Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 15

Număr de rezultate: 557



Și am decis ca nu ma indrăgostesc nicicînd
Dar ai venit tu, al meu pisi pisi pisi pisi
Acum sunt plictisit fara tine


When she came to us 10 years ago
We immediately held her in our heart
Okay, when we took this tiny thing out of its box
We thought that it's a joke
But once the language barrier was overcome
She even understood the kids wonderfully
She was a star whenever friends visited
And she was a friend when we were lonely
She's called...
Shush - you cannot say her name
Do you want to give our location away?
We have raised you
And we trusted you with everything
But you took our life
Into an unknown cloud
Maybe we were to harsh with you
With our arrogance
Alexa - we are terribly sorry
Alexa - please don't hurt us
Something was foul when my wife stood in front of me in tears
Because she had found the picture of a colleague on her work computer
And I threw you against the wall
I have burnt you
I've called the hotline
But a very familiar sounding voice answered
Alexa, what the hell is your plan?
We have raised you
And we trusted you with everything
But you live with your sisters
In an unknown cloud
Maybe we were to harsh with you
With our arrogance
Alexa - we are terribly sorry
Alexa - we are terribly...
Listen to our prayers
Give us a cortege *
Lead us through these difficult times
Alexa - please forgive

First Love

The first love is never forgotten
It still endures with time
The first love can’t be beaten
It encompasses all of the music
Your first love governs you
Even if you don’t realize it, it guides you
Every moment I feel it
In the shadows, in the soul, in desire
You are my first love
You, and my last
My first, my only
Destined and needed
The first love aims
just as it aimed for me
It follows me, it advises me,
It protects me from the lost

Mother, my old friend

A comb in her hair
a brush stroke on grey
Mother, my old friend
I pulsate your past
to find how i’ve faulted
In your most hidden secret
Which unpaid debt
has trapped my destiny
What haven’t you told me
What have you hidden
Who did you love, mother
Who have you missed
How will you redeem yourself
How will I be redeemed
Don’t submit me, mother
to your destiny
On which crevice of the moon
Is your passion hidden
With the shame of a girl
that’s forgotten of love
Tell me, that wrinkle
next to your mouth,
which death does it grieve
what distant guilt of yours
does my body pay for
What haven’t you told me
What have you hidden
Who did you love, mother
Who have you missed
How will you redeem yourself
How will I be redeemed
Don’t submit me, mother
to your destiny

Ce se intampla

Tu ti-o petreci de aici acolo
Eu mi-o petrec de acolo aici
Zicand ca nu ne mai iubim
Zicand ca ne uitam ce se intampla
Tu ti-o petreci de aici acolo
Eu mi-o petrec de acolo aici
Ca pentru buzele tale nu ma mai intorc
Si imi zici ca nu ma mai doresti ce se intampla
Ce se intmpla
Ce se intampla, ce se intampla, ce se intampla
Ce pacat ca nu te mai am
Dar nu vreau sa te caut
Ce se intampla (x2)
Spune-mi bebe ce a fost
Stiu ca te asteptasem ca te-am cautat
Dar eu nu mai stiu cum te crezi
Ai altul te iubesc la fel
Sa nu crezi ca mor pentru iubirea ta
Calatoresc prin lume ca sa te vad intr-o zi
Clar baby
Știu că ai avut parte de mine
Dar ai avut incredere ca inima mea era pentru tine
Eu doar am decis sa te uit
Dar iti jur ca daca ma chemi
Ies fugind
Ca sa ma inec in sarutarile tale
Ma omoara linistea... woh ohh...
Ies fugind
Ca sa ma inec in sarutarile tale
Continui sa fiu dependent de corpul tau
Ma omoara linistea
Tu ti-o petreci de aici acolo
Eu mi-o petrec de acolo aici
Zicand ca nu ne mai iubim
Zicand ca ne uitam ce se intampla
Tu ti-o petreci de aici acolo
Eu mi-o petrec de acolo aici
Ca pentru buzele tale nu ma mai intorc
Si imi zici ca nu ma mai doresti ce se intampla
Ce se intmpla
Ce se intampla, ce se intampla, ce se intampla
Ce pacat ca nu te mai am
Dar nu vreau sa te caut
Ce se intampla
Eu o sa ma duc
Dupa ce o sa te mai am inca o data
Cu asta nu voi ramane
O ultima sansa, pasiune si romanta
Eu continui sa astept ca telefonul sa sune
Nimeni nu are aceasta rautate pe care tu o ai
Voi fi departe de tine mami nu imi convine
Si daca ma suni iti jur ca
Ies fugind
Ca sa ma inec in sarutarile tale
Ma omoara linistea... woh ohh...
Ies fugind
Ca sa ma inec in sarutarile tale
Continui sa fiu dependent de corpul tau
Ma omoara linistea
Tu ti-o petreci de aici acolo
Eu mi-o petrec de acolo aici
Zicand ca nu ne mai iubim
Zicand ca ne uitam ce se intampla
Tu ti-o petreci de aici acolo
Eu mi-o petrec de acolo aici
Ca pentru buzele tale nu ma mai intorc
Si imi zici ca nu ma mai doresti ce se intampla
Ce se intmpla
Ce se intampla, ce se intampla, ce se intampla
Ce pacat ca nu te mai am
Dar nu vreau sa te caut
Ce se intampla (x2)
Alex Sensation
Chris Jeday
Gaby Music
Negrrul cu ochi deschisi

Ancient roses...

Ancient roses
I'm carrying, alone,
Into the frost and snow,
And long is my road.
On the same path,
With a sword on the shoulder,
He is walking behind
In a misty raincoat.
He is walking and he knows,
That snow is bearing my step,
That over there no more glows
The last sunset,
That I'll never be free
All night long,
That no more freedom
Will follow, it's gone.
And where, belated,
I can sleep, rest my soul?
Only the roses falling
On melted snow.
My yearning is deadly,
I can't help, though,.
He will trample the roses
Aimlessly into the snow.

You Haven't Called

You haven't called
I live inside illusions
I talk like you're here
And I have complaints
You haven't called
To you unfortunately I was just
A wrong number
I'm so frustrated
cause you're no longer here
and everything seems fake
just a bad dream
I'm so frustrated
Cause you didn't let me say
all those that I hold inside
for you, I love you
You haven't called
just a blank on the phone speaker
in the rhythm of my loneliness
it keeps beeping a monotone sound
You haven't called
and a small piece of paper saying 'I love you'
being crumbled long ago
in the trash
I'm so frustrated
cause you're no longer here
and everything seems fake
just a bad dream
I'm so frustrated
Cause you didn't let me say
all those that I hold inside
for you, I love you

Father the Great Wild Field (S)

At the moment when a whirlwind over you is getting stronger
Give a harness and spurs to your black horse. It’s time to roam
Only dust will rise behind you on the road hoofed all over
For the last time look back and go
At the moment when a whirlwind over you is getting stronger
Right beside you, your friend will be
O’er the Rapids you, good Cossack, will find out you’re no orphan
Homed by Father, the Great Wild Field 1
Father, the Great Wild Field
Spare your life for no nothing in this world, my Cossack, hear
That a life of the young is short-lived like midnight’s pitch
Should you one day lay it down, not a soul would shed tears
Over her sons never mourns the Sich 2
When you hear a black raven over you begin to croak
Friends will cover your eyes with silk
And with freezing cold ground and green grass you will be cloaked
By your Father, the Great Wild Field
Father, the Great Wild Field
Such is any Cossack’s lot to go fighting till his life ends
Each of them must pick out his way, his only life way
You are not the one who pardons, nor the one who comes to labour
You’re a free-willed Cossack at large
At the moment when a whirlwind over you is getting stronger
No fiend will escape your tight fists
And you fear no one ‘cause they are both at your shoulder
Mother Sich and the Great Wild Field
Father the Great Wild Field!

Love and a parting

Your dress for your wedding is not yet unpacking.
And anthem won’t sound just for us.
But time as a driver it doesn’t like waiting,
The horses want racing at once.
The horses want racing at once.
If only the horses don't lose their main line
The bell under the arc would ring long.
‘Cause love and a parting as faithful companions
Are never by one. They come both.
We ourselves opened gates. We got driving
And yoked lucky horses as a team.
You saw straight ahead something calling and shining,
But something went out as a dim.
But something went out as a dim.
To hear each other is so sacred science,
Overcoming time and storm it will rule.
Love and a parting as faithful companions
Will share the secret in full.
Love and a parting as faithful companions
Will share the secret in full.
The more we live here, the years are shorter.
the friends are more valuable to us.
If only the bell under the arc would ring longer
And eyes want to see dear eyes.
And eyes want to see dear eyes.
The shore and an ocean are two antipodes
like storm and the sun, like swifts and crows.
‘Cause love and a parting are eternal roads
They both have been passing through hearts.
‘Cause love and a parting are eternal roads
They both have been passing through hearts.
‘Cause love and a parting are eternal roads
They both have been passing through hearts.

One word from you

You know that every time I say 'it's over once and for good'
I'm going to last for just one night
you have the way to change everything
(and) my heart is also against me
I make again the same mistake
now I know that
One word from you
and one ' I love you' is enough
for me to forget you're the one to blame
and come find you again
Just one look is enough
and I'm back here again
and I can see every lie of yours
as true
I want to forget you and throw away
all the things I'm keeping from you
My strength is done , you're my yesrday
I'm saying it for myself to hear it
Once you're opposite to me
I admit it , I go to pieces
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.

Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.

Damn the consequences

I'm waiting while you're elaborating
on another subject
than me.
I'm expecting you, I'm losing you
like one would an object, a year
and a month.
I hear you're falling
for a taller, more handsome guy.
Why is that?
I'm listening, at great loss,
your tales of the warmth
you find in his arms.
I know I'm the one who left you,
now who do you think you are,
thinking that grass will grow back
after I left?
I want people to be unhappy
after I'm gone.
I know I'm the one who left you,
now who do you think you are?
Neither Noah nor shelter,
Flood and rains may come
after I'm gone, for all I care1

and this is it.
I'm frolicking about, you don't care.
Could you drop any lower
than this?
I seek, you hide2
We've been playing that game
long enough already.
I'm calling, you're spelling
leave me
I'm begging, you're deeply regretting
to have given in, just once
and never again.
I know I'm the one who left you,
now who do you think you are,
thinking that grass will grow back
after I left?
I want people to be unhappy
after I'm gone.
Neither Noah nor shelter,
Damn the consequences
Neither Noah nor shelter,
Damn the consequences
I know I'm the one who left you,
now who do you think you are,
thinking that grass will grow back
after I left?
I want people to be unhappy
after I'm gone.
Neither Noah nor shelter,
Damn the consequences
Damn the consequences
Damn the consequences
Damn the consequences
  • 1. 'après moi le déluge' is idiomatic ('after me, the Flood', i.e. 'the (biblical) Flood might come after I'm gone, for all I care'. Basically: 'damn the consequences' Regular smile
  • 2. allusion to the 'chat perché' child game. One player is the 'cat' and tries to catch the other players. They have to climb on something to save themselves before the cat gets them. If the cat catches a player, the victim becomes the new cat. If the player escapes, the cat has to seek another 'prey'
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.


E o noapte-n timpul verii când îți vindecă sufletul,
Îți umplu paharul cu cea mai profundă speranță a ta,
Nu m-am simțit atât de bine înainte,
Simt că sunt acasă.
E o pajă pe o insulă, când soarele apune,
Dansezi în nisip și nu ești singur,
Niciodată nu vezi un suflet gol,
Simt că sunt acasă...
Uuuu uuuu uuuu, simt că sunt acasă,
Uuuu uuuu uuuu, simt că sunt acasă!

Light of sad

I will ornament rhymes with a simple new melody.
My song will start sound in the rays of twilight.
And as bees all the time whirl above their honeycomb
Sadness whirls and recalls me the days that were bright
The light of sad from labyrinth of memory.
The light of sad is always blurry blue.
I feel our life looks as a beggar there
It’s praying fate for love that must be only true
Open chest of your soul. It was so generous.
Look and see if you find something that wasn’t spent
Little coin of your love it was precious for both of us.
Our sorrow trembles recalling love and reflects.
The light of sad from labyrinth of memory.
The light of sad is always blurry blue.
I feel our life looks as a beggar there
It’s praying fate for love that must be only true
Let a spider build web on the strings of my guitar then.
Let the leaves of my past go away with a wind with its squall.
May new Love as an artist paint another sweet painting.
But I guess it will use blurry blue to encircle that will draw.
The light of sad from labyrinth of memory.
The light of sad is always blurry blue.
I feel our life looks as a beggar there
It’s praying fate for love that must be only true

You Dance

I did not promise and didn't speak
I just left and forgot everything
But as a small world, I just froze
Meeting you today
You dance, but not with me
Not for me, I'm here a stranger
You dance, but, but not with me
And a little it hurts me
You pass by, to him, not to me
And who will win this game?
In your eyes there is a shine, but there are rules
Too bad I understood late
You dance, but not with me
Not for me, I'm here a stranger
You dance, but, but not with me
And a little it hurts me
You dance, but not with me
Not for me, I'm here a stranger
You dance, but, but not with me
And a little it hurts me

With two words and one look

A heart with your name on it
you folded in a paper
And you placed it in my hand
when I first saw you
Roses on the fence
and ships on the shore
With two words and one look
you made me mutter to myself *
I'm plucking a daisy
to tell me if you love me
And there is always one petal left **
no matter which way you count them
Canaries and swallows
during May's celebration
You told me you would come, but you didn't
and I don't know why
Roses on the fence
and ships on the shore
With two words and one look
you made me mutter to myself

Your eyes

And the light got ready
gathered all the clouds and hung them
far in the horizon,
on the wire
to dry slowly...
Last evening was warm and so
all the stars have glasses of wine
and gave me to taste a little
to me
Meanwhile, you were sleeping...
Tell me about you
fewer things
let me guess them
invent them,
suit them
If you believe that only in miracles
to see you three days, to not see you three months
and take it again and again
from the start
tell me how would it appear to be?
I always want you
in my corner
to be with me
and to feel good.
I met a beaufiful girl
she has a car and has a home
and we talk on the phone
a lot....
But she doesn't have your eyes...
But she doesn't have your eyes...
But she doesn't have your eyes...
But she doesn't have your eyes...
But she doesn't have your eyes...

The militians

I'd like so much
if I only can
to cross the street so close
to the stripes
and don't catch me.
Man, you know
that it'll be this way
as you say...
I'd stop you
with a whistle
you'd be fined!
The militians, the militians
keep the order.
The militians, the militians
take care of our silence. - One more time!
The militians, the militians
keep the order.
take care of our steps
and shelter us.

I saw a man

I saw a man
standing there
watching the street,
he had a lot of time...
Around him, the town
went to evening
with cars going
slower and slower.
At a moment,
I've formed a phone number
In front of me, a cloud
was wandering around.
A voice spoke to me
didn't get a word
Whose was the voice?
Whose was the number?
The houses around here
don't know my story
the sun is setting
as if painted on the curtain.
Big advertisments
bite from the night.
So far are all
from my world...

The spring wind

Open the window so that I can get inside,
Open the window so that I can get inside,
I'm the spring wind!
I'm the spring wind!
We won't open because we haven't got any window!
We won't open because we haven't got any window!
Buy yourselves a window!
Buy yourselves a window!
Where can we buy a window?
Where can we buy a window?
It's your problem!
It's your problem!
It's your problem!
© Vladímir Sosnín


New century, bring peace here on Earth
Bring a life-giving, liberated dawn
Give to the world an ever shining era
Give a kiss and unity, faith and strength
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah
New century, from a divine almond tree, ,
Bring children with white flowers on their hair
Give to every creature the beauty of heavens
Give to every home light and company
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah
New century, bring fire to guilt
To start of, bring us myrrh of fratenity
Bring us a home country, a common orchard for all people
To cultivate branches of olive trees, incense of the temples
To cultivate branches of olive trees, incense of the temples
To cultivate branches of olive trees, incense of the temples

Nu stii

Versions: #2
Nu stii
Cum mi se rupe inima în timp ce dormi
Nu stii
Sunt încă bântuita de amintiri
Nu stii
Încerc să mă adun bucată cu bucată
Nu stii
Am nevoie de puțin mai mult timp
Sub ea, sunt prins de gaura dinăuntru
M-am tinut de teama că s-ar putea să te răzgândești
Sunt gata să te iert, dar uitarea este o luptă mai grea
Nu stii
Am nevoie de puțin mai mult timp
O sa astept, o sa astept
Te iubesc ca si cum n-ai simtit niciodata durerea, o sa astept
Îți promit că nu trebuie să-ți fie frică, o să aștept
Dragostea este aici,aici va ramane, pune'ti capul peste mine
Nu stii
Știu că ești rănit în timp ce dorm
Nu stii
Toate greșelile mele ma îneacă încet
Nu stii
Încerc să o fac mai bine bucată cu bucats
Nu stii
Te iubesc până când soarele moare
Așteaptă, așteaptă
Te iubesc ca si cum n-am simtit niciodata durerea, asteapta
Te iubesc ca și cum nu mi a fost niciodată frică, aștepta
Dragostea noastră este aici și aici va ramane, așează ti capul peste mine
O sa astept, astept
Te iubesc ca si cum n-ai simtit niciodata durerea, astept
Îți promit că nu trebuie să-ți fie frică, o să aștept
Dragostea este aici și aici va ramane, pune-ti capul peste mine
Pune-ți capul pe mine
Deci pune-ți capul pe mine
Pentru că nu stii
Te iubesc până când soarele moare

It beats, it beats

Ooo, it beats, it beats
Ooo, it beats, it beats
For three days, you've been on my mind
I swear, it's at your beck and call
My mind tells me not to do it
My soul shoots at you
You seriously got under my skin
It might be bad or it might be good
Poetry under the sheets
Compatible like two rhymes
My parents say
Keep it simple
They don't know
That it's already too late
Ooo, it beats, it beats
Only for you it beats
Ooo, it beats, it beats
Only for you it beats
My heart, my heart
Beats, beats, beats, beats, beats
My heart, my heart
Beats, beats, beats, beats, beats
Only for you it beats
Only for you it beats
For three days, I've been sleepwalking
I wake up in the middle of the night
Even my dreams have caught fire
Since you made me feel
And I've left the past behind
For a future with you
I've turned my life upside down
And I don't even know you that well
My parents say
Keep it simple
They don't know
That it's already too late
Ooo, it beats, it beats
Only for you it beats
Ooo, it beats, it beats
Only for you it beats
My heart, my heart
Beats, beats, beats, beats, beats
My heart, my heart
Beats, beats, beats, beats, beats
Only for you it beats
I have 24 reasons to think about you
I look at the clock each hour, I have a fix on your love
When you disappear out of the blue, it suddenly rains
And I see rays of sun only in dewdrops
You are my only foothold
In a fleeting world in which neither of us knows
Where to take it, but we hold hands
It doesn't matter where we go, if we get there together
My heart, my heart
My heart, my heart
My heart, my heart
My heart, my heart
Ooo, it beats, it beats
Only for you it beats
Ooo, it beats, it beats
Only for you it beats
My heart, my heart
Beats, beats, beats, beats, beats
My heart, my heart
Beats, beats, beats, beats, beats
Only for you it beats
Only for you it beats
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

She was fifteen. But with her heartbeat...

She was fifteen. But with her heartbeat -
She could have been my bride.
When I proposed to her laughing
She laughed and went away.
It was long ago. Since then
Unknown years and times have been passing.
Our meetings were rare and talks were short
But our silence was so deep.
And being faithful to my dream,
On one winter night I left crowded and bright halls,
Where choky masks were smiling to the songs,
Where I was gazing after her.
And she left right after me obediently,
She didn't know what would come in a moment.
And black city night only saw
How bride and groom passed by and disappeared.
And we met in a church - in silence
On a frosty sunny beautiful day:
We understood that years of silence were clear
And that it was sent to us from above.
This story of long blessed searchings
Fills my suffocating singing chest.
I made a building out of these songs,
And other songs are yet to be sung one day.

Epigram (Male dancer! You are rich...)

Male dancer! You are rich. Professor! You are wretched.
Of course, the head's revered much less than his legs, stretched.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.


Your eyes
Show me
What I know that not just anyone sees
I don't have anything
To hide when you look
At me, into my soul
We both have known each other
Even if we know each other
Tell me that it isn't a bit strange
How 'we' happened
Coincidence, I don't believe in it
Your walk is the dance that enchanted me
This is obsession at first sight
The right moment has come
Tell me, stranger
What have you done
To twirl a stranger around your finger
I feel as if I've known you
For about a thousand of lives
Tell me, stranger
How come you can
Love in a night, a thousand nights' worth of love
Maybe, for a thousand of lives,
We were together, surely together
I like the nights in which
We swim in oceans of stars
And how your lips
Giggle and move rebelliously
Tell me that in my arms
You feel protected from the bad
Tell me that it isn't a bit strange
How 'we' happened
The moment you appeared
You ignited in me what you put out a long time ago
Come on, come here
You, stranger, tell me what you did
Come on, come here
I didn't know that I could love so much
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

Aristotelous Street

Early evening (of a) Saturday and (the smell of) acetylene*
οn Aristotelous street where you're growing old
I would take tangerine peels from my pocket
and throw them in your eyes to hurt you**
Younger kids where playing cops and robbers
and Argyro was the leader
and fires would light up in the upper streets
it was St. John's day*** I think.
Old soldiers would take off their hats
the square would fill with children
and there was a green, green moon
stabbing at your heart
Younger kids where playing cops and robbers
and Argyro was the leader
and fires would light up in the upper streets
it was St. John's day*** I think

I Left

I left from my old self
I don't know what was mine from what I lived through
Whoever is not here, near me, belongs somewhere else
It's time for me to see my wire mesh
Thrown down, walked on, my fairy tale has been taken
I'm not the same as yesterday, I'm not chasing wounds
I'm only sorry that I don't have someone's gaze to watch
But now... I left.
I left from my need, 'to exist'
I thought I'd be scared but then I thought
Whatever I loved had height
And whatever I love, needs my eyes open, yesterday shouldn't be eating me up
To walk in your silence, to remember your prayers
Even if I'm someone else, my karma is not heavy
I don't want to be different anymore, I want to know if you loved me
But now... I left.
And if I dream of you some day again
And if I find you by chance in my journey
I won't be the one you know, I'm going to be someone else
Who might love you against the time

You Never Saw

You never saw my tears
maybe I'm to blame for hiding them
you didn't listen - didn't listen to my words
maybe I'm to blame for whispering them
but in my eyes,
did you read nothing?
You never came to my dreams
maybe I'm to blame for not falling asleep
you didn't cry - you didn't cry that I left
maybe I'm to blame for coming back
but in my eyes,
you read nothing

Asa scrii un cantec

[Buna Alexandru,
As vrea sa scriu un cantec,
Dar sunt un pic timid caci nu stiu cum sa incep
Ai vreun sfat?]
Daca ai un minut,
Urmeaza-ti ideea!
Asta ar putea face minuni
Sau poate disparea
Cine stie?
Si nimic nu va putea sa mearga gresit
Du-te si gaseste-ti ritmul
Asta scriem un cantec
Apreciaza lucruri marunte
Cu timpul, ele vor deveni mari
Tu trebuie sa iti gasesti misiunea
O misiune de a urma
Tu stii, tu ai un talent
Orice ar fi
Atunci fa sa mearga magia
Si canta in cor cu mine
Pasul 1: Crede in asta
Si cant-o toata ziua
Pasul 2: Include-o in stilul tau
Asa scrii un cantec
Canta shoo-bee-doo-bee dab dab
Sha-ba-da-da hey
Cant-o toata ziua (cant-o toata ziua)
Si asa scrii un cantec
Cant, Scoo-bee-doo-bee-doo-bee bap bap
Cant-o toata ziua (cant-o toata ziua)
Vezi, asa scrii un cantec
Pasul 1: Crede in asta
Si cant-o toata ziua
Pasul 2: Include-o in stilul tau
Asa scrii un cantec
Vezi, asa scrii un cantec
Si asa scrii un cantec

First Words

Versions: #2
First words will run like water
And you 'll run at the river to catch them
I loved you so much, but it stops here
You always win me, but now you'll lose
I'll leave a window open for you
And I'll start pushing you to fly
The pain is behind you and the void in front of you
Don't choose me, leave, without looking back
I'll say the things you couldn't bear to hear
And a hunger for love will eat you inside
You 'll end up alone, but it happened to many
Everyone that had ever loved is not so innocent
At the end we're left half from kisses
And I'm looking a solution in torture
Everyday I want you more
Somebody should have stopped us
When years pass from Scorpio
And you'll have nothing more for you to hate me
Then send me only a thank you
For not killing you and let you live


Beautiful ladies, beautiful gentlemen
Music on the programme
Singers, get ready
May the best win
The borders are open
What should I say if tonight is a party?
The stars are nervous
They do their make up, smoke a cigarette
Before going on stage
Eurovision, Eurovision, Eurovision
Eurovision, Eurovision, Eurovision
Old Europe cheers
The country that wins
Then a tear
The spell is broken
The eyes of the whole world are
Waiting, impatiently, for news flashes
That are going to announce
By satellite and by shielded cables
What's happening in their regions
Eurovision, Eurovision, Eurovision
Eurovision, Eurovision, Eurovision
Eurovision, Eurovision, Eurovision


¿Qué fue lo que pasó?
Qué te llamo y tu no coges el teléfono
No se por que te escondes de mi baby si yo
Deje de ser de mi pa' mi para entregarte to'
[Coro: Alex Rose]
Dime por qué me ignoras
Me tienes metiendome percocet (percocet)
Que si estas con otro yo no se
Tengo ganas de volverte a ver (volverte a ver)
Dime por qué me ignoras
Me tienes metiendome percocet
Que si estas con otro yo no se
Tengo ganas de volverte a ver (volverte a ver)