Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 29


Copil Inutil

Ești cel mai inutil, inutil, inutil copil.
Cel mai inutil copil de pe lume.
La la la...
La la la, nu înveți, nu poți vorbi, nici sport nu vrei să faci deloc.
Ești un copil murdar și prost, tu nu ai nimic.
Totuși iubesc sunetul care gura ta scoate
care nici propriul nume nu poate rosti.
Muci și bale, mătreață, căcat și urină.
Un plângăcios și un fricos, hai ignoră totul totul.
Vino la mine, te apăr de totul. Hai stai, hai stai, rămâne cu mine.
La la, cânt și leagăn până adormi.
Cântăm amândoi până somnul ne trage. Cântă acum, cânta acum, cântă cu mine...
singuraticul meu copil.
Ești cel mai inutil, inutil, inutil copil.
Cel mai inutil copil de pe lume.
Ești cel mai inutil, inutil, inutil copil.
Dacă nu eram să fiu, tu ai fi murit.
Ești cel mai inutil, inutil, inutil copil.
Cât de trist, cât de trist, ești un pierde-vară.
Ești cel mai inutil, inutil, inutil copil.
O să fac orice ca eu să te pot salva.
La la la...
La la la
Monstru, zombie, un gunoi viu și uman.
Decor de veceu, absențe și exmatriculare.
O voce timidă iese din gura uscată.
Hai să auzim din nou strigătul tău monoton.
Chiar și așa, timpul tot merge, nu se oprește defel defel.
Un copil fără creieri \Nsau timp ca să te schimbi.
Gata, ai devenit o legumă. Dragul meu copil, acum ești totul al meu.
La la, cânt și leagăn până adormi.
Haide să ne culcăm în brațele noastre. Dansează, dansează, hai încă dansează singuraticul meu copil. (copil.)
Ești cel mai inutil, inutil, inutil copil.
Cel mai inutil copil de pe lume.
Ești cel mai singuratic, singuratic, un copil singur.
Deoarece eu mereu o să te apăr.
Însă copilului meu i-a fost până la gât și de sub aripa mea el a zbughit.
Până eu să recunosc
rănile de pe el, deja copilul era demult plecat. Copil? (Copil?)
Sunt cel mai inutil, inutil, inutil copil.
Sunt complet inutil, copilul nu mai e.
Sunt cel mai inutil, inutil, inutil copil.
Nimeni nu mai poate să mă salveze.
Sunt cel mai singuratic, singuratic, un copil singur.
Singuratic de tot, copilul nu mai e.
Sunt cel mai singuratic, singuratic, un copil singur.
Ce aș da ca să pot întoarce timpul...
La la la...


Inside a narrow cramped hole
We can see each other in our dreams
That’s not this world, neither can it ever be
That’s not this world, neither can it ever be
Oh dear God, children of the God
We’re covered in scars of your amusing playground box
We dance and we turn, our dance is so strange
We thought we dance, we thought we laughed
We thought we fell, we thought we have screamed
Our vision’s shaky, all sounds sound so hazy
Our legs are shaky, our illusions are so hazy
Sun and moon and sky and God
All make up the hole-dwelling we’re in now
We cannot escape, we cannot escape
We cannot escape so we will not escape
We will not escape so just close your eyes
Two – one – zero
Just fall and fall, wonder, fall and fall
Into whirlpool of hole-dwelling in our lives
Just fall and fall, wonder, fall and fall
Like best friends forever wherever we shall go
The same, the same, isn’t it the same?
You and I forever by our sides
The same, the same, isn’t it the same?
It’s wrong, it’s wrong, we’re too lonely, too lonely
Just fall and fall, wonder, fall and fall, la-la-la…
The same, the same, isn’t it the same? La-la-la…
It’s wrong, it’s wrong, we’re too lonely, too lonely
One of us, one of us, do you want to join us?
One of us, one of us, you are one of us
Are you one of us? What’s the secret word?
What’s the secret word to solving our dwelling lives?
We cannot escape, we cannot escape
We cannot escape so we will not tell you
Are you one of us? Lonely like us?
Are you one of us living in this pit of hell?
We drink our dream to the last drop
Your dream mixes with it just so well
That’s not this world, neither can it ever be
That’s not this world, neither can it ever be
Our vision’s shaky, all sounds sound so hazy
Our arms are also shaky, our illusions are so hazy
Sun and moon and sky and God
Used to seem so vibrant
We cannot escape, we cannot escape
We cannot escape so we will not escape
We will not escape so just close your eyes
Close your eyes… La-la-la…
Just fall and fall, wonder, fall and fall
Into whirlpool of hole-dwelling in our lives
Just fall and fall, wonder, fall and fall
Like best friends forever wherever we shall go
The same, the same, isn’t it the same?
You and I forever by our sides
The same, the same, isn’t it the same?
It’s wrong, it’s wrong, we’re too lonely, too lonely
Just fall and fall, wonder, fall and fall, la-la-la…
The same, the same, isn’t it the same? La-la-la…
It’s wrong, it’s wrong, we’re too lonely, too lonely

Is it a Six-Hexagon Skew Polyhedron?

I was born into a world of robots
The inside of my head is surprisingly hollow
The inside of my body is filled with figures-
Circles, triangles, and squares
I'm missing so many components
I play music
I can't solve it forever, forever
I'm bad at numerical calculations
How much am I Tell me the answer
How much am I What is the answer
La la la
Teach me XXX Shout that answer at me
All these components won't fit onto me onto me
What is that perfect shape?
A complex, complex melody
Is it a six-hexagon skew polyhedron?
La la la

Is it a Six-Hexagon Skew Polyhedron?

I was born into a world of robots
The inside of my head is surprisingly hollow
The inside of my body is filled with figures-
Circles, triangles, and squares
I'm missing so many components
I play music
I can't solve it forever, forever
I'm bad at numerical calculations
How much am I Tell me the answer
How much am I What is the answer
La la la
Teach me XXX Shout that answer at me
All these components won't fit onto me onto me
What is that perfect shape?
A complex, complex melody
Is it a six-hexagon skew polyhedron?
La la la

The Cat's Dining Table

At the dining table full of no one, no one, no no no one,
the cat is talking again, just like every other day,
with ghosts of children who can't go anywhere.
Why won't any of the adults die?
Could it be because they're so smart
that they don't have, don't have to go to school?
A row of twisted smiles.
Could it be, oh could it perhaps be because they're not not not not smart, because they're stupid, good-for-nothing children,
that's why?
Pet it, pet it, pet it pet it.
Let's cuddle, forever and always.
Here, there's none of those adults who have it so easy in life, and it's all us who have to suffer through everything imaginable,
it's like a group of children leaving school
together, heading towards heaven.
One, two.
Together with the good-for-nothing children,
I'll pet the cat, too, being the good-for-nothing that I am.
At the dining table full of no one, no one, no no no one,
cuddling with the cat, like every other day.
Together with the children who don't exist anywhere,
I'll fall asleep, too, as I can't insert myself anywhere.
Zzz...Together with the cat, zzz...
Zzz with the cat...Everyone, zzz...
Take us, take is with you-
take us children, a bunch of ostracized.
Here, there's none of those children who have it easy in life either, and it's all us who have to suffer through everything imaginable, getting along famously.
Pet it, pet it, pet it, pet it.
Let's cuddle, forever and always.
Here, there's none of those adults who have it so easy in life,
and it's all us who have to suffer through everything imaginable, getting along famously
like a group of children leaving school together, destination unknown.


I want to walk with you to a far away place
to the other side of the horizon.
I want to walk to you
even if it turns out there’s nothing there.
I’m crumbling before a kind and gentle world all by myself.
I held you in my arms, but you slip between my finger tips
It’s a desolate, horizontal FLATLINE.
I prepared myself for my journey up ahead
It becomes a little easier to walk
I’ll drip drop but I’ll crush it so
it melts and collapses
Earth, Wind, Stars, and Soul
all disappear into a FLATLINE.
I want to walk with you to a far away place
But if that dream came true…
It becomes a little easier to walk
If I can finally get the END CREDITS to ROLL i might
collaspe while laughing
It becomes a little easier to walk