Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

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Număr de rezultate: 38


As I Feel

My heart beats with passion for you before you look
Without your affection, I can not live a moment longer
These words are all my truth all my reason
I know you'll come and feel it the way I feel it
How to live without the illusion just for the world
Oh how to suffer in the immensity without you
Some time ago already in my loneliness was born an illusion
And little by little you're going to invite yourself into my heart
I am the man who for the first time feel freedom
And you know that this time as my love you too will feel it
Ay love for love time will tell you'll have to want me
Oh, if you're not here, I'd rather leave forever.
How to live without the illusion just for the world
How to suffer in regret without you
Ay love for love time will tell you'll have to want me
Oh, if you're not here, I'd rather leave forever.


My eyes are cloudy look, I enter like a movie star inside the suite
Her perfume is on the air on the bed bel air she is on me like a sexy mamacita.
She wears diamonds around her neck, naked and the bed shakes
keep on she tells me even if it hurts, sweat flows, how much it suits her.
Ariana because the beauty is GRANDE
Plain flame... beside me she doesn't sleep
Black money... on the bed we count
Now about us they talk.
Do not talk to me in general, I know what I want from before
as I untie your hair, take off the jeans.
Baby you play me I give it to you, your style Robert de Niro
you want the lights on for this scene.
Don't stop no no... the glasses are cloudy but not my mind.
Yeah... 100% what I feel (is) real, like my new Dior.
Ariana because the beauty is GRANDE
Plain flame... beside me she doesn't sleep
Black money... on the bed we count
Now about us they talk.


Hi, are you looking for the other side?
Feel like nothing 'bout this seems quite right
Are you circling the drain or getting off on payment?
You're corrupted
I need to know where your loyalties lie
Tell me, are you gonna bark or bite?
Do you really wanna twist a knife in the belly
Of your master?
Get the fuck up, wake the fuck up
Wipe the system and get the fuck up
You're a puppet, when they cut your strings off
Don't come crawling back
Kingslayer, destroying castlеs in the sky
Kingslayer, forevеrmore the apple of my eye
And I sacrifice my life to find you, angel of the flame
Kingslayer, come and collect us, your might
Dark, this world is so dark that I can't see
The future won't disappear
But I want to obtain another world
System failure
Life is encrypted, genome modified
Like a virus in a lullaby
Artificial till the day you die, say you're programmed
You're corrupted
Get the fuck up, wake the fuck up
Wipe the system and break the fuck up
You're a puppet, when they cut your strings off
Don't come crawling back, you're on your own
Now, let's go and open the door of time
Kingslayer, destroying castles in the sky
Kingslayer, I'll fight for you until I die
Kingslayer, destroying castles in the sky
Kingslayer, forevermore the apple of my eye
I'll sacrifice it all to guide you, never have to go alone
Kingslayer, come and collect us, your might
This is your wake up call
You're going down the rabbit hole
Are you ready?
I can't feel you
Oh, yeah!
Is this what you want?!
This is what you'll fucking get!
You motherfucking shit!

Shhhh!-kumbia kings

Esta es una cancion dedicada para todos los vocones
Kumbia Kings!!!
Aveces pienso que tu vas a enloquecerme
Cuando comiensas a gritar frente la guente
Si no te cumplo tus caprichos Dios me libre
Quien te aguanta
Quien te entiende
Quien te calla
Quien me salva Por favor
Por favor, Por favor, Por favor
No te gusto la fiesta porque mis amigos
Ya te conocen y no van a estar contigo
Porque ellos saben que

My love

Versions: #2
My Love
My love please,
don't go away.
I will count the hours until I see you.
My Love
My love please,
don't leave me.
I will count the hours until I see you again.
Come back to me
I will not return,
I will not return.
I don't want to remember.
I don't want to remember.
Back to me
I will not return,
I will not return.
I don't want to remember.
I don't want to remember.

Faux Rois

Perdu en chantant leur chanson
Piégé dans tout ce que j'ai fait
Tout ce que je sais, mais pas ce dont j'ai besoin
Blessé par mon amour, blessé à en saigner
Alors je veux m'enfuir vers ton refuge ce soir
M'enfuir vers le refuge ce soir
Unis dans la silencieuse résistance
De saluer des faux rois
Alors laisse-moi m'enfuir vers ton refuge ce soir
M'enfuir de cet insensé pantomime
Je ravalerai ma fierté, abandonnerai le faux-semblant
De saluer des faux rois
Acheté leurs sourires, liquides et doux
Pris leurs mots pour des vérités
Au bord de la lumière et l'ombre
Mon âme meurtrie de nouveau esclave
Alors je veux m'enfuir vers ton refuge ce soir
M'enfuir vers le refuge ce soir
Unis dans la silencieuse résistance
De saluer des faux rois
Alors laisse-moi m'enfuir vers ton refuge ce soir
M'enfuir de cet insensé pantomime
Je ravalerai ma fierté, abandonnerai le faux-semblant
De saluer des faux rois
Quand il n'y a plus d'amour dans mon étreinte
Un sang froid coule dans mes veines
Si je m'envole sans élégance
Est-ce que je m'envole ?
J'ai besoin de l'amour dans ton étreinte
Des portes ouvertes, de nouveaux chemins
Achever mes guerres et effacer
Et je suis à toi
Alors je veux m'enfuir vers ton refuge ce soir
M'enfuir vers le refuge ce soir
Unis dans la silencieuse résistance
De saluer des faux rois
Alors laisse-moi m'enfuir vers ton refuge ce soir
M'enfuir de cet insensé pantomime
Je ravalerai ma fierté, abandonnerai le faux-semblant
Oui, j'ai bu le vin et, et j'ai dîné sur, sur ce cyanure

Tinerețe, bătrânețe

Când lumea este tânără, băiete
Și toți copacii-n jurul tău sunt verzi,
Când gâsca-ți pare lebădă, băiete
Și-n orice fată o regină vezi,
Ia-ți cizme bune și un cal, băiete,
Și plimbă-te prin lume cât vei vrea.
Dă-i sângelui ce-ți cere, măi băiete,
Cum dai oricui ce este partea sa!
Când lumea a îmbătrânit, băiete,
Și frunzele-n copaci se-ngălbenesc,
Când tot ce-i vesel s-a-ntristat, băiete,
Iar roțile, încet, încet, se-opresc,
Întoarce-te acasă, măi băiete
Și lasă-n spate-a sângelui tumult.
Dea Domnul să găsești aici, băiete,
Un chip iubit din timpuri de demult.


Nenorocitul de gândac e un animal foarte prost
Se prostește cu războiul și comerțul
Tocmai ce a murit gândacul și deja îl duc să-l îngroape
Între 4 vulturi și un șoarece sacristan
Gândacul, gândacul deja nu poate să meargă
Pentru că nu are, pentru că îi lipsește marijuana de fumat
Gândacul, gândacul deja nu poate să meargă
Pentru că nu are, pentru că îi lipsește marijuana de fumat
Nenorocitul de gândac e un animal foarte prost
Se prostește cu războiul și comerțul
Tocmai ce a murit gândacul și deja îl duc să-l îngroape
Între 4 vulturi și un șoarece sacristan
Gândacul, gândacul deja nu poate să meargă
Pentru că nu are, pentru că îi lipsesc ambele picioare din spate
Gândacul, gândacul deja nu poate să meargă
Pentru că nu are, pentru că îi lipsesc ambele picioare din spate

King's Supreme

[Stanza 2: Ensi]
They told you the scene was dead?
But in steel a heart still beats, like Gundam
Like Cassano I contribute to this scene
The flow reaps like a machete in a jungle
It stretches like Dhalsim
The number of fights is proportional to the goals
And if you ask me 'how many years yet til your leap forward'
I know I'll probably never take it
But I'm among monsters like Frankenstein, mister
My band plays live at the Titty Twister
Come tonight, sister, with your hipster friend
their bones will go 'crack' like cipsters[1]
I have a thousand rhymes that glue you to your chair like a thriller
Frank Miller rap, you're laughable - Ben Stiller
And don't play indian in front of Tex Willer[2]
[Chorus: Salmo]
Ever heard of ma-ma-machete crew?
Beheads like Mujaeddin
Hardcore on the beat, we're king's supreme
This people know how it is
No mercy on stage
And this is all I have
(all I have)
[Stanza 3: Enigma]
As usual it's gotten late here
I feel it from my view getting cloudy
I make mazes in audio
I'm the minotaur that fucks Arianna, ah
I cry inside, but
I grow harder within with music in my soul
What I write comes alive and writhes
When I rhyme Satan appears in Fatima
Genuflected for the life that rips
Paragraphed like codes in algebra
to highlight an environment that should be rebuilt
From the cathedral to the teacher's desk
generations keep losing themselves
And how many bodies do you see with the sign 'for sale'?
How many hits before we get back on track?
But you won't exterminate us, like the Kennedies
[Stanza 4: Bassi Maestro]
Yeah, we keep our feet on the ground
With our middle fingers on display we're still in war
Like fucking spartans, higher than Pantani
You can't see me from two meters away
you don't deserve my raising a hand
I don't have metric, but tsunami
I only hang out with the true, and you love me
I'm tired of those who catalogue and dialogue
those who live of lies in a fable
I'm tired of those who put up talks
without reaching conclusions
These sounds are contusions
white deaths for your taskmasters
We're those who exploit them, call us pimps
You oppose? You die!
[Chorus: Salmo]
Ever heard of ma-ma-machete crew?
Beheads like Mujaeddin
Hardcore on the beat, we're king's supreme
This people know how it is
No mercy on stage
And this is all I have
(all I have)
[Stanza 5: Rocco Hunt] [3]
Achieve a high school diploma through the concert money
Every lyric's a bomb, don't know if you know it
Voice expands, blaze this joint
I fall asleep at night trough the troubles
These faces are pale[4], coke killed you
smoke the cheese, I can fly
Bring over the weed, bring the tequila
Crack kills you if you smoke it
..away from the black cars (watch out!)
Hawks are bastards[6], you don't see them but they're there
away from tactics and schemes
[Stanza 6: Gemitaiz]
When I join a song they say
'Look at this asshole
he killed the track once again
he smokes joints that look like swords, his rhymes are tacky
defy him and you'll get fever like Travolta'
They say I copy the americans
jut because they suck at attacking
and don't know how to defend
I'm with number 9, more or less where you can't arrive
You ask: 'where does this guy take his flows?
Who knows? Maybe I come up with them?
We have no cash but we're full of rap, we're sticking it up
Every rhyme by Gemitaiz is huge like Nicki Minaj's ass
Asshole, I beat you, though obviously higher[8]
Your every rhyme is below seven
I put it below the seven[9]
heel strike (bye)
[Chorus: Salmo]
Ever heard of ma-ma-machete crew?
Beheads like Mujaeddin
Hardcore on the beat, we're king's supreme
This people know how it is
No mercy on stage
And this is all I have
(all I have)
Ever heard of ma-ma-machete crew?
Beheads like Mujaeddin
Hardcore on the beat, we're king's supreme
This people know how it is
No mercy on stage
And this is all I have
(all I have)

Cintecul Regelui

Atit de mult a straduit ca sa fie rege
Lucrind nopti si zile
Visind doar la un lucru
Niciodata despre vacante
Undeva pe drum
El a uitat ca ea era o fata
Acum regatul lui s-a prabusit
Si e intr-adevar o poveste tragica
Ca el a construit un castel ca s-o adaposteasca pe regina lui
Dar regina a spus ca el i-a construit o inchisoare
Atit de mult a straduit ca sa fie rege
Totul a vrut
El i-a construit o casa linga marea
Numai ca s-o tin acasa
Unde pe drum
El a uitat ca ea avea nevoie de un prieten
Acum regatul lui s-a prabusit
Si e intr-adevar o poveste tragica
Ca el a construit un castel ca s-o adaposteasca pe regina lui
Dar regina a spus ca el i-a construit o inchisoare
S-a intimplat atit de repede inainte ca el sa stia
Ea a plecat, de mult
Departe din castelul, diamantele si lucrurile
Care ea portase la petrecerea
Era un bilet care scrisese cu grija
L-a semnat « cu cele mai bune urari la toti »
Oh atit de mult ai straduit ca sa fii rege
Lucrind nopti si zile
Visind doar la un lucru, niciodata despre vacante
Unde pe drum
Ai uitat ca aveam nevoie de un barbat
Cind l-au gasit l-au dus unde apartinea
Si familia si prietenii lui il vizitau anual
Si se zice ca e un pecat ceea ce a devenit din regele

O dragoste

O dragoste
O dragoste am trăit plângând
Și-mi spunea
Cuvintele lui Dumnezeu
Plângând pentru tine
E cu dragoste
O dragoste
O dragoste am trăit
Plângând și chinuit
Cuvintele lui Dumnezeu
Plângând pentru tine
E cu dragoste
COR (x2)
Of, să trăiesc lângă tine
M-am îndrăgostit de tine
Fără săruturile tale nu mai pot
Să trăiesc și să-mi amintesc
Ca s-o înțeleg
Aș vrea o dragoste și să știu
Că mă iubea și chinuia
Cuvintele lui Dumnezeu
Plângând pentru tine
E cu dragoste
COR (x2)


You've hurt me
I often feel anxiety.
You're a sweet girl
Unique for somebody
One cocoa-flavored kiss
One kiss and I get drunk on love
Your body is like made of chocolate
A taste that I would like forever
Sweet lips, filled with sugar
Hold a piece of you for me
Hold a piece of me for you
I'm what you like, a chocolate
I'm what you like and drives you crazy
You want me as much I want you and makes me ill...drives me crazy
Makes me ill...drives me crazy
Makes me ill...drives me crazy
As in fairy tales, like she got out of a lamp
Expensive pearl brown like chocolate
A beauty that has amazed me
I want you permanently, day and night
Your body is like made of chocolate
A taste that I would like forever
Sweet lips, filled with sugar
Hold a piece of you for me
Hold a piece of me for you
I'm what you like, a chocolate
I'm what you like and drives you crazy
You want me as much I want you and makes me ill...drives me crazy
Makes me ill...drives me crazy
Makes me ill...drives me crazy


Look my gypsy, listen my gypsy,
Look, look, look at me, I want to drink a coffee
A coffee with you only
A coffee with you only, a coffee
A coffee with you only
A coffee with you only, a coffee
I just want some money
And I don't have, don't have any more money
I just want some money
to drink my coffee
Give me a little bit, a little bit of coffee
With a little bit, a little bit of your love
Give me a little bit, a little bit of coffee
With a little bit, a little bit of your love
Give me a little bit, a little bit of coffee
With a little bit, a little bit of your love
Give me a little bit, a little bit of coffee
With a little bit, a little bit of your love
Look, look at her,
look, look at her...and away she goes
Look my gypsy, listen my gypsy,
Look, look, look at me, I want to drink a coffee
A coffee with you only
A coffee with you only, a coffee
A coffee with you only
A coffee with you only, a coffee
I just want some money
And I don't have, don't have any more money
I just want some money
to drink my coffee
Give me a little bit, a little bit of coffee
With a little bit, a little bit of your love
Give me a little bit, a little bit of coffee
With a little bit, a little bit of your love (4Xs)
Coffee, coffee, coffee...