Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

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Număr de rezultate: 142


Happiness in your hands

You are ready for a talk
Alone with yourself
When a noose is hanging from the ceiling
If someone knocks on the door
When your life is on the line
Then open it and take a step
Only the strong in spirit
Don't fall down
They run away from the evil
To come back again
When the happiness is in your hands
Hold onto it
To wake up from sadness
On your way to there
Never looked
Any farther than your nose beyond the horizon
All that you have
Is only four walls
It's better to think twice
When knee-deep in the water
Than to drown in the darkness
When you have caught happiness
Keep it safe
Only the strong in spirit
Don't fall down
They run away from the evil
To come back again
When the happiness is in your hands
Hold onto it
To wake up from sadness
On your way to there

My delicate basil

My delicate basil , my marjoram
you will make me give up on my mother
Come over the glassed window, girl
so as i can see your semolina-colored face.
Those stares you climb up, i wish i could climb them up too
for each step we will take, i will give you a sweet kiss.


My voice sings a song I don’t recognize
All the city lights go out
If I breathe, I'll change bit by bit
Leaving the city, I'm searching for a flower
Still, my familiar ankles run away
Still, my familiar ankles have run away
My voice keeps on singing a song I don't recognize
The dream is over
Though I tell such lies
Still, my familiar ankles run away
Still, my familiar ankles have run away
They’ll disappear tomorrow
Even if these footprints disappear
I'll sing, I'll sing a song

Daytime moon

A midday without sound
the wind is just bright.
The petals that seemed a little sleepy swayed.
This unintentional feeling that I can not explain.
Look, how do people call this feeling in words?
The story of trapping the white sand moon.
Tell me the story as if the light falls. Gently.
There will be a time to know the pain in my heart.
And I'll be kinder than I am now.
This warmhearted feeling that I can not explain.
Look, how do people name this feeling?
The white sand moon is too bright to see.
Tell me about the distant future. Gently.

A house on the moon

A sky,
a distant sky,
and a muttering voice.
Your dream now turns the wheels of the stars.
I felt I exist nowhere.
I felt that way
until I knew your eyes.
There is one crescent moon
in the corner of my chest.
it shines to illuminate even the narrowest roads.
The stars
are gently pointing.
Your destination
will be a crystal forest.
I someday,
with the palm of my hand,
I want to protect you from everything.
At a warm night,
There's a house where a small growing moon lives.
However when you sleep,
it shines with a gentle light.
There is one crescent moon
in the corner of my chest.
it shines to illuminate even the narrowest roads.

Please grant me a wish

Please grant my wish.
There's a glass lily in my chest.
Please shatter it, with your fingers.
Far away to the new east.
Your heart is like a flying bird.
See the dream.
It's far away.
Your wish is reflected on the fountain at your feet.
My thoughts have changed its shape
before I knew it.
Until the time when we meet again in the blue morning.
Ah ah.
I know
it hurts like
flowing light dizziness.
Far away to the new east.
Your heart will be sucked in.
See the rainbow.
It's solitude.
It will be gently embraced deep in the sky.
Where does the silent midday breeze sleep?
Unreachable prayers
will hide their voices.
Ah ah...gently.
Submerge in the bottom of the air.
Soak in fragrant ether.
So I will not let anyone else touch it.
My thoughts have changed its shape before I knew it.
Until the time
when we meet again in the blue morning.
Ah ah...surely.
Please grant my wish.
Please grant my wish...

Nu se poate...

Versions: #2
--- 1 ---
Îmi spui din senin
Cum că ai vrea să ne despărțim.
C-acum uitării aparțin
Visele ce împreuna voiam să le făurim.
Și cu prezența mea să nu cutez
Să vreau să te mai deranjez.
Doar în uitare să te mai petrec
Și niciunde să nu te mai urmez.
--- R ---
Nu se poate, nu se poate,
Așa ceva nu se poate
Oare cum să-mi vină firesc
Pur și simplu, să te părăsesc.
Vreau să devin o umbra a ta
Și peste tot te voi urma
Îți mărturisesc..
Nu se poate, nu se poate,
Tristețea mă înăbușă peste toate.
Te iubesc și asta
Atât de simplu, nu se poate schimba.
Nu e un magazin inima mea
În care să intri și să ieși când ai vrea
Asta vreau să-ți spun.
Nu e un magazin inima mea
În care să intri și să ieși când ai vrea
Asta vreau să-ți spun.
--- 2 ---
Îmi spui din senin acum
Că totul s-a terminat oricum.
În ochii mei te rog privește mișcat
Să vezi câte lacrimi au vărsat
Din răsputeri am încercat
Din inima mea să te știu plecat
Și cu toate astea, iubirea mea din stele
Ești încă în visele mele.
--- R ---
Nu se poate, nu se poate,
Așa ceva nu se poate
Oare cum să-mi vină firesc
Pur și simplu, să te părăsesc.
Vreau să devin o umbra a ta
Și peste tot te voi urma
Îți mărturisesc..
Nu se poate, nu se poate,
Tristețea mă înăbușă peste toate.
Te iubesc și asta
Atât de simplu, nu se poate schimba.
Nu e un magazin inima mea
În care să intri și să ieși când ai vrea
Asta vreau să-ți spun.
Nu e un magazin inima mea
În care să intri și să ieși când ai vrea
Asta vreau să-ți spun.
--- R ---
Nu se poate, nu se poate,
Așa ceva nu se poate
Oare cum să-mi vină firesc
Pur și simplu, să te părăsesc.
Vreau să devin o umbra a ta
Și peste tot te voi urma
Îți mărturisesc..
Nu se poate, nu se poate,
Tristețea mă înăbușă peste toate.
Te iubesc și asta
Atât de simplu, nu se poate schimba.
Nu e un magazin inima mea
În care să intri și să ieși când ai vrea
Asta vreau să-ți spun.
Nu e un magazin inima mea
În care să intri și să ieși când ai vrea
Asta vreau să-ți spun.


You and I
You when I
The stars, slowly fallin`
I'd like to call this mood romantic
I dreamed a dream, up all night, just you and I
Next to a name I have been writing all day
I scribble my own
As still I don’t know
Cause you still don’t my heart
Just, alone on a night like this I think of you
I’m in love, everything feels like a dream when i’m by your side
More beautiful than anything in this world
I do not wish for anything more
Just stay as you are
like this, the way you are
A night filled with stars
Laning against the window, I think of you 
A night full of moon
Softly drenched in blooming romance
It’s only you that i want
i call you on a night like this (dark night)
Until we reach there, hoping
Not giving it up, like those stars
you, Ye
If only I could look at you like this
Anytime I want
I fall for your gaze, feels like I could die (Killer)
All day, all night
You know I want u, love u
Would u be mine?
Good night
A night filled with stars
A night full of moon
It’s only you that i want
I call you on a night like this
Until we reach there, hoping
Not giving it up, like those stars


When i feel you
I'm talking about your voice
Dimly lighted street, together ah
When the noises get quiet too, I am
That makes me go crazy
I think about it before I fall asleep
You're low and high, just right size
is is
Whispers are melting my ears
Better just kill me
We've already been here before
Every night i listen to your voice and sleep
W Word plays, pillow talk
feelin' your voicegasm bae
Vibrant hues, sweet dreams
feelin' your voicegasm bae be b babe
Yea i don't wanna think about you babe (anymore)
But i feel you
Pictures taken, vista film* babe
In the end i'm back to you again, babe
That makes me go crazy
I think about it before I fall asleep
You're low and high, just right size
is is
Whispers are melting my ears
Better just kill me
We've already been here before
Every night i listen to your voice and sleep
W Word plays, pillow talk
feelin' your voicegasm bae
Vibrant hues, sweet dreams
feelin' your voicegasm bae be b
Yeah im gonna die in your voice come on
* He’s talking about AGFA Vista Plus Camera Film, negative film rolls for old type personal cameras. Since the rise of digital cameras that kind of photographic films are mainly out of use. However AGFA has revived that particular product and you can purchase it now.

A Star Called Sun

White snow, grey ice,
on cracked earth.
On it, like a patchwork quilt -
lies a city in a loop of roads.
And above the city clouds drift,
hiding a heavenly light.
And above the city - there's a yellow haze,
the city has lived for two thousand years,
under the light of a star
called Sun...
And for thousand years - there's been war,
war for no special reason.
War - is the business of the young,
to stop them from aging.
Red, red blood.
After an hour it's just earth.
after two on it there's flowers and grass,
after three it's alive once more,
warmed by the rays of a star
called Sun...
And we know, that it's always been this way.
That fate favors the one,
who lives by his own rules,
and who is fated to die young.
He doesn't remember the word 'yes' or 'no',
he doesn't recall ranks, nor names.
And is capable of reaching the stars,
not considering it, to be a dream,
and to fall, burnt by the star called Sun.