Rezultatele căutării pagină 4
Număr de rezultate: 196
The most beautiful, those eyes and their lips
you look in the mirror, full of complexes
and he wonders if he's going to like someone today
the small face is painted the smile
And it was then that he drowned in his mouth
had a good time with pure problems
Oh, I couldn't say what happened there
and it was so that the heart was lost ..
Miss, madam,
To what extent this should affect
No no
Miss, miss
With love, fire and alcohol you don't have to play
My beautiful girl, I'm here thinking of you,
madam, little lady ...
Between laughter and laughter the make-up was run
The moon is running all night today
She couldn't say how or where or what happened
the night is young she screamed at the top of her lungs
And it was then that he drowned in his mouth
had a good time with pure problems
Oh I couldn't say what happened there
and it was so that the heart was lost ..
- CH -
I didn't know the heart could be so weak, for you or for me, my beautiful girl, I think of you, and today I am here so, so, so!
Dormi Liniștit
Dă-mi tandrețea
a sufletului tău alb
dă-mi toată frica
ce o ai înăuntru
dormi pe pieptul meu
Lasă viața
continuă să se învârtă
plângi când vrei
astfel încât pedeapsa
să iasă pe ușă
și astfel ne putem
iubi ... curat
Dormi liniștit
pretinde că nu este nimeni
în această cameră
dacă soarta ne-a pus în acest spațiu
Îl respect
Dormi liniștit
Știu că ai ajuns să treci
peste un eșec
Sper doar că lumina asta
ce e in burta ta
Îl văd în brațe
... doarme liniștit
Dă-mi privilegiul
să simt că sunt
sămânța sfântă care fecundă în tine
dă-mi toată frica
și astfel ne putem iubi fără complexe
Dormi liniștit
pretinde că nu este nimeni
în această cameră
dacă soarta ne-a pus în acest spațiu
Îl respect
Dormi liniștit
Știu că ai ajuns să treci
peste un eșec
Sper doar că lumina asta
ce e in burta ta
Îl văd în brațe
... doarme liniștit
... doarme liniștit
To love you again
Versions: #1
I'm in a hurry
Always against the clock
Everything that I lived was never for me
And although it hurts to accept it, it is like that
Silly stuff
Separate the two of us
An endless story repeats itself
And I know that I am part of you
Because after
Your love
There is nothing
And I recognize the fear in your eyes.
I always fall surrendered when you call me
Always at every minute I miss you again
You are for me
Since I saw you
I can't stop thinking about you
And I am so afraid
To love you again.
I would return
To bet
For this love
To lose my mind
You are the illusion
That catches my heart
Because after
Your love
There is nothing
And I recognize the fear in your eyes.
I always fall surrendered when you call me
Always at every minute I miss you again
You are for me
Since I saw you
I can't stop thinking about you
And I am so afraid
To love you again.
I always fall surrendered when you call me
Always at every minute I miss you again
You are for me
Since I saw you
I can't stop thinking about you
And I am so afraid
I am
So, so afraid
To love you again.
King of the World
If there are sometimes events that are a little tough and you have no strength left, do not panic, understand
There is one Unique and Special One here who always hears, loves so completely, wholeheartedly
And even in the lowest place in the world He exists
And even in the lowest place there is He revives them all
Because there is no space free from Him, and there is nothing that has disappeared from Him, so complete
From the King of the World
In life everyone falls and gets up and continues on their way
There is no choice left but just one choice
To choose the good and the sweet and God forbid not the other way around, the reality hides the truth
O să-ți amintești de mine plângând
Chiar dacă vrei nu vei putea
Refugiat în alte brațe, mângâierile mele
Convingându-te că o poți face
Că celelalte mâini
de pe corpul tău
te pot face să
Va veni în patul tău
Tremurând buzele și mâinile care rulează prin piele
O să-ți dorești ca mângâierile să fie ca alea de ieri
Aceleași care te-au încântat
Ca cele pe care le-ai învățat
Și când febra dragostei tale se va termina
Când vei fi singur în camera ta din nou
În mijlocul întunericului
Prin scuze
O să-ți amintești de mine plângând
O să-ți amintești de mine plângând
O să-ți amintești de mine plângând.
O să-ți amintești de mine, știu
O să plângi ca mine
Am făcut-o pentru tine
Vei surprinde zilele în fiecare zi
Zori noi
Întrebându-ți conștiința
Dacă am câștigat sau dacă am pierdut
Și când febra dragostei tale se va termina
Când vei fi singur în camera ta din nou
În mijlocul întunericului
Prin scuze
O să-ți amintești de mine plângând
O să-ți amintești de mine plângând
O să-ți amintești de mine plângând.
Septembrie a sosit din nou
și nu știu ce-o să mai inventez.
Parfumul tău îmi învăluie ființa,
nostalgia de ieri,
și sunt captiv în acest infern,
întrebându-mă cum și de ce.
Septembrie mă face să simt,
chipul tău zâmbește din nou.
Septembrie îmi amintește de iubirea
pe care-am trăit-o alături de tine,
și imaginea ta mă acoperă,
și nu mai pot rezista.
În septembrie ai fost a mea,
și acum a rămas doar melancolia.
Cum pot să-mi amăgesc inima,
dacă ea nu vrea să uite iubirea ta?
Azi septembrie nu e doar o altă lună,
ci tot ce am iubit mai mult.
Azi septembrie nu e poezie, fără pielea ta.
Septembrie îmi aduce singurătate,
simt că nu mai suport.
Văd cum trece timpul,
neliniștea mea crește,
îmi imaginez cum cade ploaia,
chipul tău în spatele geamului.
În septembrie ai fost a mea,
și acum a rămas doar melancolia.
Cum pot să-mi amăgesc inima,
dacă ea nu vrea să uite iubirea ta?
Azi septembrie nu e doar o lună,
ci tot ce am iubit mai mult.
Azi septembrie nu e poezi, fără pielea ta.
O poveste fantastică,
o lumină care mi-a aprins viața.
Nu-mi ajută la nimic rațiunea,
dacă azi nu-ți pot uita iubirea.
Azi septembrie nu e doar o lună,
ci tot ce am iubit mai mult.
Azi septembrie nu e poezie, fără pielea ta.
The girlfriend
You and I have something
You and I have something
You and I have something to kill
You and I have blood
You and I are hungry
You and I have something to kill
One two three
Four five
Your heart reinvents you
Six seven
How does it feel
To not have pending
Anything more between you and I?
One two three
Four five
Your heart reinvents you
Six seven
How does it feel
Not to have pending
Anything else between you and I?
You and I under the moon
You and I under the moon
Heal heal
Heal heal, heal heal
If you dont heal today, there may not be tomorrow
Heal jungle, heal beach
If the sea doesn't heal, the mountain no longer heals
When your wounds make rivers
I’ll bathe in your waters
When your fears are my own
I’ll hug your skirt
Hopefully it won’t be too late
To learn to love you
Heal heal, heal heal
If you dont heal today, there may not be tomorrow
Heal jungle, heal beach
If the sea doesn't heal, the mountain no longer heals
Like we believe the lie
Nothing happens here
If we sing this song
We clean the soul
If I don't say it I forget, I forget
And we return the calm
If I don’t say it I forget, I forget
And the party is over
If I don't see it, I don't stay blind
And the party is over
If I don't see it I don't stay blind
Heal heal, heal heal
Let them change the topic, and likewise we change nothing
Hashtag jungle, hashtag beach
The world isn’t what you see on your screen
We were selfish to love you
To bring you to the world
The future never mattered much
As when I see you
If I don't say it I forget, I forget
Your awakened senses
If I don't say it I forget, I forget
The sun and the wind
The sand, the drizzle
The guilt, the hills
The time, the oil
The fog that covers everything
Lock, bottle, whale, elephant
Storm, activist without school
Terror without sequel
Memories of my grandma
My life isn’t for sale, my family isn’t for sale
The future isn’t for sale isn’t for sale, isn’t for sale
If I don't say it I forget, I forget
If I don’t say it I forget
Windy in memory, It's cold in the room
The dark step of the evening tapped the windows
I want to run out, go to your house
Downloaded uber, talk to you
10 not accepted only from the mother
All messages only from the Ministry of Emergencies
A strange army with tanks are torn
I just want to talk to you
Strong swallows, gray clouds
Not lonely and useless
You don’t think how I live with you
I just want to talk to you.
I am soon 25
I wake up and switch off the alarm
Set on iPhone 11 Pro
I am leaving home for work too late,
I swear and go down the subway.
I look through the news:
Telegram has posted a news feed.
I am soon twenty five,
A third of my life has passed...
All my classes are over
And I have just started to work.
There are a lot of new challenges ahead,
Although I am already tired of the old ones.
I go out with my friends less often:
I have got too many tasks from the boss!
I am soon twenty five,
A third of my life has passed...
I needed no money in the past,
And now I am hunting for money.
I do not even have time to drink,
Still once a month I get totally drunk!
Soon my age can not be hidden:
I go to bed very late.
I am soon twenty five,
And I still have much to live!
Algo Magico
Cuando tú no estás en mi cama
Mami, yo me desespero
Solo despertar a tu lado
Es lo único que yo deseo
Hoy tuve que llamarte
Esto que tú me haces sentir
Sigo buscando las palabras
Para poderlo describir
Es algo mágico
Que tiene tu mirada que me hipnotizó
Todo comenzó algo casual con momentos eróticos
Ahora el estado de mi corazón es crítico
Ya no es tan solo su físico
Es algo mágico
Que tiene tu mirada que me hipnotizó
Todo comenzó algo casual con momentos eróticos
Ahora el estado de mi corazón es crítico
Ya no es tan solo su físico
Baby, ¿cuándo vuelvo a verte?
Otra vez tenerte
Pero esta vez no me sueltes
Que el momento nos dure para siempre
Cuando el reloj marque las doce
Te veo en el sitio que ya conoces
Parra mostártelo en todas las poses
Lo que me haces a mi corazón, mami, tú lo haces
Me hicieron para ti, a ti solo para mí
No lo pude evitar, me enamoré de ti
Me hicieron para ti, a ti solo para mí
Y de tu boquita me enamoré
Es algo mágico
Que tiene tu mirada que me hipnotizó
Todo comenzó algo casual con momentos eróticos
Ahora el estado de mi corazón es crítico
Ya no es tan solo su físico
Es algo mágico
Que tiene tu mirada que me hipnotizó
Todo comenzó algo casual con momentos eróticos
Ahora el estado de mi corazón es crítico
Ya no es tan solo su físico
Si sientes lo mismo que yo
Toma mi mano, lejos vámonos
Si no quieres algo más conmigo, yo no te obligo
Pero recuerda que
Cuando tú no estás en mi cama
Mami, yo me desespero
Solo despertar a tu lado
Es lo único que yo deseo
Hoy tuve que llamarte
Esto que tú me haces sentir
Sigo buscando las palabras
Pa' poderlo describir
Es algo mágico
Que tiene tu mirada que me hipnotizó
Todo comenzó algo casual con momentos eróticos
Ahora el estado de mi corazón es crítico
Ya no es tan solo su físico
Es algo mágico
Que tiene tu mirada que me hipnotizó
Todo comenzó algo casual con momentos eróticos
Ahora el estado de mi corazón es crítico
Ya no es tan solo su físico
Oh-oh, oh-oh-yeah
Algo mágico
Ra-Rauw, ey
Rauw Alejandro
Con Maya
Elektrik, Colla
What does oblivion taste like?
What does oblivion taste like? 'Today they asked me
And almost without thinking, I told them that it's your lips
Still, I haven't recovered and I can't get used to it
Not to miss you so much
What does oblivion taste like? It tastes raw to me
And at a thousand dawns, all your fault
Almost forcefully kisses, looking for other people
And finding you in non of them
And what does oblivion taste like? What a stupid question
To me taste like you and that's what scares me
No matter how much alcohol I drink, I can't get it to heal
The wound was deep
And what does oblivion taste like, if not so much fear?
To never see you again, to not be anymore your owner
Of waking up with someone thinking it's you
Looking for you in his body
So if they ask: 'What does oblivion taste like?'
I tell them like your kisses
Oh, pain
How much you hurt
And what does oblivion taste like? What a stupid question
To me taste like you and that's what scares me
No matter how much alcohol I drink, I can't get it to heal
The wound was deep
And what does oblivion taste like, if not so much fear?
To never see you again, to not be anymore your owner
Of waking up with someone thinking it's you
Looking for you in his body
So if they ask: 'What does oblivion taste like?'
I tell them like your kisses
I forgot you
Versions: #1
I also know how to play
And I would have had fun with it
It is better than to cry
And to feel badly hurt
If your goodbye hurt me
Why would I deny it
But it was for the best
I lived a hell by your side
To cry, to cry for you was the worst thing I could have done
Maybe my biggest error was how much I loved you
And today I ask for your forgiveness, for one day saying I would never forget you, that I would always love you
I forgot you
And I still had shots of tequila left
Between you and me
I never believed one of your lies
I forgot you
And the truth is, it was easier than I thought
It hurt
But I didn’t die like you thought I would
The truth came out just as ,
I was falling in love with you
Song of the destroyers on Leningrad front
We were created by Stalin,
Menacing destroyers, —
The country sends us to avenge our Motherlland.
He will not save himself inside armour,
The enemy will pay back thrice
His bill to my Motherland.
The destroyer wages battle —
The hordes of wolves are howling.
I have opened a deadly account
For the fascist rascals.
Beat! Beat!
Beat the fascists in the dug-outs,
Bury them in debris,
Beat them! Beat them!
With fierce revenge in the spirit,
Following Stalin's orders.
Stalin led the innumerable force
Out to victorious battle,
The enemy will not find any way back.
I'll well-aimedly send a bullet,
Avenge for my father
And for the tears and blood of children.
Burning with wrath towards the German,
Nikolaev beats the enemies,
Goličenkov moves them down by the hundreds.
The country will not forget
The names of the brave,
It'll retain them with love forever.
Growing is our army of the brave,
Like Smoljačkov the hero,
Like Pahomov, Rusinov.
We'll beat them until the end,
To exterminate the enemies,
To fullfill Stalin's order with honour.
The Effect
Who knows if tomorrow I won't see you again
Let's forget about the right thing
I want to misbehave
I'll let you know
The note has already done the effect....
Because you dance on me like this
As if we were in bed
How sexy* you must feel
Naked with nothing
Tell me when we're going to leave
That we're running out of time
You have to decide already
If you come or leave it for later
Baby, today
I put on my clothes for you
Because like this, freaky
Was it how you danced on me
Moving you, twerking
In the back I saw the G-string
I'm sorry, if freshness (?)
Made me see you like this
The meeting between you and me got erotic
Forget if it's the right thing
And live up in the moment
If me, mami
You allow me to flow
You will see how easy
I will take you to ecstasy
There is not much left
So they closed this place down
We are already horny
What is it that we do here?
Because you dance on me like this
As if we were in bed
How sexy you must feel
Naked with nothing
Tell me when we're going to leave
That we're running out of time
You have to decide already
If you come or leave it for later
Nobody's watching
And nor is it seen
There's little light
My mind is thinking
With desire to know how you look in bed
If you knew what this effect causes me to do
Experimenting several positions with you
It's that you still don't know me
Like Calderón, this is for you to enjoy
I know,
That this would happen,
That you would end up
At down in my bed
After this night
All is forgotten
And if you wnat another day
At any time, call me
I know,
That this would happen,
That you would end up
At down in my bed
After this night
All is forgotten
And if you wnat another day
At any time, call me
Because you dance on me like this
As if we were in bed
How sexy you must feel
Naked with nothing
Tell me when we're going to leave
That we're running out of time
You have to decide already
If you come or leave it for later
Who knows if tomorrow I won't see you again
Let's forget about the right thing
I want to misbehave
I'll let you know
The note has already done the effect
Ra Ra Rauw
Ra Ra Rauw Alejandro
Checho, Checho, Checho Corleone, baby
Tell me Niguel with Nais Gai
Duran the Coach
Duars Entertainment
With the Sensei
Tell me Colla
Pina Records
el efecto
It was so hard to reach what we reached, conquer what we conquered
I fought until my last breathe to give you another great victory
I was your general, as many minded to everything
I trusted my king
And now, after countless battles, you acuse me of treason
That's how you pay loyalty
You despise me, you demote me, you sentence me without mercy
May the gods forgive you
I won't
Who could have said what was about to happen
Who could have said you would change
Tell me when you changed good for bad
Who could have said what was about to happen
Who could have said you would change
Tell me when you changed good for bad
Alexander conquered half the world
No one doubts of his genius and bravery
But besides him where many others
No man alone can row
One more day
Who could have said what was about to happen
Who could have said you would change
Tell me when you changed good for bad
Who could have said what was about to happen
Who could have said you would change
Tell me when you changed good for bad
Who could have said what was about to happen
Who could have said you would change
Tell me when you changed good for bad
Who could have said what was about to happen
Who could have said you would change
Tell me when you changed good for bad
Sunday in Lisboa
There's no Sunday without sun
Say the people and no without reason
Because it always appears
On Sundays in Lisboa
Desert streets or almost
Passes a couple holding hands
It's on Sunday that she
Walks with her boyfriend
Sunday in Lisboa and Lisboa is different
It's calm, it's peaceful and it's closer to us
Flags in the Castle that Sé blesses
Tejo shines even more, it's Sunday in Lisboa
Sunday in Lisboa and Lisboa is different
It's calm, it's peaceful and it's closer to us
Flags in the Castle that Sé blesses
Tejo shines even more, it's Sunday in Lisboa
It's Sunday in Lisboa
There are walks in the boulevard
There is chirping from sparrows
That are an anthem to life itself
To hearts side by side
A song that is sang
And at night is heard the fado
On Sunday in Lisboa
Sunday in Lisboa and Lisboa is different
It's calm, it's peaceful and it's closer to us
Flags in the Castle that Sé blesses
Tejo shines even more, it's Sunday in Lisboa
Sunday in Lisboa and Lisboa is different
It's calm, it's peaceful and it's closer to us
Flags in the Castle that Sé blesses
Tejo shines even more, it's Sunday in Lisboa
Sunday in Lisboa and Lisboa is different
It's calm, it's peaceful and it's closer to us
Flags in the Castle that Sé blesses
Tejo shines even more, it's Sunday in Lisboa
It's Sunday in Lisboa, it's Sunday in Lisboa
It's Sunday in Lisboa, it's Sunday in Lisboa
Persoana mea preferată
Nu înțeleg chestia asta despre culoare și rasă
Mie îmi place maroniul feței tale
Te-am căutat în fiecare seară, draga mea
Mă lași fără respirație
Îmi pare rău, dragă
Pasul tău mic în calea mea devine tot mai mare
Doar o singură privire de a ta mă omoară
Apusul din ochii tăi, privește
Adevărul e că, fato, ai avuut necazurile tale
Știu că mă iubești un pic
Cu capul pe umărul meu
Uite cine cântă, e vocea sufletului meu
Persoana mea preferată
Are o față frumoasă
Are un înger în zâmbet
Are o inimă și
Persoanei mele preferate
Îi cânt acest
Lucru jucăuș, ia-mi viața
Joacă-te cu inima mea
Ești ca soarele
Apari fără motiv
Purtând lumină și calm
O singură floare
Pe care o țin
Și vocea ta care mă dezarmează
Știu că mă iubești un pic
Cu capul pe umărul meu
Uite cine cântă, e vocea sufletului meu
Persoana mea preferată
Are o față frumoasă
Are un înger în zâmbet
Are o inimă și
Persoanei mele preferate
Îi cânt acest
Lucru jucăuș, ia-mi viața
Joacă-te cu inima mea
Știu că mă iubești un pic
Cu capul pe umărul meu
Persoana mea preferată
Are o față frumoasă
Are un înger în zâmbet
Are o inimă și
Persoanei mele preferate
Îi cânt acest
Lucru jucăuș, ia-mi viața
Joacă-te cu inima mea
Far, Far Away
Very far, far away in time—
something in the eyes of another
will make you remember my eyes—
these eyes that never forgot you.
And far, far away in the world,
in the smile on the lips of another,
you will think you see my timid smile,
of which you made a bit of fun.
And far, far away in time,
the expression on the face of someone
will make you remember my face—
its sad look that you loved so much.
And far, far away in the world,
one afternoon you will go out with someone—
you will speak to him and suddenly, without thinking,
you will discover that you are looking back on
a love too far away.
Seven thousand above the earth
Half past one, late night,
Seven thousand above the earth,
Snatches of sleep, the hum of turbines.
Outside the window the clouds are white
Night landscape lies,
And above it, the moon is flying.
Secret movement in the sky night and day,
I see the reflection of your face.
Behind the shroud of another day, you're far away,
But even the time can not prevent me
To fly over the ocean and to disperse the fog with my wing,
Falling from heavens of the night, to hug you sooner
Outside the window the sky is getting darker,
The autopilot is sleeping,
It's probably raining down there.
The night is long, but the journey is even longer,
My flight is so long,
To those places, where you live.
Secret movement in the sky night and day,
I see the reflection of your face.
Behind the shroud of another day, you're far away,
But even the time can not prevent me
To fly over the ocean and to disperse the fog with my wing,
Falling from heavens of the night, to hug you sooner
Behind the shroud of another day, you're far away,
But even the time can not prevent me
To fly over the ocean and to disperse the fog with my wing,
Falling from heavens of the night, to hug you sooner
Behind the shroud of another day, you're far away,
But even the time can not prevent me
To fly over the ocean and to disperse the fog with my wing,
Falling from heavens of the night, to hug you sooner
Snow Lioness
Versions: #2
I really do exist, I'm a feminist, environmentalist and pacifist
I ride a snow mobile and I'm an egoist
I'm a Buddhist, I believe in Jesus Christ
I was here first, not last
Don't treat me like some court case
The difference between yours and mine is just lines on a page
Of historical lies and fabrications
Anti-racist, my ass
When you can't tell who you stole all your cash from
He, she, they, son
You stole our land from us once
Indigenous woman, snow lioness, I'm the rainbow in your iris
I'm all that, I'm more, I'm queer, I've existed here for thousands of years
Hi Minister, can I have a word with you?
Even though you’ve got a lot on your plate
This pertains to what is actually our land
Did you know we commit suicide
Because our population is too small to exist?
And anything that pertains to the few doesn't matter
Do you understand? No one wants to disappear
When they've been here as long as the land can remember
Is this really democracy
When the majority has power over people like us?
I want to be free, not just feel free
What do I have to do in order to belong?
Indigenous woman, snow lioness, I'm the rainbow in your iris
I'm all that, I'm more, I'm queer, I’ve existed here for thousands of years
Eamiálbmot, álo gávdnon, mon lean lejonváibmu garra fámuin
Mon lean gait, bonju maid, arvedávgi ravddas ravdii
Jag uppskattar gärna förslag och korrekturläsningar.
Cain, what have you done to your brother?
Cain, your hands are dirty
Cain, what reeks in your conscience
That you are not able to sleep and time troubles you?
Cain, I don't judge your insanity
You paid for your misadventure with your mistake
Perhaps the bloodline that engenders you
Comes from rage and misery
Cain, what have you done to your brother?
Did you do it so you could keep his flock?
Cain, I don't expect you to explain it to me
I merely do not understand what you did
Cain, you attended the academy
Of military grade and strategy
You finally found yourself among the troops
Your skin is green, your clothes also
Cain, what do you feel when
The rage of a rifle explodes on one's face?
You later discover that it was a boy,
But he got in your way.
Cain, what have you done to your brother?
It was not your decision, they decided for you
Cain, what will your children say
If they are still alive in this chain of events?
Cain, when you return to camp
You will surely be more than a Sergeant
And so you rest your head
Because the homeland will crown your nobility
Cain, what do you dream when you sleep?
I bet it's hiding places and serpents
Could it be that at the razor's edge
Your life overflows and declines?
Cain, do not feel guilty
You appeased the rebel, the indomitable
Cain, the humble hut that burned down
Was just a strategic mistake
The Lack
I don't know anything about birds,
I don't know the history of fire,
but I believe my solitude should have wings.
Just learning.
End of the world
Tomorrow we'll go drag the kites behind the city.
On the hill where the wind blows the leaves into the hair.
Give me your hand not to believe the story.
By which everything ends and we are just waiting for our misfortune.
Race not reading what awaits us, the end of the world will come.
The tragedy that mankind will not survive is spreading.
And the last day is coming.
Tomorrow we'll go drag the kites behind the city.
On the hill where the wind blows the leaves into the hair.
Give me your hand not to believe the story.
By which everything ends and we are just waiting for our misfortune.
Every morning, more news that there is a time of destruction.
No one knows what's going on, the future is hopeless.
And the last day is coming.
Tomorrow we'll go drag the kites behind the city.
On the hill where the wind blows the leaves into the hair.
Give me your hand not to believe the story.
By which everything ends and we are just waiting for our misfortune.
Tomorrow we'll go drag the kites behind the city.
On the hill where the wind blows the leaves into the hair.
Give me your hand not to believe the story.
By which everything ends and we are just waiting for our misfortune.
Tomorrow we'll go drag the kites behind the city.
On the hill where the wind blows the leaves into the hair.
Give me your hand not to believe the story.
By which everything ends and we are just waiting for our misfortune.
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission
In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to
Crappy shanty on europe-ness of the Pole
This writing rather numbing
but how can I not get writing
in spite of all the numbing dumbing
everyone’s not giving a damn
so as I actually do give one
I have got to write some --- anyhow
anyway --- anywhat
just to get it done somehow
just to have it in the back
anywhere for anywhom
who's effortin – he's tormentin
moanin bendin and kneelin
waste of life for this dealin
none will heal you from the reelin
none will raise from your knees
unnoticed among the cubicles – anyhow..!
aint worth your sweat
what demands breaking sweat
life of wingin and half-assin
turns a martyr way more classy
just kick back and stop whinin
chill and stop being such a Lassie
anywho --- anyhow
anywhat any which way
just to get it done somehow
just to have it in the back
just to chill and get off
life's such a beach
that all good comes with bills
so you lookin at the posters:
better world, dough, cheerful rags
“choose the mill, take the whips” -
we give no flying craps--- anyway..!
whole craft in making do
cut the corners and build a cocoon
dont let twinges move from fringes
world not flower, fate not cocoa
dont go crazy, live on pringles
and stuff all else down the oh no! kek
anywhere – anyway
where there ain't no hooks
far from the ticks
that got under your skin
how can they still win...
no two way – i'm a Pole
free spirit and free will
Milano, Paris und Berlin
got naught on me
I am Polish! Ich bin Pole!
I'm making my own history ---anyway!
Any how! Any way!
Just to elbow my own way
just for the will to take off
and also make it pay off
Вот Поляк!
I Have Fallen For Lieutenant
I have fallen for lieutenant,
But it's major who I want.
People say that major's pendant
On the ground drags to flaunt.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.
The plague
Here comes the plague, I like to dance.
Here comes the plague, I like to dance
and when I'm rock 'n' rolling
I'm the queen of the place.
My parents told me
'Stop dancing rock & roll,
if we see you with that plague
your allowance is over'.
Here comes the plague, I like to dance
and when I'm rock 'n' rolling
I'm the queen of the place.
Let's go get a priest
cause I want to get married now,
I'm not very pretty
but I like to dance.
Here comes the plague, I like to dance
and when I'm rock 'n' rolling
I'm the queen of the place.
Vreau să te Întorci
Am o dorință atât de mare să te privesc,
Că nici nu ştiu unde începe
Şi cu atât mai puțin unde se termină.
Am o inimă care îmi reproşează
De ce te-am lăsat
Să pleci din viața mea.
Am o mulțime de vise frânte
Şi 10 mii de apusuri așteptând să te întorci
Trebuie să-ți spun ce simt
Căci nu-mi permit
Să te pierd pentru totdeauna.
Vreau să te întorci, îmi lipsesc mâinile tale
Şi mângâierile tale pe pielea mea,
Am o mulțime de săruturi strânse
Făcând o pauză până te voi revedea.
Vreau să te întorci pentru că nu mă obişnuiesc
Să nu te văd trecând prin camera mea,
Ştiu că şi tu mori de dorul meu,
Pentru că povestea noastră nu s-a terminat niciodată.
Tu şi eu avem atâtea lucruri nerezolvate,
Mii de săruturi doar așteptând,
Să lăsăm la o parte orgoliul
Ca să începem iar.
Vreau să te întorci, îmi lipsesc mâinile tale
Şi mângâierile tale pe pielea mea,
Am o mulțime de săruturi strânse
Făcând o pauză până te voi revedea.
Vreau să te întorci pentru că nu mă obişnuiesc
Să nu te văd trecând prin camera mea,
Ştiu că şi tu mori de dorul meu,
Pentru că povestea noastră nu s-a terminat niciodată.
Tu şi eu avem atâtea lucruri nerezolvate,
Mii de săruturi doar așteptând,
Să lăsăm la o parte orgoliul
Ca să începem iar.
Away from You
Away from you, I'm not doing so bad
Away from you, things go according to plan
Mind your own business, don't come back again
Without you, I know that I'm number one
I used to put you on a pedestal
I used to say you were the best there was
But I was wrong, you weren't that special
I'm better than you, you're good for nothing
I've been over it
I won't be convinced
Babe, I'm not coming back
I've realized that I do too well without you
You burned my pride and my will to live
I sought you like an idiot
But not today, I don't want to see you
I don't want to see you, no, no
Last night, I ended up with another woman
I spent some months wondering
Whether I was a good man or an asshole, because of the way you treated me
I used to get sad thinking about you
But it's over
Well, I ended it
And now you're asking for more
And now you're asking me why
But you failed me over and over, and now
Away from you, I'm not doing so bad
Away from you, things go according to plan
Mind your own business, don't come back again
Without you, I know that I'm number one
I used to put you on a pedestal
I used to say you were the best there was
But I was wrong, you weren't that special
I'm better than you, you're good for nothing
Yeah, yeah
Away from you I'm not doing so bad
Yeah, yeah
I used to say you were the best there was
Yeah, yeah
Away from you, things go according to plan
Yeah, yeah
I used to say you were the best there was
I think it got out of hand
I hate you, I love you, we break up, we fuck
I stay, we leave, we fight, and we fight
We get back, we eat, we fight, and we fight
That's not healthy
The heights of jealousy we achieved
Seeing you with someone else
Or seeing you in my hands
I was Robin Hood, babe, robbing bad guys
I brought you back what someone else stole
Yes, sir
I think it got out of hand
I hate you, I love you, we break up, we fuck
I stay, we leave, we fight, and we fight
We get back, we eat, we fight, and we fight
That's not healthy
The heights of jealousy we achieved
Seeing you with someone else
Or seeing you in my hands
I was Robin Hood, babe, robbing bad guys
I brought you back what someone else stole
Yes, sir
Away from you, I'm not doing so bad
Away from you, things go according to plan
Mind your own business, don't come back again
Without you, I know that I'm number one
I used to put you on a pedestal
I used to say you were the best there was
But I was wrong, you weren't that special
I'm better than you, you're good for nothing
Song of little Maria
My mother, my mother
Will you leave me?
How will I, how will I?
Manage my misery?
Mother of Maria:
*My Marysia, My Marysia,
I will not leave you alone.
I give you a doll, a little rag doll
I put you under its protection.
In this little doll,
A small rag doll
The power of old gods
In this little doll,
A small doll
The power of old worlds
Power of old gods,
The might of ancient worlds.
Ancient power
It will protect you!
The power of my love,
They will be with you,
I'm protecting you!
My mother, my mother
I loved so you very much.
How is a doll, a small rag doll
Will save me from evil?
Mother of Maria:
My Marysia, My Marysia,
Ancient forces will protect you
In concern, in need cuddle the doll,
Say my name, call me!
In this little doll,
A small rag doll
The power of old gods
In this little doll,
A small doll
The power of old worlds
Power of old gods,
The might of ancient worlds.
Ancient power
It will protect you!
The power of my love,
They will be with you,
I'm protecting you!
Mother of Maria:
Marysia, my, Marysia, my
I will not leave you alone.
I give you a doll, a little saber
I put her under her protection.
My Marysia, My Marysia,
I will not leave you alone.
I give you a doll, a little rag doll
I put you under its protection.
Niciodată nu am simţit atât de multă iubire în sufletul meu,
Şi nimeni nu mă iubeşte aşa mult cum o faci tu
Din cauza ta am râs şi am plâns, şi am renăscut
Am dat tot ce am avut să te am aici
Ştiu că e mai bine să spun „adio”
Sufering voi plăti pentru greşelile mele
Nimic nu va mai fi la fel, trebuie să accept aceasta
Deja găsesc puterea în mine pentru această despărţire
Pleacă, nu mai pot accepta aceasta
Nu există cale de a întoarce timpul înapoi
Şi lasă-mă să merg mai departe în singurătatea mea
Pleacă, spune deja „adio”
Şi eu voi accepta să merg mai departe fără căldura ta
Şi nu voi înţelege niciodată ce s-a întâmplat
Dacă nu e nimic ce pot face, pleacă
Nu pot regreta ziua de ieri
Iubind te-am făcut femeie
Din cauza acestei iubiri, pentru că totdeauna ţi-am fost fidel
Trebuie să fiu puternic azi şi să învăţ
Pleacă, nu mai pot accepta aceasta
Nu există cale de a întoarce timpul înapoi
Şi lasă-mă să merg mai departe în singurătatea mea
Pleacă, spune deja „adio”
Şi eu voi accepta să merg mai departe fără căldura ta
Şi nu voi înţelege niciodată ce s-a întâmplat
Dacă nu e nimic ce pot face, pleacă
Pleacă, nu mai pot accepta aceasta
Nu există cale de a întoarce timpul înapoi
Şi lasă-mă să merg mai departe în singurătatea mea
Pleacă, spune deja „adio”
Şi eu voi accepta să merg mai departe fără căldura ta
Şi nu voi înţelege niciodată ce s-a întâmplat
Dacă nu e nimic ce pot face, pleacă