else
And with a broken heart
I could play a whole basketball game.
For you, I am like a little girl that today
Comes begging more from you.
For you, your hand to hold,
Never let go of it,
You make me shine
And I'm trying to hide it,
I know that...
I am in defense mode,
I don't believe in love anymore
If I do, I know I am
Like a heart attack
Like a heart attack
Like a heart attack
I have never cried for anyone,
I am paralized if you get close
And when I try to be more natural,
It looks like I'm begging for help.
And it's not fair to see
Your problems you want to give me,
I breathe your air.
It burns me, but it feels so nice.
For you, I am like a little girl that today
Comes begging more from you.
For you, your hand to hold,
Never let go of it,
You make me shine
And I'm trying to hide it,
I know that...
I am in defense mode,
I don't believe in love anymore
If I do, I know I am
Like a heart attack
Like a heart attack
Like a heart attack
Every feeling from yesterday
Hve left and I won't give in,
No one is guilty, yeah!
I know I'll never walk away
Close to the sun I will always love you
Blame only me.
You make me shine
And I'm trying to hide it,
I know that...
I am in defense mode,
I don't believe in love anymore
If I do, I know I am
Like a heart attack (x5)
Shape of you (Spanish version)
We know that the clubIsn't the best place
To find love
We go to the bar
With my friends to drink
We talk about everything
You approach and you come
To talk alone with me
Trust what I will say
Take my hand and let's dance without time
Because it's already started
My heart spoke
You know I want your love
Your love was made by hand just for me
Come and follow me until the end
Although it sounds crazy, it's like that
And no, let's not talk anymore, no
Take my body and rub it against you
Come and follow me until the end
Come and follow me until the end
I fell in love with your way of being
We attract each other like magnets
My heart has fallen again
I fell in love with you body
I remember what we did yesterday
My bed smells on you, I don't know
How to forget what happened last night?
I fell in love with you body
I fell in love with you body
I fell in love with you body
I fell in love with you body
How to forget what happened last night?
I fell in love with your way of being
The lonely story flowed
At our appointment for the first time
It doesn't matter money
If the idea is to see each other
And we go to a cheap buffet
We talk for hours and hours
About the good and the bad
And I asked if you family is okay?
Then we take a taxi
Then we kissed
The driver turned up the volumen
My heart spoke
You know I want your love
Your love was made by hand just for me
Come and follow me until the end
Although it sounds crazy, it's like that
And no, let's not talk anymore, no
Take my body and rub it against you
Come and follow me until the end
Come and follow me until the end
I fell in love with your way of being
We attract each other like magnets
My heart has fallen again
I fell in love with you body
I remember what we did yesterday
My bed smells on you, I don't know
How to forget what happened last night?
I fell in love with you body
I fell in love with you body
I fell in love with you body
I fell in love with you body
How to forget what happened last night?
I fell in love with your way of being
Come on, be my baby c'mon (x7)
I fell in love with your way of being
We attract each other like magnets
My heart has fallen again
I fell in love with you body
I remember what we did yesterday
My bed smells on you, I don't know
How to forget what happened last night?
I fell in love with you body
Come on, be my baby c´mon (x7)
How to forget what happened last night?
I fell in love with your way of being
Million reasons (Spanish version)
Millions of reasons to say goodbyeMillions of reasons, you are giving me love
You are giving me millions of reasons
Millions of reasons
There are millions of reasons
Millions of reasons
I run down the street, I only think of you
I would seek you forever, but it will not be like that
If you give me millions of reasons
Millions of reasons
There are millions of reasons
Millions of reasons
I don't know what to do anymore
And I do the best I can
God, help me
How to pass the cruel moment?
Millions of reasons for not to return anymore
But give me just one and I'll stay
My mind circling
Far from seeing
Because when I look at you I lose
Conscience and faith
You give me millions reasons
Millions of reasons
There are millions of reasons
Millions of reasons
Even if there's something you want to tell me
I will not listen to you anymore
I know you're going to lie to me
You give me millions of reasons
Millions of reasons
There are millions of reasons
I don't know what to do anymore
And I do the best I can
God, help me
How to cross the cruel moment?
Millions of reasons for not to return anymore
But give me just one and I'll stay
eyyeee yeeee
I'm bleeding and it hurts
eyyeee yeeee
I hate needing you and it hurts
Broken hearts that forgot what was
Give me one reason, give me one one one one
I don't know what to do anymore
And I do the best I can
God, help me
How to pass the cruel moment?
Millions of reasons for not to return anymore
Ohh give me just one one
Just one one
Give me one one reason
Just one one
Give me just one and I'll stay
The End of the Party
It's over nowPeople are leaving
I already know what you're going to tell me
That I mustn't cry
That these things happen
I always cried, so as not to laugh
I don't have any memory space left, though
And there isn't any photo that I'd like to delete
It's over now
The end of the party's here
And the ever-frightening 'What-will-people-say?' is born
If she left with him
If she left with her
The ones who didn't give in
Will do it later
Because life is a slow-moving orgy
The best must be yet to come
It's over now
People are leaving now
I already know what you're going to tell me
That I mustn't cry
That these things happen
I always cried, so as not to laugh
I don't have any memory space left, though
And there isn't any photo that I'd like to delete
It's over now
The end of the party's here
And the ever-scary 'What-will-people-say?' is born
If he left with him
If she left with her
The ones who didn't give in
Will do it later
Because life is a slow-moving orgy
The best must be yet to come
It's over now
People are leaving
I know what you're going to tell me
That I mustn't cry
That these things happen
I always cried, so as not to laugh
I don't have any memory space left, though
And there isn't any photo that I'd like to delete
I am the poison of scorpionI've become that and much more
Color of ant you'll see me
Because when I get angry
I become bad, bad
I am not afraid of looking
Little by little I become bold
I know that I can impress you
Because wherever I go
I like the bad, bad
Everything between us is at risk
Don't run away, there is no way out, I know well
And it gets better
Because I will come near
If, together, we are fire,
This gets good
You need to play the game
Who said that was bad?
Take my hand, hand
We burn as fire
Till we touch the sky
You need to follow the game
Who said that was bad?
Take my hand, hand
Feel my fire
Now it is my turn to attack
I look at you before you arrive
I'm sure, you will come
Because even though it is in vain
I like the bad, bad
The time no one will lose, my love
Let's take advantage of this short time today
This heart is so on fire
It's desperate
It's in love
Everything between us is at risk
Don't run away, there is no way out, I know well
And it gets better
Come and take me down
If, together, we are fire,
This gets good
You need to play the game
Who said that was bad?
Take my hand, hand
We burn like fire
Till we touch the sky
You need to play the game
Who said that was bad?
Take my hand, hand
Feel my fire
Baby look at me like this
May your eyes shine only for me
May this little mouth of yours want me
May this moment be slow, very slow
Baby look at me like this
May your eyes shine only for me
May this little mouth of yours want me
May this moment be slow, very slow
Everything between us is at risk
Don't run away, there is no way out, I know well
And it gets better
Come and desármame
If, together, we are fire,
This gets good
You need to play the game
Who said that was bad?
Take my hand, hand
We burn as fire
Till we touch the sky
You need to follow the game
Who said that was bad?
Take my hand, hand
Feel my fire
Atac de inimă
Mă aflu în modul de apărare,Nu mai cred în iubire.
Dacă o fac, știu că sunt
Ca un atac de inimă...
Niciodată nu mi-am arătat toată iubirea
Și fetei corecte îi spuneam: „Nu”.
Pot să obțin ce vreau azi.
Dacă e după tine eu nu am nimic.
Dacă ar fi fost altcineva
Și cu inima rănită,
Aș fi putut juca toată partida de baschet.
Pentru tine sunt ca o fetiță ce azi
Cere implorând mai mult de la tine.
Pentru tine, mâna ți-o voi ți,
Nu-i voi da drumul niciodată.
Mă faci să strălucesc
Și încerc să o ascund.
Știu că...
Mă aflu în modul de apărare,
Nu mai cred în iubire.
Dacă o fac, știu că sunt
Ca un atac de inimă...
Ca un atac de inimă...
Ca un atac de inimă...
Niciodată nu am mai plâns pentru altcineva,
Rămân paralizat dacă te apropi.
Și când încerc să fiu mai natural
Pare ca și cum aș cere ajutor.
Si deja nu e drept să văd
Problemele tale. Vrei să mă posedezi.
Respir aerul tău.
Mă arde, dar se simte atât de bine.
Pentru tine sunt ca o fetiță ce azi
Cere implorând mai mult de la tine.
Pentru tine, mâna ți-o voi ți,
Nu-i voi da drumul niciodată.
Mă faci să strălucesc
Și încerc să o ascund.
Știu că...
Mă aflu în modul de apărare,
Nu mai cred în iubire.
Dacă o fac, știu că sunt
Ca un atac de inimă...
Ca un atac de inimă...
Ca un atac de inimă...
Toate sentimentele de ieri
S-au marcat și nu mă voi opri.
Nu e niciun vinovat, yeah!
Știu că niciodată nu mă voi îndepărta,
Aproape de soare mereu te voi iubi,
Doar pe mine învinovățește-mă.
Mă faci să strălucesc
Și încerc să o ascund.
Știu că...
Mă aflu în modul de apărare,
Nu mai cred în iubire.
Dacă o fac, știu că sunt
Ca un atac de inimă.
Alo, sunt eu.Mă întrebam dacă după atâția ani tu și eu...
Vom fi iar impreună? Sau nu?
Se spune că timpul le vindecă pe toate, dar nu e situația mea.
Alo, poți să mă auzi?
Continui să visez în California ce obișnuiam să fim.
Eram liberi și azi
Deja am uitat ce simțeam înainte să am totul la picioarele mele.
Între noi e o distanță de un milion de mile.
Sunt în alt loc.
Trebuia să sun încă o dată
Și să spun: „Scuze pentru tot ceea ce am făcut rău.”
Când telefonez înțeleg că nu ești acasă.
Sunt în alt loc.
Cel puțin am vrut să încerc
Să spun: „Îmi par rău. Ți-am rupt inima.
E clar. Înțeleg, dar nu o voi mai face niciodată.
Alo, cum ești?
E atât de tipic pentru mine să continui să vorbesc fără oprire.
Sper că ești bine.
Vei pleca într-o zi din acel oraș în care nu se întâmplă nimic?
Nu e un secret,
Pentru că am rămas fără timp.
Dilema mea
Când mă faci să mă supăr,Eu știu bine că nu m-aș putea îndura.
Vorbitul cu tine nu e vorbit
Pentru că simt că nu mă mai iubești.
Și știu, eu știu,
Mereu am știut că imi faci rău.
Și știu, eu știu,
Știu că destinul nu mă va ajuta.
E dilema mea și recunosc
Că o parte din mine vrea să uite.
Dilema mea de când te cunosc
Și din minte nu mi te pot scoate.
Simt că de data asta ar trebui să fug,
Dar e ceva ce mă atrage către tine.
Dilema mea, dilema mea ești tu, ești tu.
Ochii tăi mint dar știu
Că voi cădea în ei încă o dată.
Niciodată nu ai clarificat zvonurile care
Au terminat-o cu iubirea noastră.
Și știu, eu știu,
Mereu am știut că imi faci rău.
Și știu, eu știu,
Știu că destinul nu mă va ajuta.
E dilema mea și recunosc
Că o parte din mine vrea să uite.
Dilema mea de când te cunosc
Și din minte nu mi te pot scoate.
Simt că de data asta ar trebui să fug,
Dar e ceva ce mă atrage către tine.
Dilema mea, dilema mea ești tu, ești tu.
Fără tine aș trăi. Nu pot din cauza formei
În care mă faci să mă simt.
Fără tine aș trăi. Dar nu vreau, eu nu vreau.
Când mă faci să mă supăr.
E dilema mea și recunosc
Că o parte din mine vrea să uite.
Dilema mea de când te cunosc
Și din minte nu mi te pot scoate.
Simt că de data asta ar trebui să fug,
Dar e ceva ce mă atrage către tine.
Dilema mea, dilema mea ești tu, ești tu.
Ești tu, ești tu...
Dilema mea.