Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 2

Număr de rezultate: 100


Water From The Well

I arrived in the world naked and barefooted
travel on foot alone and fail
until i was the told me about the good land
and what was given to her by G-d
Water from the well
bread from the oven
a handful of salt
and a slice of fruit from the forbidden tree
I loved the sun and the rain
i loved the hyssop along the path
i loved a girl who had dew in her hair
and she is a puzzle to me
Water from the well
bread from the oven
a handful of salt
and a slice of fruit from the forbidden tree
I still wander around the wide world
scalded by the cold and heat
i didn't build a home and also didn't plant a tree
only these i wish still to taste
Water from the well
bread from the oven
a handful of salt
and a slice of fruit from the forbidden tree
I came to the world and this way also i'll leave it
naked, barefooted and poor
with happiness i'll return to the good land
where i'll also be found
Water from the well
bread from the oven
a handful of salt
and a slice of fruit from the forbidden tree

So Hard For Me

It’s always like that at first
Nothing comes into your eye
Suffering this much is enough
It should suffice
Everyone tells me
It's not going to last long
So instead of acting up
To get out of the house and play
It's so hard for me
That's too heavy
Wherever I go, whatever I do, whatever I see
The whole world reminds me of you
It's so hard for me
I hate it so much
I'm still not ready to forget about you
Because everything reminds me of you
When the sun sets
It'll be a dark night soon
Why am I still alone in my room
I’m still just locking eyes with you
In that photo from that day
That I put by my drawer
It’s a relief
Because I think I miss you
A little less today
But that makes me a little sad
Everyone goes through this
But I think I’m trying harder
To remember this of you
Because I would hate to forget you
It's so hard for me
That's too heavy
Wherever I go, whatever I do, whatever I see
The whole world reminds me of you
It's so hard for me
I hate it so much
I'm still not ready to forget about you
Because everything reminds me of you
Now I think I know
I just can't let you go yet
I wish all of this was just a dream
It's so hard now
Not seeing you anymore
It's too much for me
It's so hard for me
That's too heavy
Wherever I go, whatever I do, whatever I see
The whole world reminds me of you
It's so hard for me
I hate it so much
I'm still not ready to forget about you
Because everything reminds me of you

Potion of love

Tell that girl
Prettiest in class
They say that she goes out
With an older boy
Pili you don't even know
That I exist
I'm just the smart nerd
But listen to what I say
Because I've finally got
A way for you to notice me
I discovered the final equation
The love potion
1. Put in it a little bit of grace
2. And add a splash of love
3. Cocoa milk, hazelnuts
and shake it up
That's why you (ee-uu-ee-uu-eu)1
That's why you (ee-uu-ee-uu-eu)
That's why you, you will be my love
Now people
See me in a different way
They say I have
A something special
I have become
In the most popular
And now Pilar is my love
And I get up to my tits2
I have a secret recipe
When I know that Pili has to go out there
I discovered the final equation
The potion of love
1. Put in it a little bit of grace
2. And add a splash of love
3. Cocoa milk, hazelnuts
and shake it up
That's why you (ee-uu-ee-uu-eu)
That's why you (ee-uu-ee-uu-eu)
That's why you, you will be my love
1. Put in it a little bit of grace
2. And add a splash of love
3. Cocoa milk, hazelnuts
and shake it up
That's why you (ee-uu-ee-uu-eu)
That's why you (ee-uu-ee-uu-eu)
That's why you, you will be my love
That's why you (ee-uu-ee-uu-eu)
That's why you (ee-uu-ee-uu-eu)
That's why you, you will be my love
  • 1. pretty sure it's onomatopoeia, 'dubidu' doesn't exist
  • 2. Phrase that seems to mean: 'to feel like being on cloud nine'

Oraş al stelelor

Oraş al stelelor,
Străluceşti doar pentru mine?
Oraş al stelelor,
Sunt atât de multe lucruri pe care nu le pot vedea
Cine ştie?
Am simţit-o de la prima îmbrăţişare pe care am împărtăşit-o cu tine.
Că acum visele noastre
Au devenit în sfârşit realitate.
Oraş al stelelor
Un singur lucru vrea fiecare,
Acolo în baruri,
Şi prin perdeaua de fum a restaurantelor aglomerate.
Este dragostea,
Da, toţi căutăm dragostea de la altcineva.
O înghesuială,
O privire,
O atingere,
Un dans.
O privire în ochii cuiva
Să lumineze cerurile,
Să deschidă lumea şi s-o clatine ,
O voce care spune, voi fi aici
Şi tu vei fi bine.
Nu-mi pasă dacă ştiu
Chiar unde voi merge,
Pentru că tot ce am nevoie este acest nebun sentiment,
Un rat-tat-tat al inimii mele.
Cred că vreau să rămâi
Oraş al stelelor,
Străluceşti doar pentru mine?
Oraş al stelelor,
Niciodată nu ai strălucit atât de puternic.

O noapte frumoasă

Soarele aproape s-a dus,
Nu se aprind luminile,
O strălucire de argint care se-ntinde spre mare.
Ne-am poticnit la o vedere
Care este croită pentru doi,
Ce păcat că cei doi sunt tu cu mine.
O altă fată şi alt tip
Ar iubi acest cer învolburat,
Dar suntem doar tu cu mine
Şi nu am băut nimic
Aceasta nu ar putea fi niciodată
Tu nu eşti tipul meu (de fată)
Chiar aşa?
Şi nu exsită o scânteie în privirem
Ce pierdere a unei nopţi frumoase!
Tu spui că nu există nimic aici?
Ei bine, hai să lămurim ceva
Cred că eu voi fi cea care va suna.
Dar vei suna?
Şi totuşi arătai aşa drăguţ
În costumul tău de poliester,
Este lână.
Ai dreptate, nu mă voi îndrăgosti de tine deloc, niciodată.
Şi poate acesta sună
Pe cineva care nu este pe tocuri,
Sau pe orice fată care simte
Că există o şansă de idilă
Dar, eu sincer, nu simt nimic.
Aşa este?
Sau ar putea fi mai puţin decât nimic?
E bine de ştiut.
Deci eşti de accord?
Ai dreptate!
Ce pierdere a unei nopţi frumoase!

This life is very strange

Life, this life is very fun, this life is very strange
Don't worry about they stories, beware eating sandals is unlucky
Don't messy, Don't be sunny sometimes and sometimes rain
Don't care about the blindness sometimes we know the surplus
This range is celibacy, independent thought is freedom
Love to do so many thoughts to love yourself is to take care of yourself
Living in a life that is too trivial, maybe no one is watching
But if you want to have a loyal partner, you need to learn how to raise a dog
When you have money to go around, go to see this big earth
Going to find that I am small among a billion people throw away all worries
Learn morality to learn to be human, not to judge people
There are things that I do not know if I do not meet a few strangers
You are you, I am me, If you can't play, then leave
Can't play but defame, probably because you aren't equal to me
Saying like that there are many tickles person, tickle is tickle, I'm stickiness is sticky
Real people are real life people, 1 is 1 but 2 is 2
Life, this life is very fun, this life is very strange
Don't worry about they stories, beware eating sandals is unlucky
Don't messy, Don't be sunny sometimes and sometimes rain
Don't care about the blindness sometimes we know the word 'life'
Life, this life is very fun, this life is very strange
Don't worry about they stories, beware eating sandals is unlucky
Don't messy, Don't be sunny sometimes and sometimes rain
Don't care about the blindness sometimes we know the surplus
Drink overnight, fly tonight overnight
There is a beautiful sister like a star, you guys jerked up
If I don't rap well tomorrow, as they say I don't care
Live for passion, not compete, everyone sulked I didn't care
Ah, I like to sing, so I get scolded by my parents
My music is still full of life habits
Come on happy to go sad
Den Vau told 'lies will be caught by crows and hawk spared'
Listening to me rapping is hitting your heart
Some philosophers live like * and they act like movies
How much life is this, how important I live
Smile is equal to 10 lifts of tonic for those who explode (lies), then just subtract it
Live for tomorrow
Live for yourself
Living for freedom should live for intimacy
Live for joy
Live for family
Live for peace
Live but don't forget yourself
Life, this life is very fun, this life is very strange
Don't worry about they stories, beware eating sandals is unlucky
Don't messy, Don't be sunny sometimes and sometimes rain
Don't care about the blindness sometimes we know the word 'life'
Life, this life is very fun, this life is very strange
Don't worry about they stories, beware eating sandals is unlucky
Don't messy, Don't be sunny sometimes and sometimes rain
Don't care about the blindness sometimes we know the surplus


We broke others' apartments
And put condoms on our heads.
We broke into bars and pubs
Sometimes we fought over a chick.
Now there is some kind of grown-up childhood
But we can't do anything about it.
When we were 13, we offered our classmate Anya
A bun if she stripped for us.
We sat on cheap tires,
Got blackout drunk and made out.
We dreamed about magazine models
While we had sex with district whores.
We looked for easy work
And drowned in teenage worries.
This was very many years ago,
Nothing has fucking changed, I wanted to say!
La! La-la-la-la-la-la! La-la-la-la-la-la!
La-la-la-la-la-la, the poplar trees have shed their leaves.
La-la-la-la-la-la! La-la-la-la-la-la!
La-la-la-la-la-la, nothing has fucking changed!
The future looms somewhere
But an eternal summer is in my heart:
Chicks, cars, suits, and the office
I'd throw shit at the person
Who asks this from life!
Maybe it will become important
But right now, I have to grow up twice.
Maybe it is worth something
For the person who plants a son and builds a tree

La la lu

La la lu, La la lu,
du-te la culcare tu,
lucesc stele acolo sus.
La la lu, La la lu,
dar pentru mine, puiule,
steluța mea ești tu.
La la lu, La la lu,
dormi, dulce comoară,
să te vegheze cerul.
La la lu, La la lu,
visele lui de aur le ai tu.
La la lu, La la lu, La la lu,
lucesc stele acolo sus,
steluța mea ești tu.
La la lu, La la lu,
dormi, dulce comoară,
să te vegheze cerul.
La la lu, La la lu,
La la lu,
visele lui de aur le ai tu.
La la lu, La la lu, La la lu


Departe, unde se vede cel mai frumos cer albastru,
departe, văd mereu o stea strălucind pentru mine!
Ești tu care tremuri pe balcon, ca să vezi cum trec
în zbor porumbeii albi de peste mări.
Dacă mâine va veni un porumbel alb
strânge-l cu tărie la inimă cu mâinile.
Într-un dulce gând de nostalgie,
sărută-l pentru că săruți viata mea!
Ah, fetișcană de ce nu zbori la mine? ah
În inima mea există un cuib de dragoste care te așteaptă doar pe tine.
Ah, fetișcană de ce nu zbori la mine? ah
În inima mea există un cuib de dragoste care te așteaptă doar pe tine.
Departe, dacă închizi ochii printre crinii în floare,
va veni porumbelul pur al dragostei mele!
Și atunci, când la sfârșitul zilei va pleca de la tine,
cu inima vei urmări acel zbor și vei fi lângă mine!
Dacă mâine va veni un porumbel alb
strânge-l cu tărie la inimă cu mâinile.
Într-un dulce gând de nostalgie,
sărută-l,pentru că săruți viața mea!
Ah, fetișcană de ce nu zbori la mine? ah
În inima mea există un cuib de dragoste care te așteaptă doar pe tine...
Ah, fetișcană de ce nu zbori la mine? ah
În inima mea există un cuib de dragoste care te așteaptă doar pe tine...

Let's Sing Sha La La!

Every human being has a sense of happiness
While one and others are different
There are those who enjoy being idolized
There are those who enjoy being pampered
Or those who are content to achieve their goals
When you ask someone about being happy
You will probably won't believe it
I really feel good
I really feel happy
When I am singing
Sha la la (la la la la la la)
Sha la la (la la la la la la)
Sha la la (la la la la la la)
Let's sing!
Sha la la (la la la la la la)
Sha la la (la la la la la la)
Sha la la (la la la la la la)
Let's sing!

The best of our nights

On seeing you, my eyes runs at you,
and i can see my heart asking you to speak
On seeing you, my eyes runs at you,
and i can see my heart asking you to speak
(you're) The love of my eyes
(you're) The love of my eyes
Who are you and who am i?
my love, we are meant for each other
Brought together,
by our passion, longing, love,
the best of our nights,
and the beautiful moment that embraces us
Who are you and who am i?
my love, we are meant for each other
Brought together,
by our passion, longing, love,
the best of our nights,
and the beautiful moment that embraces us
A high moon, i saw you and immediately
Saw my heart calling for who captivated my mind
A high moon, i saw you and immediately
Saw my heart calling for who captivated my mind
captivated my mind
captivated my mind
Who are you and who am i?
my love, we are meant for each other
Brought together,
by our passion, longing, love,
the best of our nights,
and the beautiful moment that embraces us
Who are you and who am i?
my love, we are meant for each other
Brought together,
by our passion, longing, love,
the best of our nights,
and the beautiful moment that embraces us

Near the tree by the sea

Near the tree by the sea
Oh, my flower
Near the tree by the sea
Red yellow-ish rose
My girl sleeps under the tree
Oh, my flower
My girl sleeps under the tree
Red yellow-ish rose
Under the tree, there's also a rock
Oh, my flower
Under the tree, there's also a rock
Red yellow-ish rose
Get up and wash your face, my love
Oh, my flower
Get up and wash your face, my love
Red yellow-ish rose
Wash your face, your red nostrils
Oh, my flower
Wash your face, your red nostrils
Red yellow-ish rose
So you can go to the market
Oh, my flower
So you can go to the market
Red yellow-ish rose
So you can buy a dress
Oh, my flower
So you can buy a dress
Red yellow-ish rose
And for me, half of it
Oh, my flower
And for me, half of it
Red yellow-ish rose
Near the tree by the sea
Oh, my flower
Near the tree by the sea
Red yellow-ish rose

La pomul de lângă mare

La pomul de lângă mare
Of, măi, floareo, măi
Măi, la pomul de lângă mare
Trandafir roșu-galben
Doarme iubita la umbră
Of, măi, floareo, măi
Doarme iubita la umbră
Trandafir roșu-galben
La umbră stătea și alba piatră
Of, măi, floareo, măi
La umbră stătea și alba piatră
Trandafir roșu-galben
Spală-te, măi, iubito, pe față
Of, măi, floareo, măi
Spală-te, măi, iubito, pe față
Trandafir roșu-galben
Pe față, pe roșile-ți nări
Of, măi, floareo, măi
Pe față, pe roșile-ți nări
Trandafir roșu-galben
Ca să te duci la piață
Of, măi, floareo, măi
Ca să te duci la piață
Trandafir roșu-galben
Ca să cumperi o fustă
Of, măi, floareo, măi
Ca să cumperi o fustă
Trandafir roșu-galben
Și mie o jumătate
Of, măi, floareo, măi
Și mie o jumătate
Trandafir roșu-galben
La pomul de lângă mare
Of, măi, floareo, măi
Măi, la pomul de lângă mare
Trandafir roșu-galben


Ochii ei reflectă obiceiul pe care-l are
De a se face uitată,
Și cenușiul singurătății
E parte a mobilei sale.
Părul ei ondulează tristețea
Chipului ei ce se stinge
Cu fiecare primăvară grăbită,
În jurul trupului ei rău înjghebat.
Dar seara, în patul ei, visează
Un basm care-i spune
Că oglinda ei a mințit-o,
Că e mai degrabă drăguță decât urâtă,
Că într-o zi prințul ce-i e menit, va veni,
Spunându-i tandru:
”Tu nu ești urâtă,
Tu nu ești urâtă,
Manechinele din vitrine,
Ale căror frumusețe e-n fișa postului,
Se amuză de-a ei albastră tristețe
Ce o înveșmântă din cap până-n picioare.
Ea nu știe decât zilele lucrătoare,
Ce colorează adevărul
Duminicilor sale, pe care le trage
În spatele inimii ei pustii.
Dar seara, în patul ei, visează
Un basm care-i spune
Că oglinda ei a mințit-o,
Că e mai degrabă drăguță decât urâtă,
Că într-o zi prințul ce-i e menit va veni,
Spunându-i tandru:
”Tu nu ești urâtă,
Tu nu ești urâtă,
Confidentul ei de zi cu zi
Nu-i decât un carnețel, ale cărui spirale
Știe că ea a vorbit despre dragoste,
Pe ultima pagină dintr-un ziar:
”Tânără singură, nu prea drăguță,
Carantinată de tristețe,
Și-ar împărți viața, nopțile,
Cu un tovarăș de suferință.
Și în seara asta, în patul ei,
Ea trăiește un basm,
Când prințul ei i-a zis, luând-o în brațe:
”Tu nu ești urâtă,
Tu nu ești urâtă!
Tu nu ești urâtă,

La la sunshine

La la sunshine, La la sunshine, La la sun, a fresh morning
Looks like a lie that I cried like that at night
La la sunshine, La la sunshine, La la sun, today begins
I dried my tears, I look at the morning, I get up
I only have unpleasant things but I can't be crying only
After the unpleasant I hope there are good things
I have my breakfast bathing in the sunlight of the dazzling morning
I'm sorry for crying
La la sunshine, La la sunshine, La la sun, I'll do my best today
Since today is important for tomorrow. this morning
La la sunshine, La la sunshine, La la sun, the weather is good
My mood cleared up, with this rhythm I revive
Though I'm bad for my lack of sleep, I'll do my best till the night
Tomorrow is saturday and I'll sleep slowly until noon
I have a sleepy face but I feel like going out
I don't want to give up in life
La la sunshine, La la sunshine, La la sun, the dazzling sun
Once in a while I try to live clenching my teeth. This morning
La la sunshine, La la sunshine, La la sun, I refresh myself
I'll rest tomorrow, I want to play, I revive
Forgetting my unpleasant feelings, I want to be positive
I want to think of that
La la sunshine, La la sunshine, La la sun, I'll do my best today
Since today is important for tomorrow. this morning
La la sunshine, La la sunshine, La la sun, the weather is good
My mood cleared up, with this rhythm I revive
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


So many things happened that angered me
I’m just gonna wipe it away
I was gonna say some bad words
But I’m just looking at the moon instead
Instead of getting stressed, I’ll dress up
Please don’t kill my vibe
Everyone says it’s hard, if it was easy, it’d just be a game
Can’t be the best? That’s ok, just be yourself
I’m not the loser that I was yesterday
Today, I’ll shine, I’m better now
Come and get it
Come and get it
Come and get it
It’s lit
Come and get it
Come and get it
Come and get it
Pierce the ceiling and fly, shine a light
With feeling, shalala
Come and get it
Come and get it
Come and get it
It’s lit
I don’t know what I was in my past life
But like the lazy grasshopper
I’ll just live my life and go
Be kind (dude)
You won’t get anywhere with that Nolbu attitude
Let’s be happy mom, sister, let’s live by the river
The best moment of our lives is right now
Let’s pack our bags and go
I don’t need to be too self-conscious
I have enough grace, right?
Can you feel it? shalala, it’s so obvious
I’m not the loser that I was yesterday
Today, I’ll shine, I’m better now
Come and get it
Come and get it
Come and get it
It’s lit
Come and get it
Come and get it
Come and get it
Pierce the ceiling and fly, shine a light
With feeling, shalala
Come and get it
Come and get it
Come and get it
It’s lit
A small, twinkling star is dancing in my heart
Don’t try to decide what’s right or wrong
Just like me (everyone together)
Let’s take this night, fire
Fire on my feet
Let’s run even harder, pour gasoline on it
When people say you’re too slow
Just ignore that rubbish
Yes, I like this
Don’t ever try to be too cautious
Don’t worry about tomorrow, know your enemy and know yourself
100 battles, 100 victories, it’s so hot, hot, let’s cheers
Pierce the ceiling and fly, shine a light
With feeling, shalala
Come and get it
Come and get it
Come and get it
It’s lit


Take a look at us, we are variety artists
With indisputable talent
Today we are trying a song to launch
With guaranteed success
Let him all the spectators
If they even taught him
Singing sha-la-la-la, simple sha-la-la-la
Only sha-la-la-la (Sha-la-la-la)
Together we sing (Sha la la la)
It was not easier either
Singing sha-la-la-la, simple sha-la-la-la
Only sha-la-la-la (Sha-la-la-la)
It's the ideal refrain (Sha-la-la-la)
You'll know it until the end
Four small artists, four professionals
Every day I repeat
We want to succeed, the world to spell it
With a charming song
Let him all the spectators
If they even taught him
Singing sha-la-la-la, simple sha-la-la-la
Only sha-la-la-la (Sha-la-la-la)
Together we sing (Sha-la-la-la)
It was not easier either
Singing sha-la-la-la, simple sha-la-la-la
Only sha-la-la-la (Sha-la-la-la)
It's the ideal refrain (Sha-la-la-la)
You'll know it until the end
Singing sha-la-la-la, simple sha-la-la-la
Singing sha-la-la-la, simple sha-la-la-la
Let him all the spectators
If they even taught him
Singing sha-la-la-la, simple sha-la-la-la
Only sha-la-la-la (Sha-la-la-la)
Together we sing (Sha-la-la-la)
It was not easier either
Singing sha-la-la-la, simple sha-la-la-la
Only sha-la-la-la-la

Nu, nu

E ok? Ești ok cu asta?
E ok? Ești ok cu asta?
E ok? Ești ok cu asta?
E ok? Ești ok cu asta?
Nu, nu, nu, nu, nu!
Nu, nu, nu, nu, nu!
Când trece, nu, nu
Nu salută, nu,
O privesc în ochi, nu, nu
Și ea mă privește în ochi, nu!
O privesc în ochi, nu, nu
Și ea mă privește în ochi, nu!
E ok? Ești ok cu asta?
E ok? Ești ok cu asta?
Nu, ea poartă haine strâmte, nu, nu,
Și genunchii îmi tremură, nu!
Nu, ea poartă haine strâmte, nu, nu,
Și genunchii îmi tremură, nu!
Nu mai pot merge, nu, nu,
Și prietenii râd de mine, nu!
Nu mai pot merge, nu, nu,
Și prietenii râd de mine, nu!
Nu, nu, nu,
Nu, nu, nu!
E ok? Ești ok cu asta?
E ok? Ești ok cu asta?
Nu, ea vine târziu, noaptea, nu, nu,
Devin gelos, nu,
Ea stă trează până târziu și petrece, nu, nu,
Printre oameni răi, nu,
Nu-mi răspunde, nu, nu,
Îmi face semn să plec, nu,
Îmi face semn cu mâna, nu,
Și e agitată.
Deci e ok? Deci ești ok cu asta?
Deci e ok? Deci ești ok cu asta?
Nu, dacă ai bani, nu, nu,
Ea aleargă la tine, nu,
Și dacă n-ai bani, nu, nu,
Ia o pauză, nu!
E dezamăgitoare, nu, nu,
Crede că taică-su e doctor, nu,
A fost într-adevăr faimos, nu, nu,
Un maimuțoi de jasă speță, nu.
O fată binecrescută, nu, nu,
Nu, e instruită, nu,
A memorat ce trebuie să facă, nu, nu,
Totul a fost băgat cu forța în mintea ei.
E ok? Ești ok cu asta?
E ok? Ești ok cu asta?
Nu, fetele, nu, nu,
Au povești, nu,
Fac multă agitație, nu, nu,
Vorbesc prea mult, nu,
Fetele-s obraznice, nu, nu,
Sunt bune să facă probleme, nu,
Cele cu ochi căprui, nu, nu,
Si cele cu jalabiya (*imbrăcăminte/ caftan arăbesc)
E ok? Ești ok cu asta?
E ok? Ești ok cu asta?
Share music and kindness! :)

Oh! La La

I, who intended to stay unattached,
so as to never lose my freedom,
I suddenly managed to get myself caught,
and then without understanding at all how,
I fell head over heels in love.
Oh! la la, oh! la la
In my heart, I confess there is some damage.
Don’t tell me that he’s a great catch
since I am the one ruled with an iron fist.
Oh! la la, oh! la la
All of my friends hardly recognize me.
When you love, you can be a bit stupid
and I fit that definition perfectly.
Oh! la la, oh! la la, oh! la la
Yes, pretty much as soon as I met him,
I bid my independence goodbye.
To fulfill his every whim,
I enslaved myself to him—
it’s madness what love has done to me.
Oh! la la, oh! la la
I am little more than a puppet in his hands.
I go, I come, I run, I am completely devoted—
and I do the cleaning and the dishes too!
Oh! la la, oh! la la
And the worst part is that while doing all of that—
I tell myself that life is beautiful
and that I would never change a thing.
Oh! la la, oh! la la, oh! la la
But I would truly be very dishonest
if I were to stop my little ditty right now—
because apart from my enslavement,
I get fringe benefits—
and when I say fringe, do not ask!
Oh! la la, oh! la la
When at night he takes me in his arms
and whispers to me “I love you,”
it's as if paradise has arrived.
Oh! la la, oh! la la
I cannot quite tell you everything, pardon me.
But if you happen upon someone like him
in the field, do not hesitate:
love him, keep him, believe me!
Oh! la la, oh! la la, oh! la la

I Will find you (Cha la la la)

Fernando de Noronha no longer has the same shine without you here.
The nights in Goiânia aren't even fun with you far from me.
The Amazons are black and white
Even Rio de Janeiro loses it's warmth
Even Carnival in Salvador becomes sad.
Without you, without you
You steal the beauty from wherever you are
You come back, or I'll go and search for you
I already tried, did everything, without you there's now way
You come back, or I'll go search for you
Look at me crazy again
Any day of the week your lips call me
And speaking of flames
There's ashes on the bed
The heat that you left burned up my body
Rio de Janeiro lost it's charm without your silly ways.
I remember that friday
Just by the candle light
Dreaming big, just like the kites flying in the ghetto
Your GPS is on my Cellphone
You'll come back by your own accord, or I will search for you
The Amazons are black and white
Even Rio de Janeiro loses it's warmth
Even Carnival in Salvador becomes sad.
Without you without you.
You steal the beauty from wherever you are
You come back, or I'll search for you
I already tried, did everything, without you there's now way
You come back, or I'll search for you.
I already tried, did everything, without you there's now way
You come back, or I'll search for you.
Since we're already talking about love
Name a man that has never cried.
It's hard without this girl
Hungria and Gusttavo Lima
I will search for you.


I was married
and had no illusions,
when I met you.
You were a rich man's daughter
from a different social class
and we agreed to love each other for a while
cause I knew that soon or later everything would end.
And your apartment, for short three months,
was our only witness
as if it understood what we had
was prohibited.
But everything comes to an end, everyone to their home
and if we are aware of it, let's forget everything.
Let's pretend nothing has happened.
Elizabeth, tell me when you will leave
Tell me how many time remains to love you
I know I'll miss you tomorrow
Elizabeth, tell me when you will leave
Tell me how many time remains to love you
I know you'll miss me tomorrow
I was married
and had no illusions,
when I met you.
You were a rich man's daughter
from a different social class
and we agreed to love each other for a while
cause I knew that soon or later everything would end.
Everything we experienced was because we were in love
but it's over
I'm a married man and I have a home and a wife
and I can't put myself in risk
But everything comes to an end, everyone to their home
and if we are aware of it, let's forget everything.
Let's pretend nothing has happened.
Elizabeth, tell me when you will leave
Tell me how many time remains to love you
I know I'll miss you tomorrow
Elizabeth, tell me when you will leave
Tell me how many time remains to love you
I know you'll miss me tomorrow

I love you so much

I love you just the way you are,
with all your imperfections,
with all those doubts in me.
I love you as no one has ever loved you
I love you as my inner child would.
I love you so much
Only in your arms,
I am capable to feel love
and there's only one reason.
I love you, that's all I know.
I love you so much.
I look for you in the dark shadows of my bedroom
and I dream I have your heart.
I know I'm just a coin
which goes from hand to hand,
without a place to belong
but my madness goes beyond,
to extend my wings and fly away.
I love you so much
Only in your arms,
I am capable to feel love
and there's only one reason.
I love you, that's all I know.
I love you so much.
I look for you in the dark shadows of my bedroom
and I dream I have your heart.
I love you, that's all I know.
I love you so much.
I look for you in the dark shadows of my bedroom
and I dream I have your heart.

La La Love

La la love
La la la la la love
Everything happened in a flash
It bloomed in my heart
I call it love
Twinkle, the light goes twinkle
I blink my eyes, you stand before me
Click, once again, click
I'll treasure you, just the way you are now
Is it ok if I like you, without any preparations
Is it ok if I'm like this, should I think hard about it
You abruptly come to me, without any notices
You shake me, you ring my heart that was calm
Love, I want to lock this moment
Stay, keeping this moment in a frame
Forever, in there forever
You're too beautiful, stay
My gaze upon you, stay
In my eyes that is kept
In my heart that is engraved
I don't know if this moment will be forever La la love
La la la la la love
La la la la so stay stay stay
La la love
La la la la la love, stay by my side
Just stop the way it is
Moving the focus for a bit, click
The wind, the
Like a kind of joke
You, who
Just like this, Stay Save
Even a small difference, No no more
The moon, the night that rises like my heart
Take me, while hugging me
Your laugh is wonderful, at once
Spring comes, at the gesture of your hand
You abruptly come to me, without any notices
You shake me, you light my heart that was dark
Love, I want to keep in my two hands
Stay, in an unbreakable frame
Forever, in there, forever
You're too beautiful, stay
My gaze upon you, stay
In my eyes that is kept
In my heart that is engraved
I don't know if this moment will be forever La la love
La la la la la love
La la la la so stay stay stay
La la love
La la la la la love, stay by my side
Just stop the way it is
Moving the focus for a bit, click
I feel it all over me
You called destiny, like a lie
The wind rolling towards me
This warmth that embraces me, this moment forever
La la la la la love
La la la la so stay
Stay, stay stay
La la love
La la la la la love
Always be my side
La la la la la love
Everything happened in a flash
It bloomed in my heart
I call it love
La la love

I, too, Have a Heart / Sha La La

My days are (sha la la)
Not really mine (sha la la)
And everyone just smiles (sha la la)
And waits for Doomsday (sha la la)
But, when the evening comes (sha la la)
And everyone is gone (sha la la)
I want to send everyone (sha la la)
To pick sunflowers (sha la la)
Not a joke, don't be surprised
I, too, have a heart like mortals
A heart like a heart, from flesh and blood
But it's not enough for me
In careless laughter (sha la la)
Spent days (sha la la)
Aimlessly speckled (sha la la)
Painted streets (sha la la)
And not only because (sha la la)
I'm afraid of peace (sha la la)
I want to be like a wall (sha la la)
That you can hit your forehead against (sha la la)
I'm trying to find words (sha la la)
In the silence between lies (sha la la)
And in between the intangible (sha la la)
To find the noticeable (sha la la)
And if ever the salvation (sha la la)
Is a cannon charge (sha la la)
The most important thing (sha la la)
Is to get to the very end (sha la la)
Not a joke, don't be surprised
I, too, have a heart like mortals
A heart like a heart, from flesh and blood
But it's not enough for me
I'm trying to find words (sha la la)
In the silence between lies (sha la la)
And in between the intangible (sha la la)
To find the noticeable (sha la la)
And if ever the salvation (sha la la)
Is a cannon charge (sha la la)
The most important thing (sha la la)
Is to get to the very end (sha la la)
I'm trying to find words (sha la la)
In the silence between lies (sha la la)
And in between the intangible (sha la la)
To find the noticeable (sha la la)
And if ever the salvation (sha la la)
Is a cannon charge (sha la la)
The most important thing (sha la la)
Is to get to the very end (sha la la)

Ai fost o banală greșeală

Versions: #2
--- 1 ---
Tu și cu mine ...
... ne-am obișnuit să ne oferim ca scuze mii de cuvinte
tu și cu mine ...
... acum am devenit străini și uităm de jurăminte
Așa ai vrut ... și acum în acest ceas
... La revedere, eu te las.
--- R ---
Nu mai exiști în viața mea și pari departe
Noul drum al vieții ne desparte
și de acum înainte voi privi în altă parte.
Oh, dragostea ta nu merită acest foc
Iar sufletul meu sărac ți-a dat prea multe în acest troc
Nu am regrete, nu m-am gândit la bine sau la rău deloc
deci, da, evoc
... în cele din urmă, o greșeală a fost tot acest joc.
--- 2 ---
Tu și cu mine ...
... nu mai putem avea nici o explicație cumva
Tu și cu mine ...
... acum alergăm în direcții diferite așa
Așa ceva se mai întâmplă câteodată
Când totul se schimbă dintr-o dată.
--- R ---
Nu mai exiști în viața mea și pari departe
Noul drum al vieții ne desparte
și de acum înainte voi privi în altă parte.
Oh, dragostea ta nu merită acest foc
Iar sufletul meu sărac ți-a dat prea multe în acest troc
Nu am regrete, nu m-am gândit la bine sau la rău deloc
deci, da, evoc
... în cele din urmă, o greșeală a fost tot acest joc.

oH La La!!

Intro (Tatae)
yass.. Specially for them knowers and particularly for
the fanatics ...
Chorus (X2) (WeedLady) :
I'm wet...i-i-i'm wet' ....
I'm wet rain ..the boy is 'killin' me
I love it ...I-I-I -i love itt...
I love it like that ... ohh la la !!!
Vers 1 (Uzzi)
She's makin it dope , so dope that you could get a stroke
And when goes hard, brakes the bed
When suc* on , ya feet tremble and is no joke ..
'Cause it'll bend ya back, gets ya out of mind
With sticked fingers , bounces those big buns
Shakes alike airplanes , but knows to hold it 'hard'
Does it well , take example , ya see what i say!?gets
naked from bottom to top
Sticks it in , slowly , finished directly , now starts ..
And knows how to.., she's expert in effects
Posin in all ways , likes it done on light
Puts feet on walls , the geniune 'ballerina '
I have a thing with her mouth , with her mouth..shallows'
(She) Lights up a cigarette and waits up quietly
'Ya were thinking that it'd do ya , alike that your
girlfriend too!?'
Sent her to sleep , it is no name comparing to her !
Chorus (X2) (WeedLady) :
I'm wet...i-i-i'm wet' ....
I'm wet rain ..the boy is 'killin' me
I love it ...I-I-I -i love itt...
I love it like that ... ohh la la !!!
Secondary Chorus Uzzi
She.. she .. she wants it again
Does it well and is hot as fuc*
She does it how she pleases ...
Makes me say .. 'Ahh la la !!'
Verse 2
Don't even have to warm her up
It is on 'fuel' , ya can directly turn it on ...
Put ya hand on the as*
And ya will se her 'opening' alike an eagle in it's fly, i swear
She sucks on the lollipop', doesn't get shy
Stears it alike she'd work out
Makes a no name of Kamasutra
Cause all she does is ultra (is ultra)
It is supernatural , with no equal
The way she bumps into ..., excuse my vulgar language
But it's revolutionary , it's directly pornographic
Ya can go wild , keep ya heart beat in check
She's gonna do ya what you wish, all you've dreamed of
The most perverted scenaries, that weren't done ever
'cause she goes hard , when wantin to .....
Chorus (X2) (WeedLady) :
I'm wet...i-i-i'm wet' ....
I'm wet rain ..the boy is 'killin' me
I love it ...I-I-I -i love itt...
I love it like that ... ohh la la !!!
Secondary Chorus Uzzi
She.. she .. she wants it again
Does it well and is hot as fuc*
She does it how she pleases ...
Makes me say .. 'Ahh la la !!'
This girl's alike Chupacabra
Fades 'it' all, alike ya would say Abracadabra
Takes it in its mouth and full of saliva ..
Gets it out and plays with it ...cause knows it from
the archive
From YouPorn of 'Deep Throat' and other 'words'
On my taste , she moans
'And i wouldn't think to see ever, arhitecture
In feminine style/execution , on my bed
Seems alike if there was in my house 20 cadets ..
Cause them ejaculat**d, that it even reach on the walls
In the bath , on the ceilling, all over in the bedroom
I hope , for no one to light some black light down the hall
An Climber, familist one , seeing in perspective ..
Studying in the States, she wants to become an artist ...
With a master degree in P.R, the next 'superstar'
More dope than Sandra ROumain , she makes all special
Chorus (X2) (WeedLady) :
I'm wet...i-i-i'm wet' ....
I'm wet rain ..the boy is 'killin' me
I love it ...I-I-I -i love itt...
I love it like that ... ohh la la !!!
Secondary Chorus Uzzi
She.. she .. she wants it again
Does it well and is hot as fuc*
She does it how she pleases ...
Makes me say .. 'Ahh la la !!'
Outro (WeedLady):
I li-li-live for this, i crave what's the BEST
I h-h-hate the fool bitche*, that only don't say it
I li-li-live for this, i crave what's the BEST
I h-h-hate the fool bitche*, that only don't say it
Outro Uzzi :
I'm 'flyin'!?Ok ... come on, it is posible ..The first
porno song
With 'no words' like 'Dic* , puss* ,
wazo*, blowjob, fuc*, cum*, clitori*
Ball*, 'Milk' , meat, egg, bone, hair and other perversions
For ya :ya ladys'!

Umbilical Cord

The dust of this ground
Holds my navel
Given by my mother
To be kept by Mother Earth
The strongest bond
Is the umbilical cord
Knotted by God
Don’t cut my roots
Don’t take me from my land
Don’t let my sap,
My life, dry up
It’s my land that I love
Tell my why
You would deny me
My right

La La La La (Seni Seviyorum Anlamına Geliyor)

Anne istediğim bir şey
Anne ihtiyacım olan bir şey
Kızım,sen istediğim binlerce şeyden daha fazlasısın,açgözlü hissediyorum
Ve biliyorum bunu istediğimi
Ama dürüst olacağım
Sen bunun nasıl gerçek olabileceğini merak ediyorsun,ama kızım söz veriyorum
Bu la-la-la-la-la-la,la-la-la-la seni seviyorum anlamına geliyor kızım
La-la-la-la-la-la,la-la-la-la seni seviyorum anlamına geliyor kızım
Bu yüzden bu gece
Kızım seni hava aydınlanana kadar dans ederken yakaladım
Çünkü beni sabaha kadar alıkoydun
Bu yüzden bu gece
Romantizm gecelerinden birinde ve ortamdaki havayı hissettik
Çünkü beni sabaha kadar alıkoydun
La-la-la-la-la-la,la-la-la-la seni seviyorum anlamına geliyor kızım
La-la-la-la-la-la,la-la-la-la seni seviyorum anlamına geliyor kızım
Yüzsüz olmak istemiyorum
Konuşmanla beni durdurmaya çalış
Ama kızım,seni orada ayakta dururken gördüğümde,sanki benimle alay ediyordun
Bu la-la-la-la-la-la,la-la-la-la seni seviyorum anlamına geliyor kızım
La-la-la-la-la-la,la-la-la-la seni seviyorum anlamına geliyor kızım
Bu yüzden bu gece
Kızım seni hava aydınlanana kadar dans ederken yakaladım
Çünkü beni sabaha kadar alıkoydun
Bu yüzden bu gece
Romantizm gecelerinden birinde ve ortamdaki havayı hissediyoruz
Çünkü beni sabaha kadar alıkoyuyorsun
[-Stylo G-]
Ben ah,dans et ve ritme göre hareket et
Ortam,sen çok iyisin ve müzik çok tatlı
DJ'e söyle bir tanesini tekrara koysun*
Kızım*,beni sabaha kadar alıkoydun,hiç kimseye uyku yok
O ortalığı sallıyor ve şarap ve ben derine çekiliyorum
Kızım,çok kötüsün,bu yüzden polisi ara
Ben ah adamın tepesinde,kızım derine yuvarlanıyoruz
Ben denizdeyim ve yarış yok
La-la-la-la-la-la,la-la-la-la seni seviyorum anlamına geliyor,kızım
La-la-la-la-la-la,la-la-la-la seni seviyorum anlamına geliyor,kızım
Bu gece
Kızım,seni hava aydınlanana kadar dans ederken yakaladım
Bu gece
Kızım,seni hava aydınlanana kadar dans ederken yakaladım
Çünkü beni sabaha kadar alıkoydun
Romantizm gecelerinden birinde ve ortamdaki havayı hissediyoruz
Çünkü beni sabaha kadar alıkoydun
La-la-la-la-la-la,la-la-la-la seni seviyorum anlamına geliyor kızım
La-la-la-la-la-la,la-la-la-la seni seviyorum anlamına geliyor kızım
La-la-la-la-la-la,la-la-la-la seni seviyorum anlamına geliyor kızım
La-la-la-la-la-la,la-la-la-la seni seviyorum anlamına geliyor kızım

Life is not la la la

I know I'm always
a free soul that asks for nothing, only lives
I know is okay,
life is not only
lalalalala 1
How am I gonna change my life?,
how do you want me to change my soul?
I don't refuse what you ask me for
I don't ask you for anything, or deny you anything.
Uh oh oh oh
oh oh oh oh
oh oh oh oh
life is not only
Hey, don't you rush me up,
don't you try organizing me, don't make a reason out of me,
don't you question me.
Hey, I have clear enough
life is not only
How am I gonna change my life?,
how do you want me to change my soul?
I don't refuse what you ask me for
I don't ask you for anything, or deny you anything (x2)
Uh oh oh oh
oh oh oh oh
oh oh oh oh
life is not only
Uh oh oh oh
oh oh oh oh
oh oh oh oh
life is not only
(how, how it will finally be 2)
How am I gonna change my life?,
how do you want me to change my soul?
I don't refuse what you ask me for
I don't ask you for anything, or deny you anything (x2)
Uh oh oh oh
oh oh oh oh
oh oh oh oh
life is not only
Uh oh oh oh
oh oh oh oh
oh oh oh oh
life is not only
  • 1. Refering life is not only fun and happiness.
  • 2. How to translate such an abstract idea?, this is the kind of Spanish idiom really tough to understand if you're just learning it
Just learning.

Ooh La La La

When I turn my head, my eyes meet yours
And once again, I’mjust left staring at you
That smile is a bit too much for me,
filled with an ease leaving me to burn
I can’t breathe when I see your eye smile,
it seems like you know that’s your charm
Yeah yeah yeah
La la, la la
Your eyes are whispering to me,
La la, la la
It’s like they’re asking me to approach you
Ooh la la la, please allow me,
ooh la la la, into your imagination,
I’ll go right in, so let me in
I’ll dance in your eyes
Ooh la la la, the moment our gazes meet
Right now, in this moment, the space between us
is filled with this strong trembling,
becoming a rhythm and drawing me in,
let your body move to it however you’d like
Yeah, she knows,
an odd smile that doesn’t let on,
seeing through the curiosity driving me on
and sending a sign
La la, la la.
It’s like you’re telling me to open the door
La la, la la.
to your slightly open heart and come right in
Should I really try making a move now?
What should be the first thing l say?
The moment l hesitate, thinking it over,
you get up and walk away
Even as you go further away,
like you’re telling me to look at your bold back,
your slow pace is vague, like it’s telling me to follow
Girl, just tell me what you like,
you like, you like, you like
It’s like you’re telling me to hurry
Ooh la la la, please allow me,
ooh la la la, into your reality,
I’ll approach you, so hold on to me,
tell me that you were waiting
Ooh la la la, the moment l reached you
Ah hoo, now I approach you
Ah hoo, you and I have grown closer...