Rezultatele căutării pagină 4
Număr de rezultate: 171
The girlfriend
You and I have something
You and I have something
You and I have something to kill
You and I have blood
You and I are hungry
You and I have something to kill
One two three
Four five
Your heart reinvents you
Six seven
How does it feel
To not have pending
Anything more between you and I?
One two three
Four five
Your heart reinvents you
Six seven
How does it feel
Not to have pending
Anything else between you and I?
You and I under the moon
You and I under the moon
Heal heal
Heal heal, heal heal
If you dont heal today, there may not be tomorrow
Heal jungle, heal beach
If the sea doesn't heal, the mountain no longer heals
When your wounds make rivers
I’ll bathe in your waters
When your fears are my own
I’ll hug your skirt
Hopefully it won’t be too late
To learn to love you
Heal heal, heal heal
If you dont heal today, there may not be tomorrow
Heal jungle, heal beach
If the sea doesn't heal, the mountain no longer heals
Like we believe the lie
Nothing happens here
If we sing this song
We clean the soul
If I don't say it I forget, I forget
And we return the calm
If I don’t say it I forget, I forget
And the party is over
If I don't see it, I don't stay blind
And the party is over
If I don't see it I don't stay blind
Heal heal, heal heal
Let them change the topic, and likewise we change nothing
Hashtag jungle, hashtag beach
The world isn’t what you see on your screen
We were selfish to love you
To bring you to the world
The future never mattered much
As when I see you
If I don't say it I forget, I forget
Your awakened senses
If I don't say it I forget, I forget
The sun and the wind
The sand, the drizzle
The guilt, the hills
The time, the oil
The fog that covers everything
Lock, bottle, whale, elephant
Storm, activist without school
Terror without sequel
Memories of my grandma
My life isn’t for sale, my family isn’t for sale
The future isn’t for sale isn’t for sale, isn’t for sale
If I don't say it I forget, I forget
If I don’t say it I forget
Gândeşte-te la Laura
Din când în când
aş vedea-o zâmbind
şi mi-ar face ziua într-un mare fel...
O fată cu aşa ochi
ar privi prin minciuni
şi-ar vedea ce spune inima ta.
Gândeşte-te la Laura, dar râzi, nu plânge
Ştiu că aşa ar vrea ea
Când te gândeşti la Laura, râzi, nu plânge
Ştiu că aşa ar vrea ea...
Prietena unui prieten
Prietenă până la final
Ăsta-i genul de fată care era ea.
Dispărută atât de tânără
Dispărută fără un semn...
Te ştiu şi eşti aici
în fiecare zi ce-o trăim
O ştiu şi e-aici
O pot simţi când cânt...
Hey, Laura, unde eşti acum?
Eşti oare departe de mine
N-aş crede
Cred că eşti aici
luându-ne lacrimile...
Cât timp pot să mă prefac
mai sigură și indiscretă,
ne modelăm sufletul
de parcă am fi de lut.
Această vară e normal
că ne face să ne-ndrăgostim.
Sub un cer magic,
privește cum își mișcă șoldurile marea...marea.
Chitarele răsună.
Printre note și zarvă
oprește această iubire,
n-o lăsa să se clatine.
Și un vals amuzant
am să te-nvăț a dansa.
Privește cât e de magic,
privește cât de bine dansează marea!
Tu în fond ești
un pic de nisip printre degete,
pe care-l voi pierde, poate, mâine,
dar nu mai contează.
Pentru că ești
ca nisipul sub soarele
ce arde puțin, dar nu face rău.
Nisip de mare ești...hei hei hei...
Cât timp pot să mă merg
la granițele inimii tale,
unde se naște liberă
obișnuința de-a iubi.
Și dacă trebuie să te pierd,
nu mă lăsa să înțeleg asta.
Să respirăm o clipă,
privește cum își mișcă șoldurile marea...marea.
Tu în fond ești
un pic de nisip printre degete,
pe care-l voi pierde, poate, mâine,
dar nu mai contează.
Pentru că ești
ca nisipul sub soarele
ce arde puțin, dar nu face rău.
Nisip de mare ești.
Pentru că ești
un pic de nisip printre degete,
pe care-l voi pierde, poate, mâine,
dar nu mai contează...
My Band Plays Rock
My band plays rock
and all the rest as per the occasion,
we know well that in our country
to do everything is a requirement.
It’s a rock still young
just with a bit of latin flavour.
A music that is hope,
a music that is patience.
It’s like a train that has passed through
with a load of fruits.
We were at the station, yes,
but we were all sleeping.
And my band plays rock
for the one that saw it and for the one who wasn’t there,
and for the one who, on that day there,
was chasing one of his chimeras.
And don’t wake yourselves up,
oh, not yet.
And don’t stop us,
no, please, no.
My band plays rock
and it changes face as per the occasion,
from when political alliances
have become a requirement.
You will see us in crinoline
like ugly ballerinas.
You’ll see us dance
like young mosquitoes.
You’ll see us at the border
with our car on hold
but it will have made it:
the music went through.
It’s a rock still young,
just with a bit of latin flavour,
it travels without a passport
and us, behind it, short of breath.
It penetrates in your wall,
it makes a breach in your door
but, after all, it comes to tell you
that your soul is not dead.
And don’t wake yourselves up,
oh, not yet.
And don’t stop us,
no, please, no.
No, oh.
My band plays rock
and it’s an eternal departure,
it travels well at amplitude modulation
and at frequency modulation.
It’s a rock still young
just with a bit of latin flavour.
A music that is hope,
a music that is patience.
It’s like a train that has passed through
with a load of fruits.
We were at the station, yes,
but we were all sleeping.
And my band plays rock
for the one that saw it and for the one who wasn’t there,
and for the one who, on that day there
was chasing one of his chimeras.
And don’t wake yourselves up,
oh, not yet.
And don’t stop us,
oh no, oh oh, please, no.
And don’t wake yourselves up,
oh, not yet.
And don’t stop us,
no, please, no.
Iubire, iubire, lângă tine
Iubire, iubire, lângă tine
dispare totul în jurul meu,
pe lume nu ești decât tu,
numai tu.
Ziua nu mai apune,
noaptea nu mai există,
timpul e muzică pentru mine,
lângă tine.
Sărută-mă, și toate sărutările mele
ți le voi da doar ție.
Iubește-mă, și mereu mai mult
te voi iubi,
și nicicând, și nicicând, și nicicând nu te voi părăsi.
Iubire, iubire, lângă tine
nu mai există nimic în jurul meu,
pe lume nu ești decât tu,
eu te iubesc.
Iubire, iubire, lângă tine
nu mai există nimic în jurul meu,
pe lume nu ești decât tu,
eu te iubesc,
eu te iubesc,
eu te iubesc!
Departe de mine
Departe de mine,
tu vei regreta
mii de lucruri pe care
să le uiți n-ai să poți.
Departe de mine,
te vei trezi
cu amintirile tale,
mai singur pe lume ca oricând.
Dacă o voce, un cuvânt
îți va aduce vântul,
mereu despre iubirea mea
îți va vorbi.
Departe de mine,
mâine vei fi
mai singur ca oricând.
Din pricina asta, într-o zi te vei întoarce.
Dacă o voce, un cuvânt
îți va aduce vântul,
mereu despre iubirea mea
îți va vorbi.
Departe de mine,
mâine vei fi
mai singur ca oricând.
Din pricina asta, într-o zi te vei întoarce.
Mâine vei fi
mai singur ca oricând.
Din pricina asta, într-o zi te vei întoarce.
The Things I'm Not Waiting For
Versions: #1
Surprised at the centre of a storm,
the volume loud inside my head.
My ideas are smoke,
flames of a fire that is only mine.
And if by chance I find you around those seas
sailing your dream until you reach it
with no need for you to say anything,
I'll stay to keep you company.
I can only look at the same spot
where you're looking at,
and thus I start to think
that I've already won
by convincing you that you're great.
Like the things I'm not waiting for.
Like that 'Thank you' that is so truthful.
Like the sincere embrace you give me
with nothing in return.
Like the perfume of a surprise,
or the hope that clings onto something.
Any place where I'm with you,
I'm at home.
Like the September sun
scorching Rome,
the snowy station
when it sticks out
or like those who shout and clap their hands
'cause they're the best at a concert.
I can only return to the same spot
where you want me to.
What is mine is yours, I assure you that.
I gave you everything
because you're great.
Like the things I'm not waiting for.
Like that 'Thank you' that is so truthful.
Like the sincere embrace you give me
with nothing in return.
Like the perfume of a surprise,
or the hope that clings onto something.
I'm defeating you, convincing you
that you're great!
That you're great!
Like the things I'm not waiting for.
Like that 'Thank you' that is so truthful.
Like the sincere embrace you give me
with nothing in return.
Like the perfume of a surprise,
or the hope that clings onto something,
that's why anywhere I'm with you,
I feel at home.
In a Nearly Pink Room
Look, we're alone in this room,
yet there's someone watching us.
Do you hear it? You can't even hear the noises,
yet there's something moving.
Kiss what tastes like you
and turn off this too-strong light.
Beautiful, I'm travelling miles per hour
with you in a nearly pink room.
Here no one can divide
what God has wanted.
Here no one can decide for us.
Caress me without shame.
Even laugh, if you want to.
And you'll see sooner or later you'll do it
out of here.
With no fear and with the sun.
With no more eyes to avoid.
With no fear and with the sun
with the courage of those who want to.
Look, this love becomes greater
and squeezes us inside this room.
So, outside, let's dress again and then go outside,
and let's alight all our dreams.
Under this blue sky, courage.
No one will separate anymore
my hand from yours.
You'll see.
With no fear and with the sun.
With no more eyes to avoid.
With no fear and with the sun,
with the courage of those who want to.
Look, we're alone in this room
yet there's someone watching us.
Where are you and how are you?
It's hard.
I know,
you know it.
I halt at the red light.
It's you whom I look for amidst the people
on foot, by taxi or inside the buses.
Two eyes that look at you and then leave
like two strong gusts, they lose themselves in the traffic
and one horn after the other, and who knows?
Where are you?
How are you?
I'll change
if you change.
Two because
we are
two fighters,
two veterans.
Two love songs,
you and I, no matter how.
With the same words
sitting at a caffé.
And I would like to tell you now that you're leaving,
that if it's love, my love, you'll see,
you'll live out of love.
But this evening,
what are you doing?
Me, phoning you.
You are not at home - 'Leave a message',
but the answering machine is faster than me
who never knows what to say,
and now I'll try to go out.
Tonight I'll find you, I know it.
Where are you?
How are you?
You're not here
but where are you going?
Me, I'm here like you
with this fear of loving
for two minutes, two hours or an eternity.
We're two wheels in the sea of this city
where everyone is in need of love
the way you and I do.
Two love songs.
You and I, no matter how.
With the same words
sitting at a caffé.
And I would like to tell you now that you're leaving,
that if it's love, my love, you'll see, you'll live out of love.
Where are you? How are you?
How are you?
You're not here but where are you going?
You and I,
forever or never.
We are,
we are two.
Two love songs.
You and I, no matter how.
With the same words
sitting at a caffé.
Write to Me
Write to me
when the wind has undressed the trees
and the others have gone to the cinema
but you want to stay alone
and you don't feel like talking, so
write to me.
It will help you to feel less fragile
when in people you find
only indifference.
Don't you ever forget about me.
And if you have nothing to say,
nothing special,
you mustn't worry,
I'll understand.
It's enough for me to know
that you think of me even for a minute
because I know how to be content
with even just a greeting.
We don't need much
to feel each other close.
Write to me
when the sky seems clearer
and the days prolong themselves.
Don't wait for the evening
if you want to sing.
Write to me
even when you think
you've fallen in your love.
Don't you ever forget about me, about me.
And if you don't what to say,
if you can't find the words,
you mustn't worry,
I'll understand.
It's enough for me to know
that you think of me even for a minute
because I know how to be content
with even just a greeting.
We don't need much
to feel each other close.
Write to me
even when you think
you've fallen in love.
Write to me.
I Sing
The mist that settles down in the morning.
The stones on a road on the hill.
The falcon that will lift.
The first ray of sun that will come.
The snow that will melt
running towards the sea.
The print of a head over the pillow.
The slow and uncertain steps of a child.
The look of serenity.
The hand that will lend itself.
The joy of those who wait.
For this and for what will come
I sing.
My hands inside my pockets and I sing.
The voice at the party and I sing.
The band in my head and I sing.
I run with the wind and I sing.
My whole life and I sing.
The spring and I sing.
My prayer and I sing
for whoever that listens to me.
I want to sing,
to sing always.
The smell of the coffee in the kitchen.
The house all filled with the morning.
And the lift that doesn't work.
My love for my city.
The people that will smile
along the street.
The branches that narrow down towards the sky.
An old man walking all by himself.
The summer that will later pass.
The grain that will ripen.
The hand that will pick it up.
For this and for what will come
I sing.
My hands inside my pockets and I sing.
The voice at the party and I sing.
The band in my head and I sing.
I run with the wind and I sing.
My whole life and I sing.
The spring and I sing.
The last evening and I sing
for whoever that listens to me.
I want to sing,
to sing always.
To sing!
(I sing, I sing...)
My hands inside my pockets. (I sing, I sing...)
The voice at the part and I sing.
My whole life and I sing.
I run with the wind and I sing.
And I sing!
My whole life and I sing.
I sing
for whoever that listens to me. (For whoever that listens to me...)
(I sing...) For whoever that listens to me. (I sing, I sing...)
(I sing, I sing...)
(I sing, I sing...)
Along the Way
Me and my eyes, we have grown up together
with a restless soul asking around for a place that doesn't exist
between a thousand fresh bicycle mornings,
a thousand more sunsets behind the wires of the tram
and a pang of hunger for smiles and arms around me.
Me and my drawers of memories and addresses that I have lost.
I've seen the faces and voices of people I've loved leaving sooner or later.
And I've breathed an unknown sea during the long
and empty hours of a city summer
next to my shadow naked out of melancholy.
Me and my numerous shut-away evenings like when closing an umbrella
with my face over my chest reading me my pains and my problems.
I've walked those streets that bend themselves following the wind
and inside a sense of uselessness,
and fragile and violent, I've told myself, 'You'll see, you'll see, you'll see'.
Along the way, you'll see
you're not alone anymore.
Along the way, you'll find
a hook in the middle of the sky.
And you'll feel the street making your heart beat.
You'll see more love, you'll see.
Me, too small amidst all these people in the world.
Me who has dreamt on a train that has never left.
And I've run in the middle of moonlit white prairies
to rip one more day off from my ingenuity,
and young and aged, I've told myself, 'You'll see, you'll see, you'll see'.
Along the way, you'll see
you're not alone anymore.
Along the way, you'll find
a hook in the middle of the sky for you as well.
And you'll feel the street making your heart beat.
You'll see more love, you'll see.
And no song, not even this one, will be ever able to change our life,
but what is that that makes us move forward and say it's not over yet?
What is that which breaks our hearts amidst songs and love?
That which always makes us sing and love more?
So that tomorrow is better because tomorrow you.
(Along the way, you'll see...) So that tomorrow is better because tomorrow you.
(Along the way, you'll see...) So that tomorrow is better because tomorrow you.
(Along the way, you'll see...) So that tomorrow is better because tomorrow you.
(Along the way, you'll see...) You won't be alone.
(Along the way, you'll see...) No, no.
(Along the way, you'll see...)
I turn the TV off
and the suspended butterfly falls down.
Ah, it even happens to me.
It is one of my limits.
I break down even for nothing.
If I think about it, I get shivers.
Even you told me that,
you told me.
I pushed you away.
I sense the smell of the city.
I do nothing, I stay shut away in here.
There goes another limit of mine.
I didn't know how to tell you that
just thinking of you gives me shivers,
even to an imbecile like me,
like me.
But don't think of me anymore.
I told you to aim.
Love breaks the heart.
Shoot! Shoot! Shoot, my love!
Don't think of us anymore.
What are you waiting for?
Love breaks the heart.
Shoot! Shoot! Shoot right in here.
I know who I am
even if I haven't read Freud.
I know the way I'm made
but I can't seem to untie myself.
And that's why I'm here
and you're kilometres away.
'Cause who knows whom with you'll sleep
now over there.
But don't think of me anymore.
I told you to aim.
Love breaks the heart.
Shoot! Shoot! Shoot, my love!
Don't think of us anymore.
What are you waiting for?
Love breaks the heart.
Shoot! Shoot! Shoot right in here.
Right in here.
But don't think of me anymore.
I told you to aim.
Love breaks the heart.
Shoot! Shoot! Shoot, my love!
Don't think of us anymore.
What are you waiting for?
Love breaks the heart.
Shoot! Shoot! Shoot right in here.
Shoot right in here.
Shoot, shoot, shoot, my love.
A Day Without You
Versions: #1
Don't make jokes, I'm sad.
I don't even have the will to pretend anymore.
I have nothing to tell you
if the love you give me is enough for us both.
Give me time - don't force me. Who knows
what I saw in you.
If I loved you once.
If everything has already turned off inside me.
Because I need you, yes, but when? Who knows.
It's so hard to live like this, with a thousand doubts in my heart.
A day without you would be good.
I could discover if I love you.
A day without you is not that important,
just for pleasure...
today. My head and my heart contradict each other.
It's a confusion, a labyrinth.
I'd even want to escape from myself.
No, don't hate me, love!
Give me a day.
I'm changing my memories.
They fight each other because they desire you like this.
Because now I don't feel you
and a desert has gotten inside me.
And I look for a new dream
where the other one stayed.
One motive to live for.
I beg you, don't tell me 'No'!
A day without you would be good.
I could discover if I love you.
A day without you is not that important,
just for pleasure... you know?
My dear, why don't you face me?
I don't know if it's a goodbye or a 'So long'!
It's a solution that pains me as much as it pains you.
Give me one day, nothing more.
Just for pleasure, no, so as not to leave you, no.
My head and my heart contradict each other.
It's a confusion, a labyrinth.
A day without you
even if I know that it pains me.
Give me a day.
I Can't Explain It to Myself
I'm missing a bit of the air that blew
or simply your white back... na na na na na na na na.
And that clock didn't work anymore.
It always stopped from morning to evening.
He looked at you like I did.
I will never cry for you
in spite of what I was for a while, no... no no no no no no no no.
Yes, I admit it, once in a while
I think fo you but
you don't touch me anymore.
It's just that I was thinking how useless it is to talk nonsense
and believe I'm fine when it is winter but you
don't give me your constant love.
You don't hug me and repeat I'm great.
You remind me that I revive in many things... na na na na na na.
Houses, trips, cars, books, journal pages.
'Cause even if I'm no longer worth anything, at least I
will allow you to walk
and if you want to, I'll give you the sea and the sun.
Excuse me, you know I don't want to bother,
but how can this be over?
I can't explain it to myself.
I can't explain it.
The black night and the full moon
offered us a bit of atmosphere.
I still love him.
Every detail is air I'm missing
and if I feel like this, it's because of spring,
but I know that is an excuse... no, no.
It's just that I was thinking how useless it is to talk nonsense
and believe I'm fine when it is winter but you
don't give me your constant love.
You don't hug me and repeat I'm great.
You remind me that I revive in many things... na na na na na na.
Houses, trips, cars, books, journal pages.
'Cause even if I'm no longer worth anything, at least I
will allow you to walk.
It's just that I was thinking how useless it is to talk nonsense
and believe I'm fine when it is winter but you
don't give me your constant love.
You don't hug me and repeat I'm great.
You remind me that I revive in many things... na na na na na na.
Houses, trips, cars, books, journal pages.
'Cause even if I'm no longer worth anything, at least I
will allow you to walk
and if you want to, I'll give you the sea and the sun.
Excuse me, you know I don't want to bother,
but how can this be over?
But how can this be over?
But how can this over?
Ce A Scris El
Iartă-mă Hera, nu pot rămâne
Mi-a tăiat limba, n-a mai rămas nimic de salvat
Iubește-mă Doamne, el m-a aruncat
A râs în fața păcatelor mele, în brațele sale trebuie să rămân
El a scris, sunt distrus, te rog trimite după mine
Dar și eu sunt distrusă și promisă, nu mă ispiti
Pielea ei e albă, iar eu sunt ușor ca soarele
Așa că lumina sfântă strălucește peste tot ce-ai făcut
Deci l-am întrebat cum de-a devenit cine este
Cum a învățat să țină roadele în mână
Și unde este mielul ce ți-a dat numele
A trebuit să plece deși l-am implorat să rămână
M-a părăsit când aveam nevoie de lumină
M-am prăbușit, jelind pentru viața mea
Dacă ar fi rămas, poate ai înțelege
Dacă ar fi rămas, nu-mi mai luai niciodată mâna
El a scris, sunt abătut, te rog trimite după mine
Dar și eu sunt distrusă și promisă, nu mă ispiti
Și unde este mielul ce ți-a dat numele
A trebuit să plece deși l-am implorat să rămână
L-am implorat să rămână în strânsoarea mea rece
L-am implorat să rămână la lumina vasului
Eu luptându-mă cu el, cu lumina și cu zorile
Valurile au venit, l-au furat și l-au trimis la război
El a scris, sunt distrus, te rog trimite după mine
Dar și eu sunt distrusă și promisă, nu mă ispiti
Iartă-mă Hera, nu pot rămâne
Mi-a tăiat limba, n-a mai rămas nimic de salvat
Iubește-mă Doamne, el m-a aruncat
A râs în fața păcatelor mele, în brațele sale trebuie să rămân
El a scris, sunt distrus, te rog trimite după mine
Dar și eu sunt distrusă și promisă, nu mă ispiti
Noi scriem, e în regulă, îmi lipsește parfumul lui
Vorbim când ni se vorbește, e benefic pentru noi
E benefic pentru noi, e benefic pentru mine
In this new house of ours
Harmony is so beautiful
In this new house of ours
Seems like a miracle
This garden does not border
Only divide us from the world
While you drink with the swallows
Me, between fresh flowers and travel, me
I always came back
Fortunately in time
To make you the moon
What you give me
You are unaware of me
Without asking, you give me
We arrive where you want
You have something inside you
That works, that works, that works
You have something inside you
That repairs when everything seems to end
You always say little
Just the time of a photo
And don't move away from the rules
Me, between songs and travels, me
I always came back
Fortunately in time
To make you want
What you give me
I preferred your life
And I can make it almost mine
This you is being difficult
You have something inside you
That works, that works, that works
You have something inside you
That repairs when everything seems to end
Don't forget, don't forget
That the house is born to leave out evil
Eh, eh ..
New house to return
Don't forget, don't forget
That the house is born to start again
Eh, eh ...
Something inside you
Na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na
Something inside you ...
You have something inside you
That repairs when everything seems fine
Harmony is so beautiful
In this new house of ours
In this new house of ours
I Would Do This Again
Now I'm scared and regretting a bit
You're standing in the entry with your bags on the floor
I'm looking at the window, worn down paint
You're dropping your last sentences
Never has it
echoed more than this in here
Doesn't anyone have instructions
for how we should do this
You leave steam on the window
We can not hurt each other anymore
But if you ask me
I would do this again
You leave only murmurs behind you
Even though it wasn't perfect
If you ask me
I would do this again
If you want to build something
You should be able to love tirelessly
However we couldn't wait
Our whole lives for better times
Can I fill the shelves
You're leaving empty
And will the hole ever fill
That you'll make in me
You leave steam on the window
We can not hurt each other anymore
But if you ask me
I would do this again
You leave only murmurs behind you
Even though it wasn't perfect
If you ask me
I would do this again
You slept a couple of nights in the hallway
When you were dumb and I was wrong
That doesn't matter anymore
What was ours is now my home only
You leave steam on the window
We can not hurt each other anymore
But if you ask me
I would do this again
You leave only murmurs behind you
Even though it wasn't perfect
If you ask me
I would do this again
I would do this again
I would do this again
I would do this again
If you ask me
I would do this again
Lasă-mă sa plâng
Stiu ca devin irațională
Acum sunt un pic explozivă
Asa ca mai bine ai avea grija
Stiu ca ma îmbrac asa obisnuit
In patul meu ma întind pe diagonala
Pentru ca sunt total singura acum (chiar acum)
In trei cuvinte ma doare inima
Dar de ce simt asta in tot corpul?
Asta e cel mai rau
Depresia a devenit un obicei
Voi sta pe picioarele mele, dar nu azi
Voi șterge durerea si o voi arunca mai departe
Voi fi draguta acum in ochii tai
Dar cand ma părăsești, doar lasa-ma sa plâng
Voi fi ok, doar trebuie să joc mai departe
Alanis toată noaptea si de-a lungul zilei
Ma voi ridica, dar nu azi
Azi sunt un dezastru, doar lasa-ma sa plâng
Scoate totul afara iubitule
Băiatul, tu nu ai fost vreodată sensibil
In fiecare noapte necontrolabil
Cum faci asta? (Cum?)
De ce postezi tot ce faci?
Este din cauza faptului că vrei sa vad ca iti merge bine?
O duci bine (mai bine ca mine)
In trei cuvinte ma doare inima
Dar de ce simt asta un tot corpul?
Peste tot, asta e cel mai rau
Depresia a devenit ceva obisnuit
Voi sta pe picioarele mele, dar nu azi
Voi șterge tot si voi merge mai departe
Voi fi draguta in fata ta
Dar cand ma părăsești, doar lasa-ma sa plâng
Da totul afara
Voi fi bine, doar trebuie să îmi joc rolul
Alanis toată noaptea si ziua
Ma voi ridica dar nu azi
Azi sunt un dezastru, lasă-mă să plâng
Da totul afara iubitule
Da totul afara
Da totul afara
Lasa-ma lovită, lasă-mă să tip
Lasa-ma lovită, lasă-mă să tip in plapuma mea
Lasa-ma sa te dau afara
Lasa-ma sa te dau afara din viata mea
Voi sta pe picioarele mele, dar nu azi
Voi șterge tot si voi merge mai departe
Voi fi draguta in fata ta
Dar cand ma părăsești, doar lasa-ma sa plâng
Da totul afara
Voi fi bine, doar trebuie să îmi joc rolul
Alanis toată noaptea si ziua
Ma voi ridica dar nu azi
Azi sunt un dezastru, lasă-mă să plâng
Da totul afara iubitule
(haven't touched)...any star
As I gave, I still want to give,
As I took, I still want to take
to understand the world as it is
and I want to reach for a star...
Life is like a closed circle
Haven't opened it unil now...
No regrets abou the past
and I sit and do what I want to do,
but even today ... I haven't touched any star...
How I'd want to choose
the right path, no matter how hard it is!
I don't mind, I can wait...
I want to have my star
I want to reach it
I want to have it
for I haven't touched any star...
The horses beat the dust off the paths
I don't want, don't want you to go
to pass just like the potion through me
to stay, to do what you want
and then, to touch a star...
How I'd want to choose
the right thought of all that's bad!...
I don't mind, I can wait...
I want to have my star,
I want you to be my star
I want to reach for it
for I haven't touched any star...
for I haven't touched any star...
Don't you care 'bout what they say,
Life really gives you anything you want
If you know, you can take
but I want... I want it, I want...
I want to have my star,
I want you to reach for it
I want to have it
for I haven't touched any star...
I want to have my star
Oh, God, how much I want,
for I haven't touched any star...
Neighbourhood is rocking
It's late in the night,
leaden sky
darkness of grey
and a road that I know...
All around, I feel wings growing
I smile and stop myself
The houses talk to me
I listen and I wake up
The lights are on one by one
I listen to a groove
and from every window,
a song is coming down the street.
I know, I see
My neighbourhood is rocking
I listen, I look
I want to say that I love you
I turn and sing
sky is up and earth is down
and all around, I see
the neighbourhood that's rocking...
It's monday at the dawn
i hear voices of children
and you come to my place
to tell me what you know more
Mr wind, I want you to know
Mr wind, I want you to know
The coffee's boiling in the kettle
and all are now set
I got one only thing to explain more:
It's wonderful to sing on the streets at night
It's wonderful to sing on the streets at night
Shadow Zone
There's a shadow zone you illuminate
So you know
The one that's looking for confirmations
And never grows up
Keeping quiet is a talent
But I look at you
And wait for
You to say it
You are beautiful as I know you
You are beautiful as I know you
And this need is a trap
'Cause I never know
Whether my love is more unreasonable
Than what you give
Keeping quiet is a talent
I don't have, but
You can do it
And I, I can't
You are beautiful as I know you
You are beautiful as I know you
Don't ask me why
And what's its sense
You only do it for me
For my vanity
To make me feel good now
You can say it
(You can say it)
You are beautiful as I know you
You are beautiful as I know you
'Cause you're beautiful as I know you
(What's its sense, you only do it for me)
You are beautiful as I know you.
(For my vanity, to make me feel good)
You're beautiful
You're beautiful
You're beautiful
You're beautiful
Say, you are beautiful
As I know you
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.
Pure Holidays
Oh, when I hear holiday songs
I love to see my childhood delights again
The shining pine, the silvery snow
Christmas, my beautiful pure dream
Oh, when, when I hear play in the sky
The hour when Santa is coming down
I see your bright eyes again, Mommy
And I think of other pure holidays
Oh, when, when I hear play in the sky
The hour when Santa is coming down
I see your bright eyes again, Mommy
And I think of other pure holidays
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
That morning Zonti was headed to the lake
He jumped and dove
He would have never imagined what was happening
A nymph approached him
Zonti saw her in her splendor and his heart palpitated
Oh beautiful nymph, no, no
Don't escape, I want to give you my love
Make whatever you want out of me
But, I beg you, don't leave me
Beloved nymph, you bewitched my heart
So you made me fall in love
The nymph approached him and offered him, with so much ardor,
Her hand, and so
They vanished
Zonti opened his eyes
The light was strong
The sun high in the sky
What's happening to me?
The nymph had now already disappeared in the waters, satisfied with the kisses
With no reason she did so
The poor man despaired
Sought her everywhere
Oh beautiful nymph, no, no
Don't escape, I want to give you my love
Make whatever you want out of me
But, I beg you, don't leave me
Beloved nymph, you bewitched my heart
So you made me fall in love
He visited the rocks
Didn't know where else to go
He searched the woods
I'll find her!
Where are you? Can you hear me?
Where can I find you?
Enchanted beauty
Why aren't you here?
Oh my beautiful nymph, no, no
Don't escape, I want to give you my love
Make whatever you want out of me
But, I beg you, don't leave me
Beloved nymph, you bewitched my heart
So you made me fall in love
Such abandonment Zonti couldn't bear
And into the lake he chose to dive
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.
Curajul de-a merge înainte
Fă-te auzit,
Fă-te auzit,
Fă-te auzit,
Fă-te auzit,
Fă-te auzit!
Așteptând o privire
Care ar putea veni târziu de asemenea,
De câte ori timpul acesta
Ne-a furat o amintire?
Precum totul trece oricum,
Chiar și când nu o vrei,
Te regăsești pe tine cu vârsta
Și cu visele tale mai strânse.
Doamne, dar cum se poate asta
Să găsești curajul de-a merge mai departe
Chiar atunci când vrei să rămâi?
Spune-mi cum este posibil
Să te împaci chiar și atunci când doare
Și să continui?
Leagă-ți șireturile
Și ia-o de la capăt,
Amintindu-ți că nimic și nimeni
Nu-ți poate fura viitorul,
E important,
Tu ești important!
Și amintește-ți de tine însuți
Atunci când lumea te uită.
Mereu lasă o urmă
Pe o inimă trecătoare.
Precum totul trece oricum,
Chiar și atunci când nu-ți dai seama,
În privire poți găsi
Amintirile nicicând scrise.
Doamne, dar cum se poate asta
Să găsești curajul de-a merge mai departe
Chiar atunci când vrei să rămâi?
Spune-mi cum este posibil
Să te împaci chiar și atunci când doare
Și să continui?
Leagă-ți șireturile
Și ia-o de la capăt,
Amintindu-ți că nimic și nimeni
Nu-ți poate fura viitorul,
E important,
Tu ești important!
(Fă-te auzit,)
Fă-te auzit,
(Fă-te auzit,)
Fă-te auzit!
Leagă-ți șireturile
Și ia-o de la capăt,
Amintindu-ți că nimic și nimeni
Nu-ți poate fura viitorul,
E important,
Tu ești important!
Fă-te auzit
Fă-te auzit!
Ești important,
Tu ești important!
Share music and kindness!
The solution
It was you
Among all those people
It was you
With that important attitude
It was you
Who melted my sky full of kites
And turned the city full of walls into poetry
It was you
That night when we got lost
In a thousand phases, setbacks and adversities
Would you ever recognize me
With the eyes you have now
And even today I'll postpone to tomorrow
In order not to think about you any longer
But don't believe those who say
This time made us end up losing
Don't believe them
I'm leaving a past full of ghosts
And I'm searching for new horizons
In this summer night
Some cold is needed
I leave my fears to a gust of wind
To cover your shoulders just with my silence
And I can't distinguish anymore
Horizons, Universes, Destinations
But it's still you
The solution
It was you
That night when we wondered
Whether it had to end where all moments end
Anyway you already know
That you'll keep them
And even today I'll postpone to tomorrow
In order not to think about you any longer
But don't believe those who say
This fire will become ash
Just don't believe them
I'm leaving a past full of ghosts
And I'm searching for new horizons
In this summer night
Some cold is needed
I leave my fears to a gust of wind
To cover your shoulders just with my silence
And I can't distinguish anymore
Horizons, Universes, Destinations
But it's still you
The solution
With the red eyes of one who's run too much
Or maybe cried too much, I can't remember
But your memory I'm holding tight
Is my tomorrow
I'm leaving a past full of ghosts
With my future ahead
But in this summer night
Life's how it's supposed to be
I leave my fears
On the shoulders of time
And rewriting our sky in the dark in a different way
And I can't distinguish anymore
Horizons, Universes, Dimensions
But it's still you
The solution
The solution
The solution
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.
The solution
It was you, among all those people
It was you, with your look of importance
It was you, who painted my darkest space
And you transformed my portion of heaven into poetry
It was you, that night we missed
Between words, setbacks and lack of time
Maybe you'll recognize me in how you'll look
And also today I promise that tomorrow i wont think about you anymore
But dont believe the one who says
That this time will not go to waste
You must not believe
I leave a the spooky past
I look for new limits
In the autumn leaves I will hide my fears
I leave all my fear in the wind
And I cover your shoulders with prudent silence
And I can not even distinguish horizon, universe or my address
You are the only solution
It was you, that night we asked ourselves
If we would end up where all the moments would end
But you already know, that you will keep them
And also today I will leave that tomorrow I wont think about you
But dont believe the one who says
That all the fire will scatter
The good will remain
I leave a the spooky past
I look for new limits
In the autumn leaves I will hide my fears
I leave all my fear in the wind
And I cover your shoulders with prudent silence
And I can not even distinguish horizon, universe or my address
You are the only solution
With fatigue and with no more encouragement
Of running without crying
It's your memory that I will never lose
Its my tomorrow
I leave a the spooky past
Without fearing the present
On this autumn night
Life belongs to those who want it
I leave my fear with a shout in the wind
To touch blindly, our sky again
And I can not even distinguish horizon, universe or my address
Well, you are the only solution
The solution (X2)
Laura Palmer
In the trees, there are souls, I think
Souls growing, becoming different
In every leaf so silent
Lie still – Lie still – Lie still
I'm gone. Long gone. Like a turkey in the corn
You're not a turkey. A turkey is one of the dumbest birds on Earth
Gobble, gobble, gobble
I'd like to be alone like other people
I'd like to learn something about the soft, white clothes I wear
Like everyone else does
Lie still – Lie still – Lie still
I'm gone. Long gone. Like a turkey in the corn
You're not a turkey. A turkey is one of the dumbest birds on Earth
Gobble, gobble, gobble
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.
Little Savannah Tree
Little savannah tree...
I have come to ask you, ask you:
If when he went away from me, little tree...
Did you see him pass by, pass by?
Open your dreams to heaven
Without a cry, loneliness.
The dead field smells
The sweet sundown flower.
You, with momentary sorrow,
Only sand from swamp.
Dreaming of May air,
How much pain you have!
That even there are no leaves left to you,
Little savannah tree!
Dreaming of May air,
How much pain you have!
That even there are no leaves left to you,
Little savannah tree!
Little tree with fine leaves,
Nest made with pains,
Since you have no leaves,
The sun kisses your thorns.
Herd without pawns,
I pass with my song,
And you, in your profound silence
Remains drier and sad.
Little tree, you saw him,
You saw him pass by!
And you, in your profound silence
Remains drier and sad.
Little tree, you saw him,
You saw him pass by!
Little savannah tree...
I have come to ask you, ask you:
If when he went away from me, little tree...
Did you see him pass by, pass by?
- En: Total, partial or modification reproduction of this lyrics without the express and/or written permission of the author is prohibited. All translations on this website are protected by ''.
Enjovher® All Right Reserved.
Copăcel de savană
Copăcel de savană…
eu vin să te întreb, întreb
dacă atunci când el m-a lăsat
tu mi l-ai văzut trecând, trecând.
Fără un țipăt, singurătatea
își deschide cerului visurile,
câmpul veșted miroase
floarea dulce a amurgului.
Tu, mâhnit în clipa asta,
nisip curat al mlaștinii,
visând aerul lunii mai,
câte dureri vei avea
că nu-ți mai rămân nici frunze,
copăcel de savană!
Visând aerul lunii mai,
câte dureri vei avea
că nu-ți mai rămân nici frunze,
copăcel de savană!
Copăcel cu frunze fine,
cuib de dureri curate,
fiindcă nu mai ai frunze,
soarele îți sărută spinii.
Fruntaș fără turmă,
eu trec cu cântarea mea,
iar în tăcerea ta adâncă
rămâi mai uscat și trist.
Copăcel, tu l-ai văzut,
tu mi l-ai văzut trecând.
Iar în tăcerea ta adâncă
rămâi mai uscat și trist.
Copăcel, tu l-ai văzut,
tu mi l-ai văzut trecând.
Copăcel de savană…
eu vin să te întreb, întreb
dacă atunci când el m-a lăsat
tu mi l-ai văzut trecând, trecând.
Sîntem praf de stele
Am ajuns aici jos, aici jos
Și sîntem plini de întrebări
Care le pui și tu, tu
Dar întrebările erau arme
Pînă cînd am învățat să mă iubesc
Pentru cine sînt eu
Și pentru cum eu sînt
Pentru că nimeni nu te poate salva
Din temerile inaintea ta
Atunci doar tu, numai tu
Numai tu, așa ești tu
Fă ce ești tu
Fă-o cu mîndrie
Și [la] unde [vrei] să mergi ai să ajungi
Așa te vreau
Fă ce ești tu
Cînd doare mai tare
Când vei înțelege asta, [după] fiecare greșeală
Poți construi un vis
Umplă sunetele
Pornește-te pe mâini
Îmbrățișează, ca și uraganele,
Toate visele de mîine
Stinge lumina
Ridică-ți vocea
Minunat, cum ești tu
Sîntem suflete flămînzi
De apusuri de soare și poezie
Și de curajul care îi aparține
Cui n-au plecat, niciodată
Încă mai credem în detalii
Lucrurile simple și trezirile care
Schimbă lumea
Fiecare secunda
Sîntem aici să ne ascultăm unul pe celălalt
Și trebuie să ne iubim unii pe alții
Cum vrei, cum ești tu
Fă ce ești tu
Fă-o cu mîndrie
Și [la] unde [vrei] să mergi ai să ajungi
Așa de vreau
Fă ce ești tu
Cînd doare mai tare
Cînd vei înțelege asta, [după] fiecare greșeală
Poți construi un vis
Umplă sunetele
Pornește-te pe mîini
Îmbrățișează, ca și uraganele,
Toate visele de mîine
Stinge lumina
Ridică-ți vocea
Minunat, cum ești tu
Umplă sunetele
Pornește-te pe mîini
Îmbrățișează, ca și uraganele,
Toate visele de mîine
Stinge lumina
Ridică-ți vocea
Minunat, minunat, minunat
Cum ești tu