Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 5

Număr de rezultate: 171


Cazul e Pierdut

Niciodată nu mi-am imaginat-o
Azi mă duc
de aici
Oglinzi sparte am să te las
deja mă duc
n-am să mă întorc
[Ți-]E o viață
Una singură
pentru care nu te voi pedepsi
Și ții minte de mine?
De ceea ce a fost?
Nu țin minte de tine
De tot răul tău
Poate ca o să te afecteze
Uite-te la mine acum.
Ce pedeapsă ai să primești?
Ce pedeapsă ai să primești?
Las în urma greșelile pe care
deja în sfîrsit
n-am să le repet
N-am să te iert
De acum
[Ți-]E o viață
una singură
iar am să o iubesc din nou.
Ții minte de mine?
Țin minte de tine?
De tot răul tău
Poate ca o să te afecteze
Uite-te la mine acum
Ce scuze ai să implori?
Ce scuze ai să implori?
Îmi spuneai că
ești destinul meu
în călătoriile mele
Rămîi de partea mea
Mă aveai
totdeauna pe prim plan
dintr-o dată
cazul e pierdut.
Tin minte de tine
Acum tin minte
fara sentinta ai sa ramii
fara sentinta ai sa ramii.
Mai tii minte de noi?
Azi ma duc,
n-am sa ma intorc!

The Case is Lost

I never saw this coming
Today I'm leaving
This place
I'll leave you with broken mirrors
I'm out of here
I'm never coming back
There is one life
Only one
For which I won't blame you
Do you remember me?
Do you remember what was?
I remember you
And all your bad parts
Perhaps seeing me now
Will have in impact on you
What sentence shall you serve?
What sentence shall you serve?
I'm leaving behind the mistakes that
I shan't repeat
My forgiveness, I'll avoid giving you
From now on
Just forgive yourself
There is one life
Only one
And I come to want it again
Do you remember me?
Do you remember what was?
I remember you
Of all your bad parts
Perhaps seeing me now
Will have in impact on you
What excuse will you plead?
What excuse will you plead?
You used to tell me
You're the destination
Of my travels
Stay by my side
You used to keep me
In the foreground always
The case is lost
I remember you
I remember now
You'll remain without a sentence
You'll remain without a sentence
Do you still remember us?
I'm leaving today
I'm never coming back


There's two sides to the truth
- one of them is hidden,
the one that matters and that will matter
is the one you'll feel.
For this trip there's no lies
nor excuses to make,
let the wind open the sails
that will make you not want to return.
Your light is there1
and the sea will be illuminated,
you will be amazed
at seeing so much immensity.
There's so many steps that
turn you into electricity,
let the current take you
towards freedom.
Your light is there1
and the sea will be illuminated,
you will be amazed
at seeing so much immensity.
It's you that immediately
ignites the light,
may the ice melt
the thirst of life.
The summer blows out
the summer blows out
the infinite night sky
is there...2
At last
it only depends on you
on our limits
that are undefined
(that are undefined).
The summer blows out
the summer blows out...
(May the ice melt the thirst of life)
now believe me
(believe me)
now follow me
(follow me)
Your light blows out
and the sea will be illuminated,
you will be amazed
at seeing so much immensity.
It's you that immediately
ignites the light,
may the ice melt
the thirst of life.
The summer blows out
the summer blows out
the infinite night sky
is there...2
(Your light blows out)
it's there
(and the sea will be illuminated,
you will be amazed
and it's there, and it's there
(at seeing so much immensity).
The summer blows out
the summer blows out
the infinite night sky
is there...2
  • Your light blows out
  • the infinite night sky blows out
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation).


Cele două ferestre

Se întîmplă așa
Ca să ne pierdem
Și ca zăpezile să acopere
Pașii întreprinși pînă aici
Sîntem două ferestre
Unde soarele nu intră niciodată
Cînd întunericul rămâne
E [atunci cînd] îmi lipsești
Mîinile de pe perna
Ochii tăi peste mine
Îi am cautat din departe
Cînd am inteles ca în mine
Ai văzut doar nevăzutul
Uită-te la mine
Dacă nu te aud, ascultă-mă
Dacă stau liniștită, stai aici
Toate cele bune pe care le-ai simțit încă există
Îmi pare rău
Dacă nu te-am înțeles, ajută-mă
Sînt aici pentru asta, îmbrățișează-mă
Pentru că mai văd lumină în cele două ferestre
Două ferestre
Am avut atît de mult și [chiar] mai mult
Dar printre lucrurile pe care le am
Nu m găsit adăpost
Nu l-am gasit[, dar]
Se spune că soarta
Iartă numai pe ea însuși
Dincolo de ceea ce avem
Spune dacă îți place și de ce
Spune cine îți place și de ce
Uita-te la mine
Dacă nu te aud, ascultă-mă
Dacă stau liniștită, stai aici
Toate cele bune pe care le-ai simțit încă există
Îmi pare rău
Dacă nu te-am înțeles, ajută-mă
Sînt aici pentru asta, îmbrățișează-mă
Pentru că mai văd lumină în cele două ferestre
Totuși, sînt atît de fragilă
Mă simt în mijlocul panicii
Absența care mă atacă
Nu știi cît de greu e să
Se piardă pe marginea unui pat
Unde nu te găsesc niciodată
Uită-te la mine
Dacă nu aud, ascultă
Dacă există tăcere, stai aici
E o noapte complicată, dar numai a noastră
Și iartă-mă
Dacă nu te înțeleg, ajută-mă
Sînt aici pentru asta, îmbrățișaează-mă
Pentru că mai văd lumină în cele două ferestre
Uită-te la mine
[Cînd] dragostea e mereu iubită, ea rezistă înăuntru
Uită-te la mine
Dacă te caut, ascultă-mă
Sînt aici pentru asta, îmbrățișează-mă
Toate cele bune pe care le-ai simțit
Încă există

Greșeala mea cea mai mare

m-ai învolucrat în probleme
ochii mei sînt ca însule
unde niciodata nu călătorești
mai deștept poate mai mult decît mine
Pentru a mă însala fără nicio mască
Și te-am crezut pe tine
Un „flash” a durat
am fost înșelată de noi
iar cu instinctul unei femeii
azi știu cine ești.
Un joc la care niciodată nu cîștig
greșeala mea cea mai mare
cum mă superi
Capcana zilor mele
într-adevăr greșeala mea cea mai mare
care totuși o voi face din nou.
Spune-mi, spune-mi, cum te simți?
pări ca înger deprimat
care niciodată nu zboară
Îți jur m-aș cununa cu tine.
iar este un drac ascuns în lacrimile
care tu mi le aduci
Un „flash” a durat
eram înșelată de noi
iar nu e drept să o [transformi] într-o dramă
atît de bine știu cine.
Un joc la care niciodată nu cîstig
greșeala mea cea mai mare
cum mă super
goliciunea sub pașii noștri
Ești greșeala mea cea mai mare
Care [totuși] o voi face din nou.
Îmi contrazic
Cu sărutările mele dar așa e
Stinge luminile și du-te singură
Cum sînt nebună după tine.

Live me

Versions: #6
I need nothing else, now that,
Your immense love enlightened me inside and out.
Believe me this time,
Believe me because...
Believe me and you'll see,
It'll never end.
I’ve got a wish written up high
In the sky, that flies,
My thoughts are independent of my body.
Believe me this time,
Believe me because..
It would harm me
I already know it
There's great space inside you and I,
Open skies that
won’t close on us now,
Since we know what longing is.
Live me with no fear,
Whether an hour or a lifetime.
Don't leave me here alone and vulnerable,
My new space which is now yours,
I beg you!
Live me with no shame,
Even if the whole world's against it,
Leave appearances, take what makes sense, And feel what I am inside.
You transform into a canvas
Inside of me,
Covering my blank and tired walls.
Believe me this time,
Believe me because,
It would hurt me over and over again.
If, in my reality
I now have something else
Which I didn't have then,
You need to live me a little bit more.
Live me with no fear,
Whether an hour or a lifetime.
Don't leave me here alone and vulnerable,
My new space which is now yours,
I beg you!
Live me with no shame.
Even if the whole world's against it,
Leave appearances, take what makes sense, And feel what I am inside.
You've unlocked in me, the fantasy,
Days of unlimited bliss await.
It's your script-my life,
You focus it, you conduct it
And put the ideas.
Live me without fear now,
Even if the whole world is against it.
Leave appearances and take what makes sense, And see what I am here, inside.

Am crezut în mine

Am crezut în mine
M-am oprit la un sezon
Fără fericire
Plin de persoane
Cîștigă cei care ramîn
Eu ramîn
Am crezut în mine
Ca si cum aș fi o altă
Care îmi spune 'Oprește-te
oprește-te de data asta'
Care îmi spune 'ascultă
ceea ce deja știi'
Am vrut doar să mă bazez pe o inimă
și să am timpul pentru a construi
Cînd[,] nu prea spunînd nimic
Nu am spus nimic
Cînd sîngele în vene
aproape plomb era
Cînd mi-ai spus 'îmi pare rau'
de prea puține [ori,] oricum
Și ai hotarît să te duci
Eu din nefericire nu
Am crezut in mine
În ochii mei negri
Ca anumite seri
Cînd nu respiri
Cînd cade cerul
Iar nu mori
Și aici se termină
Această ploie fină
Care vopseșite aerul
Ca un anotimp
Le-am mințit pe toti
Iar am crezut în mine
Am vrut doar să trag la o inimă
O lovitură fără amortizor
Cînd[,] nu prea spunînd nimic
Nu am spus nimic
Cînd sîngele în vene
aproape plomb era
Cînd mi-ai spus 'îmi pare rau'
de prea puține [ori,] oricum
Și ai hotarît să te duci
Să taci o durere
Eu într-adevăr nu

Travelers in the wilderness

Night is falling on another day
and we still didn't reach the shore
we wandered through pointless
that lied us again
and all was just in vain...
We got tired to rush hour by hour
after chimeras that come and go
We'd want at least a little oasis of truth
so we don't get lost in vain...
Travelers in the wilderness
seeking a living place
to stop at the late time
Travelers in the wilderness
burnt by the thirst to know
that can't live without the truth
We have our fate in our back
older with a day...
For such a long time,
we didn't look in the eyes
as if we're fearing to find what we are
we still spin in a closed circle
and wonder that today we're finding the dream promised yesterday...
We got tired to rush hour by hour
after chimeras that come and go
We'd want at least a little oasis of truth
so we don't get lost in vain...
Travelers in the wilderness
seeking a living place
to stop at the late time
Travelers in the wilderness
burnt by the thirst to know
that can't live without the truth
We have our fate in our back
older with a day...
Travelers in the wilderness
seeking a living place
to stop at the late time
Travelers in the wilderness
burnt by the thirst to know
that can't live without the truth
We have our fate in our back
older with a day...

Lady Laura

I'd like once to turn into a kid
And to scream that I need you so much
Allow me to take you in [my] arms and hear an old song
With a fearless princess that resembles me
And I would like [to hear] your voice that says: Courage, babe
You will have all the things and love desires that you wish for
How many are the things and the lovers that have separated us
And at least life returns, stronger than us
Lady Laura take me home again
Laura Laura still a story
Laura Laura [will] you cuddle me a bit?
Lady Laura
Lady Laura take me home again
Lady Laura still a story
Lady Laura hug me tight
Lady Laura
How many times have I lost myself deep in the night
With problems and much [lit. gigantic] that never win
Come yet to pass your had in the middle of my hair
Come tell me: courage, babe if you want you'll make it
When I was a kid I was an island in your arms
And I knew how to sleep peacefully there wherever you were
And I return to hear from you the words from when
My life was all a beautiful dream and much more
Lady Laura take me home again
Laura Laura still a story
Laura Laura [will] you cuddle me a bit?
Lady Laura
Lady Laura take me home again
Lady Laura still a story
Lady Laura hug me tight
Lady Laura
I'd like once to turn into a kid
And to scream that I need you so much
Allow me to take you in [my] arms and hear an old song
With a fearless princess that resembles me
Lady Laura take me home again
Laura Laura still a story
Laura Laura [will] you cuddle me a bit?
Lady Laura
Lady Laura take me home again
Lady Laura still a story
Lady Laura hug me tight
Lady Laura
Lady Laura take me home again
Laura Laura [will] you cuddle me a bit?
Lady Laura
Lady Laura take me home again
Lady Laura still a story
Lady Laura hug me tight
Lady Laura

If you love you know

Versions: #4
Don’t say no
Cuz I know you and I know what you think
Don’t tell me no
It’s been a while that I don’t hear you talk about love
And use the future tense to talk about us
And it doesn’t help to still repeat that you want me
Because now, that smile of yours for me in the morning is not there
Because you don’t give me anything of you anymore
If you love, you know when it’s over
If you love you know like a sad moment
Like a movie that we know the end, that goes by, oh no
You know when a love story is over and there no more making up excuses,
If you love me hold my hands
Because before tomorrow comes
It will be over
And you can’t
Close your eyes and pretend nothing happened
Like you do when you are with me
And you don’t know how to tell me what’s going on
Inside of me will be like a winter night
From now on it will be without you.
If you love you know when it’s over
If you love you know like a sad moment
Like a movie that we know the end, that goes by, oh no
You know well when the pain begins and
And comes to an end a love story
If you love me hold my hands
Because before tomorrow comes You’ll be gone and you won’t be here with me


Francesca is
in my thoughts,
I carry her with me,
Francesca is mine.
She gave everything meaning
and one day she left us.
My little darling,
since I've promised you our tales,
I confide them to this red ballon
that's heading for the clouds.
If your love is there
that means that
it lives in me
for eternity.
Your struggle has been left here
in your room,
in my heart.
My little darling,
your reflection still shines in my tears.
the challenge of remembering you now
where you are no longer.
Don't feel sorry, walk away,
even if the reason hurts,
I dream now that alongside the moon,
you are well.
God has called for you
but He knows that one day I'll come for you,
wait for me, for I am your mother
and will know how to recognize you
Francesca is there,
Francesca is mine.
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation).


Our Story Ended

I would never say
I'm getting over us1
I'd break empty mirrors
There's a life, only one
In which I won't hold anything against you
Do you remember me, who I was before?
I remember you, all the hurt that you do
And what do you feel when you see me?
I never condemned you
I never condemned you
How many mistakes tied to yours
That I won't repeat, starting now
I'll avoid giving forgiveness
I'm taking away what I know
There's a life, only one
And I'll take it back
But do you remember me, who I was before?
I remember you, all the hurt that you do
And what do you feel when you see me?
I never asked you to excuse me
You never asked for an excuse
You asked me to stay close
Those smiles with a flooded heart
You always put me in first place
But then, all of a sudden, our story ended
I remember you, I still remember
I never judged you
I never judged you
Do you remember us?
I'm leaving
I won't come back
  • 1. 'Scappo via' means 'I'm going away', 'I'm escaping', but I decided to use a more poetic language
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Without Saying Goodbye

Much can be said about me
I'd rather walk in my own pace
I only have myself to blame for
The many deeds of my existence
And I've made many mistakes
Here on the path of life
And I have stones in my shoes
So I'm not in a bed of roses now1
Your mom and dad think I am evil
Your friends are dodging me
But after all I'm not the one
Who walked away without saying goodbye
I'm not the one that don't understand
There's always a thorn when you're in a bed of roses
Are you in a bed of roses now
You never opened up your mouth
And said you had had enough
You pretended to and let it to happen
Cause you were filled up with love
Yes, that's what you told me
Until I believed you intirely
Until I had blind trust in you
But the bad guy, wait, that's me?
Your mom and dad think I am evil
Your friends are dodging me
But after all I'm not the one
Who walked away without saying goodbye
I'm not the one that don't understand
There's always a thorn when you're in a bed of roses
Are you in a bed of roses now
La-la-la-la-la, La-la-la-la-la
La-la-la-la-la, La-la-la-la-la-la
La-la-la-la-la, La-la-la-la-la-la
La-la-la-la-la, La-la-la
Maybe I'm a drama queen
And maybe I have something buried away
But it wasn't me who all of a sudden had
A brand new personality
It wasn't me who suddenly left
And you're now in a better place
Don't you have any stones in your shoes
Are you in a bed of roses now
Your mom and mom think I am evil
Your friends are dodging me
But after all I'm not the one
Who walked away without saying goodbye
I'm not the one that don't understand
There's always a thorn when you're in a bed of roses
Your mom and dad think I am evil
Your friends are dodging me
But after all I'm not the one
Who walked away without saying goodbye
I'm not the one that don't understand
There's always a thorn when you're in a bed of roses
Are you in a bed of roses now
La-la-la-la-la, La-la-la-la-la
La-la-la-la-la, La-la-la-la-la-la
La-la-la-la-la, La-la-la-la-la-la
La-la-la-la-la, La-la-la
La-la-la-la-la, La-la-la-la-la
La-la-la-la-la, La-la-la-la-la-la
La-la-la-la-la, La-la-la-la-la-la
La-la-la-la-la, La-la-la
  • 1. ”Ingen dans på roser” is the danish equivalence to the idiom ”No bed of roses”, only the danish idiom litterally means ”No dance on roses”

The Only Thing

I see no legends anymore
Just a picture of you
You're standing by a lake
With one arm around me
And I have nothing to look forward to anymore
So in a way I'm free
But without you in that picture
I have nothing more to give
The only thing that works
Is the dreams I still have
Where you come by
And remember my name
The only thing that works
Is the thought that maybe some day
You come by
And want me back
I get nothing to eat anymore
Now the body decreases again
As a genuine crazy person
I'm doping my mind
Cause I see no legends anymore
Just a picture of where you used to stand
Smiling in love
To the one you left behind
The only thing that works
Is the dreams I still have
Where you come by
And where you remember my name
The only thing that works
Is the dreams I still have
Where you come by
And where you remember my name
The only thing that works
Is the thought that maybe some day
You come by
And want me back

The Fortunate Ones

There is a place
That only the two of us know of
Where stars are shining down
There I'll wait until you are here
A Summers night, an eternity
Until you are in it once again
And are able to see that we are the fortunate ones
We are the fortunate ones
I can't understand how eyes that blue
Are not eyes I can trust
Can't understand how grass that green
Is just something I dreamed
So maybe I'm wrong
Maybe I'm wrong
Maybe I'm wrong
Yes, I know I'm wrong
There is a place
Before me and behind me
Where we always walk together
Even though they say I should forget about you
A moment, an eternity
Untill you are in it once again
And are able to see that we are the fortunate ones
We are the fortunate ones
I can't understand how eyes that blue
Are not eyes I can trust
Can't understand how grass that green
Is just something I dreamed
So maybe I'm wrong
Maybe I'm wrong
Maybe I'm wrong
Maybe I'm wrong
If you break it off
Maybe I'm wrong
It's over my dead body
Maybe I'm wrong
If you break it off
Maybe I'm wrong
It's over my dead body
Maybe I'm wrong
If you break it off
I can't understand how eyes that blue
Are not eyes I can trust
Can't understand how grass that green
Is just something I dreamed
I can't understand how eyes that blue
Are not eyes I can trust
Can't understand how grass that green
Is just something I dreamed
So maybe I'm wrong
Yes, I know I'm wrong
Yes, I know I'm wrong
Yes, I know I'm wrong

100 Kroner

You knew when you first saw me
I was born a winner
I understood you
Not like the other women here and there
But when you couldn't reach me
You couldn't get any further
You saw that you could rip me off
Like the other women here and there
And here and there
When I opened up, it was gone
When I opened up, you were gone
Cause you stole all my millions
Now all I have left is a hundred Kroner1
And what's to use that for
What's the use of tha-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-at
What's to use that for
Yes, what's the use of tha-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-at
Well, like a thief in the night
Through the storm, the rain and the thunder
You saw you could take it
If it works, well, then it works
Here and there and here and there
When I opened up you were gone
Cause you stole all my millions
Now all I have left is a hundred Kroner1
And what's to use that for
What's the use of tha-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-at
What's to use that for
Yes, what's the use of tha-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-at
You, now I sit broken
And the bar is open
Can't get what I want
How can you make sense of that
You have been leading astray
Like a wolf amongst lambs
And transfered to Sweitzerland
If you were here you would be given tar and feathers
Cause you stole all my millio-o-o-ons
Now all I have left is a hundred Krone-e-e-er1
Yes, you have stolen
Now all I have left is a hundred Kroner1
And what's to use that for
What's the use of tha-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-at
What's to use that for
Yes, what's the use of tha-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-at
What's to use that for
Yes, what's the use of tha-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-at
  • Danish Krone, the currency in Denmark

Half Truths

Ask for forgiveness
For what you have destroyed
Don't you ever think
of coming back to me ever again.
When I quit
being in front of you kneeled,
you are the one who says
that the floor is not cold
And today that makes me bury the pain on the ground,
there wasn't a better place.
Could it be that friendship drowned in your cold blood?
that your faithfulness took shelter in mine?
I won't be by your side anymore
Because there are no more reasons,
Poor half truths,
they are half the truth.
My exhausted heart
Has notified me,
Always stubborn
Always faithful to himself
You have become the cold breeze of October
Better ally I couldn't have.
Could it be that friendship drowned in your cold blood?
that your faithfulness took shelter in mine?
I won't be by your side anymore
Because there are no more reasons,
Poor half truths,
they are half the truth.
And incomplete phrases die
because they are not true.
Let's throw it all
Quick, how little you care.
Even anger is gone
at seeing that it is nothing
the few things that remain.
How much violence you used when telling me 'I love you'
It was as useless as a gunshot.
Could it be that friendship drowned in your cold blood?
That your faithfulness took shelter in mine?
I wouldn't want to change anymore
all your convictions,
Incomplete phrases die
because they are halfway done.*


If it's you I dream about
If it's me you dream about
If reality is a dream
Then why don't we just do it
If it's me that you want
If it's you that I want
If you dream about eloping
Then why don't we just do it
I am no angel
But you don't care
Cause you've got the devil inside
You know what you want
So let's go
We are atoms without time
The sun rises only for you and I
Hokay Hey
If it's you that I like
If it's me that you like
If a life is what flew by
Then why don't we just do it
If it's me that makes you happy
If it's you that makes me happy
If life is a Summers day
Then why don't we just do it
I am no angel
But you don't care
Cause you've got the devil inside
You know what you want
So let's go
We are atoms without time
The sun rises only for you and I
Hoka hey
Make, you make, you make me immortal
We, we are, we are, we are endless
Look the world opens up to you
You make, you make me immortal
We, we are, we are, we are endless
Look the world opens up to you
You make, you make me immortal
We, we are, we are, we are endless
Look the world opens up to you
Hoka hey
I am no angel
But you don't care
Cause you've got the devil inside
You know what you want
So let's go
We are atoms without time
The sun rises
I am no angel
But you don't care
Cause you've got the devil inside
You know what you want
So let's go
We are atoms without time
The sun rises only for you and I
Hoka hey


I'm walking the streets of the city
There's sunshine on my way
I aim while I pretend
like this is a game
I have seen all that I wanted
I have heaven in my hand
All the knights have been played
Now I'll sing my own song
Now I'll walk my own walk
Now I'll find my own way out
And turn over and correct wrong
Now I'll start a wildfire
Now I'll start a wildfire
I fly through thoughts
Now the parks are in blossom
And M. Jane is put in chains
There's sunshine before my foot
I'm someone that never falls
Someone they all fall for
Cause what do I do when it counts
Then I'll sing my own song
Then I'll walk my own walk
Then I'll find my own way out
And turn over and correct wrong
Then I'll start a wildfire
Then I'll start a wildfire
Now I'll make my own country
Now I'll make my own country
Now I'll make my own country
And if there's neither fish nor fowl here
Then I'll start a wildfire
Then I'll start a wildfire
Then I'll start a wildfire
And fuel my God damn country
Now I'll sing my own song
Now I'll walk my own walk
Now I'll find my own way out
And turn over and correct wrong
Now I'll start a wildfire
Now I'll start a wildfire
Now I'll start a wildfire
And fuel my God damn country
Now I'll start a wildfire
Now I'll start a wildfire
Now I'll start a wildfire
Now I'll start a wildfire, wildfire, wildfire

The Bravery to Move On

Make yourself heard
Make yourself heard
Make yourself heard
Make yourself heard
Make yourself heard

Waiting for a glance
That may come late as well
How many times has this time
Has stolen a memory of us
As everything passes anyway
Even when you don't want it
And you find yourself with your age
And with your dreams tighter
God, but how is it possible
To find the bravery to move on
Even when you want to stay
Tell me how is it possible
To get back up even when it hurts
And keep on
Tying the shoes
And start over
Remembering that nothing and no one
Can steal your future from you
It's important
You, you are important
And remember yourself
When the world forgets you
It always leaves a trace
On a passing heart
As everything passes anyway
Even if you don't realize it
In the eyes you can find
The never written memories
God, but how is it possible
To find the bravery to move on
Even when you want to stay
Tell me how is it possible
To get back up even when it hurts
And keep on
Tying the shoes
And start over
Remembering that nothing and no one
Can steal your future from you
It's important
You, you are important
(Make yourself heard)
Make yourself heard
(Make yourself heard)
Make yourself heard
Tying the shoes
And start over
Remembering that nothing and no one
Can steal your future from you
It's important
You, you are important
Make yourself heard
(Make yourself heard)
You are important
You, you are important
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Francesca (Little Alien)

Francesca is here
In an idea
I carry her inside me
Francesca is mine
She has given everything a sense
And then she flew away
My little angel
That day I promised you
All my fairytales
I send them
On the red balloon
Through the clouds
Your heart is here
And it means
That you live in me
It won't stop
You fought for so long but
Your soul
Now is free
My little angel
Now your reflection lies
Amid my tears
I had you
To give you what I could
Nothing is useless
Little alien
You walk away
But I remain by your side
Maybe in the night
From the Moon
You look for me
God took you
Because He knows that I'll come to take you back
I'll be there as well
Will you know how to recognize me that day?
Francesca is here
Francesca is mine
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

The World Speaks

Versions: #2
Sometimes it feels, like the world is a closed room
Where everyone speaks, and you don't want to hear them anymore
Words lose their meaning as the silence fades
Everyone has their own truths, and you don't want to hear them anymore
Because you also have everything to say
100,000 megadecibels destroys it all
The silence crumbles apart and you can't bear to hear them anymore
Stop for a moment and pause time for a few minutes
Then you'll know that you, too, are part of the chaos here
Not everything has its place and time
Your voice
Is there to cry out
And tries to catch the impossible
By reaching upward from the ground
Your song, your path, let them sound everywhere
It becomes a part of you
And makes the whole world listen
Sometimes it seems like the world is a closed room
Where everyone speaks, and you don't want to hear them anymore
Because you also have everything to say


Simone, Simaria

Your magnetic eyes were enough
You left me breathless
When the rhythm began
My body surrendered to yours
You and I, connected
I already forget all of my modesty
You and I, in love
Nothing else exists around me
For me, you're a spell
How could it be possible before you?
I survived
You're a spell and I already know
That what I've been waiting is about to happen
I'll lose myself in your game
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
This is a new feeling
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
This is a new feeling
I wake up and I see you again
(I see you)
Then we laugh and become accomplices
(We're accomplices)
What I feel inside me is already getting bigger
(What I feel inside me)
It's a new dizziness that never ends
(It never ends, it never ends)
You and I, connected
I already forget all of my modesty
You and I, in love
Nothing else exists around me
For me, you're a spell
How could it be possible before you?
I survived
You're a spell and I already know
That what I've been waiting is about to happen
I'll lose myself in your game
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
This is a new feeling
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
This is a new feeling
This is a feeling
This is a new feeling
This is a feeling
This is a new feeling
For me, you're a spell
How could it be possible before you?
(It was possible...)
I survived
You're a spell and I already know
That what I've been waiting is about to happen
I'll lose myself in your game
(I'll lose myself...)
To your body
My body surrendered
Surrendered, surrendered, surrendered...
You and I, connected
You and I, in love
This is what I want
This is all that I want, dear
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
(Love, love, love, my love)
I want love
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Un plan pentru o viață împreună

Știu diferențele dintre noi,
Sunt evidente, dar
Să mă întorc nu a fost
Niciodată pentru mine.
Poate că ești diferit de mine,
Dar opusele se atrag,
O logică există.
Viața nu este niciodată cum ne imaginăm,
Dar cu tine această teorie este dezvăluită prin practică,
Voi trece peste o mie de îndoieli și temeri,
Dacă există un plan pentru o viață împreună,
O voi face.
Tu stii,
Lucrurile nu sunt întotdeauna așa cum vrem
Și tu nu ești excepția.
Eu, fără nici o armă, așa,
Continui de aici.
Și stau chiar dacă
Sufletul uman este sensibil
Și reușesc să mă conving pe mine însumi că...
Viața nu este niciodată cum ne imaginăm,
Dar cu tine această teorie este dezvăluită prin practică,
Și pentru asta,
Dacă trebuie să rescriu fiecare pagină,
Voi accepta, fără îndoială și fără frică,
Voi accepta acest plan pentru o viata impreună,
Îl voi accepta fără jumătate de măsură.
O voi face pentru noi,
Pentru a nu pierde o șansă, ultima,
Îl voi accepta,
Îl voi accepta,
O voi face.
Deoarece ceea ce simt pentru tine,
Este atât de evident...

E atât de frumos așa

Încep din nou de aici
și îmi botez toate relele,
având credință în mine
fără să glumesc cu mine însămi,
dar cu un principiu de apărare.
Pun pariu complet pe noi,
este atât de frumos așa,
mai bine mai tarziu decat niciodata,
Pot fi eu
șansa pe care ai așteptat-o o viață
și eu
voi fi mai mult,
voi fi certitudinea pe care o cereai tu.
Este incontestabil
că de când m-ai vrut,
ai pus pariu totul pe noi.
Lasa trecutul tău așa cum este
și adu-mi ce-i mai bun
din prezentul tău,
distruge cuvintele celor care nu te iubesc, ci îți spun 'da'.
Nu e destul,
ci lasă-te să privești puțin mai mult,
ca o strălucire,
lucești ca în perioada rotirii (a soarelui / lunii)
e atât de frumos așa.
Vino la mine așa cum ești
fă-o chiar acum, nu te mai întoarce vreodată,
ai cel mai important lucru,
îl ascunzi în ochii mei,
dar merită mai mult.
Ești perfect așa,
cu dinții tăi strălucitori,
Punct și de la capăt, de aici,
Lasă trecutul așa cum este
Îl voi aduce împreună cu mine
în prezentul tău.
O jumătate de viață este mult pentru cel care
te vrea și spune 'da',
și o face pentru totdeauna.
Lasă-te admirat puțin mai mult,
fără rușine,
mi-ai provocat reacția, tu
E atât de frumos așa.
Sunt sinceră, o stii,
când vorbesc despre noi,
aproape indecentă
Cânt încetișor, dar nu este
un sunet din mine
atât de puternică.
și lasă-te/ permite-ți să privești puțin mai mult
ca o strălucire,
lucești ca în perioada rotirii (a soarelui / lunii),
e atât de frumos așa,
e atât de frumos așa...
Aât de frumos...

A plan for a life together

Versions: #2
I know, our differences
Are obvious, but
Getting back has
Never been my thing,
Maybe you're different from me,
But opposites attract,1
There's a logic behind it
Life is never how we imagine,
But with you this theory is debunked by how things stand,
I'll overcome a thousand doubts and fears,
If there's a plan for a life together,
I'll go for it
You know,
Things aren't always as you wish
And that's not an exception for you,
I, without any weapon,
Keep going this way from here
And I stand even if
The human soul is sensitive
And I manage to convince myself that
Life is never how we imagine,
But with you this theory is debunked by how things stand
And by the doubts
And if I need to rewrite every page,
I'll accept, no doubts, no fear,
I'll accept this plan for
A life together without half-measures
I'll do it for us,
Not to waste a chance, the last one,
I'll accept it,
I'll accept it,
I'll go for it
Because this is what I feel for you,
It's so obvious
  • 1. Laura doesn't really use this expression, but it looks to me that this is what she means. Literally she sings: opposites find themselves in each other.

Primavara prematura

Nimic nu presupun,
nimic din ceia ce am,
nici cel mai mic fior, acum nu
Este mai mult oxigen
in perimetrul meu
este un simptom
foarte clar
Recunosc...esti cauza a mea primara
acum in mine
din tot bunul ce este
esti primavara prematura
ah-a-a-a dovada ce
demonstreaza ce efect ai asupra mea
pentru ca...
Autoportreul nostru
deja... nu depinde de tine
este un cintec
Pentru aceasta se schimba aerul in plamini
totusi tu esti...esti
esti tot bunul ce este
esti primavara prematura
ah-a-a-a dovada ce
demonstreaza ce efect ai asupra mea
pentru ca...
Florile...ce nasc din maracini
aici afara lasa cictarici... greselele mele
ah-a-a-a ah-a-a-a
Fara nici o indoiala esti tu arhitectul
de aceasta primavara ce este
in mine
aici afara
in autoportretul de noi doi.

Fată amuzantă

Nu este amuzant, nu este amuzant
Oh, totul a inceput ca o gluma
Dar in prezent, eu cad, acum eu cad
Caderea glumei devine veche
Caci eu am privit asta in mine insami
De prea mult timp, da
Nu este amuzant, nu este amuzant
Te-am facut sa razi de fiecare data cand noi vorbeam
Mi-am inchis inima in ezitare
Pentru un motiv serios, tu ai gasit codul
Am facut sa cada peretii
Am demolat acoperisul
Gata sa suport totul, dar
Tu o privesti, ea te priveste
Eu ma sparg, ce as putea sa fac
Pentru a te face sa simti asta cu mine de asemenea?
Si asta devine dificil, nu voi minti
De a pastra sub tacere tot ceea ce resimt in mine
Cand tu intri si cand tu mirosi a parfumul ei
La ce te gandeai?
Pentru tine, eu sunt fata amuzanta
Ma vezi tu, ma vezi tu
Ca un foc urcand in fum?
Ma auzi tu, ma auzi tu
Deschizandu-mi inima la fiecare nota?
Caci m-am jucat eu insami
De prea mult timp
Am facut sa cada peretii
Am demolat acoperisul
Gata sa suport totul
La ce te gandeai?
Tu o privesti, ea te priveste
Eu ma sparg, ce as putea sa fac
Pentru a te face sa resimti asta cu mine de asemenea?
Si asta devine dificil, nu voi minti
De a pastra sub tacere tot ceea ce resimt in mine
Cand tu intri si cand tu mirosi a parfumul ei
La ce te gandeai?
Pentru tine, eu sunt fata amuzanta
Atunci spune-mi ce astepti
Eu iti promit, am inteles totul bine
Ce trebuie sa fac pentru a vedea ca
Eu sunt chiar aici?
Si daca vreodata ai nevoie sa plangi
Iti promit, am inteles totul bine
Ce trebuie sa fac pentru a vedea ca
Eu sunt chiar aici?
Tu o privesti, ea te priveste
Eu ma sparg, ce as putea sa fac
Pentru a te face sa resimti asta cu mine de asemenea?
Si asta devine dificil, nu voi minti
De a pastra sub tacere tot ceea ce resimt in mine
Cand tu intri si cand tu mirosi a parfumul ei
La ce te gandeai?
Pentru tine, eu sunt fata amuzanta

Am nevoie de dragostea ta

Aş traversa deșertul pentru a fi acolo unde eşti TU
Aș face tot ceea ce pot pentru a fi alături de tine
Un milion de mile nu pare a fi atât de departe
M-aș duce oriunde, doar ca să-ți câștig inima.
Dar oriunde m-ar duce acest lucru
Există ceva, ceva de care am nevoie.
Am nevoie de dragostea ta
De genul care te face să vrei să trăiești,
De genul care te face să vrei să respiri,
De genul care te face să te simți, e prea mult
Am nevoie de tine
Pentru a mă ajuta să găsesc o cale mai bună
Și cred că niciodată nu te-ai gândit, că mă vei auzi spunând ...
Am nevoie de dragostea ta,
Am nevoie de dragostea ta.
Când te văd îmi pierd mintea
Ești tot ce credeam că nu voi găsi niciodată
Sunt sigură, un înger are grijă de mine
Cu puțin noroc, vei fi al meu
Pentru că vreau să cred (vreau să cred)
În tot, ceea ce putem fi (tot ce putem fi)
Am nevoie de dragostea ta
De genul care te face să vrei, să trăiești,
De genul care te face să vrei, să respiri,
De genul care te face să vrei, să simți, e prea mult
Am nevoie de tine
Pentru a mă ajuta să găsesc o cale mai bună
Și cred că niciodată nu te-ai gândit, că mă vei auzi spunând ...
Am nevoie de dragostea ta,
Am nevoie de dragostea ta.
Oh, te voi prinde când te prăbușeşti
Voi fi cea mai mare dragoste,
Promit să fiu
Dacă îmi dăruieşti ceea ce am nevoie, am nevoie.
Am nevoie de dragostea ta,
Am nevoie de tine
De genul care te face să vrei, să simți,
De genul care te face să vrei, să trăiești,
De genul care te face să vrei, să respiri.
Am nevoie de tine
Să mă ajuți să găsesc calea cea bună
Și cred că niciodată nu te-ai gândit, că mă vei auzi spunând
Am nevoie de dragostea ta,
Am nevoie de dragostea ta.
Am nevoie de dragostea ta, iubite
Am nevoie de dragostea ta.
Aş traversa deșertul,
Aş traversa deșertul, pentru a fi acolo unde eşti TU.
Dana Kósa

Fantastic (Do what you are)

Versions: #2
We are dust of a star
That has lost the light, the light
Under question wavers
What will you do also, you
And the questions will be bullets
Until you didn´t put wings
To your thought
To your feelings
Because there is not a single face
In the currency that now turns
You choose, you save yourself
You choose, only you
Look for the signal
And it will be clearer
Where you come from and where you are going
I love you so
Look for the signal
Your wound will heal
Your brand is your battle written in gold
Your true sign
Put sound
And make sense
To the dream that you have never fulfilled
That one second you have believed
As you want
Do what you are
Fantastic, only you
We are souls who persecute
In the sun's rays
Because fear doesn´t stop
What the cold saved, saved
It's the details that count
Never let them lie to you
They inject poison
In everything good
Choose another path
For the course of your story
You choose, only you
Look for the signal
And it will be clearer
Where you come from and where you are going
I love you so
Look for the signal
Your wound will heal
Your brand is your battle written in gold
Your true sign
Put sound
And make sense
To the dream that you have never fulfilled
That one second you have believed
As you want
Do what you are
Fantastic, only you
Put sound
And make sense
To the dream that you have never fulfilled
That one second you have believed
As you want
Do what you are
Fantastic, fantastic, fantastic
Only you

The Bread and the Wine

You told me to change
So I will be useless
But if I hurt myself
Someone feels me
Feels me
Feels me
If I can't recognize myself
I buy myself another face
One that will hide me well
And that you will like
We're hanging on a wire
And we sweetly swing
Everyone with the problems
That were created by their minds
I can't love myself more than I love you...
I took the bread and the wine
And I always dodged
I slowly chewed
The vows and measures
We had everything
But this everything was nothing
I preferred the wine
And you fucked other people
I rebelled
And the dirty shirts
Where you left your shames
And where I found them dead
We're hanging on a wire
And we sweetly swing
Everyone with their mistakes
Competing on who loses more
I took the bread and the wine
And I always dodged
I slowly chewed
The vows and measures
We had everything
But this everything was nothing
I preferred God
And you, the phantoms of the past
The fear of growing up
Goes away with you
It goes away because
It can't make us laugh any more
It's not funny
To those who are only good in begging for love
Beg for love
Beg for love
I took the bread and the wine
And I always prayed
I slowly chewed
A custom-made sky
We had everything
But this everything was nothing
I preferred God
And you, the insults and the revenges
I preferred the wine
And you fucked other people
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Fantastic (Do what you are)

We're stardust
We ended up down here, down here
And we're full of questions
Which you're asking yourself as well, you
But the questions were weapons
Till I learned to love myself
For who I am
And for the way I am
Because nobody can save you
From the fears ahead of you
Then only you, just you
Just you, the way you are
Do what you are
Do it with pride
And you'll arrive where you're heading to
I want you that way
Do what you are
When it hurts harder
When you'll understand that, on every mistake
You can build a dream
Fill up the sounds
Turn on your hands
Embrace, like hurricanes,
All the dreams of tomorrow
Turn off the light
Raise up your voice
Fantastic, the way you are
We're souls hungrying
For sunsets and poetry
And for the courage that belongs
To those who didn't go away, never away
We still believe in details
The simple things and the awakenings
That change the world
Every second
We're here to listen to each other
And we're meant to love each other
The way you want, the way you are
Do what you are
Do it with pride
And you'll arrive where you're heading to
I want you that way
Do what you are
When it hurts harder
When you'll understand that, on every mistake
You can build a dream
Fill up the sounds
Turn on your hands
Embrace, like hurricanes,
All the dreams of tomorrow
Turn off the light
Raise up your voice
Fantastic, the way you are
Fill up the sounds
Turn on your hands
Embrace, like hurricanes,
All the dreams of tomorrow
Turn off the light
Raise up your voice
Fantastic, fantastic, fantastic,
The way you are
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.