Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 4

Număr de rezultate: 225


Light a candle for Ukraine

Light a candle! Your light of hope
Today it shall shine for the world
Light a candle! Your sign of life
See how our light illuminates the night
It shines for the people, who are afraid,
for the children threatened by war
It shines for prayers that we whisper
God of peace, help us in need
Light a candle! Your light of hope...
It shines for justice and freedom,
for the strength to resist hate
It shines for the courage, not to give up,
even if we don't see a way out yet
It shines for the world in all places,
Kyiv, Kharkiv, Warsaw and Berlin
It shines for the power that connects us,
for the people fleeing terror
Light a candle! Your light of hope
Today it shall shine for the world
Light a candle! Your sign of life
See how our light illuminates the night

Make me

I love you, I feel you, I feel you again
And in every second I fall in love with you
I love you, I choose you again
In every glance, you melt into me
And every drop that your skin drops, is for me
Because each time you have me inside you
You make me laugh, make me cry
Make me suffer until you arrive
Make me die, make me live
To the Sunrise
Make me feel, make me doubt
Make me lie, Make me swear
Make me pretend, make me wish
Make me one more time my love
I love you, think of you and start writing again
And each word brings you to me
And every moment that I caress your skin is for you
Because every time you have me inside you
You make me laugh, make me cry
Make me suffer until you arrive
Make me die, make me live
When the Sun rises
Make me feel, make me doubt
Make me lie, Make me swear
Make me pretend, make me wish
Make me one more time my love
Make me die
Make me live
When the sun rises
Make me suffer until you arrive
Make me one more time my love

Better Than Myself

I don't want to be better than anyone
Maybe the same or less
I only want to be better than myself
Than myself
Than myself
Than myself
I don't want to be better than anyone
Maybe the same or less
I only want to be better than myself
Than myself
Than myself
Than myself
I want to abandon my flaws
Not to do anyone harm
I want to enjoy my rights
And I won't give up on that, for anyone
Who failed
Who succeeded
I don't want to know
Who won
Who lost
I only want to be a litle bit better than myself
Than myself
Than myself
Than myself
I don't want to be better than anyone
Maybe the same or less
I only want to be better than myself
Than myself
Than myself
Than myself
I want to abandon my flaws
Not to do anyone harm
I want to enjoy my rights
And I won't give up on that, for anyone
Who failed
Who succeeded
I don't want to know
Who won
Who lost
I only want to be a litle bit better than myself
Than myself
Than myself
Than myself

The rain poured down

The rain poured down without stopping,
We walked soaking wet.
The headwind beat in the face
And doesn't let open eyes to look the path.
Where are those days
When thunders rumbled, rains flooded.
Will they not go away irrevocably
Like my yester youth.
The rain poured down, I recalled you
As my youth that had been left far away.
You break my heart with longing for you
Like sand that flew away from the palm.
Where are those days
When thunders rumbled, rains flooded.
Will they not go away irrevocably
Like my yester youth.
The years fly like birds.
The rain pours incessantly.
Maybe we'll remember in the rains
Unforgettable first love.

Because time moves so fast

You used to be important to me
Just like this song
If you were a melody
I'd be a dull beat
We made little sketches
Everything pretty simple
Everything that was important to us
Was safe in a secret compartment
Still we both go our seperate ways
And Bruce plays without the E-Street-Band again
Because time moves so fast
And so little of what once was remains
Because the light breaks so easily
We sometimes see the things strangely odd
Our pictures are blurred
Because we won't return
What remains is only the smoke
One loves to dive into
Before it becomes clear again
I'd better leave as well
Because so many people talk about important things
Tell great stories
But we're slowly getting tired
Of petrified poems
And we won't burn
In the pictures we know
No, we never wanted to be like this
And we will never be like this
The comfort is that I know two people who will learn from all this
One of them is probably you
The other one is the one I'd like to be
Because time moves so fast
And so little of what once was remains
Because the light breaks so easily
We sometimes see the things strangely odd

Brave Afghan Boy

Brave Afghan boy, you are proud and eloquent
You are always known for your loyalty and chivalry
Brave Afghan boy, you are proud and eloquent
You are always known for your loyalty and chivalry
Brave Kabul boy, you are shy and hold your tongue in front of me
Brave Kabul boy, you are shy and hold your tongue in front of me
Of the world tongues1, you know them all
Of the world tongues, you know them all
Brave Afghan boy, you are proud and eloquent
You are always known for your loyalty and chivalry
Brave Afghan boy, you are proud and eloquent
You are always known for your loyalty and chivalry
You hail from Kabul or Mazar, from Paktia or Kunar
You are unique in your courage and chivalry
You hail from Kabul or Mazar, from Paktia or Kunar
You are unique in your courage and chivalry
Brave Kabul boy, you are shy and hold your tongue in front of me
Brave Kabul boy, you are shy and hold your tongue in front of me
Of the world tongues, you know them all
Of the world tongues, you know them all
Brave Afghan boy, you are proud and eloquent
You are always known for your loyalty and chivalry
Brave Afghan boy, you are proud and eloquent
You are always known for your loyalty and chivalry
You hail from Harat or Ghor, Ghazni or Badakhshan
You are brave and proud, if you are from Kandahar
You hail from Harat or Ghor, Ghazni or Badakhshan
You are brave and proud, if you are from Kandahar
Oh blondie, you captivate my heart
Oh blondie, you captivate my heart
I sing to you, sometimes in Pashto, sometimes in Dari
I sing to you, sometimes in Pashto, sometimes in Dari
Brave Afghan boy, you are proud and eloquent
You are always known for your loyalty and chivalry
Brave Afghan boy, you are proud and eloquent
You are always known for your loyalty and chivalry
  • 1. languages

the night horn

Tender and favorite woman in over eight,
wish me a happy, happy night,
when so my heart looks at you faithfully,
that makes all my force and strength lively
on steady view,
so i don't pine
miserable and lonely,
and there is no one
to comfort me
but you.
with you I crave to sleep,
so I think of you every night

Howl, Howl angry wolves

Four wolves jumped in the bushes
They scared away foreign rabbits
Two wolves dragged a maiden
Over last year's clover
Howl, howl angry wolves
Howl, howl
Four wolves led the dance
Around that big haystack
At the top of the haystack
Young maidens rejoiced
Howl, howl angry wolves
Howl, howl
A wedding was celebrated for the young wolf
At the time of leaves
Five wolves will catch up to them
The bear sits at the end of the table
Howl, howl angry wolves
Howl, howl angry wolves
Howl, howl


(Someone wrote me on MySpace recently and told me he thought I was better before than now.)
(And I wrote him: 'Too bad, I think you're better now than before.')
Your sneakers from Converse, also called Chucks
Are soaked with sweat from your feet
And they shine in the sun on the beach
Like a birthday present
You're always close to crying
You're always depressed
And you're listening to
sad music all day
Shut up, have a child
Or become a missionary
Become a Christian if you want to
Baby, what's wrong?
Get a grip on yourself
You're self-written poems
They're not so bad
The American songwriter tells you backstage after the show
And then you ironed
You were said cause he didn't get in touch with you
Even though he promised
Now you check your email inbox every hour
For weeks
(Oh boy)
Shut up, have a child
Or become a missionary
Find other goals
Start a family
And finally get a grip on yourself
Oh, shut up, have a child
And finally become a Christian
Baby, what's wrong
Finally get a grip on yourself
You've got to be kidding me
(Yeah, I'm improvising a bit now)
(He's also got something in his mouth)
(Yeah, I've got something in my mouth)
(From yesterday)
(A blanket)

Your love shivers my heart

Your love shivers my heart
Let my feeling wholly of love and emotions on you
Only you, who has this crown of emotions
And this is your place
Your love is the joy of a long night
And the taste of your lips is the taste of my love
It gives happiness to my heart
And this is your place
I want you

If I caress you

If I caress you, if I kiss you,
You haven't make it up, you haven't dreamed, and that's me.
Know that I exist somewhere near you,
Like a gentle wind, like a very blue spring sky.
Who sends us this anxiety,
The moonlit nights, the strange call?
Does anyone know the road through which
You lead us, you lead us love?
Love is a strange and unbelievable game.
It makes me suddenly a good hostage.
I will caress you, I will kiss you.
In this night silently maybe you make it up but that's me.
Who sends us this anxiety,
The moonlit nights, the strange call?
Does anyone know the road through which
You lead us, you lead us love?

Dar cine te pune s-o faci?

Mi-ar plăcea să mă războiesc cu războiul,
(Dar las-o baltă, dar cine te pune s-o faci?)
Să zbor în cer cu picioarel epe pământ
(Dar las-o baltă, dar cine te pune s-o faci?)
M-ar plăcea să vorbesc cu vântul
(Dar las-o baltă, dar cine te pune s-o faci?),
Să fac să sune trompetele în mănăstire
(Dar las-o baltă, dar cine te pune s-o faci?)
Și mi-ar plăcea să pricep mai mult decât nimic
Când un ministru vorbește cu oamenii
(Dar las-o baltă, dar cine te pune s-o faci?)
(Dar las-o baltă, dar cine te pune s-o faci?)
Mi-ar plăcea un bărbat fidel,
(Dar las-o baltă, dar cine te pune s-o faci?)
Să fac ca merele să înfulece șerpi
(Dar las-o baltă, dar cine te pune s-o faci?)
Mi-ar plăcea să fac urâții frumoși
(Dar las-o baltă, dar cine te pune s-o faci?)
Și pe cei triști să-i fac pe toți să râdă
(Dar las-o baltă, dar cine te pune s-o faci?)
Și mi-ar plăcea ca la telejurnal
Să se anunțe într-o zi greva răului.
(Dar las-o baltă, dar cine te pune s-o faci?)
(Dar las-o baltă, dar cine te pune s-o faci?)
Jos, jos cu greva răului!
Jos, jos, altfel totul va merge rău!
Patru mandoline, zâmbetele copiilor,
Și un greier cu care să vorbești într-o cameră,
Și să mergem mai departe, chiar săraci, dar mulți.
După toată nefericirea, e o speranță.
(Dar las-o baltă, dar cine te pune s-o faci?)
(Dar las-o baltă, dar cine te pune s-o faci?)
Mi-ar plăcea să-l întâlnesc pe rege,
(Dar las-o baltă, dar cine te pune s-o faci?)
Să le dea tuturor vin roșu și petrol
(Dar las-o baltă, dar cine te pune s-o faci?)
Mi-ar plăcea că compun cântece,
(Dar las-o baltă, dar cine te pune s-o faci?)
Ca să-mi povestesc iluziile
(Dar las-o baltă, dar cine te pune s-o faci?)
Și mi-ar plăcea, am zis ”mi-ar plăcea”,
Dacă nu e posibil, lăsați-mă măcar să visez.
Jos, jos cu greva răului!
Jos, jos, altfel totul va merge rău!
(Dar las-o baltă, dar cine te pune s-o faci?)
(Dar las-o baltă, dar cine te pune s-o faci?)
(Dar las-o baltă, dar cine te pune s-o faci?)
(Dar las-o baltă, dar cine te pune s-o faci?)


You sit next to me
I feel that strange shift in the air again
The world stopped around us as if nothing was there
I know it’s just me and you here
We’re bound by the magic of this moment
I’ve been long searching for
Someone who wandered as blindly as me
Now that I have you, I know we’ve found each other
So, love, if you’re interested
I’ll keep guarding this fire of ours
There’s still an eternity ahead of us
We were destined to meet each other
So, love, really, if you want to
I’ll keep guarding this fire of ours
Fingers in hair, bodies embracing, cheek to cheek
I’ll now set the whole world onto your pillow piece by piece
You know it’s just me and you here
And the magic of this moment won’t fade away
I’ve been long searching for
Someone who wandered as blindly as me
Now that I have you, I know we’ve found each other
So, love, if you’re interested
I’ll keep guarding this fire of ours
There’s still an eternity ahead of us
We were destined to meet each other
So, love, really, if you want to
I’ll keep guarding this fire of ours
I’ve been long searching for
Someone who wandered as blindly as me
Now that I have you, I know we’ve found each other
So, love, if you’re interested
I’ll keep guarding this fire of ours
There’s still an eternity ahead of us
We were destined to meet each other
So, love, really, if you want to
I’ll keep guarding this fire of ours

Uneori te-ntristezi dintr-odată

Uneori te-ntristezi dintr-odată,
Este ca și cum ziua devine mai scurtă,
Și nu știu cum să te ajut,
Așa că doar îți cer iertare.
Uneori, pentru un scurt răstimp,
lacrimile apar în ochii tăi,
și nu știu dacă ar trebui să spun ceva
și nici măcar de ce aș face asta.
Deci fac să zboare zmeele
Haioase, ca să mă amuz.
Și ziua devine iar mai lungă,
Și aerul devine mai ușor.
Și mai ușor devine mersul,
Cu un rucsac tot mai apăsător.
Deasupra casei șade curcubeul,
pe ramura albastră a cerului.

Pala Palaté

Best 4-legged position (what's?)
2.3 pestle and I'm in the bat (big bat)
I take 3 michto and we are 4 (four)
I go into the club the go me mate (mate)
You don't believe you died in the movie (gha)
Screen that they are coming (are coming)
I fuck your mother, I fuck your aunty (your aunty)
Listening to gold, listening to my feather (feather, feather)
Listen, listen
[Chorus] ELZÉ ML
Life is hard
Pala palate, pala palate
Pala palate, pala palate
Pala Palate, pala Palate
Why is it so complicated (complicated)
Why is it so complicated (complicated)
Why life is so hard
Pala palate, pala palate
Pala palate, pala palate
Pala Palate, pala Palate
Life is so complicated
Pala palate pala palate pala palate
Life is so complicated (life is so complicated)
Life is so hard (life is so hard)
Pala Palate
{Verse} ELZÉ ML
Suddenly I believe, suddenly I see
It's hope that keeps us going
Continued life without ceasing
As if there weren't the bad races
It is my future that I draw
What are you doing to search my life
If you do not like passage to the caze
The reason for language
Loneliness let it be clear (let it be clear)
[Chorus] ELZÉ ML
Life is hard
Pala palate, pala palate
Pala palate, pala palate
Pala Palate, pala Palate
Why is it so complicated (complicated)
Why is it so complicated (complicated)
Why life is so hard
Pala palate, pala palate
Pala palate, pala palate
Pala Palate, pala Palate
Life is so complicated
Pala palate pala palate pala palate
Life is so complicated (life is so complicated)
Life is so hard (life is so hard)
Pala Palate


Mamacita you can dance
Verse (x1)
In front of me if you're not there
my heart is empty
like the flesh of a mango
I'm the environment
you, you don't know how to say goodbye
you didn't say goodbye to me
my heart is tied
miss maria
mamacita you can dance
you know how to dance
mamacita you can dance
you know how to dance
mamacita you can dance
you know how to dance
approach to dance
you know how to dance
dance, dance mamacita (sita)
Del a rossa (sa)
Chorus (x1)
Mamacita, request
Dolorossa, congratulate
beautiful, she is awesome
she is soft, still fresh
mamacita you can dance
she can dance
Verse (x2)
slowly slowly
decrease speed
be easy going
don't spoil the good
i want you to do the right thing
he has some people he is arguing about
there is the thing with a lot of love
believe me I'm not lying to you
I give you a magic kiss
the romantic model
it's about politics
to the pipo
they tell lies
but I love you
my love for you is true mamacita
you are the most beautiful when you dance
I am happy with you my love
you and you to infinity
Chorus (x2)
Mamacita, request
Dolorossa, congratulate
beautiful, she is awesome
she is soft, still fresh
mamacita you can dance
she can dance
mamacita you can dance
still she can dance
dance dance (ahhh ahhh)
mamacita (ahh haa)
she can dance (taa)
Verse [final]
get into my heart (your)
I can't find sleep (you)
the pretty lyrics (taa ha)
it gives you the strength to work
there is hope but they did not believe
in addition they did not believe
Chorus (final)
Mamacita, request
Dolorossa, congratulate
beautiful, she is awesome
she is soft, still fresh
mamacita you can dance
she can dance
mamacita you can dance
still she can dance


Te rog, contabile, nu insista,
așa de mult de-acum nu mă mai căuta.
Ar fi trebuit să înțelegi, sunt onorabilă,
dar să rămâi la masă aș vrea.
Eu vreau să-mi găsesc un logodnic
care știe să vorbească bine, ca dumneata.
Păcat contibile, e deja însurat,
altfel m-aș mai fi gândit.
Și da, și da, și da o să mă mărit
cu cine, cu cine, cu cine îmi place mie.
Și da, și da, și da o să mă mărit
cu cine, cu cine, cu cine îmi place mie.
Sunt tânără și arăt bine, și dumneata o poți spune,
dar cu timpul floarea se va ofili.
Iubirea clandestină, pă discut de asta,
dar dumneata, care ești contabil, vei pricepe.
Și da, și da, și da o să mă mărit
cu cine, cu cine, cu cine îmi place mie.
Și da, și da, și da o să mă mărit
cu cine, cu cine, cu cine îmi place mie.
Cunoști acel proverb, contabile?
”Pentru cel care nu se mulțumește cu integritatea,
poate pierde pe lângă mâner, și coșul”,
și eu coșul n-o să-l pierd!
Și da, și da, și da o să mă mărit
cu cine, cu cine, cu cine îmi place mie.
Și da, și da, și da o să mă mărit
cu cine, cu cine, cu cine îmi place mie.
Și da, și da, și da o să mă mărit
cu cine, cu cine, cu cine îmi place mie.
Și da, și da, și da o să mă mărit
cu cine, cu cine, cu cine îmi place mie.

Now Will Never Return - Radio Edit

It's so easy to start reconsidering
When the train just passed your platform
When the opportunity has flown past
You blame something new every time
It sure feels pretty good to relax
Between four walls there are no demands
Where the risk is close to zero
You take the role as the slave of everyday life
Remember when we blew up mountains, without limits, throw paint
Painted our own days like artists
Ran trough water and swam through sand
Rowed from the harbour and ended up in another country
And from nothing, the concrete flourished around
Everything that no one though caused a change
That was then
I'll handle it later
This is now
And now will never return, my friend
Dance, lose the rhythm!
Because what you do now, it will never return
Take a chance, get a moustache!
A second ago, will never return again
Lie until it all turns true, crush diamonds
Live for just a moment before the world disappears
Only you know what you're ready to give up
Because now will never return
Now will never so stop being careless
Pull yourself together when the mistakes leave the answers
Whether you're unlucky or lucky
Do the best that you can with the cards in your hand
So let us enjoy the moment, turn over rocks, throw glass
Run across the roofs and be chased until caught
That was then
I'll handle it later
This is now
And now will never return, my friend

Behind the words

There, behind our voices
Do you see our hearts
And the torments inside
Or just la la la la la
There, behind our voices
Do you see our hearts
And the torments inside
Or just la la la la la
Hear yourself in the melodies
Behind the words, behind our voices,
Feelings, cries, desires
That you can't say no no no no no
Do you hear the love hidden there
Behind the words, behind the voices,
And then afterwards when love goes away,
Love you're on my mind
You make me see, you make me blind
It is so, so
There, behind our voices
Do you see our hearts
And the torments inside
Or just la la la la la
Rebellion and anger sometimes
Behind the words, behind the voices,
On a guitar all alone and low,
Redesigning the world.
There is also the dream of leaving,
Behind the words, behind our voices,
The distant lands that attract us
The sea, the stars,
Dream with a propeller or dream with a sail,
Going away hey hey
There, behind our voices
Do you see our hearts
And the torments inside
Or just oh oh oh (Behind the words)
Behind our voices (There) (Behind the words)
Do you see our hearts (Behind the words)
And the torments inside (Behind the words)
Or only la la la la (Behind the words)
(Behind the words)
Do you see our hearts
And the torments inside
Behind our voices,
Behind the words
Behind our voices
Do you see


Today you’re mine
Tomorrow you’ll be for everyone
Today you’re like the Sun
And tomorrow [you’ll be] like the snow
Apparently, we’re not strangers
But neither are we family
Tell me, I wanna know
Who am I to you
Tell me, I wanna know
Who am I to you
Hey, your name, you’re name sounds familiar
To us
Hey, your name, your name is further and further
Taking away time
Today you’re accessible for all,
Tomorrow all [will be by your] feet
Why do they only live together
Tears and laughter?
You have to be there
Where [you’re] loved for words,
Go, I’ll stay here
A new one [gf?] will come
Go, I’ll stay here
A new one will come
Hey, your name, your name is so familiar
To us
Hey, your name, your name is further and further
Taking away time
Hey, your name, your name is so familiar
To us
Hey, your name, your name is further and further
Taking away time

In The Sky

Behind someone’s windows it’s just February somewhere,
On my street, it is already spring
And you spirit is overwhelmed with the heights
Because I live as if I fly
As if I fly
Every time when you’re next to me
I’m in the sky, my dear, in the sky,
My dear star, in the sky, ever since I’ve found you.
And I’m in the sky like in the worldly sky
My dear, when [I am] with you, I fly again, I fly again.
And I do not know how dusk comes
And how [my/your] album ended
Because I don’t wish for a single minute of loneliness
And I reside there as if I am capable of flying
As if I’m flying
Every time when you’re with me
I’m in the sky, my dear, in the sky,
My dear star, in the sky, ever since I’ve found you.
And I’m in the sky like in the worldly sky
My dear, when [I am] with you, I fly again, I fly again.
And when I am not being myself,
And in my head thoughts are weird,
And my soul is sad, I [tend to] remember
Your eyes and everything flips upside down
And becomes so warm.
I’m in the sky, my dear, in the sky,
My dear star, in the sky, ever since I’ve found you.
And I’m in the sky like in the worldly sky
My dear, when [I am] with you, I fly again, I fly again.
I’m in the sky, my dear, in the sky,
My dear star, in the sky, ever since I’ve found you.
And I’m in the sky like in the worldly sky
My dear, when [I am] with you I fly again, and again
I fly and again, and again
I fly and again, and again

A House Made Of Glass

You live in the house made of glass,
It is behind a window.
I want to reach it.
You live in the house made of glass
Surrounded by a wall,
I have to break it down.
You live in the house made of glass,
It’s behind a window,
I want to reach it.
You live in the house made of glass,
It’s surrounded by a wall,
I must break it down.
I want, I want to see your house,
I want, I want to see where you live.
I want, I want to see your house,
I want, I want to see where you live

Inimă desculță

Am căutat printre lucrurile tale și nu am găsit
Decât un bilet pe care l-am păstrat
În care spuneai că te vei întoarce după ora zece
Am făcut din secunde maluri pe care aproape că nu am călcat niciodată,
Zilele acopereau totul, eu încă aștept
Să aud cheile tale prin perete.
Spune-mi cum fac acum?
Cum să-mi trăiesc viața dacă orele mă copleșesc?
Dacă sunt pierdut în toate poveștile
Care trec prin defectele mele
Spune-mi cum fac acum?
Dacă 'te iubesc' îmi sună a glonț de pistol
Dacă îmbrățișarea nu e a ta, mi se pare o glumă
Cine va îndrăzni să mă iubească
Când nu vor mai fi aplauze și nici nu-mi vor striga numele,
Cu inima desculță pe un drum de greșeli?
În fiecare amprentă a mâinilor mele,
În fiecare clapă a pianului meu te-am căutat
Unele se prefac că te-au văzut
Fără disimulare întorc lumea cu susul în jos
Am făcut grădini de tăceri în care aproape niciodată nu am văzut să plouă
Fiind ucenic în baruri,
Am sfârșit prin a săruta toate paharele
Când reflexia mă înșela vreodată.
Spune-mi cum fac acum?
Cum să-mi trăiesc viața dacă orele mă copleșesc?
Dacă sunt pierdut în toate poveștile
Care trec prin defectele mele
Spune-mi cum fac acum?
Dacă 'te iubesc' îmi sună a glonț de pistol
Dacă îmbrățișarea nu e a ta, mi se pare o glumă
Cine va îndrăzni să mă iubească
Când nu vor mai fi aplauze și nici nu-mi vor striga numele,
Cu inima desculță pe un drum de greșeli?
Spune-mi cum fac acum?
Cum să-mi trăiesc viața dacă orele mă copleșesc?
Dacă sunt pierdut în toate poveștile
Care trec prin defectele mele
Spune-mi cum fac acum?
Dacă 'te iubesc' îmi sună a glonț de pistol
Dacă îmbrățișarea nu e a ta, mi se pare o glumă
Cine va îndrăzni să mă iubească
Când nu vor mai fi aplauze și nici nu-mi vor striga numele,
Cu inima desculță pe un drum de greșeli?
Cu inima desculță pe un drum de greșeli...
Cu inima desculță pe un drum de greșeli...

Don't You Ask

Versions: #1
Don't you ask
Where I've been when you were over the moon
Where I've been when you, so innocent,
Were on cloud nine
All by yourself
Wasn't I there?
I just
Want so badly
To be there with you
I want so badly
To live in your captivity
And watch
My dreams escaping
Into your arms
Don't you ask
If I could ever fall asleep alone
I was standing there, watching the rain hiding
Everything you had ever said
All traces of you
As always

Not Enough

Versions: #1
Today I walk home alone again
People are passing by or watching from billboards
But why do I want to run away?
But why can't I walk down your way?
I'm in my deserted home again
Listening to the sounds of rain and Billy Holiday
But why do I want to run away?
And only drunken rain knows where you are
There are not-not-not enough rainless days in my spring
There were not-not-not enough not strange, warm words in my life
There is not enough you in this world. There is a wall out there:
I'm alone, and you are not.
An I don't see any traces of me in your eyes
And my key didn't fit, nor did it dare.
And only drunken rain is pouring here and there
And only drunken rain knows where you are.
There are not-not-not enough rainless days in my spring
There were not-not-not enough not strange, warm words in my life
There is not enough you in this world. There is a wall out there:
I'm alone, and you are not.
Today I walk home alone again...

Your Ghost Is My Constant Companion

Versions: #1
Your ghost is my constant companion, wherever I am and wherever I go
Your phantom has taken me prisoner, so has your love, and I am under your trance
Your ghost is my constant companion, wherever I am and wherever I go
Your phantom has taken me prisoner, so has your love, and I am under your trance
My beloved, your voice has stopped by without calling, and now I feel this yearning
Oh, how I would feel, if my eyes were to find themselves shaking hands with yours without forethought
My beloved, your voice has stopped by without calling, and now I feel this yearning
Oh, how I would feel, if my eyes were to find themselves shaking hands with yours without forethought
I missed you last night