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Song for Bulgaria

Traveler dear, traveler young,
who set off to see the bright world,
wherever you go, sing and dream,
but do not forget your native land
For it is only one in the world -
our dear native land
There are many homelands in the world
There are valleys with marvelous flowers
But you won't find there the native Balkan,1
full of daydream and haidouk songs
For it is only one in the world -
our dear native land
You will go through many countries
Get to love all the nations
But do not forget, proud traveler,
your glorious hardworking people
For it is only one in the world -
our dear native land
  • 1. = Balkan Mountains -

There was a Nay player Playing Nay in his best

There was a *Nay player
Playing Nay in his best
suddenly from his arse a fart sprung by wrest
putting Nay on his arse

Caretaker of a Piggery

I raised pigs on a home farm
I pet, clothed and washed
With a bucket I poured fodder
Entertained with a mandolin
Butler of the piggery
I operated the unpleasant work of the farm
Feces I cleaned up those too
Until they ate me alive too
The pigs ate me alive too
I prayed to the frosty field, with fingernails
But nothing was enough for them
Even gave myself to the bastards
But even that wasn't enough to satisfy them
Butler of the piggery
I operated the unpleasant work of the farm
I added firewood to the hearth
Until they ate me alive too
The pigs ate me alive too
What was a left of me, a stringless mandolin
And a bloody shirt of linen
A young girl I am in a polaroid-picture
Freckled and a rowan-fence
My road goes now under the compost
As my dearth when I travel to Kumpula
From my bones flowers a pumpkin garden
The pigs just laughed squealing
The pigs just laughed squealing

The Bottle

This bottle is (smooch) the ideal girlfriend,
The ideal girlfriend who I don't want to see empty¹.(clink)
She doesn't scold me (smooch), she doesn't cheat on me.
She doesn't throw a fit (smooch), she has no disease.
This bottle is (smooch) my favourite girlfriend, (smooch)
My favourite girlfriend (smooch) who gets me high.
I can rip her to pieces, (smooch), she will not get offended,
This bottle is (smooch) my favourite girlfriend.
I could do anything to her, she will stay by my side,
When I'm feeling lonelier, she makes me feel better.
This bottle is (smooch) the main girlfriend, (smooch),
The main girlfriend who has no education.
She doesn't bother me, (clink), she doesn't nag me,
I am certain that this is the only girlfriend that loves me.
My beloved alcohol, I'm so glad you have found me!
The planet is huge... and yet we still have met.
This bottle is (smooch) the ideal girlfriend, (smooch)
The ideal girlfriend who I don't want to see empty. (clink)
(multiple times)

Frumoasa mea

Ah, frumoasă ești, măi, fată, măi
Ferice de bărbatul care te va lua
Tu ești, măi, fată, fată, măi
Tu ești, măi, frumoaso, dragostea mea
La mama ta un bărbat te căută
Inima cărbune mi se făcu
Știu, măi, fată, că tu nu voiai
Că la mine, iubito, te gândeai
Ah, frumoasa ești, măi, fată, măi
O să vin să te caut la mama ta
Ah, frumoasa ești, măi, fată, măi
Tu ești, măi, fată, fată, măi
Tu ești, măi, frumoaso, dragostea mea
Dacă vrea mama, măi, dacă nu vrea
Tu vei fii, iubito, nevasta mea
Și noi doi, măi, iubito, o să ne luăm
Și viață frumoasa, iubito, o să trăim

Născut pe deltă

Atunci, când eram doar un băiețel
Stăteam pe genunchiul tatălui meu
Acesta mi-a spus: „Fiule, nu-l lăsa pe bărbat să te prindă
Fă-i ce mi-a făcut el mie !'
Pentru că te va lua, pentru că te va lua acum, acum
Și îmi amintesc de ziua de 4 iulie
Alergând gol prin pădure
Și încă îl mai aud pe bătrânul meu câine lătrând
Urmărindu-l acolo pe vrăjitor
Urmărindu-l acolo pe vrăjitor
Născut pe deltă
Născut pe deltă
Născut pe deltă
Mi-aș fi dorit să mă întorc pe deltă
Să mă plimb cu o regină Cajun
Îmi doresc să fiu într-un tren de marfă rapid
Să cobor la New Orleans
Născut pe deltă
Născut pe deltă
Născut pe deltă
Fă-o, fă-o, fă-o, fă-o, o, Doamne
Oh, întoarce-te, băiete
Îmi amintesc de ziua de 4 iulie
Alergând gol prin pădure
Și încă îl mai aud pe bătrânul meu câine lătrând
Urmărindu-l acolo pe vrăjitor
Urmărindu-l acolo pe vrăjitor
Născut pe deltă
Născut pe deltă
Născut pe deltă
Bine, fă-o, fă-o, fă-o, fă-o, oh

Doar inima unei femei

Inima mea e franta, inima mea e atat de franta
Asa cum doar inima unei femei poate fi
Asa cum numai a unei femei, asa cum numai a unei femei
Asa cum numai inima unei femei poate sti
Lacrimile ce curg
Din ochii mei nauciti
Gustul iubirii dulce amaruie
Am inca sperante legate de tine
Esti inca in mintea mea, oh da
Chiar daca ma descurc de una singura
Inima mea e franta, inima mea e atat de franta
Asa cum doar inima unei femei poate fi
Asa cum numai a unei femei, asa cum numai a unei femei
Asa cum numai inima unei femei poate sti
Cand ochii obositi
Dezvaluie sufletul meu chinuit
Iar memoriile imi inunda inima ostenita
Jelesc pentru visele mele
Jelesc pentru iubirea mea irosita
In timp ce stiu ca voi supravietui singura
Inima mea e franta, inima mea e atat de franta
Asa cum doar inima unei femei poate fi
Asa cum numai a unei femei, asa cum numai a unei femei
Asa cum numai inima unei femei poate sti
Inima mea e franta, inima mea e atat de franta
Asa cum doar inima unei femei poate fi
Asa cum numai a unei femei, asa cum numai a unei femei
Asa cum numai inima unei femei poate sti
Inima mea e franta, inima mea e atat de franta
Asa cum doar inima unei femei poate fi
Asa cum numai a unei femei, asa cum numai a unei femei
Asa cum numai inima unei femei poate sti

American style

Tonight I put on the V 1 so my chest can be seen
And everyone tells me, brother, you'll become a legend
I'm a bald legend
With a hairy back
And everyone asks 'God how'
I became a boss overnight
I started alone, aiming to become a baron
Kid of rich people, insignificant however, the throne became the target
All around me just envy, jealousy, tears and pain
I heard rap, I saw what's going on, eh, and I said I'll become a mason
I make my name the law, I have a policeman as my security guard
I buy coke, I give ass 2, and it's pure aspirin 3
I ate caviar since I was a kid, I drank champagne from the heels
My factory was going amazingly, I was giving expensive Rolex's to the workers
That's how I'm copying the American style and I'm cooking sausages in Menidi
Tonight I put the V and Glyfada is trembling
And my fame is spreading all over Greece
All over Greece
I'm well known everywhere
Rapper and metrosexual
And everyone asks 'God how'
I answer to them 'I'm the boss'
Now wherever I go they're looking at me, bouncers greet me
Girls see me alone on the street and are asking for autographs
I learned the restaurants, I learned the sushi bars
My parents are proud that I'm talking about drugs to my fans
Even if I don't make money, I throw cash in videoclips
I take Xanax, I give pain 4, connections in the telephone
I threw away the baggy clothes and I'm wearing tights now
I wore chains, I'm bowing down to Gucci
I uploaded stories, I'm hunting follows
Millions of views and I don't even speak to my mother
That's how I'm copying the American style and I'm cooking sausages in Menidi
I polished my Porsche, I got high with cheap coke
I'm going to my baby now
That I've left on its own
1.80 cm., Russian
Fuck it, not today my darling
I've got to make a living
  • 1. V neck shirt
  • 2. It's way expensive
  • 3. Instead of coke
  • 4. I hype the crowd up

După tine

Pleci acum, și iubirea ta are zâmbetul alteia,
nu te-am întrebat niciodată de ce.
Pleci acum, vină tu nu ai,
nu-ți cere scuze, știi că te-aș ierta.
După tine, eu mor, nu trăiesc,
dar dacă trăiesc, am s-o fac pentru tine.
După tine, acea dorință de a iubi
aici în inimă nu există, nu există.
Dacă am găsit zâmbetul cu tine,
atâta timp cât râd o să zâmbesc pentru tine
După tine, pe nimeni nu voi mai vrea
dacă va exista altcineva.
Pleci departe, dar în viața mea
îmi voi ține promisiunea,
cea pe care ți-am făcut-o cândva.
În caz că întâlnesc pe altcineva,
tandrețea mi-o voi da, dar nu și dragostea.
După tine, eu mor, nu trăiesc,
dar dacă trăiesc, am s-o fac pentru tine.
După tine, acea dorință de a iubi
aici în inimă nu există, nu există.
Dacă am găsit zâmbetul cu tine,
atâta timp cât râd o să zâmbesc pentru tine
După tine, pe nimeni nu voi mai vrea
dacă va exista altcineva.

Noi suntem aromâni

Noi suntem aromâni, aromâni din toate timpurile
Și tot aromâni o să fim de-acum înainte
Noi limba noastra s-n-o uităm
Nu ne e rușine s-o vorbim
Și de cei ce fug de ea ne batem joc!
Oh, măi, bunicule, eu vreau să te-ntreb ceva
În Pind, aromânimea, cum trăia?
Feciorii când se însurau
Fetele, nu le cunoșteau
Nu știm dacă era mai bine așa
Dar bunicu' zise 'Oh, of-of-of'
Cum o să ne omoare, măi, Dumnezeu
După atâtea rele făcute neamului
De nu s-a mai auzit niciodată
De ce trăii ca să văd, amărâtul de mine, așa ceva?'
Noi suntem aromâni, aromâni din toate timpurile
Și tot aromâni o să fim de-acum înainte
Noi limba noastra s-n-o uităm
Nu ne e rușine s-o vorbim
Și de cei ce fug de ea ne batem joc!

Patru jumătate

Aș fi vrut să fii aici să te mângâi,
Să te văd alături de mine, să trăiesc și să sper,
Aș fi vrut să fii aici să am grijă de tine,
A trecut o vreme de când nu te-am văzut și nu mai pot îndura.
Încă o dată, șa noapte îmi va fi dor de tine,
Încă o dată, vina mă va acapara,
Încă o dată te voi aștepta
Ca o țigară aprinsă.
E 4:30, unde ești?
Inima mea, unde hoinărești?
E 4:30, la noapte
Cum te vei descurca fără mine?
Aș vrea să fii aici în întunecimea nopții,
În îmbrățișarea ta să mă pierd iar la noapte,
Aș vrea să fii aici, ca să nu-mi fie teamă.
Nu te-am văzut de atâtea nopți și n-am putut dormi...
Încă o dată, la noapte îmi va fi dor de tine...

Turn The Wheel

This sea is made only of tears
Some people are going away from war...
At home, my mother is tired... tired,
How can I leave you now?
Rest awhile, oh poverty
What have we got to eat today?
Is life worth nothing anymore?
The wheel always turns... eternally
… And I convince the death
To take me dancing
From her pocket, I steal the joy
With the ring of Mary...
To all these tears of the sea
To this earth that doesn't want to end
To those who have not yet served their sentence
Turn the wheel and break the chain


This is the way winds hum the wordless melodies
Let’s add more kindling and fuel to the flames
From our windows there’s a view of splendid gardens
There’s the sun and clouds flutter in the sky’s curtains.
I drink my gin
I’m still alive
I drink my gin
I still breathe
Every artist is often consumed by self-loathing 1,
Some kid once more after the train chasing:
He still dreams of catching train’s handrails
To force afternoon sun to roll down midnight trails.
I drink my gin
I’m still alive
I drink my gin
I still breathe
Nobody knows - all of a sudden, the pendulum might swing:
To those who would save us, memorials we’ll spring.
We’ll get warm, remember, and plans conceive
Toward what distant lands the ships should leave.
I drink my gin
I’m still alive
I drink my gin
I still breathe
I contrive my Jinn
I’m still in my skin
I drink of my Jinn
I still breathe in
  • 1. the Jinn…

What is love

You, only you
know how to tell me
only you...
You're wearing the colour of the sky
and light of the night
you know the move of the sea
from its unknown
from colour
and from light
and move you're coming...
What is love
Tell me what it is
You, little star
from fairy tales
You, miracle of life
given to the man
tell me what is love.
You, only you
know how to tell me
only you...
You're wearing the colour of the sky
and light of the night
you know the move of the sea
from its unknown
from colour
and from light
and move you're coming...
What is love
Tell me what it is
You, little star
from fairy tales
You, miracle of life
given to the man
tell me what is love.
You, only you
know how to tell me
only you...
What is love
Tell me what it is
You, little star
from fairy tales
You, miracle of life
given to the man
tell me what is love.
What is love
Tell me what it is
You, little star
from fairy tales
You, miracle of life
given to the man
tell me what is love.

Tick Tock

Tick ​​Tock Tick Tock
Tick ​​Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock
Tick ​​Tock Tick Tock
Nu am nevoie de altul. Sunt mulțumit
Făcând-o pe cont propriu
Doar ia un singur iubit
Pentru a-ți schimba atmosfera
Nu așa merge
Nu am nevoie ca nimeni să te pună în reluare
Prins în memorie
Când îmi atingi corpul
Și îmi spui numele
Dându-mi ceea ce am nevoie
Tick ​​Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock
In fiecare minut
Deci pierdut în el
Ca tine în patul meu
Fiecare oră îți dă putere
Pierzându-l pe al meu în schimb
Douăzeci și șapte te-au pus în minte
Gândește-te tot timpul la tine
Corpul meu te vrea noapte și zi
Deși capul meu țipă, pleacă
Tick ​​Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock
Douăzeci și șapte te-au pus în minte
Darlin, nu am timp
Corpul meu te vrea noapte și zi
Îmi pierd tot controlul asupra mea
Na na, nana na Tick Tock
Na na, nana na na na
Na na, nana na na na Tick Tock
Na na na na na na na
Douăzeci și patru șapte am un loc cu numele tău pe el
În cazul în care ați decis că ieșiți (mmhm)
Nu e timp să te gândești prea ocupat la dans și băut
Oh, ai vrut să te ridici la casa ta (mmhm)
Baby aruncă Fendi pe podea
Dependentă de a mă mai iubi
Am auzit că vrei corpul meu, eu vreau al tău
Știi deja că știu deja
Douăzeci și șapte te-au pus în minte
Gândește-te tot timpul la tine
Corpul meu te vrea noapte și zi
Deși capul meu țipă, pleacă
Tick ​​Tock Tick Tock
Douăzeci și șapte te-au pus în minte
Darlin, nu am timp
Corpul meu te vrea noapte și zi
Îmi pierd tot controlul asupra mea
Na na, nana na Tick Tock
Na na, nana na na na
Na na, nana na na na Tick Tock
Na na na na na na na
In fiecare minut
Deci pierdut în el
Ca tine în patul meu
Fiecare oră îți dă putere
Îl pierd pe al meu în schimb
Tick ​​Tock Tick Tock
Tick ​​Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock
Douăzeci și șapte te-au pus în minte
Gândește-te tot timpul la tine
Corpul meu te vrea noapte și zi
Deși capul meu țipă, pleacă
Tick ​​Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock
Douăzeci și șapte te-au pus în minte
Darlin, nu am timp
Corpul meu te vrea noapte și zi
Îmi pierd tot controlul asupra mea
Na na, nana na Tick Tock
Na na, nana na na na
Na na, nana na na na Tick Tock
Na na na na na na na
Na na, nana na Tick Tock
Na na, nana na na na
Na na, nana na na na Tick Tock
Na na na na na na na

Barim (Graduation)

I don't even know how long it's been
But I've been missing you for a while
I open the memories that I've kept locked away
I was always anxious everything would topple over
But now, even if I dust off the memories I had of you
I don't remember you anymore
It's cruel, tears stream down my face
I don't know if I can endure their weight
I'm pathetic, I don't have enough courage
To face the reality that I was abandoned
I look everywhere, I call out your name
But I only get an empty echo in response
Everything in this place is being erased
All that's left is my dry thirst for you
It's cruel, tears stream down my face
I don't know if I can endure their weight
I'm pathetic, I don't have enough courage
To face the reality that I was abandoned
You no longer exist in this place
Everything turns to ash and disappears
My dying heart beats for you
I hear your voice in my ears
I don't know the source of this pain
But it just keeps getting deeper
Like a corpse that has gone cold
The light disappears from my eyes
Like nothing ever happened
As if nothing matters

Ladder to heaven

Versions: #1
I'll play a trick on you and shit in the jacuzzi. With acts of terror such as these I will drive you insane as I set the IT equipment out of tune and feed the mobile phone to the dog.
Some look for ladders to heaven while others extinguish the sun. Some commit misdeeds while others decimate the jungle - whats left of it anyway.
If it was possible to observe humanity from some other star as it devours its own head, who then would weep crocodile tears?
The earth is a gift left to the children (sarcastic tone).
Some look for ladders to heaven while others extinguish the sun. Some commit misdeeds while others decimate the jungle - whats left of it anyway.
Now the only one grinning is a skull as it's unlikely that even the most pious daydreams will ever come true. The bones of the skeleton will become rat food and the last trees will be left to the birds.
Some look for ladders to heaven while others extinguish the sun. Some commit misdeeds while others decimate the jungle - whats left of it anyway.

Copenhagen (tent and stove)

Studying a travel brochure, I realized how much I miss Copenhagen
We used to hitchhike there in the summer


La la la la la la la
La la
And yesterday I had a dream (no no no)
And you were there in it, too
You read 'Goosebumps' (no no no)
And had a coffee with me
We weren't able to sleep (no no no)
We started to laugh
About the fear of dying
About the want to leave
About the joy of living
I read your hand (no no no)
And I memorized it
And if I'm lucky, I swear to you
I'll bring you to the history books
And I was told by the Pakistani (no no no)
Who I bought roses from,
'Boss, remember that happiness lies
inside the little things' (oh)
Yeee, ye e e, ye e e
And you stay here in disarray
Because the greatest freedom
Is that which keeps you in chains (oh)
Yeee, ye e e, ye e e
The punches in the face you give me
I save them in my soul
Next to all the 'I love you's (oh)
Yesterday I woke up (no no no)
It was around three
When the phone didn't ring
I understood that it was you
You said, 'Learn to live alone' (no no no)
But I already knew how


Versions: #1
La la la la la la la, la la, la
And yesterday I had a dream (no no no)
And you were in it, too
You read 'Goosebumps' (no no no)
And had a coffee with me
We weren't able to sleep (no no no)
We started to laugh
About the fear of dying
About the want to leave
About the joy of living
I read your hand (no no no)
And I memorized it
And if I'm lucky, I swear to you, I'll bring you to the history books
And I was told by the Pakistani (no no no)
Who I bought roses from,
'Boss, remember that happiness lies inside the little things'
Oh yeeee, ye-e-e, ye-e-e
And you stay here in disarray
Because the greatest freedom
Is that which keeps you in chains
Oh yeeee, ye-e-e, ye-e-e
The punches you give me in the face
I save them in my soul
Next to all the 'I love you's (oh)
Yesterday I woke up (no no no)
It was around three
When the phone didn't ring
I understood that it was you
You said, 'Learn to live alone' (no no no)
But I already knew how

My Little Village

I was born there, in my little village
There's no candles, no lamplight there
An ancient strawberry tree stands in front of our house
My mother is always waiting for me at home
I'm writing to you, mother
Don't wait for me, I'm not coming home anymore
When they go to sleep in my little village
Mother, say a prayer for me
I can't be a proper person anymore
I sin every night
They wait for me, the sinful friends
The painted women, the champagne dinners
What will be my end, I know it well
I'll die during a sinful dawn
When they go to sleep in my little village
Mother, say a prayer for me
I was born there, in my little village
There's no candles, no lamplight there
An ancient strawberry tree stands in front of our house
My mother is always waiting at home
I'm writing to you, mother
Don't wait for me, I'm not coming home again
When they go to sleep in my little village
Mother, say a prayer for me
I can't be a proper person anymore
I sin every night
They wait for me, the sinful friends
The painted women, the champagne dinners
What will be my end, I know it well
I'll die during a sinful dawn
When they go to sleep in my little village
Mother, say a prayer for me

Nascută liberă

Nimic ciudat dacă pleci,
nu mă miră ceea ce faci.
Nimic ciudat dacă ramâi aici
fără să faci nimic, asta e.
Ești precum o lebădă care-și întinde aripile,
te-ai născut liberă, trebuie să zbori,
și să inchizi cu cheia libertatea ta
ar fi doar o absurditate.
E atat de frumos să te văd fericită
și a-ți fura un zâmbet nu sunt capabil.
E ascunsă între ramuri dar o auzi cântând,
dacă te vede s-a terminat, atunci va fugi


In front of the mirror
Without anyone seeing her
Pretty, ugly
Missing Lindoneia
Torn apart, run over,
Dogs dead in the streets,
Police officers on the lookout
The Sun hitting the fruits
Oh, my love
The pain of loneliness will kill me
Lindoneia, with tan skin
Fruits in the marketplace
Single Lindoneia
Lindoneia, Sunday, Monday
Lindoneia missing
In church, on the andor 1
Lindoneia missing
In the laziness, in progress
Lindoneia missing
On the top charts
Oh, my love
The pain of loneliness will kill me
On the other side of the mirror
But missing
She appears in the photograph
Of the other side of life
  • 1. a type of stretcher used to carry saints

Girl Next Door

Girl next door
So what?
But it's not complicated
You know how to start
Just be fine in your head
To enter the party
Girl next door
So what?
Girl next door
Move your body
You're the girl next door
If you hear me, don't hesitate to stop by
You're the girl assumed
The anti-rest that will tear it all apart
Be zen, well relaxed
Let him approach you
Don't say anything that doesn't hurt
Let the serpent coil
Girl next door
So what?
Girl next door
You're the girl next door
If you hear me, don't hesitate to stop by
You're the girl assumed
The anti-rest that will tear it all apart
Dance of the feet
Dance of the lion
Like Mozart
Ballroom dance
Dance masked
I see you
Dance unmasked
I don't see you
Sexy sexy
Dance of the crazy
Girl next door
You're the girl next door
If you hear me, don't hesitate to stop by
You're the girl assumed
The anti-rest that will tear it all apart

Blood on the congas

We want some blood on the congas
We want people on the track
We want the cops at the exit
And to set free the good energy
Let's find the wave of sweetness
Let's write it with the heart
Let's live out a scenario from a happy film
Let's be just a little more warm
We want some blood on the congas
We want people on the track
We want the cops at the exit
And to set free the good energy
We want some fire on the sector
To seek the inner sun
We want to start anew
With some rum in the cocktails
Let's find some depth
Forget to count the hours
Timidity swept to the side
Look for passers-by, blush for them
We want some blood on the congas
We want people on the track
We want the cops at the exit
And to set free the good energy
We want some fire on the sector
To seek the inner sun
We want to start anew
With some rum in the cocktails

You, Aromanian Village

Since the begining of time
The longing for your village is intense,
No matter where the Aromanians are,
It's something that God gave us.
Hey, i love you so much, i love you so much
Aromanian village,
No matter where the Aromanians go
They will never forget about you.
I always remember
That when i was kid
We used to keep inside our home
The sheep with the newborn lamb.
I always remember
About the village life,
That the sheep's milk
Was a staple food.
Wearing wool socks
And thick hats,
We were warm
Even during freezing cold weather.
From Wednesday to Wednesday
A wedding would take place,
Such a loud party
With lots of music.
Hey, i love you so much, i love you so much
Aromanian village,
No matter where the Aromanians go
They will never forget about you.

Love to hate

With you, I don't go from love to hate
I wait for you to come back
With you, I don't go from love to hate
I wait for you to come back
I find you in every lyric of the music that I love
You know, the ones that speak to us about love, speak of eternal love
You know, the more I listen, the more I long to write the same things
And through them to tell you that I could never hate you because
Without your arms, I can't sleep1
Another2 night that gets away from me
I feel your hand in mine
I soar
With you, I don't go from love to hate
I wait for you to come back
With you, I don't go from love to hate
I wait for you to come back
We did everything, we said everything
We redid it, we started again, it's all the same
With you, I don't go from love to hate
I wait for you to come back
I don't see how the moon can shine without the sun
Even in a parallel world, for us it's the same
I went over3 millions of questions in my head
I still don't see how I can hate you when
Without your arms, I can't sleep
Another night that gets away from me
I feel your hand in mine
I soar
With you, I don't go from love to hate
I wait for you to come back
With you, I don't go from love to hate
I wait for you to come back
We did everything, we said everything
We redid it, we started again, it's all the same
With you, I don't go from love to hate
I wait for you to come back
With you, I don't go from love to hate
  • 1. lit. I don't have sleep
  • 2. lit. again a night that escapes me
  • 3. lit. I did a tour of, or I walked around


One, two, three
Thank you
One, two, three
Thank you
One, two, three
Thank you
One, two, three
(Ani ani)
One, two, three
Thank you
One, two, three
Thank you
One, two, three
Thank you
One, two, three
(Ani ani)
One, two, three
Thank you
One, two, three
Thank you
One, two, three
Thank you
One, two, three

Life (you‘ve always been like this)

You came into existence out of nothing an eternity ago
You‘re a miracle, it‘s not easy for me to understand your plans
You left grandpa way too soon, I let him go in tears
Now I‘m holding Lou in my arms, can see you in her eyes
So many stories of you, but you don‘t fit into any book
You have so many names but none of them is you
Loving you is not always easy
but I know you don‘t mean it
yes, your heart is huge, you‘ve always been like this
yes, your heart is huge, you‘ve always been like this
always been like this
always been like this
When my first love left, I cursed you
Letting him go was the hatdest thing, but you knew what you were doing
There are stars shining above me, down here I‘m sining about you
I‘ve looked for your meaning so many times, but you prefer not to tell
So many stories of you, but you don‘t fit into any book
You have so many names but none of them is you
Loving you is not always easy
but I know you don‘t mean it
yes, your heart is huge, you‘ve always been like this
yes, your heart is huge, you‘ve always been like this
always been like this
always been like this
You‘ve always been like this
always been like this

Two Ravens

As I was walking all alone
I spied two ravens moaning out
One said to the other-o
Where shall we go and dine today-o?
Where shall we go and dine today-o?
Down behind that old wall of turf
I know that a new slain knight lies there
And no one knows that he lies there-o
But his hawk and his hound and his charming lady-o
But his hawk and his hound and his charming lady-o
His hound went hunting
His hawk to drop the wildfowl home
His Lady found herself another man-o
Thus we may have our dinner in a canter-o
Thus we may have our dinner in a canter-o
You'll land on his collarbone
And I'll scratch his fine blue eyes out
Along with a lock of his golden hair-o
We'll build our nest when it's in sight-o
We'll build our nest when it's in sight-o
There are many that wail for him
But no one shall know where he has gone
Or his white bones, when they're in sight-o
The wind shall blow forevermore-o
The wind shall blow forevermore-o
As I was walking all alone
I spied two ravens moaning out
One said to the other-o
Where shall we go and dine today-o?
Where shall we go and dine today-o?