Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

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I want to show you this moment without regret
I just want to make your heart beat
I’m in a love that’s like a tropical night
Under the shining moonlight
You and I
The moment the light comes on
The echo that’s still faint, a dreamy aria na na na na
It’s me who doesn’t know what to do
I’m afraid of the uncertainty, I’m not going to wait
The excitement of this night that is frowning
It looks like it will be a blooming season without sound
The increasing temperature of the day and night
It’s so hot it feels like it’s going to burst
I want to show you this moment without regret
I just want to make your heart beat
I’m in a love that’s like a tropical night
Under the shining moonlight
You and I
It’s a tropical night that’s still deepening
It’s a tropical night that won’t go away
The endless love that’s like the fireworks
In the cold darkness
You and I
I can feel you, I’ll always find you
It’s getting a little clearer
This happy feeling that’s like a summer night’s dream
Ever since I met you, it’s been a new me
A big flower breathing in this small world
I think I know how to love myself
I want to show you this moment without regret
I just want to make your heart beat
I’m in a love that’s like a tropical night
Under the shining moonlight
You and I
Hot summer night
Even though the dawn is coming, in your eyes
You’ll feel me without saying anything
It’s getting bigger, it’s getting bigger, this heat
Even if it softly, gently melts away
I’ll hold onto you
It will be forever
It’s a tropical night that’s still deepening
It’s a tropical night that won’t go away
The endless love that’s like the fireworks
In the cold darkness
You and I

Eagle brother

1. Eagle brother, eagle brother!
When, when?
When will you let me fly with you again,
When will you let me fly with you again?
2. Far up north
under the Great Bear1
I saw, I saw your brothers soar,
I saw them loose themselves under the endless sky.
3. They said go ask, go ask,
who, who
tied your wings so tightly?
Who ever tied your wings so tightly?
Eagle brother, eagle brother!
When, when?
When will you let me fly with you again,
When will you let me fly with you again?
  • 1. Dávggát refers to the constellation known in English as Ursa Major / Great Bear / Big Dipper / Charles's Wain. In Northern Saami it means 'the bow' (dávgi) and refers to a hunter's bow from Saami mythology. This particular line in the song ('Guhkkin davvin Dávggáid vuolde') also appears in the Saami national anthem and is often used to describe the general location of Sámieanan (Saamiland/Lapland).


Versions: #1
Thus spake my mother
That for me should they buy
A barque and beauteous oars
To go forth with vikings.
Stand in the stern,
Steer a dear vessel,
Hold course for a haven,
Hew down many foemen.

The Holy Land

I found Jericho,
I too had my Palestine,
and the clear waters of the Jordan,
the walls of the asylum
were the walls of Jericho
and a puddle of contaminated water
baptised us all.
We were Jews in there
and the Pharisees were up high
and the Messiah was there too
blended among the crowd:
a lunatic screaming at the Sky
all his love for God.
We all, gang of ascetics
we were like birds
and every so often a dark
net imprisoned us
but we went towards the Masses,
our Lord's Masses
and Christ the Saviour.
We were washed and buried,
we smelt like incense.
And then, when we loved
we were given electroshock
because, they said, a lunatic
cannot love anyone.
But one day from inside the sepulchre
I too woke up again
and I too like Jesus
had my resurrection,
but I didn't ascend to the Heavens
I went down to Hell
whence I amazed look again
at the walls of ancient Jericho.

Fate Followed Me Step By Step

My silly heart, I couldn't land in one thing
I have bore many troubles, but not this one
Fate followed me step by step, I got hurt
I don't know what I've done to fate, O my life! I still crave you
Those I called rose turned into thorns, instead of the rose my life has wilted
My wound aches, I couldn't find a friend to heal it
Fate followed me step by step, I got hurt
I don't know what I've done to fate, O my life! I still crave you
This world says 'Poor Emrah', my tears flow
I wanted to send greetings to that lover I couldn't
Fate followed me step by step, I got hurt
I don't know what I've done to fate, O my life! I still crave you

Why Did You Frown

Versions: #1
Why did you frown?
O my lover! I don't know your crimes*
If I die, oh your hair
Don't tear your hair my lover, don't
I have fallen into the fire of love**
I don't care about the worldly possesions
If I die, O my lover!
Don't came to my grave, don't

The song of the Vitava

At the bottom of the Vitava the stones are wandering
Three emperors are buried in Prague.
Big things don't stay big and small things don't stay small
The night has twelve hours, then the day already comes.
The times change. The giant plans
Of the powerful stop at the end.
And even though they walk around like bloody roosters
The times change, no violence will help that.
At the bottom of the Vitava the stones are wandering
Three emperors are buried in Prague.
Big things don't stay big and small things don't stay small
The night has twelve hours, then the day already comes.

Iron Solider

I'm dying, thinking that one day this dream
Will reach the bottom of the ground
And we won't remember anything of this time
I'm dying like that iron soldier
That stands up on its feet in the battle
With fear, trembling, it shoots
And I don't want to say goodbye to those years
That no, I am not going to leave you by the hand
I am going to steal
All the time that I can from love
To wake up and that you are by my side
And the sun paints our bedroom
I am going to steal
All the time that I can from love
And one day, to be able to explain to you
The reason of this song
I'm dying, thinking that one day you are far away
And I can't tell you my fears
I don't want to miss you
And I don't want to say goodbye to those years
That no, I am not going to leave you by the hand
I am going to steal
All the time that I can from love
To wake up and that you are by my side
And the sun paints our bedroom
I am going to steal
All the time that I can from love
And one day, to be able to explain to you
The reason of this song

Powers of prophecy

Powers of prophecy, mightn't you have said of me
That I would die at rest.
Tell me now how I might have such peace.
Might I ever in such ill-fate?
What did I say? Let me meet death and nothing more,
May it be continuous peace, the moment
That closes my days.

Child Soldier

You don't even know how you end up running
locking in the toilet and bursting in tears
your make-up staining toilet paper
like the little girl you never were.
When you left everything seems obvious
this life would make you invincible
covers, travels, glamour, photographs
all that matters it to have a clear plan
From walking down the catwalk
with coldness in your eyes
the same as child soldiers, to walking down the runway
of private planes, trendy ghetto
Vuitton, Milan, Paris and art galleries
warm tears, man, it's nothing
you know, I'm exhausted, man
it's nothing, I'm just tired,
man, it's nothing, nothing, nothing
You would have never told you would have longed
your sister and her blue hair
pathetic small city rebellions
and your mother screaming
and you can't take it anymore.
You must hurry up, they are waiting outside,
you stare at your eyes in the mirror
you swallow, take a cigarette
to hold on it and go back to yourself
and your clear plan
Nothing, nothing
Between your carrier and rock'n'roll
between the lens and the backdrop
afterparty and panic
JFK and Charles de Gaulle

pyar bolda

Sir tera pyar bolda ae jatta chadh ke
Naal mere gal kar kol mere khad ke
Kaaleyan naina ch akhaan laal paa ke dekh le
Jaan meri nikle dunaali teri badke

Only the Red Light Continues

Tears are on my face,
the warmth on a cold night.
When they freeze,
my heart breaks.
Although the neon lights are on,
shadows follow me.
People see beauty,
even though she's dead nowadays.
I wait for the snow to fall,
and for a hopeful romance to return.
But in this wet moment,
hope is too expensive.
A fragile breath
is my only memory.
My life stops,
only the red lights continue.

Loyalty Courage Truth

My destiny is in this war
I can see already
My family is everything I have
Source of my living
My true image
Keeps asking
If there's in the warrior
Loyalty to fight
Loyalty to fight
Every victory demands courage
It's what will save you
This trip is lonely
Choose who you will listen to
My true image
Keeps asking
If there's in the warrior
Loyalty to fight
Loyalty to fight
My cold soul wants more heat
Searches for answers wherever it goes
I want to be strong even in pain
But I don't know who I am
Behind my image
I just want to find
Loyalty and courage
And the truth to fight

What's Done is Done

You and I are so wrong
We've burnt without flame
I can't fit anywhere
I can't go with or without you
You did me so wrong
You ran away from me, I didn't ask why
It's the end of your love
That I thought was over
What's done is done, disappointment
My tears don't stop
Stay wherever we were over
This war has defeated both of us

Love Soldier

So many letters, so much ink, thins binds us together, this sinks us
You stand in front of me and say
Your mood is up and your heart is empty, I must fill it or move on
I stand in front of you and say
Look into my eyes and believe me
I'm your Love Soldier
Armed from the bottom to the top, with your heart here in my hand I fight
Your Love Soldier
Always here for you to hold you
Your Love Soldier
Armed from the bottom to the top, with your heart here in my hand I fight
Your Love Soldier
Who will never leave you and who is always going to be right to you
Because I'm your Love Soldier
Who never fight's for goods or anger, but only for you
So many tears, so much sadness, I feel your pain I learned
If only I could bring back yesterday
Here I kneel in front of you, I ask for forgiveness one more time
The time has come, I was wrong
Look into my eyes and believe me
I'm your Love Soldier
Armed from the bottom to the top, with your heart here in my hand I fight
Your Love Soldier
Always here for you to hold you
Your Love Soldier
Armed from the bottom to the top, with your heart here in my hand I fight
Your Love Soldier
Who will never leave you and who is always going to be right to you
Because I'm your Love Soldier
Who never fight's for goods or anger, but only for you
You're the one who I Will have
You know I know you're tired of the fighting
I don't give, what everyone says
I will fight until I get you
I'm your Love Soldier
Armed from the bottom to the top, with your heart here in my hand I fight
I'm your Love Soldier
Armed from the bottom to the top, with your heart here in my hand I fight
Your Love Soldier
Always here for you to hold you
Your Love Soldier
Armed from the bottom to the top, with your heart here in my hand I fight
Your Love Soldier
Who will never leave you and who is always going to be right to you
Because I'm your Love Soldier
Who never fight's for goods or anger, but only for you

Am pierdut o inimă

Am pierdut o inimă,
Dacă cineva o are, îl rog
Să mi-o înapoieze.
Eu o aveam lângă mine,
Însă ușa iubirii ei
Era deschisă.
A plecat în zbor după o altă iluzie,
Una din cele care-ți întunecă rațiunea.
Acest vid pe care-l am în mine
Face să-mi crească singurătatea,
Și mă simt în agonie.
Am pierdut o inimă,
Pentru asta azi vreau să toastez
Pentru eșecurile iubirii.
Am dat totul, fără să aștept ceva în schimb,
Eram fericită că pot să iubesc.
Cum aș putea supraviețui?
Fără căldura lui nu știu să trăiesc.
Am pierdut o inimă,
Dacă cineva o are, îl rog
Să mi-o înapoieze.
Eu o aveam lângă mine,
Însă ușa iubirii ei
Era deschisă.
Am pierdut o inimă,
Dacă cineva o are, îl rog
Să mi-o înapoieze.
Eu o aveam lângă mine,
Însă ușa iubirii ei
Era deschisă.
Am dat totul, fără să aștept ceva în schimb,
Eram fericită că pot să iubesc.
Cum aș putea supraviețui?
Fără căldura lui nu știu să trăiesc.
Am pierdut o inimă,
Dacă cineva o are, îl rog
Să mi-o înapoieze.
Eu o aveam lângă mine,
Însă ușa iubirii ei
Era deschisă.


Riding on a grey horse the color of the sky,
Aren't you the prancing fool?
With your serrated stirrups, you're so annoying,
Clanking them into people, jeez!
Whatever am I going to do with you?
You can't be fixed or spruced up.
If only you were a nice goatskin blanket
Maybe some fixing or sprucing could happen!
Whatever am I going to do with him?
He can't be traded or exchanged.
Now if he were a knife and flint,
There might be some dealing to be done.

Psalm for the Turn of the Century

We hold a great holiday
more holy than any Christmas.
The rabble of prelates and priests
doll themselves up and put on their frocks.
Quaff the stage lights,
delighted shed tears of joy.
Now we've been christian in name
for just about a thousand years.
This whole orgy of
luxury and pomp and frills
and frippery for the religious ones
is for remembering Jesus Christ.
Let's speak loud of belief and grace
with pretense on each side.
Hypocrisy strengthens every deed
ever since we were Reformed.

Urcând pe deal

Urcând pe munte, capul mi-l pierd
Pe străzile orasului acelas lucru mi se intâmplă.
Cine poate face diferența între cultura, pământ, foc şi apā
Ființele umane, nu sunt oare de aceeiaşi natură?
Urcând pe deal, pas cu pas
Coborând de pe deal din cartier în cartier
Castani si fagi
O sculptura rară
Străzile sau munții, ce ne pierde cel mai mult?
Pierdut din nou sunt, dar asta e
Nu se poate înțelege harta din fața noastră.
Un basc da, dar ca o oaie pierduta
Prefer să merg fără nicio țintā.
Urcând pe deal, pas cu pas
Coborând de pe deal din cartier în cartier
Castani si fagi
O sculptura rară
Străzile sau munții, ce ne pierde cel mai mult? (x2)
Urcând pe deal
Pas cu pas
Sus... Urcând pe deal...
Urcând pe deal, pas cu pas
Coborând de pe deal din cartier în cartier
Castani si fagi
O sculptura rară
Străzile sau munții, ce ne pierde cel mai mult?
Urcând pe deal, pas cu pas
Coborând de pe deal din cartier în cartier
Castani si fagi
O sculptura rară
Străzile sau munții

The Mexican Soldier

Versions: #1
I'm a Mexican soldier and I don't back down,
and gladly I defend my nation,
with my pistol and my mauser held steady,
I look forward to any intervention. [x2]
If there should be any nation that dares
to trample on my glorious flag,
soon, soon they'll see what my homeland is capable of,
and realize that messing with Mexico is a mistake.
Let them come, the Nazis and the Yellowmen,
let them come one by one or by the lot,
I await their arrival with the utmost sense of patriotism
because I have such a big heart. [x2]
If there should be any nation that dares
to trample on my glorious flag,
soon, soon they'll see what my homeland is capable of,
and realize that messing with Mexico is a mistake.
Even if those fools believe themselves to be the greatest,
I hope they don't think that I'm going to take it,
I'll make them see that they're just a bunch of idiots
and that they're going to collide with me. [x2]
If there should be any nation that dares
to trample on my glorious flag,
soon, soon they'll see what my homeland is capable of,
and realize that messing with Mexico is a mistake.


Girl, you are my rainbow in the clouds
Girl, you are my treasure
Girl, you are the sun of my life
Girl, you are a little flower
Girl, you are my rainbow in the clouds
Girl, you are my treasure
Girl, you are the sun of my life
Girl, you are a little flower
Keep your soul away from any stranger
My heart cares only for you
The nights are hard for me, I swear
Your image passes before my eyes
Give me back the taste of life
Give it back to me every day
A friend told me, that in a moment of weakness
Other arms have embraced you
Girl, you are my rainbow in the clouds
Girl, you are my treasure
Girl, you are the sun of my life
Girl, you are a little flower
Girl, you are my rainbow in the clouds
Girl, you are my treasure
Girl, you are the sun of my life
Girl, you are a little flower
Girl, you are my rainbow in the clouds
Girl, you are my treasure
Girl, you are the sun of my life
Girl, you are a little flower
This is how I will remember you forever
Laughing until you cried
The nights are cold for me, I swear
Mentally tired from worry
Magical nights we spend together
An entire life has passed
Candles are lit on your little table
I look at you and wonder
Girl, you are my rainbow in the clouds
Girl, you are my treasure
Girl, you are the sun of my life
Girl, you are a little flower
Girl, you are my rainbow in the clouds
Girl, you are my treasure
Girl, you are the sun of my life
Girl, you are a little flower
Girl, you are my rainbow in the clouds
Girl, you are my treasure
Girl, you are the sun of my life
Girl, you are a little flower

The soldier

The soldier was leaving
when came to bid him farewell
the woman who loved him
and wanted to go with him.
'Go with God, soldier
who goes to the flags
I promise and announce you
that you'll become General'
The soldier was promising
'My dear, I will return
and in our wedding, my wedding coins
will be the brigadier gold braids'
She stays over a slope
waving goodbye with the handkerchief
the soldier's fiancee
until both are barely seen.
The soldier was leaving
when came to bid him farewell
the woman who loved him
and wanted to go with him.
'Go with God, soldier
who goes to the flags
I promise and announce you
that you'll become General'
The soldier was promising
'My dear, I will return
and in our wedding, my wedding coins
will be the brigadier gold braids'
Who could tell her that the soldier
dreams in the arms of another girl
and in his wedding, his wedding coins
were be the brigadier gold braids

I Wanna Feel, I Wanna Dream

One more day, I miss you
And I don't know how to endure anymore
The passing of time, without thinking
About when I'll be by your side again.
You must know that now, has come
The moment that we were waiting.
Now I know it: I cannot lust after
Anyone else, with greater intensity!
I want to keep you very close
So I can explore your entire body...
I wanna feel
Your hair in between my fingers,
The feeling of happiness
And that you're already a part of me.

I wanna dream
Of an endless night,
Sweet passion by your side,
Because I truly want you!

(I want to feel your hands,
I want to dream of an endless night...
You haven't understood it: I've already told you
That I want to be yours as soon as possible!
Let's not say anything, we must try...
You must be mine very soon!
I want to keep you very close
So I can explore your entire body...
I wanna feel
Your hair in between my fingers,
The feeling of happiness
And that you're already a part of me.

I wanna dream
Of an endless night,
Sweet passion by your side,
Because I truly want you!

I wanna feel...
Your hair in between my fingers,
The feeling of happiness
And that you're already a part of me.

I wanna dream...
Of an endless night,
Sweet passion by your side,
Because I truly want you!



Versions: #1
I've been on he right track since childhood
I've decided what it is I'll do :
But I just cannot wait,
For my eighteenth birthday.
I'll head out for the recruitment office,
And I'll report in front of everyone,
I've been a soldier at heart,
And let me now join the service.
I'll be given my uniform,
They'll teach me to shoot a Kalashnikov 1
When I walk the city,
My buddies will die of envy. 2
I've decided this since a long time ago,
And let fashion change fashion,
But one thing troubles me,
That I only served for two years.
  • 1. Yes, the AK-74 is what would've been used by this song's time, the rifle's full name was the Автомат Калашникова образца 1974 года or just Kalashnikov Automatic Rifle Model 1974 (chambered in the 5.45x39mm cartridge, less powerful than the AK-47's 7.62x39mm but with the same effectiveness against armored targets as a 5.56x45mm NATO (the West's rifle caliber) which was why it came into service if my memory serves correct. 7.62x39mm is less effective against armor due to it being a massive, slow moving bullet, versus the 5.45 which is a small bullet going at the same velocity which is just more effective against armor). I live in the Southern United States, I need to live up to our stereotypes somehow.
  • 2. Surprised there isn't a line about how much chicks will dig him for being the cool tough army grunt. Should be an information technologist like me, we're a profession known for drowning in women

Nu plânge Zarê!

(Munții sunt martori, fântânile sunt martori
Copacii de ienupăr rămân, vin, bărbații rămân, nu mor niciodată
Nu plânge Zarê, sunt sub pomul de ienupăr.
Mă duc dimineața și vin seara
Dacă mor, eu sunt partea din loc, iar dacă rămân, sunt iubitul lui Zaré.)
Ia-mi capul și unde mă duc?
Te sun pe drum.
Voi suna vreodată dacă nu te văd?
Nu plânge Zarê, sunt sub pomul de ienupăr.
Nu plânge Zarê, sunt sub pomul de ienupăr.
Mă duc dimineața și vin seara
Eu sunt sclavul altcuiva
Dacă mor, eu sunt partea din loc,
Iar dacă rămân, sunt iubitul lui Zaré
Oamenii vin și văd!
Nu mă condamna niciodată.
Mi-au transformat prietena în felul lui.
Nu plânge Zarê, sunt sub pomul de ienupăr.
Daca cine o ia pe prietena mea
Un șarpe i-a mușcat inima ei
Nu vă faceți griji, lăsați omul acela să moară
Nu plânge Zarê, sunt sub pomul de ienupăr.
Nu te juca cu durerea inimii mele.
Nu mă condamna niciodată.
Nu-i dispera prietena noastră
Nu plânge Zarê, sunt sub pomul de ienupăr.
Nu plânge Zarê, sunt sub pomul de ienupăr.
Mă duc dimineața și vin seara
Eu sunt sclavul altcuiva
Dacă mor, eu sunt partea din loc,
Iar dacă rămân, sunt iubitul lui Zaré

Qaldaibek’s Grief

A blessed place where my ancestors were living,
The Zhem river, precious country, my native land.
Atom exploded and wounded your body.
Could something be worse? What could be even worse?
Death has taken over your sanctuary,
The land was devastated in the evening
How many souls became ailing – got damaged,
Day of Judgment came here to stay for ever.
During in the time since the past council-era
Did not want to stay trampled at the bottom.
Today the steppe is without life, Ownerless
Only the Moon and the Sun are survivors.
You know, how many home-fires turned off the flame,
Your inhabitants have moved away from you
A lot of years have passed since then among tears
The native generation was disabled.
Even my grandfather had fair heritage,
You were a holy place, boys and girls grew up,
We stand as sinners before our ancestors.
For this land they gave their soul, paid with their lives.
The land of the victims was taken by force,
Qaldaibek has slowly healing painful wound.
Will be the country, the steppe rejuvenated,
Halls will be populated in the future?
Halls will be populated in the future?

Don't worry about me baby

Don't worry about me baby, everything will be alright
Even if it looks like I'm suffering, I promise I'll cope
Don't be afraid girl, I won't cry here in front of you
I won't make it harder on you, I won't hurt you anymore
Yes I understand, you don't need to be sorry
Don't worry girl, I promise I'll cope.
Don't cry to me baby, leave something alive in me
Don't pity me now, I'm making it on my own
I won't cry now girl, I'll be a hero, a soldier, remember?
Don't call anymore girl, I'll be alright
Only after you leave, I'll scream, cry and break down
Don't worry girl, I won't cry here in front of you

Those Like Me

Those like me hand out dreams, even at the cost of being left dreamless…
Those like me give away their soul,
because a soul is like a drop of water in the desert.
Those like me stretch out a hand and help you get up,
while running the risk of falling in turn.
Those like me look ahead,
even if their heart is some steps behind
Those like me search for a meaning to existence and, on finding it,
try to impart it to the ones who just survive.
Those like me, when in love, love forever.
and if they stop, it’s only because
small fragments of being
lie powerless in the hands of life.
Those like me pursue the dream
of being loved for what they are
and not for what they are expected to be.
Those like me travel the world striving for values that human souls have long forgotten
Those like me would really like to change,
but this would mean to be born again.
Those like me scream in silence,
so that their voice is not confused with tears.
Those like me are women whose hearts you are definitely going to break
because you know they’ll let you go, without a question.
Those like me love too much, even knowing that, in return,
they’ll receive nothing but crumbs.
Those like me feed on little and sadly build their existence on it
Those like me go unnoticed,
but they are the only women that will really love you
Those like me are the ones that, in the autumn of your life,
you will regret for what they might have given you
and you didn’t accept..

It's the wild, wild west

There's something you want to say
About your ex
She wants to start over
So you're hesitating a bit
You're heading off to work
And I kiss you by the door
You may come home late
You say 'Don't sit up waiting'
Hey you!
I want you to answer me now
Do you want to be with her or me? If it's ok
Maybe you can tell me
Because it would be nice to get an answer
Am I the one for you?
But it seems like you're not in a hurry
Who do you think you are?
No, this won't do, I'll tell you that
This is like the wild, wild west
When the phone rings
You're on your feet
Eager to answer
Because you know who it may be
Now and then in the late, late night
You come home a little tipsy
In a perfume that isn't mine
Telling me off with a heavy sigh
Hey you!
I want you to answer me now
Do you want to be with her or me? If it's ok
Maybe you can tell me
Because it would be nice to get an answer
Am I the one for you?
But it seems like you're not in a hurry
Who do you think you are?
No, this won't do, I'll tell you that
This is like the wild, wild west

Soldiers of tin

Brilliance -
Just like gold scales of fish
Fame -
Just like stars falls and goes out!
Take your soldiers of tin,
Come to play on my stairs!
Where are your generals
Where are they?
If they're still alive
What paths are they going?
Take your soldiers of tin,
Come to play on my stairs!
I only know
That dead Napoleon
Is buried under ground
So that it wouldn't stink
But live kitten is fed with
Warm milk!
They'll bury you, they'll bury me
Just like human children
Will drink the milk.
Take your soldiers of tin,
Come to play on my stairs!
But you don't be sad - take soldiers!
Come to my stairs - to play!