Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 1


Oh how much am I agitated

Versions: #1
Oh how much am I agitated
and given abundantly with worries1
while I'm contemplating thoroughly in the heart
the present and future
Present and past
are bent to destruction,
such an end has
human nature.
Oh who would understand death, which is tough,
and would foresee the end, would live in fear,
would vow and return to god his duties
Woe to you priests
who are [in] words
of the old testament
and are new teachers
placed before the rest,
obstructers of the firmament,
not distinguishing of the burden,
you are imposers.
Oh who would understand death, which is tough,
and would foresee the end, would live in fear,
would vow and return to god his duties
What will I bring forth from the people?
Never I will take theirs upon me,
so what I won't take away
marvellous falsehoods.
Whose flowering tongue,
truly foul deeds
and the hearts are treacherous
by detail...
Oh who would understand death, which is tough,
and would foresee the end, would live in fear,
would vow and return to god his duties
  • 1. or 'cares', or, if of curis and not of cura, 'of the lance'