You can take my youth away, but you can never take my dream away(내 젊음은 가져가도 꿈은 줄 수 없어)
The reason I dance alone
Doubting what i see and what i hear
Lying in the shade of a palm tree
to watch the pouring sunset
An unheard-of thing
Things you couldn't have done
You don't have to miss it. You have to bury it.
Far away
In the past
You can take my youth but you can never take my dream away
You can take my youth but you can never take my dream away
I have a brigh future in front of me
You can take my youth but you can never take my dream away
The green spring day that faded away
We just can't face each other again.
without memorable moments goin' thru our minds
I'm sorry, but I'm fine.
An unheard-of thing
things you couldn't have done
You don't have to miss it. You have to bury it.
Far away in the past
You can take my youth but you can never take my dream away (X2)
I still wander on indefinite ways
You can take my youth but you can never take my dream away
If I had
a pair of wings
I would have
left here with you
place where have
no pain and wounds
I would have take you
If I were there
If I had a pair of wings
Place where endless
horizon facing the sun
A small island
disconnected from the darkness of the world
It sounds like nonsense, but I will have my wings
I promise you
to take you out of here
fly away with me
to the place without anyone
If I had
a pair of wings
I would have
left here with you
place where have
no pain and wounds
I would have take you
If I were there
If I had a pair of wings
Even though I might lose
Consciousness in wandering
as I get older
the world is getting colder
come to me
I'll hold you down
stay in this place for me
until I take you to that place
it can't be here
don't come out of the white clouds
when I lose myself
When it seeps in
Lift your head
To be able to see the sky
I can see you and I breathe
If I had
if I were there
I would have
left here with you
place where have
no pain and wounds
I would have take you
If I were there
If I had a pair of wings
Talking To The Moon
I know you're somewhere far away
The night when the blue star
lights me up in the room.
lean on the window
Wait for the clouds to wobble in the wind
When the full moon gets an eclipse
in my submerged pupil
Talking to the moon
Stay up all night with my eyes open
Talking to the moon
Maybe you'll see the moon
and talk to me
I expect like a fool
Try to call you
But can't reach
Please, oh please, my baby
Someday when you listen to
my voice in your dreams
Open your lips. don't hesitate to answer.
you miss me too
Wait for the clouds to wobble in the wind
Just wait for that
Heart filled of longing
When the full moon gets a eclipse
in my submerged pupil
Talking to the moon
Stay up all night with my eyes open
Talking to the moon
Maybe you'll see the moon
and talk to me
I expect like a fool
Try to call you
But can't reach
Please, oh please, my baby
Talking to the moon
Stay up all night with my eyes open
Talking to the moon
Maybe you'll see the moon
and talk to me
I expect like a fool
Try to call you
but can't reach
Please, please, my baby
Prima data iei banii
Apoi iei putere, respect
Dumnezeule , Ronny !
Ei, ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l
Ei, ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l
Ei, ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l
Banii conduc totul în jurul meu
(Refren 1()
Uh, deschide seiful,
Curvele au mult de spus (rah)
Păsărică în fața ta,
Asta te va pune în locul tău (bum)
Șapte litere pe farfurie,te fut in creier
Am mașini , am genți , am proprietate
Preludiu , n-am venit să mă joc
Am mulți bani de la pește
El va mușca momeala
Poți să-l lași în jos, să faci fundul ăla să-mi vorbească
Păstrează energia aia, dusă după Hennessey(fund)
Îmi trebuie geanta rapid
Despărțind 6 grade, curvele spun că mă știu
Sid Vicious Sex Pistols
Tu înfierbântat când ești ud
Lovește-mă în aplicația mea de bani
O verific in dimineață (bani)
În această curvă sclipitoare
Îmbrăcată în designer, ea s-ar putea înalța
Și este timpul perfect de visat cu bronzatul
Bella Hadid, tipul ar putea sa o ia
Bani bani
Fund genți
Bani conduc oriunde în jurul meu
Ei, ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l
Ei, ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l
Ei, ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l
Bani conduc oriunde în jurul meu
(Refrenul 2)
Fundul conduce oriunde in jurul meu
Adânc în aceea păsărică, da, mă scufund
Un rechin în apă, cum de m-ai găsit?
Cel mai bun cadou de la mine, sunt cățel
Merg la vânătoarea de recompense, ham,
Da, îmi fac propriile reguli
Tatuaje pe acel fund, ea face școala de noapte
Bine ai venit la clubul jucătorilor, Ice Cube
Diamantele ar putea creea știrile
Curvo, asta-i photoshop ca rapperi cu acel autotune
(Bani) uh, cecurile tale nu-s dovezi
RM 52 si un Craniu,rezistent la apa,
Negrii vorbesc foarte mult, până se află în afara standului
Negrii mei, cum ar fi statul de aur, au venit și trag trăgaciul
Bani Fund
Fund genți
Bani conduc oriunde în jurul meu
Ei, ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l
Ei, ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l
Ei, ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l
Banii conduc totul în jurul meu
Adânc în aceea păsărică, l-am prins înecându-se,înecându-se înecându-se
Banii conduc totul în jurul meu
Un rechin în apă, l-am găsit, l-am găsit l-am găsit.
Ia banii.
Voi toți un dolar !